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도서 앰블럼

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검색결과 (전체 1건)


수돗물 중 미규제 미량유해물질 관리방안 연구. 2 / 국립환경과학원 [편] 인기도
[인천] : 국립환경과학원, 2008
전자형태로만 열람가능함
529 p. : 삽화, 도표 ; 30 cm
제 2차년도 최종보고서
주관연구기관: 한국과학기술연구원
연구책임자: 표희수







제1장 서론 26

제2장 조사대상 및 시료채취 방법 36

제1절 조사대상 38

1. 조사대상 물질 38

2. 조사대상 정수장 및 시료 채취일 38

제2절 시료채취 및 보존방법 42

1. 휘발성 유기물질 43

2. 소독부산물 및 농약류 (포름알데히드, 할로아세틱에시드, 냄새유발 물질 등) 44

3. 준휘발성유기물질 (농약, 페놀, 다환방향족탄화수소 등) 44

4. 기타 (중금속) 44

제3장 실험방법 및 결과 46

제1절 조사대상물질의 분석방법 48

1. 휘발성 유기물질 48

2. 포름알데히드 60

3. 소독 부산물 및 농약류 68

4. 할로아세틱에시드 78

5. 준휘발성 유기물질 (농약, 페놀, 다환방향족 탄화수소, 프탈레이트 및 아디페이트 등) 87

6. 산성농약 99

7. 중금속 108

8. 디클로로아세트알데히드 114

9. 냄새유발물질 122

10. 무기이온류 (브롬산염, 아질산염 및 과염소산염) 132

11. 항생제류 140

12. 알킬페놀류 148

제2절 외국의 분석방법과의 비교 검토 156

제4장 정수장 수돗물의 미량유해물질 함유실태 결과 158

제1절 수질감시항목 (21종) 160

제2절 수질감시후보항목 (12종) 178

제3절 연차별조사항목 (31종) 190

제4절 신규 조사항목 (6종) 206

제5절 함량분석 결과 210

제5장 낙동강/한강 수계 원수 스크리닝 220

제1절 낙동강/한강 수계 원수 스크리닝 및 시료채취 222

제2절 2007년 낙동강 원수중 검출된 미확인 물질의 추적조사 224

1. 할로아세틱에시드 분석방법 228

2. 준휘발성 유기물질 분석방법 231

3. 아미트롤 분석방법 233

4. Monobutylphthalate 및 2,4-di-t-butyl-6-nitrophenol의 정량 결과 235

제3절 낙동강 스크리닝 결과 236

1. 휘발성 유기물질 분석방법 236

2. 소독 부산물 및 농약류 분석방법 238

3. 할로아세틱에시드 분석방법 240

4. 준휘발성 유기물질과 알킬페놀류 분석방법 242

5. 산성농약 분석방법 248

6. 산성농약 II(3종 : Glyphosate, Endothall, Chloramben) 분석방법 250

7. 아미트롤 분석방법 252

8. ETU / 베노밀 분석방법 255

9. 1,4-다이옥산 분석방법 258

제4절 한강 스크리닝 결과 261

1. 휘발성 유기물질 분석방법 261

2. 소독 부산물 및 농약류 분석방법 264

3. 할로아세틱에시드 분석방법 267

4. 준휘발성 유기물질 분석방법 270

5. 산성농약 분석방법 278

6. 산성농약 II(3종 : Glyphosate, Endothall, Chloramben) 분석방법 281

7. 아미트롤 분석방법 284

8. ETU / 베노밀 분석방법 287

9. 1,4-다이옥산 분석방법 290

제6장 조사대상 미량 유해물질의 위해도 평가 294

제1절 인체노출 평가 방법 296

제2절 용량-반응 평가 297

제3절 위해도 평가 299

1. 위해도 평가 대상물질 299

2. 발암력 (Q₁*(이미지참조))에 의한 초과발암위해도 299

3. 비발암성에 의한 위험지수 평가 300

제7장 조사물질에 대한 체계적 정보검색을 위한 데이터베이스 기초 구축 302

제1절 개요 304

제2절 기술적 운영 환경 305

제3절 사용자 인터페이스 306

제8장 외국의 관리현황 및 정수 처리 기술 검토·제시 320

제9장 결론 326

참고문헌 334

부록 344

I. 연도별 조사물질 목록 (1992 - 2007) 346

II. WHO 음용수 수질 지침 360

III. 미국의 먹는물 규제기준 및 건강권고치 370

IV. 일본의 먹는물 규제 기준 390

V. 캐나다의 먹는물 규제기준 400

VI. 호주의 먹는물 규제기준 416

VII. 각 정수장별 수처리제 사용 현황 및 수온 428

VIII. 유해물질별 함량분석 결과 436

IX. 2008년 한강 수계 원·정수 스크리닝 항목 524

Table 1. 우리나라의 먹는물 수질기준 (55개 항목, 2008년 11월 현재) 31

Table 2. 1989 - 2007년 연구결과에 따른 수돗물 기준 및 감시항목 설정 내용 34

Table 3. 2008년도 조사대상물질 목록 (총 70종) 39

Table 4. 2008년 조사대상 정수장 및 시료채취일 41

Table 5. 유해물질 그룹별 시료채취 및 사용량 42

Table 6. 유해물질 그룹별 시료전처리 과정 및 분석기기 43

Table 7. Purge & trap parameters for volatile organic compounds 52

Table 8. GC/MSD operating conditions for volatile organic compounds 53

Table 9. Typical standard calibration data and detection limits of volatile organic compounds 59

Table 10. HPLC operating conditions for formaldehyde 63

Table 11. Typical standard calibration data and detection limit of formaldehyde 67

Table 12. Extraction recovery of formaldehyde (n=5) 67

Table 13. GC/MSD operating conditions for chlorination disinfection by-products and pesticide 71

Table 14. Typical standard calibration data and detection limits of chlorination disinfection by products and pesticide 77

Table 15. Extraction recoveries of chlorination disinfection by-products and pesticide (n=5) 77

Table 16. GC/MSD operating conditions for haloacetic acids 81

Table 17. Typical standard calibration data and detection limits of haloacetic acids 86

Table 18. Extraction recoveries of haloacetic acids (n=3) 86

Table 19. GC/MSD operating conditions for semivolatile organic compounds 91

Table 20. Typical standard calibration data and detection limits of semivolatile organic compounds 97

Table 21. Extraction recoveries of semivolatile organic compounds (n=3) 98

Table 22. GC/MSD operating conditions for acidic pesticides 102

Table 23. Typical standard calibration data and detection limits of acidic pesticides 107

Table 24. Extraction recoveries of acidic pesticides (n=5) 107

Table 25. ICP/MS operating parameters for inorganic compounds 110

Table 26. Typical standard calibration data and detection limits of inorganic compounds 113

Table 27. GC/ECD operating conditions for dichloroacetaldehyde 117

Table 28. Typical standard calibration data and detection limit of dichloroacetaldehyde 121

Table 29. Extraction recovery of dichloroacetaldehyde (n=5) 121

Table 30. GC/MSD operating conditions for odor compounds 125

Table 31. Typical standard calibration data and detection limit of odor compounds 131

Table 32. Extraction recoveries of odor compounds (n=5) 131

Table 33. Ion chromatograph operating conditions for bromate and nitrite 134

Table 34. Ion chromatograph operating conditions for perchlorate 134

Table 35. Typical standard calibration data and detection limits of inorganic ions 139

Table 36. HPLC-MS/MS operating conditions for antibiotics 143

Table 37. MS/MS parameters for antibiotics analysis 146

Table 38. Typical standard calibration data and detection limits of antibiotics 147

Table 39. Extraction recoveries of antibiotics (n=5) 147

Table 40. GC-MS operating conditions for alkylphenols, bisphenol-A and anodynia 151

Table 41. Typical standard calibration and detection limits of bisphenol-A and nonylphenol 155

Table 42. Extraction recoveries of bisphenol-A and nonylphenol (n=5) 155

Table 43. Analytical results of volatile organic compounds in treated and raw water 161

Table 44. Analytical results of haloacetic acids in treated and raw water 163

Table 45. Analytical results of bromochloroacetonitrile in treated and raw water 165

Table 46. Analytical results of pesticides in treated and raw water 167

Table 47. Analytical results of chlorophenols in treated and raw water 169

Table 48. Analytical results of semivolatile organic compounds in treated and raw water 171

Table 49. Analytical results of formaldehyde in treated and raw water 173

Table 50. Analytical results of antimony in treated and raw water 175

Table 51. Analytical results of odor compounds in treated and raw water 177

Table 52. Analytical results of bromoform in treated and raw water 179

Table 53. Analytical results of chlorination disinfection by-products and pesticide in treated and raw water 182

Table 54. Analytical results of bromochloroacetic acid and PAHs in treated and raw water 185

Table 55. Analytical results of inorganic compounds in treated and raw water 187

Table 56. Analytical results of perchlorate in treated and raw water 189

Table 57. Analytical results of volatile organic compounds in treated and raw water 192

Table 58. Analytical results of pesticides in treated and raw water 197

Table 59. Analytical results of PAHs in treated and raw water 199

Table 60. Analytical results of alkylphenols in treated and raw water 201

Table 61. Analytical results of molybdenum in treated and raw water 203

Table 62. Analytical results of inorganic ions in treated and raw water 205

Table 63. Analytical results of antibiotics in treated and raw water 207

Table 64. Analytical results of iprobenfos in treated and raw water 209

Table 65. 수질감시항목 (21종) 분석결과 211

Table 66. 수질감시후보항목 (12종) 분석결과 213

Table 67. 연차별조사항목 (31종) 분석결과 214

Table 68. 신규조사항목 (6종) 분석결과 216

Table 69. Analytical results of in raw water 217

Table 70. 2008년 낙동강, 한강 원·정수 시료채취 지점 및 시료채취일 223

Table 71. 항목별 동시분석 list 224

Table 72. 낙동강 수계(08년)중 분석방법 별 미지화합물 검출 결과 list 225

Table 73. 한강 수계(08년)중 분석방법 별 미지화합물 검출 결과 list 225

Table 74. 낙동강 수계(07년)미지물질과 구입한 STD확인 결과 226

Table 75. 낙동강 수계 확인물질 발생원 및 독성 227

Table 76. 발암물질 및 비발암물질의 독성자료 297

Table 77. 발암성물질의 전국 95 percentile 초과발암 위해도 299

Table 78. 검출물질의 비발암성에 의한 전국 95 percentile 위험지수 및 총 위험지수 300

Table 79. 외국의 고도정수시설 현황 324

Fig. 1. P&T-GC/MSD total ion chromatograms of the extracts of spiked volatile organic compounds and blank water 57

Fig. 2. HPLC chromatograms of the extracts of spiked formaldehyde derivative(a) and blank water(b) and UV spectrum of formaldehyde(c) 66

Fig. 3. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms of the extracts of spiked chlorination disinfection by-products, pesticide and blank water 76

Fig. 4. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms of the extracts of spiked methyl derivatives of haloacetic acids and blank water 85

Fig. 5. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms of the extracts of spiked semivolatile compounds and blank water 95

Fig. 6. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms of the extracts of spiked trifluoroethyl derivatives of acidic pesticides and blank water 106

Fig. 7. GC/ECD chromatograms of the extracts of spiked dichloroacetaldehyde and blank water 120

Fig. 8. GC/MSD chromatograms of the extracts of spiked odor compounds and blank water 129

Fig. 9. Mass spectra of odor compounds 130

Fig. 10. IC/ED chromatograms of the extracts spiked bromate and blank water 138

Fig. 11. IC/ED chromatograms of the extracts spiked nitrite and blank water 138

Fig. 12. IC/ED chromatograms of the extracts spiked perchlorate and blank water 138

Fig. 13. HPLC-MS/MS chromatograms of extracts of spiked antibiotics and blank water 146

Fig. 14. GC/MSD chromatograms of the extracts of spiked alkylphenol, bisphenol-A and anodynoa and blank water 154

Fig. 15. GC/IED chromatograms of standard of z-3,4,4,-trimethyl-2-pentene and extract of blank water and mass spectra of standard z-3,4,4,-trimethyl-2-pentene(N-1) 229

Fig. 16. GC/MSD chromatograms of standard of 2,4,4-trimethyl-2-pentene and extract of blank water and mass spectra of standard 2,4,4-trimethyl-2-pentene(N-3) 230

Fig. 17. GC/MSD chromatograms of standard of monobutylphthalate and extract of sample and blank water and mass spectra of standard monobutylphthalate(N-7) 232

Fig. 18. GC/MSD chromatograms of standard of 2,4-di-t-butyl-6-nitrophenol and extract of sample and blank water and mass spectra of standard 2,4-di-t-butyl-6-nitrophenol(N-8) 234

Fig. 19. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms for the extracts of samples in NAKDONG-river and blank water by volatile organic method 237

Fig. 20. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms for the extracts of samples in NAKDONG-river and blank water by chlorination disinfection by-products, pesticide method 239

Fig. 21. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms for the extracts of samples in NAKDONG-river and blank water by haloacetic acids method 241

Fig. 22. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms for the extracts of samples in NAKDONG-river and blank water by semivolatile method 243

Fig. 23. Mass spectrum of unknown compound (H-1) and the result of library search 244

Fig. 24. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms for the extracts of samples in NAKDONG-river and blank water by alkylphenol method 245

Fig. 25. Mass spectrum of unknown compound (H-2) and the result of library search 246

Fig. 26. Mass spectrum of unknown compound (H-3) and the result of library search 247

Fig. 27. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms for the extracts of samples in NAKDONG-river and blank water by acidic pesticides I method 249

Fig. 28. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms for the extracts of samples in NAKDONG-river and blank water by acidic pesticides II method 251

Fig. 29. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms for the extracts of samples in NAKDONG-river and blank water by amitrole method 253

Fig. 30. Mass spectrum of unknown compound (N-8) and the result of library search 254

Fig. 31. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms for the extracts of samples in NAKDONG-river and blank water by ETU and Benomyl method 256

Fig. 32. Mass spectrum of unknown compound (N-10) and the result of library search 257

Fig. 33. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms for the extracts of samples in NAKDONG-river and blank water by 1,4-dioxane method 259

Fig. 34. Mass spectrum of unknown compound (N-9) and the result of library search 260

Fig. 35. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms for the extracts of 1st samples in HAN-river and blank water by volatile organic method 262

Fig. 36. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms for the extracts of 2nd samples in HAN-river and blank water by volatile organic method 263

Fig. 37. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms for the extracts of 1st samples in HAN-river and blank water by chlorination disinfection by-products and pesticide method 265

Fig. 38. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms for the extracts of 2nd samples in HAN-river and blank water by chlorination disinfection by-products and pesticide method 266

Fig. 39. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms for the extracts of 1st samples in HAN-river and blank water by haloacetic acids method 268

Fig. 40. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms for the extracts of 2nd samples in HAN-river and blank water by haloacetic acids method 269

Fig. 41. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms for the extracts of 1st samples in HAN-river and blank water by semivolatile method 271

Fig. 42. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms for the extracts of 2nd samples in HAN-river and blank water by semivolatile method 272

Fig. 43. Mass spectrum of unknown compound (H-1) and the result of library search 273

Fig. 44. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms for the extracts of 1st samples in HAN-river and blank water by alkylphenol method 274

Fig. 45. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms for the extracts of 2nd samples in HAN-river and blank water by alkylphenol method 275

Fig. 46. Mass spectrum of unknown compound (H-2) and the result of library search 276

Fig. 47. Mass spectrum of unknown compound (H-3) and the result of library search 277

Fig. 48. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms for the extracts of 1st samples in HAN-river and blank water by acidic pesticides I method 279

Fig. 49. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms for the extracts of 2nd samples in HAN-river and blank water by acidic pesticides I method 280

Fig. 50. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms for the extracts of 1st samples in HAN-river and blank water by acidic pesticides II method 282

Fig. 51. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms for the extracts of 2nd samples in HAN-river and blank water by acidic pesticides II method 283

Fig. 52. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms for the extracts of 1st samples in HAN-river and blank water by amitrole method 285

Fig. 53. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms for the extracts of 2nd samples in HAN-river and blank water by amitrole method 286

Fig. 54. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms for the extracts of 1st samples in HAN-river and blank water by ETU and Benomyl method 288

Fig. 55. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms for the extracts of 2nd samples in HAN-river and blank water by ETU and Benomyl method 289

Fig. 56. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms for the extracts of 1st samples in HAN-river and blank water by 1.4-dioxane method 291

Fig. 57. GC/MSD total ion chromatograms for the extracts of 2nd samples in HAN-river and blank water by 1.4-dioxane method 292

Scheme 1. Sample preparation procedure of volatile organic compounds 54

Scheme 2. Sample preparation procedure of formaldehyde 64

Scheme 3. Sample preparation procedure of chlorination disinfection by-products and pesticide 72

Scheme 4. Sample preparation procedure of haloacetic acids 82

Scheme 5. Sample preparation procedure of semivolatile organic compounds 92

Scheme 6. Sample preparation procedure of acidic pesticides 103

Scheme 7. Sample preparation procedure of inorganic compounds 111

Scheme 8. Sample preparation procedure of dichloroacetaldehyde 118

Scheme 9. Sample preparation procedure of odor compounds 126

Scheme 10. Sample preparation procedure of inorganic ions 135

Scheme 11. Sample preparation procedure of antibiotics 144

Scheme 12. Sample preparation procedure of alkylphenols, bisphenol-A and anodynia 152


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