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검색결과 (전체 1건)


해남 천열수 금 광화대 및 열수변질 점토광화대 확보를 위한 전주기 기술개발 / 지식경제부 [편] 인기도
[과천] : 지식경제부, 2009
xxv, 182 p. : 삽화, 도표, 사진 ; 30 cm
주관연구기관: 한국지질자원연구원
주관연구책임자: 고상모




보고서 요약서





제1장 연구개발과제의 개요 27

제2장 국내·외 기술개발현황 28

제3장 연구개발 수행 내용 및 결과 33

제1절 서론 33

제2절 해남 순신금광화대 일대 조사결과 34

제3절 해남 순신 금광상 일대 지질구조 58

제4절 영암지역 금광상 조사결과 71

제5절 해남-진도-완도지역 납석 광화대 조사 90

제6절 해남 순신광산일대 물리탐사결과 140

제7절 해남 순신광산산 금광석 고효율 선광 및 친환경 광미 재활용 기술 147

제8절 해남 순신광산산 금·은 정광 침출시험 결과 173

제9절 해남 순신광산 일대 광산개발방안연구 185

제10절 위탁연구결과 193

1. 순신 천열수 금광상의 열수유체의 진화: 유리포유물 연구 (위탁연구 1) 193

2. 해남지역 납석-도석광상의 광물학적 특성 연구 (위탁연구 2) 195

제11절 결론 196

제4장 목표달성도 및 관련분야에의 기여도 202

제5장 연구개발결과의 활용계획 204

제6장 참고문헌 205

Table 3-1. Associated relations among ore minerals 47

Table 3-2. Analytical results of quartz veins occurring in the Moisan and western Moisan area 49

Table 3-3. Analytical results of silicified rocks occurring in the Moisan and western Moisan area 50

Table 3-4. Comparisons of Au and Ag mineralization intensity according to the strike direction of vein system 51

Table 3-5. Analytical result of representative samples from Eunjeok and Sangeun mines 88

Table 3-6. Simplified geology in the vicinities of the pyrophyllite/kaolinite deposits in the Jeonnam province 93

Table 3-7. Geology of the Gasado area 97

Table 3-8. Description of alteration properties for the rocks caught in the underground workings 102

Table 3-9. XRD mineral identification ; samples of the underground workings 103

Table 3-10. Major chemical compositions(oxides, wt.%); samples of underground workings 104

Table 3-11. Major chemical compositions(oxides, wt.%); samples of underground workings 105

Table 3-12. Iron oxides contents of the kaolins 105

Table 3-13. Aluminum oxides contents of the kaolins 106

Table 3-14. Trace element contents(ppm) of the underground workings and those of the primitive mantle 107

Table 3-15. Rare earth element contents(ppm) caught in the underground workings 109

Table 3-16. Ore grades and ore reserves of the underground workings 111

Table 3-17. Major chemical compositions(oxides, wt.%)of the kaolin samples from the Ogchool mine 114

Table 3-18. Rare earth element contents(㎍/g) of the kaolin samples from the Ogchool mine 114

Table 3-19. Trace element contents(㎍/g) of the kaolin samples from the Ogchool mine 114

Table 3-20. Trace element contents of the kaolin samples from the Ogchool mine 115

Table 3-21. Ore reserves calculation for the Ogchool mine 116

Table 3-22. Major chemical compositions(oxides, wt.%)of the pyrophyllites from the Goosi mine 124

Table 3-23. Ore reserves calculation for the pyrophyllite of the Goosi mine 125

Table 3-24. Ore reserves calculation for the porcelaneous stone of the Goosi mine 125

Table 3-25. Rare earth element contents(ppm) ores and their related rocks caught in the Jeonnam kaolinite/pyrophyllite province 130

Table 3-26. Major chemical compositions(oxides, wt.%)of the ores and their related rocks caught in the Jeonnam kaolinite/ pyrophyllite province 131

Table 3-27. Quantification for the mineral species of the major formations in the Mingyung pyrophyllite deposit 132

Table 3-28. Characteristics of each ore surfaces(by M.A. Eigeles) 150

Table 3-29. Main alloy minerals. 155

Table 3-30. Main silver content minerals. 155

Table 3-31. Type of floatation for gold-silver minerals. 155

Table 3-32. Analysis of Au, Ag contents in samples grinded. 158

Table 3-33. Free sedimentation ratio between mineral couples 160

Table 3-34. Contents of Au, Ag in samples sorted by shaking table 161

Table 3-35. Particle size of samples by Cyclosizer 163

Table 3-36. Contents and distribution of samples by Cyclosizer 163

Table 3-37. Grade and recovery of Au, Ag concentration sorted by Aeropromotor 407 164

Table 3-38. Contents and feature of tailing distributed 166

Table 3-39. Result of Gravity separation at tailing 167

Table 3-40. Flotation result of not grinded tailing 168

Table 3-41. Flotation result of grinded tailing 169

Table 3-42. Valuable recovery characteristics by total process (sieving, grinding, flotation) 169

Table 3-43. Valuable recovery characteristics by total process (sieving, gravity separation, grinding, flotation) 170

Table 3-44. Analytical results of Au-Ag concentrates 180

Table 3-45. Mining claims near Moisan Mine 186

Table 3-46. Characteristics of Moisan deposit 187

Table 3-47. Sectional dip angle of the ramp in Moisan mine 189

Table 4-1. Accomplishments and goals of 2009 202

Fig. 3-1. Locality map of survey area. (google map). 34

Fig. 3-2. Regional geologic map of Haenam area (Koh, 1997). 34

Fig. 3-3. Geologic map of Eunsan, Moisan and Daesan alteration zones. 35

Fig. 3-4. Drilling core logging results which KORES carried out on 2009. 37

Fig. 3-5. Drilling core logging results which KORES carried out on 2009. 38

Fig. 3-6. Outcrops of silicified tuffaceous sandstone (A), argillic altered tuffaceous sandstone and silicified lapilli tuffs (C and D). 39

Fig. 3-7. Alteration zoning and Au bearing quartz vein of Moisan alteartion zone. 39

Fig. 3-8. Photomicrographs of silicified rocks in the Moisan alteration zone. 40

Fig. 3-9. Photomicrographs of quartz illitic altered rocks in the Moisan alteration zone. 40

Fig. 3-10. Photos of outcrops showing acid leaching (A), brecciated silicified rock (B) and weakly altered rock (C). 40

Fig. 3-11. XRD pattern of silicified rock and quartz-illitic altered rock (Q: Quartz, I: illite). 41

Fig. 3-12. Rose diagram showing the direction of Au bearing quartz veins. 42

Fig. 3-13. Outcrops showing various occurrences of Au bearing quartz veinlets in the Moisan mine. 43

Fig. 3-14. Rock slab, outcrops and microphotographs showing various textures of Au bearing quartz vein and veinlet occurring in the Moisan mine. 43

Fig. 3-15. Ore body shapes observed in the Moisan underground. 44

Fig. 3-16. Precipitation type of sulfide minerals. 44

Fig. 3-17. Microphotographs of ore minerals occurring in the concentrates (A-C) and Au bearing quartz vein (D-F) occurring in the Moisan Au mine. 45

Fig. 3-18. Diagram showing the intensity of Au contents of the Moisan mine and western neighboring deposit. 48

Fig. 3-19. Comparisons of element contents such as Ag, Au, As, Bi, Cu, Pb, Sb, S, Se, Zn, Fe, and Te of quartz vein and silicified rock, and Moisan mine and Moisan western side. 48

Fig. 3-20. Map showing the newly discovered ore zone and present operating Moisan mine area. 52

Fig. 3-21. Underground map showing the distribution of the silicified zone (yellow colored area) and Au bearing quartz vein (red line) in the Moisan underground. 53

Fig. 3-22. Rose diagram of Au bearing quartz vein system in the Moisan underground. 53

Fig. 3-23. Model of the Au ore body based on the drilling result (Ivanhoe, 2001) and surface survey result. 54

Fig. 3-24. 3D model showing ore body shape of the Moisan mine. 54

Fig. 3-25. Alteration zoning map (left) of the Daesan area and map showing the pyrite stockwork developed silicified zone. 55

Fig. 3-26. X-ray diffraction patterns of Daesan and Okmaesan altered rocks (Q: Quartz, A: Alunite, K: Kaolin). 56

Fig. 3-27. Microphotographs of alunite-kaolin altered rocks in the Daesan alteration zone (Q: Quartz; A: Alunite; K: kaolin). 57

Fig. 3-28. Vuggy silicified rock by acid leaching (A and B) and weakly altered laminated siltstone (C) and lapilli tuff (D). 57

Fig. 3-29. Sulfide zone in the Daesan alteration area. 58

Fig. 3-30. Lineaments showing five different orientations developed around Eunsan area. 60

Fig. 3-31. Rose diagram of lineaments developed around Eunsan area. 60

Fig. 3-32. Mineralized zones around Eunsan area surveyed by Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. 60

Fig. 3-33. Fractures and veins developed in the tuffaceous rocks, southern part of Eunsan area, Haenam. a) NNE trending dextral fault, b) NE trending fault, c) NW trending quartz veins, d) N-S trending shear zone with dextral shearing criteria, e) NW trending shear zone with dextral shearing... 61

Fig. 3-34. Fractures and quartz veins developed in highly altered tuffaceous rocks, western part of Eunsan area, Haenam. a) WNW trending mineralized zone, b) NW trending fault showing reverse sense, c) NW trending quartz veins, d) NW trending quartz veins, e) NW... 62

Fig. 3-35. Lineaments showing five different orientations developed around Moisan area. 64

Fig. 3-36. Rose diagram of lineaments developed around Moisan area. 64

Fig. 3-37. a) Subhorizontal bedding of interbeded layer developed within Hwangsan tuff in the Moisan area. b) E-W trending small fault cut the bedding of the Hwangsan tuff in the Moisan, showing about 50 cm of displacement. The northern block is down. 65

Fig. 3-38. Outcrops developed in the western part of Moisan, Haenam. a) E-W trending joints. b) E-W trending joint set. c) WNW trending quartz veins. d) Southward dipping quartz vein. e) N-S and NW trending quartz veins. f) N-S and WNW trending quartz veins. 66

Fig. 3-39. Outcrops developed in the southern part of Moisan, Haenam. a) Small fault formed as an horse-tail structure which has been sheared in a normal sense, indicating northern block down. b) Small fault formed from right-stepping joints which have been sheared as a northern block down. c)... 67

Fig. 3-40. Locality map studied outcrops in the Moisan area, Haenam. 68

Fig. 3-41. Orientation of quartz veins developed in the Moisan area. 68

Fig. 3-42. Rose diagram of quartz veins developed in the Moisan area. 69

Fig. 3-43. Simplified model for different fracturing stages in the Moisan-Eunsan area, Haenam. 70

Fig. 3-44. Lineament map of the Moisan-Eunsan area, Haenam, showing four probable NW-SE trending mineralized zones (A, B, C and D) related with tensional zones developed by sinistral shear between two WNW lineaments. 70

Fig. 3-45. Field survey map around the Eunjeok-Sangeun mining district. 72

Fig. 3-46. Regional geologic map including the Eunjeok-Sangeun mining district modified from So et al.(unpublished). 73

Fig. 3-47. Geologic map of the Eunjeok-Sangeun mining district. 74

Fig. 3-48A. Tuff with rhyolite fragments. 75

Fig. 3-48B. Gradational zone between tuff with rhyolite fragments and tuff with subrounded rhyolite fragments. 75

Fig. 3-49A. Welded tuff developed in Maeweoljae valley. 75

Fig. 3-49B. Welded tuff containing andesitic tuff fragments. 75

Fig. 3-50A. Fault developed within rhyolite. 75

Fig. 3-50B. Later hydrothermal alteration infilling the stockwork network. 75

Fig. 3-51A. Rhyolite observed in Eungok area. 76

Fig. 3-51B. Typical tuff with volcanoclasts in study area. 76

Fig. 3-52. A through F. Photomicrographs for the wall rocks in the adits from Eunjeok and Sangeun mines. Abbreviations: K-fD=K-feldspar, ser=sericite, qtz=quartz, pl=plagioclase, bt=biotite, py=pyrite, chl=chlorite, fd=feldspar, mt=magnetite. 78

Fig. 3-53A. Sulfide mineral within quartz vein. 79

Fig. 3-53B. Arsenopyrite within quartz vein. 79

Fig. 3-54A. Altered rock around quartz vein. 80

Fig. 3-54B. Pyrite dot within altered rock. 80

Fig. 3-55A. Two stage quartz vein within altered rock. 80

Fig. 3-55B. Gray-white quartz vein within altered rock. 80

Fig. 3-56A. Dickite observed within quartz vein. 80

Fig. 3-56B. comb texture of quartz. 80

Fig. 3-57A. colloform texture developed within vug. 80

Fig. 3-57B. pinch and swell structure of quartz vein. 80

Fig. 3-58. Mineralogical paragenesis from Eunjeok and Sangeun mines. 82

Fig. 3-59. Reflected photomicrographs of ore specimens from Eunjeok and Sangeun mines. 82

Fig. 3-60. A; Adit sketch map of Sangeun mine(1:200 scale). B; Adit sketch map of Eunjeok mine(1:200 scale). 83

Fig. 3-61. Field survey map in the vicinity of Eunjeok and Sangeun mines. 85

Fig. 3-62A. Quartz veinlet in Outcrop-1. 85

Fig. 3-62B. Quartz veinlet observed within tuff. 85

Fig. 3-63A. Quartz vein in Outcrop-1. 85

Fig. 3-63B. Milky quartz vein and gray white quartz vein. 85

Fig. 3-64A. Quartz veinlet in Outcrop-1. 86

Fig. 3-64B. Quartz veinlet observed within tuff. 86

Fig. 3-65. Outcrop containing ore minerals from Eunjeok and Sangeun mines. 89

Fig. 3-66. Location map of the study area. 1=Ogchool mine, 2=Goosi mine, 3=Mingyung mine, 4=Dado mine, 5=Seongsan mine. 91

Fig. 3-67. Geologic map of the Gasado area. 97

Fig. 3-68. Major structural geologic map of the Gasado area. 97

Fig. 3-69. Scene of the entrance of former adit in the near of lighthouse area in the Gasado. 100

Fig. 3-70. Geology and sampling sites of the underground kaolin deposit. 101

Fig. 3-71. K₂O-Al₂O₃3 plots(wt %) for the samples of the underground workings. 107

Fig. 3-72. Primitive mantle-normalized trace element patterns of the samples in the study area. 108

Fig. 3-73. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns of the samples caught in the underground workings. 109

Fig. 3-74. Ore grades of the underground workings. 110

Fig. 3-75. Geologic map and its sampling sites of the Ogchool mine. 113

Fig. 3-76. Quarry of the Ogchool mine in the Gasado, from the bottom to the surface of the earth, kaolinite fm. with purple layer, silicified fm. and tuff fm. are found. 113

Fig. 3-77. X-ray powder diffraction patterns(Cu Ka radiation) of the ores and their related rocks in the Ogchool mine(M=muscovife, PI-f=plagioclase feldspars, Q= quartz, K=kaolinite, K-f= alkali feldspar). 115

Fig. 3-78. Cross sectoions for the ore reserves calculation in the Ogchool mine. 116

Fig. 3-79. Geologic map and its sampling sites of the Goosi mine. 120

Fig. 3-80. Cross sectoions for the ore reserves calculation in the Goosi mine. 122

Fig. 3-81. Main quarries and outcrops of the Goosi mine district. A, Scene of the main quarries. B, Severely altered acidic tuff. C, Siliceous formation with well-stratified horizons. D, Severely altered tuffaceous rocks with black layers. E, Tuffaceous rocks with angular foreign block. F, Another far... 123

Fig. 3-82. X-ray powder diffraction patterns(Cu Kα radiation) of the ores and their related rocks in the Goosi mine(M=muscovite, P=pyrophyllite, Q= quartz, K=kaolinite). 124

Fig. 3-83. Main working places of Mingyung and Wando mine in the Nowhado 128

Fig. 3-84. Quarry of the Mingyung mine in the Nowhado from the bottom to the surface, pyrophyllite fm. with purple layer, silicified fm. and tuff fm. are found. 128

Fig. 3-85. X-ray powder diffraction patterns(Cu Kα radiation) of the ores and their related rocks in the Ogchool mine(Py=pyrophyllite, Q= quartz, K=kaolinite, D= diaspore). 129

Fig. 3-86. Some equilibrium relations showing the stability fields of kaolinite/pyrophyllite, muscovite and K-feldspar in the system K2O-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O(Revised from Meyer & Hemley 1967). An oval part roughly... 129

Fig. 3-87. X-ray powder diffraction patterns(Cu Kα radiation) of (A) ores and (B) their related rocks in the Jeonnam pyrophyllite/kaolinite province(P=pyrophyllite, Q= quartz, K=kaolinite, Pl-f=plagioclase feldspars, D=diaspore, C=corundum). 132

Fig. 3-88. A generalized mineral paragenesis of the major formations in the Jeonnam pyrophyllite/kaolinite province. Younger formations are arranged in a ascending order. Dot means the sporadical presence of the minerals in its formation. 133

Fig. 3-89. Al2O3-SiO2 plots(wt %) for the kaolinites(triangle) and pyrophyllite(circle) of the Jeonnam clay province 134

Fig. 3-90. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns of the kaolinites and pyrophyllites of the main deposits in the study area(kaolinite; dotted line, pyrophyllite; solid line). 135

Fig. 3-91. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns of the siliceous layers and tephra ones interbedded in the siliceous formations in the study area(tephra layers; dotted line, siliceous layers; solid line). 136

Fig. 3-92. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns of the purple layers on the uppermost parts of the clay formations in the study area(YR-1; solid triangle, YR-2; solid square, YR-16; solid diamond, YR-24; solid circle). YR-1 and YR-2=purple layer samples of the Ogchool(Oochool) mine, YR-16=purple layer... 138

Fig. 3-93. Relationship between resistivity and porosity for rock samples. 141

Fig. 3-94. Simplified geological model based on the mineralized zone model of Fig. 3-23 and resistivities of rock samples. Electrodes spacing is 25 m. Resistivities of bed rock and silicified zone are 330 and 1,080 ohm-m, respectively. 142

Fig. 3-95. Resistivity image of 2-D inversion result for the simplified geological model. The silicified zone shows higher resistivity compared to bed rock. 142

Fig. 3-96. Resistivity survey lines of Moisan. Electrodes spacing is 20m. 143

Fig. 3-97. Resistivity image of the Line-1. 145

Fig. 3-98. Resistivity image for Line-2. 145

Fig. 3-99. Resistivity image of the Line-3. 145

Fig. 3-100. Resistivity image of the Line-4. 145

Fig. 3-101. Mineralized zone extensibility of the Maoyi Mountain interpreted from resistivity images. 147

Fig. 3-102. Principle of flotation. 149

Fig. 3-103. Principle of flotation. 150

Fig. 3-104. Native floatability of ores. 151

Fig. 3-105. Equilibrium of sulfide mineral of S-H₂O. 152

Fig. 3-106. EPMA analysis of raw ore from Moisan. 154

Fig. 3-107. Au-Ag-Cu phase system. 154

Fig. 3-108. Particle distributed numbers of Pyrite crystals. 156

Fig. 3-109. Microphotograph of pyrite in gold raw mineral thin section. 156

Fig. 3-110. XRD diffraction patterns of samples grinded. 158

Fig. 3-111. XRD diffraction patterns of sample sorted by shaking table. 161

Fig. 3-112. Arrangement state of ore particles on shaking table by particle size and weight difference. 161

Fig. 3-113. XRD diffraction patterns of samples by Cyclosizer. 162

Fig. 3-114. XRD diffraction patterns of concentrate and tailing by flotation. 164

Fig. 3-115. XRD diffraction patterns of samples by flotation using Aeropromotor 407. 165

Fig. 3-116. Gravity separation experimental process of tailing. 167

Fig. 3-117. Flotation flow sheet of grinded tailing. 169

Fig. 3-118. Valuable recovery process by total process(sieving, grinding, flotation). 170

Fig. 3-119. Valuable recovery process by total process(sieving, gravity separation, grinding, flotation). 171

Fig. 3-120. Separation flow sheet proposal to improve flotation recovery of Soon-shin Co. 172

Fig. 3-121. Phase diagram of Au-Hg binary alloy. 173

Fig. 3-122. Flow sheet of cyanidation method for smelting gold. 174

Fig. 3-123. Flow sheet of electrolysis method for smelting gold from anode slime generated from the copper electrolytic refining process. 177

Fig. 3-124. Leaching apparatus (A: Agitator, B: Reactor, C: Watet Bath, D: Thermo Meter, E: pH-Eh meter). 181

Fig. 3-125. Effect of leaching time for leaching behavior of gold and silver. 182

Fig. 3-126. Effect of oxidant concentration for leaching behavior of gold and silver. 182

Fig. 3-127. Effect of Cu++ concentration for leaching behavior of gold and silver. 183

Fig. 3-128. Effect of solid/liquid ratio for leaching behavior of gold and silver. 183

Fig. 3-129. Effect of leaching temperature for leaching behavior of gold and silver. 184

Fig. 3-130. Effect of pH for leaching behavior of gold and silver. 184

Fig. 3-131. View of Moisan. 186

Fig. 3-132. View of Sunshin Exploration & Ming Co. Ltd. 186

Fig. 3-133. Location and traffic of Moisan mine. 186

Fig. 3-134. Portal of Moisan mine. 188

Fig. 3-135. Schematic view of the ramp in Moisan mine. 188

Fig. 3-136. Schematic view of openings in Moisan mine. 188

Fig. 3-137. Chute under a stope in Moisan mine. 188

Fig. 3-138. Mining method for the ore body with a steep slope. 190

Fig. 3-139. Mining method for the ore body with a gentle slope. 190

Fig. 3-140. Drilling machine and L.H.D utilized in Moisan mine. 191

Fig. 3-141. Drilling machine and L.H.D utilized in Moisan mine. 191

Fig. 3-142. L.H.D transporting ore loadings outside the opening. 191


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