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검색결과 (전체 1건)


돼지의 생산성 향상을 위한 바이러스 및 기생충성 질병 방역대책 / 농림부 인기도
[과천] : 농림부, 1998
636.089 ㄴ293ㄷ
[서울관] 서고(열람신청 후 1층 대출대)
172 p. : 사진 ; 26 cm
연구기관: 서울대학교
총괄연구책임자: 이영순









제1장 서론=19,20,1

제1절 연구개발의 목적과 중요성=19,20,1

제2절 연구내용과 범위=20,21,1

제2장 돼지의 돼지 생식기 호흡기 증후군에 대한 방제 프로그램=21,22,1

제1절 서론=21,22,8

제2절 재료 및 방법=29,30,1

1. 국내분리 돼지 생식기 호흡기 증후군 바이러스의 특성=29,30,2

2. 돼지 생식기 호흡기 증후군에 대한 ELISA 와 간접형광항체검사의 비교=31,32,2

3. ELISA를 이용한 국내 모돈에서의 돼지 생식기 호흡군 바이러스 감염률 조사=33,34,1

4. 자연감염된 자돈의 폐장에서 조직내 교잡법을 이용한 돼지 생식기 호흡기 바이러스의 조직내 분포양상=33,34,8

5. 국내분리 돼지 생식기 호흡기 증후군 바이러스를 접종한 자돈에서 면역조직화학법 및 조직내 교잡법을 이용한 경시적인 바이러스의 분포양상에 관한 연구=40,41,5

6. 자연감염된 유산된 태자에서 돼지 생식기 호흡기 증후군 바이러스의 분포=44,45,2

7. 국내 분리 돼지 생식기 호흡기 증후군 바이러스의 임신말기 모돈에서의 병원성 실험=45,46,3

제3절 결과 및 고찰=48,49,1

1. 국내분리 돼지 생식기 호흡기 증후군 바이러스의 특성=48,49,3

2. 돼지 생식기 호흡기 증후군에 대한 ELISA 와 간접형광항체검사의 비교=50,51,2

3. ELISA를 이용한 국내 모돈에서의 돼지 생식기 호흡군 바이러스 감염률 조사=51,52,3

4. 자연감염된 자돈의 폐장에서 조직내 교잡법을 이용한 돼지 생식기 호흡기 바이러스의 조직내 분포양상=53,54,6

5. 국내분리 돼지 생식기 호흡기 증후군 바이러스를 접종한 자돈에서 면역조직화학법 및 조직내 교잡법을 이용한 경시적인 바이러스의 분포양상에 관한 연구=59,60,9

6. 자연감염된 유산된 태자에서 돼지 생식기 호흡기 증후군 바이러스의 분포=68,69,6

7. 국내 분리 돼지 생식기 호흡기 증후군 바이러스의 임신말기 모돈에서의 병원성 실험=73,74,6

제3장 돼지 코로나바이러스 감염에 대한 방제프로그램=79,80,1

제1절 서론=79,80,4

제2절 재료 및 방법=83,84,1

1. 하리자돈의 돼지설사병 바이러스의 항체가 조사 및 항원의 검출=83,84,7

2. 간접형광현미경에 의한 돼지유행성 돼지설사병의 진단법=89,90,3

3. 자돈에 대한 새로운 PEDV 분리주의 감염실험=91,92,3

4. PEDV의 RT-PCR 진단법의 확립=93,94,3

5. 경구투여용 백신의 안전성 및 유효성 검정=96,97,3

제3절 결과와 고찰=99,100,1

1. 하리자돈의 돼지설사병 바이러스의 항체가 조사 및 항원의 검출=99,100,5

2. 간접형광현미경에 의한 돼지유행성 돼지설사병의 진단법=103,104,2

3. 자돈에 대한 새로운 PEDV 분리주의 감염실험=104,105,14

4. PEDV의 RT-PCR 진단법의 확립=118,119,1

5. 경구투여용 백신의 안전성 및 유효성 검정=118,119,3

제4장 돼지의 생산성 향상을 위한 내외부 기생충성 질병의 방제프로그램=121,122,1

제1절 서론=121,122,1

1. 돼지의 기생충성 질병=121,122,5

2. 돼지의 기생충성 질병의 방제를 위한 연구 목적=125,126,2

제2절 재료 및 방법=127,128,1

1. 돼지 기생충의 분포조사=127,128,2

2. 돼지 기생충의 구충효능시험=128,129,2

제3절 결과 및 고찰=129,130,1

1. 국내 사육 돼지의 기생충 분포조사=129,130,7

2. 돼지 기생충 구충제 치료 실험=136,137,14

제5장 연구개발 결과 및 활용에 대한 건의=150,151,6

제6장 인용문헌=156,157,1

제1절 돼지의 돼지 생식기 호흡기 증후군 방제 프로그램=156,157,6

제2절 돼지 코로나바이러스 감염에 대한 방제프로그램=162,163,9

제3절 돼지의 생산성 향상을 위한 내외부 기생충성 질병의 방제프로그램=171,172,2


title page=0,1,7



Chapter 1. Introduction=19,20,1

Part 1. Objectives and Importance of the Study=19,20,1

Part 2. The Scope of the Study=20,21,1

Chapter 2. Preventive Program for PRRSV=21,22,1

Part 1. Introduction=21,22,8

Part 2. Materials and Methods=29,30,1

1. Antigenic Reactivity of PRRSV Isolates in Korea=29,30,2

2. Comparison of ELISA and IFA=31,32,2

3. Seroprevalence of Antibody to PRRSV using ELISA in Korea=33,34,1

4. Detection of PRRSV in the Lungs of Naturally Infected Pigs by in Situ Hybridization=33,34,8

5. Distribution of a Korean Strain of PRRSV in Experimentally(Experiemtnally) Infected Pigs as Demonstrated Immunohistochemically and by in Situ Hybridization=40,41,5

6. Immunohistochemistry and in Situ Hybridization for Detection and Localization of PRRSV from Naturally Aborted Fetuses=44,45,2

7. Comparison of the Antigen Distribution of Two Korean Strains of PRRSV in Fetuses from Experimentally Infected Sows by Immunohistochemistry and in Situ Hybridization=45,46,3

Part 3. Results and Discussion=48,49,1

1. Antigenic Reactivity of PRRSV Isolates in Korea=48,49,3

2. Comparison of ELISA and IFA=50,51,2

3. Seroprevalence of Antibody to PRRSV using ELISA in Korea=51,52,3

4. Detection of PRRSV in the Lungs of Naturally Infected Pigs by in Situ Hybridization=53,54,6

5. Distribution of a Korean Strain of PRRSV in Experimentally(Experiemtnally) Infected Pigs as Demonstrated Immunohistochemically and by in Situ Hybridization=59,60,9

6. Immunohistochemistry and in Situ Hybridization for Detection and Localization of PRRSV from Naturally Aborted Fetuses=68,69,6

7. Comparison of the Antigen Distribution of Two Korean Strains of PRRSV in Fetuses from Experimentally Infected Sows by Immunohistochemistry and in Situ Hybridization=73,74,6

Chapter 3. Preventive Program for porince Coronavirus=79,80,1

Part 1. Introduction=79,80,4

Part 2. Materials and Methods=83,84,1

1. Seroprevalence of Antibody to PEDV Using ELISA and Detection of PEDV=83,84,7

2. Detection of PEDV Antigen by IFA=89,90,3

3. Distribution of a Korean Strain of PEDV in Experimentally(Experiemtnally) Infected Pigs as Demonstrated Immunohistochemically=91,92,3

4. RT-PCR for PEDV=93,94,3

5. Safety and Efficacy Study for Oral-Administered PEDV Vaccine=96,97,3

Part 3. Results and Discussion=99,100,1

1. Seroprevalence of Antibody to PEDV Using ELISA and Detection of PEDV=99,100,5

2. Detection of PEDV Antigen by IFA=103,104,2

3. Distribution of a Korean Strain of PEDV in Experimentally(Experiemtnally) Infected Pigs as Demonstrated Immunohistochemically=104,105,14

4. RT-PCR for PEDV=118,119,1

5. Safety and Efficacy Study for Oral-Administered PEDV Vaccine=118,119,3

Chapter 4. Preventive Program of Porcine Parasitic Disease=121,122,1

Part 1. Introduction=121,122,1

1. Porcine Parasitic Diseases=121,122,5

2. The Scope of the Study=125,126,2

Part 2. Materials and Methods=127,128,1

1. Prevalence of Porcine Parasitic Diseases=127,128,2

2. Antiparastic Effects of Porcine Parasitic Diseases=128,129,2

Part 3. Results and Discussion=129,130,1

1. Prevalence of Porcine Parasitic Diseases=129,130,7

2. Antiparastic Effects of Porcine Parasitic Diseases=136,137,14

Chapter 5. Application of the Results=150,151,6

Chapter 6. Reference=156,157,1

Part 1. Preventive Program for PRRSV=156,157,6

Part 2. Preventive Program for Porince Coronavirus=162,163,9

Part 3. Preventive Program of Porcine Parasitic Disease=171,172,2

Figure 1. Lung;Piglet No. 1 Naturally Infected with Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus(PRRSV). In Situ Hybridization Using PRRSV Probe. Positive Hybridization Signals for PRRSV Nucleic Acids Demonstrated within the Cytoplasm of Mononuclear Cells in the Thickened Alveolar Septa. Hybridization Signals are Seen as Black Grains. Methyl Green Counterstain. x200=55,56,1

Figure 2. Lung;Piglet No. 1 Naturally Infected with Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus(PRRSV). In Situ Hybridization Using PRRSV Probe. Type 2 Pneumocytes Replicating PRRSV(Arrow). Hybridization Signals are Seen as Black Grains. Methyl Green Counterstain. x400=55,56,1

Figure 3. Lung;Piglet No. 4 Naturally Infected with Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus(PRRSV). In Situ Hybridization Using PRRSV Probe. Alveolar Macrophages are Replicating PRRSV. Hybridization Signals are Seen as Black Grains. Methyl Green Counterstain. x200=55,56,1

Figure 4. Lung;Piglet No. 5 Naturally Infected with Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus(PRRSV). In Situ Hybridization Using PRRSV Probe. Positive Sigals Demonstrate with Cellular Debris in Terminl Airway Lumina. Hybridization Signals are Seen as Black Grains. Methyl Green Counterstain. x200=55,56,1

Figure 5. Lung from Piglet Inoculated with the Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus(PRRSV) Strain SNUVR970501;7 Days Postinoculation(dpi). PRRSV Antigen was Detected Immunohistochemically within the Cytoplasm of Interstitial Macrophages in the Thickened Alveolar Septa. Positive Signals are Seen as Red Grains. Haematoxylin Counterstain. x200=63,64,1

Figure 6. Lung from Piglet Inoculated with PRRSV;14 dpi. Positive Hybridization Signals for PRRSV Nucleic Acids Occur within the Cytoplasm of Interstitial Macrophages in the Thickened Alveolar Septa. Hybridization Signals are Seen as Black Grains. Methylgreen Counterstain. x200=63,64,1

Figure 7. Tonsil from Piglet Inoculated with PRRSV;3 dpi. Positive Hybridization Signals for PRRSV Nucleic Acids Occur within the Cytoplasm of Cells Resembling to Dendritic Cells, and Large Macrophages within the Lymphoid Follicle. Hybridization Signals are Seen as Black Grains. Methylgreen Counterstain. x200=63,64,1

Figure 8. Liver from Piglet Inoculated with PRRSV;5 dpi. PRRSV Antigen was Detected Immunohistochemicaly within Mononuclear Cells. Positive Signals are Seen as Red Grains. Haematoxylin Counterstain. x200=63,64,1

Figure 9. Thymus from Stillborn Piglet Naturally Infected with the Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus. PRRSV Antigen was Detected Immunohistochemically within the Cytoplasm of Macrophages in the Thymus. Positive Signals are Seen as Red Grains. Haematoxylin Counterstain. x200=69,70,1

Figure 10. Spleen from Stillborn Piglet Naturally Infected with PRRSV. Positive Hybridization Signals for PRRSV Nucleic Acids Occur within the Cytoplasm of Macrophages in the Spleen. Hybridization Signals are Seen as Black Grains. Methylgreen Counterstain. x200=69,70,1

Figure 11. Heart from Stillborn Piglet Naturally Infected with PRRSV. PRRSV Antigen was Detected Immunohistochemically within the Cytoplasm of Cardiac Myocyte. Positive Signals are Seen as Red Grains. Haematoxylin Counterstain. x200=69,70,1

Figure 12. Kidney from Stillborn Piglet Naturally Infected with PRRSV. PRRSV Antigen was Detected Immunohistochemically within the Cytoplasm of Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells. Positive Signals are Seen as Red Grains. Haematoxylin Counterstain. x200=69,70,1

Figure 4. Aspects of Intestines from Mock-Infected Piglets at 110 Post-Inoculation Hour. Showing No Remarkable Changes=108,109,1

Figure 5. Aspects of Intestines from Piglets. Experimentally Infected with N-PEDV. Intestine is Distended with Wateryfluid Contents, and the Wall is Very Thin and Transparent=108,109,1

Figure 6. Transverse Section of the Jejunum for Mock-Infected Piglet at 110 Post-Inoculation Hour. Showing No Remarkable Changes. H&E, x40=111,112,1

Figure 7. Higher Magnification of Figure 6. H&E, x400=111,112,1

Figure 8. Transverse Section of the Jejunum from Piglet, Experimentally Infected with N-PEDV at 18 Post-Inoculation Hour. Showing No Remarkale Changes. H&E, x400=111,112,1

Figure 9. Transverse Section of the Jejunum from Piglet, Experimentally Infected with N-PEDV at 62 Post-Inoculation Hour. Showing Exfoliation of Enterocytes and Lymphocyte Infiltration in Lamina Propria. H&E, x100=111,112,1

Figure 10. Transverse Section of the Jejunum from Piglet, Experimentally Infected with N-PEDV at 71 Post-Inoculation Hour. Note Vacuolation of Enterocytes. Lamina Propria Filled with Lymphocyte and Eosinophilic Materials. H&E, x100=111,112,1

Figure 11. Higher Magnification of Figure 10. H&E, x400=111,112,1

Figure 12. Jejunum of Piglet, Experimentally Infected with N-PEDV at 110 Post-Inoculation Hour. Note Drastically Shortened Villi, Vacuolation of Enterocytes and Lymphocyte Infiltration in Lamina Propria. H&E. x100=114,115,1

Figure 13. Jejunum of Piglet, Experimentally Infected with K-PEDV at 37 Post-Inoculation Hour. Note Drastically Shortened Villi, Vacuolation of Enterocytes and Lymphocyte Infiltration in Lamina Propria. H&E. x100=114,115,1

Figure 14. Immunohistopathological Staining with Monoclonal Antibody on the Jejunum Tissue from Mock-Infected Piglet at 110 Post-Inoculation Hour. ABC Technique. Hematoxylin Counterstain. x100=114,115,1

Figure 15. Immunohistopathological Staining of Jejunum from Piglet, Experimentally Infected with N-PEDV at 71 Post-Inoculation Hour. Normal Mouse Serum were Used as Primary Antibody. Showing No Positive Reaction. ABC Technique. Hematoxylin Counterstain. x400=114,115,1

Figure 16. Immunohistopathological Staining of Jejunum from Piglet, Experimentally Infected with N-PEDV at 71 Post-Inoculation Hour. Monoclonal Antibody was Used as Primary Antibody. Infected Cells, Diffusely Scattered in Most Piglets, were Sometimes Distributed as Seen in this Photograph. Antigen are also Seen in the Crypt Epithelia. Villi are Densely Covered with Infected Cells. ABC Technique. Hematoxylin Counterstain. x200=114,115,1

Figure 17. Immunohistopathological Staining of Jejunum from Piglet, Experimentally Infected with N-PEDV at 62 Post-Inoculation Hour. Monoclonal Antibody was Used as Primary Antibody. ABC Technique. Hematoxylin Counterstain. x200=114,115,1

Figure 18. Immunohistopathological Staining of Jejunum from Piglet, Experimentally Infected with KPEDV-9 at 37 Post-Inoculation Hour. Monoclonal Antibody was Used as Primary Antibody. ABC Technique. Hematoxylin Counterstain. x40=115,116,1

Figure 19. Immunohistochemical Staining with PAS Antibody on the Jejunum from Mock-Infected Piglet at 71 Post-Inoculation Hour. PAS Antibody was Used as Primary Antibody. ABC Technique. Hematoxylin Counterstain. x40=115,116,1

Figure 20. Immunohistochemical Staining of Jejunum from Piglet, Experimentally Infected with N-PEDV at 37 Post-Inoculation Hour. PAS Antibody was Used as Primary Antibody. ABC Technique. Hematoxylin Counterstain. x100=115,116,1

Figure 21. Immunohistochemical Staining of Jejunum from Piglet, Experimentally Infected with N-PEDV at 37 Post-Inoculation Hour. PAS Antibody, Adsorbed in Virus Culture Supernatants was Used as Primary Antibody. ABC Technique. Hematoxylin Counterstain. x100=115,116,1

Figure 22. Immunohistochemical Staining of Jejunum from Piglet, Experimentally Infected with N-PEDV at 37 Post-Inoculation Hour. PAS Antibody was Used as Primary Antibody. ABC Technique. Hematoxylin Counterstain. x200=115,116,1

Figure 23. Immunohistochemical Staining of Jejunum from Piglet, Experimentally Infected with N-PEDV at 50 Post-Inoculation Hour. PAS Antibody was Used as Primary Antibody. ABC Technique. Hematoxylin Counterstain. x200=115,116,1


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