
자료 카테고리

전체 1
도서자료 1
학위논문 0
연속간행물·학술기사 0
멀티미디어 0
동영상 0
국회자료 0
특화자료 0

도서 앰블럼

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일반도서 (1)
E-BOOK (0)
고서 (0)
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국외기사 (0)
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도서 앰블럼

전체 1
전체 ()
정부기관 ()
지방자치단체 ()
공공기관 ()
싱크탱크 ()
국제기구 ()
전체 ()
정부기관 ()
의회기관 ()
싱크탱크 ()
국제기구 ()
전체 ()
국회의원정책자료 ()
입법기관자료 ()


검색결과 (전체 1건)


서울교육통계연보 = Statistical yearbook of Seoul education. 2011 / 서울특별시교육청 인기도
서울 : 서울특별시교육청, 2011
R 370.95191 ㅅ219ㅅ
[서울관] 서고(열람신청 후 디지털정보센터(의정관3층))  도서위치안내(서울관)
1253 p. : 표 ; 31 cm




발간사 / 이대영

FOREWORD / Lee, Dae Yeong




I. 교육 행정 현황 25

I-A. 일반현황 27

1-1. 서울특별시교육청 연혁 29

1-2. 서울특별시교육청 기구표 38

1-3. 2011년 서울교육방향 40

1-4. 학제 42

1-5. 연도별 학교수 변동상황 43

1-6. 연도별 학급수 변동상황 44

1-7. 연도별 학생수 변동상황 45

1-8. 연도별 교원수 변동상황 46

1-9. 연도별 학급당 학급수 변동상황 47

1-10. 연도별 교원 1인당 학생수 변동상황 48

1-11. 연도별 학생 체격 변동상황 (키) 49

1-12. 연도별 학생 체격 변동상황 (몸무게) 50

I-B. 주요업무통계 51

2-1. 정·현원표 52

2-2. 학생체격현황 (2010년도) 54

2-3. 학생체력현황 (2010년도) 54

2-4. 체육특기자학생수현황 56

2-5. 체육시설현황 58

2-6. 교원연수현황 60

2-7. 교원자격연수실적현황 62

2-8. 교원자격증발급현황 63

2-9. 법인현황 62

2-10. 공공도서관현황 64

2-11. FY 2011 지방교육비 특별 회계 세입·세출 예산 66

2-12. FY 2009 지방교육비 특별 회계 세입·세출 결산 67

2-13. FY 2011 지방교육비 특별 회계 세출 예산 성질별 분류 68

2-14. FY 2011 공립학교 학교회계 세입·세출 예산 68

2-15. FY 2009 공립학교 학교회계 세입·세출 결산 68

2-16. 학교법인 예산 및 결산 (초·중등 교육기관) 70

2-17. 고등학교 졸업 자격 검정고시 실시 현황 70

2-18. 고등학교 입학 자격 검정고시 실시 현황 70

2-19. 공립학교 교육비 분류 70

2-20. 사립학교 학교회계 세입·세출 예산 및 결산 72

II. 학교 기본 통계 75

II-A. 각급 학교 개황 77

1-1. 학교총개황 78

1-2. 학교현황 80

1-3. 학생현황 82

1-4. 시설현황 84

1-5. 교원현황 86

1-6. 사무직원현황 87

1-7. 학급현황 88

II-B. 유치원 현황 89

2-1. 유치원개황 90

2-2. 설립별유치원수 94

2-3. 원아수별유치원수 96

2-4. 연령별원아수 100

2-5. 직위별교원수 104

2-6. 자격별교원수 108

2-7. 경력년수별교원수 112

2-8. 학령년수별교원수 116

2-9. 소지자격취득후경과년수별교원수 120

2-10. 소지자격별연수이수교원수 124

2-11. 연령별교원수 128

2-12. 호봉별교원수 132

2-13. 교원변동상황 140

2-14. 학교용지 144

2-15. 용도별교사면적 148

2-16. 구조별건물동수 152

2-17. 구조별건물면적 154

2-18. 에너지사용량 158

2-19. 냉난방면적 160

2-20. 사무직원수 162

II-C. 초등학교 현황 165

3-1. 초등학교개황 166

3-2. 학급수별학교수 170

3-3. 학생수별학교수 178

3-4. 학급편제방식별학급수 182

3-5. 복식학급학교수 186

3-6. 학생수별학급수 188

3-7. 학생변동상황 190

3-8. 학년별학급수 및 학생수 194

3-9. 학년 및 연령별학생수 198

3-10. 입학상황 204

3-11. 졸업후상황 208

3-12. 직위별교원수 212

3-13. 자격별교원수 220

3-14. 경력년수별교원수 224

3-15. 학령년수별교원수 228

3-16. 소지자격취득후경과년수별교원수 232

3-17. 소지자격별연수이수교원수 236

3-18. 연령별교원수 240

3-19. 호봉별교원수 244

3-20. 출신학교별교원수 256

3-21. 교원변동상황 258

3-22. 학교용지 262

3-23. 용도별교사면적 266

3-24. 구조별건물동수 270

3-25. 구조별건물면적 272

3-26. 에너지사용량 276

3-27. 냉난방면적 278

3-28. 컴퓨터보유현황 280

3-29. 사무직원수 284

II-D. 중학교 현황 287

4-1. 중학교개황 288

4-2. 학급수별학교수 292

4-3. 학생수별학교수 296

4-4. 학생수별학급수 298

4-5. 학년 및 연령별학생수 300

4-6. 학생변동상황 304

4-7. 입학상황 308

4-8. 졸업후상황 310

4-9. 장학금급여 및 학비감면자수 314

4-10. 장학금급여 및 학비감면액 318

4-11. 재량활동선택교과목개설현황 320

4-12. 직위별교원수 324

4-13. 자격별교원수 332

4-14. 경력년수별교원수 336

4-15. 학령년수별교원수 340

4-16. 소지자격취득후경과년수별교원수 344

4-17. 소지자격별연수이수교원수 348

4-18. 담당교과목별교원수 352

4-19. 연령별교원수 356

4-20. 주당수업시간별교원수 360

4-21. 호봉별교원수 364

4-22. 교원변동상황 372

4-23. 출신별자격증과목별교원수 376

4-24. 자격증과목별퇴직교원수 388

4-25. 학교용지 400

4-26. 용도별교사면적 404

4-27. 구조별건물동수 408

4-28. 구조별건물면적 410

4-29. 에너지사용량 414

4-30. 냉난방면적 416

4-31. 컴퓨터보유현황 418

4-32. 사무직원수 422

II-E. 고등학교 현황 425

5-1. 고등학교개황 426

5-2. 학급수별학교수 430

5-3. 학생수별학교수 432

II-F. 일반고등학교 현황 435

6-1. 일반고등학교개황 436

6-2. 학급수별학교수 440

6-3. 학생수별학교수 442

6-4. 학생수별학급수 443

6-5. 학년 및 연령별학생수 444

6-6. 학생변동상황 446

6-7. 입학상황 448

6-8. 졸업후상황 452

6-9. 졸업자의진로 및 취업상황 454

6-10. 장학금급여 및 학비감면자수 460

6-11. 장학금급여 및 학비감면액 464

6-12. 보통교과과정현황 466

6-13. 보통교과선택교과목개설현황 472

6-14. 직위별교원수 488

6-15. 자격별교원수 492

6-16. 경력년수별교원수 496

6-17. 학령년수별교원수 500

6-18. 소지자격취득후경과년수별교원수 504

6-19. 소지자격별연수이수교원수 508

6-20. 담당교과목별교원수 512

6-21. 연령별교원수 516

6-22. 주당수업시간별교원수 520

6-23. 호봉별교원수 524

6-24. 교원변동상황 532

6-25. 출신별자격증과목별교원수 536

6-26. 자격증과목별퇴직교원수 548

6-27. 학교용지 554

6-28. 용도별교사면적 556

6-29. 구조별건물동수 557

6-30. 구조별건물면적 558

6-31. 에너지사용량 560

6-32. 냉난방면적 561

6-33. 컴퓨터보유현황 562

6-34. 사무직원수 564

II-G. 특수목적고등학교 현황 565

7-1. 특수목적고등학교개황 566

7-2. 분야별현황 570

7-3. 학급수별학교수 574

7-4. 학생수별학교수 576

7-5. 학생수별학급수 577

7-6. 학년 및 연령별학생수 578

7-7. 학생변동상황 580

7-8. 입학상황 582

7-9. 졸업후상황 586

7-10. 졸업자의진로 및 취업상황 588

7-11. 장학금급여 및 학비감면자수 594

7-12. 장학금급여 및 학비감면액 598

7-13. 보통교과과정현황 600

7-14. 보통교과선택교과목개설현황 606

7-15. 직위별교원수 622

7-16. 자격별교원수 626

7-17. 경력년수별교원수 630

7-18. 학령년수별교원수 634

7-19. 소지자격취득후경과년수별교원수 638

7-20. 소지자격별연수이수교원수 642

7-21. 담당교과목별교원수 646

7-22. 연령별교원수 650

7-23. 주당수업시간별교원수 654

7-24. 호봉별교원수 658

7-25. 교원변동상황 666

7-26. 출신별자격증과목별교원수 670

7-27. 자격증과목별퇴직교원수 682

7-28. 학교용지 688

7-29. 용도별교사면적 690

7-30. 구조별건물동수 691

7-31. 구조별건물면적 692

7-32. 에너지사용량 694

7-33. 냉난방면적 695

7-34. 컴퓨터보유현황 696

7-35. 사무직원수 698

II-H. 특성화고등학교 현황 699

8-1. 특성화고등학교개황 700

8-2. 학급수별학교수 704

8-3. 학생수별학교수 706

8-4. 학생수별학급수 707

8-5. 학년 및 연령별학생수 708

8-6. 과정별학생수 710

8-7. 학생변동상황 718

8-8. 입학상황 720

8-9. 졸업후상황 724

8-10. 졸업자의진로 및 취업상황 726

8-11. 장학금급여 및 학비감면자수 732

8-12. 장학금급여 및 학비감면액 736

8-13. 직위별교원수 738

8-14. 자격별교원수 742

8-15. 경력년수별교원수 746

8-16. 학령년수별교원수 750

8-17. 소지자격취득후경과년수별교원수 754

8-18. 소지자격별연수이수교원수 758

8-19. 담당교과목별교원수 762

8-20. 연령별교원수 766

8-21. 주당수업시간별교원수 770

8-22. 호봉별교원수 774

8-23. 교원변동상황 782

8-24. 출신별자격증과목별교원수 786

8-25. 자격증과목별퇴직교원수 798

8-26. 학교용지 804

8-27. 용도별교사면적 806

8-28. 구조별건물동수 807

8-29. 구조별건물면적 808

8-30. 에너지사용량 810

8-31. 냉난방면적 811

8-32. 컴퓨터보유현황 812

8-33. 사무직원수 814

II-I. 자율고등학교 현황 815

9-1. 자율고등학교개황 816

9-2. 학급수별학교수 820

9-3. 학생수별학교수 822

9-4. 학생수별학급수 823

9-5. 학년 및 연령별학생수 824

9-6. 학생변동상황 826

9-7. 입학상황 828

9-8. 졸업후상황 832

9-9. 졸업자의진로 및 취업상황 834

9-10. 장학금급여 및 학비감면자수 840

9-11. 장학금급여 및 학비감면액 844

9-12. 보통교과과정현황 846

9-13. 보통교과선택교과목개설현황 852

9-14. 직위별교원수 868

9-15. 자격별교원수 872

9-16. 경력년수별교원수 876

9-17. 학령년수별교원수 880

9-18. 소지자격취득후경과년수별교원수 884

9-19. 소지자격별연수이수교원수 888

9-20. 담당교과목별교원수 892

9-21. 연령별교원수 896

9-22. 주당수업시간별교원수 900

9-23. 호봉별교원수 904

9-24. 교원변동상황 912

9-25. 출신별자격증과목별교원수 916

9-26. 자격증과목별퇴직교원수 928

9-27. 학교용지 934

9-28. 용도별교사면적 936

9-29. 구조별건물동수 937

9-30. 구조별건물면적 938

9-31. 에너지사용량 940

9-32. 냉난방면적 941

9-33. 컴퓨터보유현황 942

9-34. 사무직원수 944

II-J. 특수학교 현황 945

10-1. 특수학교개황 946

10-2. 수용대상별학교수 948

10-3. 연령별학생수 950

10-4. 학년별학급수 및 학생수 952

10-5. 수용대상별학생수 954

10-6. 졸업후상황 (고등학교 과정) 956

10-7. 직위별교원수 958

10-8. 자격별교원수 962

10-9. 경력년수별교원수 966

10-10. 학령년수별교원수 970

10-11. 연령별교원수 974

10-12. 호봉별교원수 978

10-13. 교원변동상황 986

10-14. 학교용지 990

10-15. 용도별교사면적 992

10-16. 구조별건물동수 993

10-17. 구조별건물면적 994

10-18. 에너지사용량 996

10-19. 냉난방면적 997

10-20. 컴퓨터보유현황 998

10-21. 사무직원수 1000

II-K. 기타 학교 현황 1001

11-1. 기타학교개황 1002

11-2. 연령별학생수 1006

11-3. 분야별학생수 1008

11-4. 학생변동상황 1010

11-5. 검정고시상황 1011

11-6. 졸업후상황 1011

11-7. 졸업자의진로 및 취업상황 1012

11-8. 자격별교원수 1014

11-9. 호봉별교원수 1016

11-10. 학교용지 1020

11-11. 용도별교사면적 1022

11-12. 구조별건물동수 1023

11-13. 구조별건물면적 1024

11-14. 에너지사용량 1026

11-15. 냉난방면적 1027

11-16. 사무직원수 1028

II-L. 방송통신고등학교 현황 1029

12-1. 방송통신고등학교설치운영현황 1030

II-M. 사설학원 및 독서실 현황 1033

13-1. 사설학원개황 1034

13-2. 사설학원시설현황 1036

13-3. 이수기간별직업별수강자수 1037

13-4. 직업별학력별수강자수 1040

13-5. 직업별학력별이수자수 1042

13-6. 이수기간별직업별이수자수 1044

13-7. 독서실개황 1048

13-8. 독서실시설현황 1049

부록 1051

1. 유치원일람표 1052

1-1. 유치원일람표(공립) 1052

1-2. 유치원일람표(사립) 1057

2. 초등학교일람표 1080

2-1. 초등학교일람표(국립) 1080

2-2. 초등학교일람표(공립) 1082

2-3. 초등학교일람표(사립) 1128

3. 중학교일람표 1132

3-1. 중학교일람표(국립) 1132

3-2. 중학교일람표(공립) 1134

3-3. 중학교일람표(사립) 1158

4. 고등학교일람표 1166

4-1. 일반고등학교일람표 1166

4-2. 특수목적고등학교일람표 1182

4-3. 특성화고등학교일람표 1186

4-4. 자율고등학교일람표 1228

5. 특수학교일람표 1234

6. 기타학교일람표 1248

6-1. 공민학교일람표 1248

6-2. 고등기술학교일람표 1250

6-3. 각종학교(중학과정)일람표 1252

6-4. 각종학교(고교과정)일람표 1254

판권기 1256

고등학교 분포도 1257

중학교 분포도 1258




1-1. Brief History of Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education 33

1-2. The Organization Table Of Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education 39

1-3. Direction of Seoul Education 2011 41

1-4. School System 42

1-5. Annual Change in the Number of Schools 43

1-6. Annual Change in the Number of Classes 44

1-7. Annual Change in the Number of Students 45

1-8. Annual Change in the Number of Teachers 46

1-9. Annual Change in the Number of Students per Class 47

1-10. Annual Change in the Number of Students per Teacher 48

1-11. Annual Change in Physical Constitution of Students(Standing Height) 49

1-12. Annual Change in Physical Constitution of Students (Body Weight) 50


2-1. Table of Organization & Present Staff 52

2-2. Physical Constitution of Students (2010) 54

2-3. Physical Strength of Students (2010) 54

2-4. Special Students Registered in Sports Organizations 56

2-5. Physical Education Facilities 58

2-6. Current Status of Teacher Training 60

2-7. Teacher Training for Certificate 62

2-8. Issuance of Teachers Certificates 63

2-9. School Foundations 62

2-10. Public Library Services 64

2-11. FY 2011 Local Education Special Account on Revenue & Expenditure Budget 66

2-12. FY 2009 Local Education Special Account on Revenue & Expenditure Settlement 67

2-13. FY 2011 Local Education Special Account on Revenue & Expenditure Character Classification 68

2-14. FY 2011 Public School Accounts on Revenue & Expenditure Budget 68

2-15. 2009 Public School Accounts on Revenue & Expenditure Settlement 68

2-16. Budget & Settlement Accounts of School Foundation (Elementary and Secondary Education) 70

2-17. Results of the Qualification Examination for High School Graduation 70

2-18. Results of the Qualification Examination for High School Entrance 70

2-19. Expenditures at Public Schools (Local Educational Fund) 70

2-20. Private School Accounts on Revenue & Expenditure Budget & Settlement 72



1-1. General Status of Schools 78

1-2. Schools 80

1-3. Students 82

1-4. School Facilities 84

1-5. Teachers 86

1-6. Clerical Staffs 87

1-7. Classes 88


2-1. Summary 90

2-2. Kindergartens by Foundation 94

2-3. Kindergartens by Enrolled Children 96

2-4. Children by Age 100

2-5. Teachers by Position 104

2-6. Teachers by Certification 108

2-7. Teachers by Teaching Experience 112

2-8. Teachers by the Number of Years of Formal Education 116

2-9. Teachers by the Number of Years Passed after Acquiring Certification 120

2-10. Teachers by the Times of Participation in Training 124

2-11. Teachers by Age 128

2-12. Teachers by Pay Grades 132

2-13. Annual Turnover of Teachers 140

2-14. School Site 144

2-15. Areas by Usage 148

2-16. Buildings by Constructing Materials 152

2-17. Areas of Buildings by Constructing Materials 154

2-18. Quantity of Energy Usage 158

2-19. Cooling & Heating Areas 160

2-20. Clerical Staffs 162


3-1. Summary 166

3-2. Schools by the Number of Classes 170

3-3. Schools by the Number of Students 178

3-4. Class by Formation of Students 182

3-5. The Number of Schools with Multiple Grade Classes 186

3-6. Classes by the Number of Students 188

3-7. Annual Turnover of Students 190

3-8. Students & Classes by Grades 194

3-9. Students by Grades & Age 198

3-10. Admission of Freshmen 204

3-11. The Situation after Graduating 208

3-12. Teachers by Position 212

3-13. Teachers by Certification 220

3-14. Teachers by Teaching Experience 224

3-15. Teachers by the Number of Years of Formal Education 228

3-16. Teachers by the Number of Years Passed after Acquiring Certification 232

3-17. Teachers by the Times of Participation in Training 236

3-18. Teachers by Age 240

3-19. Teachers by Pay Grades 244

3-20. Teachers by Educational Background 256

3-21. Annual Turnover of Teachers 258

3-22. School Site 262

3-23. Areas by Usage 266

3-24. Buildings by Constructing Materials 270

3-25. Areas of Buildings by Constructing Materials 272

3-26. Quantity of Energy Usage 276

3-27. Cooling & Heating Areas 278

3-28. The Current Status of Possessed Computer 280

3-29. Clerical Staffs 284


4-1. Summary 288

4-2. Schools by the Number of Classes 292

4-3. Schools by the Number of Students 296

4-4. Classes by the Number of Students 298

4-5. Students by Grades & Age 300

4-6. Annual Turnover of Students 304

4-7. Admission of Freshmen 308

4-8. The Situation after Graduating 310

4-9. Students Supported by Scholarships & Tuition Fee Exemption 314

4-10. Scholarships Awarded & Tuition Fee Exempted 318

4-11. Establishment of Elective Courses 320

4-12. Teachers by Position 324

4-13. Teachers by Certification 332

4-14. Teachers by Teaching Experience 336

4-15. Teachers by the Number of Years of Formal Education 340

4-16. Teachers by the Number of Years Passed after Acquiring Certification 344

4-17. Teachers by the Times of Participation in Training 348

4-18. Teachers by Teaching Subjects 352

4-19. Teachers by Age 356

4-20. Teachers by Teaching Hours per Week 360

4-21. Teachers by Pay Grades 364

4-22. Annual Turnover of Teachers 372

4-23. Teachers by Educational Backgrounds & Certified Subjects 376

4-24. Retired Teachers by Certified Subjects 388

4-25. School Site 400

4-26. Areas by Usage 404

4-27. Buildings by Constructing Materials 408

4-28. Areas of Buildings by Constructing Materials 410

4-29. Quantity of Energy Usage 414

4-30. Cooling & Heating Areas 416

4-31. The Current Status of Possessed Computer 418

4-32. Clerical Staffs 422


5-1. Summary 426

5-2. Schools by the Number of Classes 430

5-3. Schools by the Number of Students 432


6-1. Summary 436

6-2. Schools by the Number of Classes 440

6-3. Schools by the Number of Students 442

6-4. Classes by the Number of Students 443

6-5. Students by Grades & Age 444

6-6. Annual Turnover of Students 446

6-7. Admission of Freshmen 448

6-8. The Situation after Graduating 452

6-9. Graduates by Employment & Advancement 454

6-10. Students Supported by Scholarships & Tuition Fee Exemption 460

6-11. Scholarships Awarded & Tuition Fee Exempted 464

6-12. General Curriculum in Majors 466

6-13. Establishment of Elective Courses in General Subjects 472

6-14. Teachers by Position 488

6-15. Teachers by Certification 492

6-16. Teachers by Teaching Experience 496

6-17. Teachers by the Number of Years of Formal Education 500

6-18. Teachers by the Number of Years Passed after Acquiring Certification 504

6-19. Teachers by the Times of Participation in Training 508

6-20. Teachers by Teaching Subjects 512

6-21. Teachers by Age 516

6-22. Teachers by Teaching Hours per Week 520

6-23. Teachers by Pay Grades 524

6-24. Annual Turnover of Teachers 532

6-25. Teachers by Educational Backgrounds & Certified Subjects 536

6-26. Retired Teachers by Certified Subjects 548

6-27. School Site 554

6-28. Areas by Usage 556

6-29. Buildings by Constructing Materials 557

6-30. Areas of Buildings by Constructing Materials 558

6-31. Quantity of Energy Usage 560

6-32. Cooling & Heating Areas 561

6-33. The Current Status of Possessed Computer 562

6-34. Clerical Staffs 564


7-1. Summary 566

7-2. Current Status of Sections 570

7-3. Schools by the Number of Classes 574

7-4. Schools by the Number of Students 576

7-5. Classes by the Number of Students 577

7-6. Students by Grades & Age 578

7-7. Annual Turnover of Students 580

7-8. Admission of Freshmen 582

7-9. The Situation after Graduating 586

7-10. Graduates by Employment & Advancement 588

7-11. Students Supported by Scholarships & Tuition Fee Exemption 594

7-12. Scholarships Awarded & Tuition Fee Exempted 598

7-13. General Curriculum in Majors 600

7-14. Establishment of Elective Courses in General Subjects 606

7-15. Teachers by Position 622

7-16. Teachers by Certification 626

7-17. Teachers by Teaching Experience 630

7-18. Teachers by the Number of Years of Formal Education 634

7-19. Teachers by the Number of Years Passed after Acquiring Certification 638

7-20. Teachers by the Times of Participation in Training 642

7-21. Teachers by Teaching Subjects 646

7-22. Teachers by Age 650

7-23. Teachers by Teaching Hours per Week 654

7-24. Teachers by Pay Grades 658

7-25. Annual Turnover of Teachers 666

7-26. Teachers by Educational Backgrounds & Certified Subjects 670

7-27. Retired Teachers by Certified Subjects 682

7-28. School Site 688

7-29. Areas by Usage 690

7-30. Buildings by Constructing Materials 691

7-31. Areas of Buildings by Constructing Materials 692

7-32. Quantity of Energy Usage 694

7-33. Cooling & Heating Areas 695

7-34. The Current Status of Possessed Computer 696

7-35. Clerical Staffs 698


8-1. Summary 700

8-2. Schools by the Number of Classes 704

8-3. Schools by the Number of Students 706

8-4. Classes by the Number of Students 707

8-5. Students by Grades & Age 708

8-6. Students by Courses 710

8-7. Annual Turnover of Students 718

8-8. Admission of Freshmen 720

8-9. The Situation after Graduating 724

8-10. Graduates by Employment & Advancement 726

8-11. Students Supported by Scholarships & Tuition Fee Exemption 732

8-12. Scholarships Awarded & Tuition Fee Exempted 736

8-13. Teachers by Position 738

8-14. Teachers by Certification 742

8-15. Teachers by Teaching Experience 746

8-16. Teachers by the Number of Years of Formal Education 750

8-17. Teachers by the Number of Years Passed after Acquiring Certification 754

8-18. Teachers by the Times of Participation in Training 758

8-19. Teachers by Teaching Subjects 762

8-20. Teachers by Age 766

8-21. Teachers by Teaching Hours per Week 770

8-22. Teachers by Pay Grades 774

8-23. Annual Turnover of Teachers 782

8-24. Teachers by Educational Backgrounds & Certified Subjects 786

8-25. Retired Teachers by Certified Subjects 798

8-26. School Site 804

8-27. Areas by Usage 806

8-28. Buildings by Constructing Materials 807

8-29. Areas of Buildings by Constructing Materials 808

8-30. Quantity of Energy Usage 810

8-31. Cooling & Heating Areas 811

8-32. The Current Status of Possessed Computer 812

8-33. Clerical Staffs 814


9-1. Summary 816

9-2. Schools by the Number of Classes 820

9-3. Schools by the Number of Students 822

9-4. Classes by the Number of Students 823

9-5. Students by Grades & Age 824

9-6. Annual Turnover of Students 826

9-7. Admission of Freshmen 828

9-8. The Situation after Graduating 832

9-9. Graduates by Employment & Advancement 834

9-10. Students Supported by Scholarships & Tuition Fee Exemption 840

9-11. Scholarships Awarded & Tuition Fee Exempted 844

9-12. General Curriculum in Majors 846

9-13. Establishment of Elective Courses in General Subjects 852

9-14. Teachers by Position 868

9-15. Teachers by Certification 872

9-16. Teachers by Teaching Experience 876

9-17. Teachers by the Number of Years of Formal Education 880

9-18. Teachers by the Number of Years Passed after Acquiring Certification 884

9-19. Teachers by the Times of Participation in Training 888

9-20. Teachers by Teaching Subjects 892

9-21. Teachers by Age 896

9-22. Teachers by Teaching Hours per Week 900

9-23. Teachers by Pay Grades 904

9-24. Annual Turnover of Teachers 912

9-25. Teachers by Educational Backgrounds & Certified Subjects 916

9-26. Retired Teachers by Certified Subjects 928

9-27. School Site 934

9-28. Areas by Usage 936

9-29. Buildings by Constructing Materials 937

9-30. Areas of Buildings by Constructing Materials 938

9-31. Quantity of Energy Usage 940

9-32. Cooling & Heating Areas 941

9-33. The Current Status of Possessed Computer 942

9-34. Clerical Staffs 944


10-1. Summary 946

10-2. Schools by Handicap 948

10-3. Students by Age 950

10-4. Classes & Students by Grades 952

10-5. Students by Handicap 954

10-6. The Situation after Graduating (High School Course) 956

10-7. Teachers by Position 958

10-8. Teachers by Certification 962

10-9. Teachers by Teaching Experience 966

10-10. Teachers by the Number of Years of Formal Education 970

10-11. Teachers by Age 974

10-12. Teachers by Pay Grades 978

10-13. Annual Turnover of Teachers 986

10-14. School Site 990

10-15. Areas by Usage 992

10-16. Buildings by Constructing Materials 993

10-17. Areas of Buildings by Constructing Materials 994

10-18. Quantity of Energy Usage 996

10-19. Cooling & Heating Areas 997

10-20. The Current Status of Possessed Computer 998

10-21. Clerical Staffs 1000


11-1. Summary 1002

11-2. Students by Age 1006

11-3. Students by Courses 1008

11-4. Annual Turnover of Students 1010

11-5. Qualifying Examinations for Admission to Advanced Schools 1011

11-6. The Situation after Graduating 1011

11-7. Graduates by Employment & Advancement 1012

11-8. Teachers by Certification 1014

11-9. Teachers by Pay Grades 1016

11-10. School Site 1020

11-11. Areas by Usage 1022

11-12. Buildings by Constructing Materials 1023

11-13. Areas of Buildings by Constructing Materials 1024

11-14. Quantity of Energy Usage 1026

11-15. Cooling & Heating Areas 1027

11-16. Clerical Staffs 1028


12-1. Air & Correspondence High School Operation 1030


13-1. Summary of Private Institute 1034

13-2. Current Status of Facilities of Private Institute 1036

13-3. Attendants by Length of Course & Kinds of Occupations 1037

13-4. Attendants by Occupational Status & Educational Background 1040

13-5. Attendants Who Completed Courses by Occupational & Educational Background 1042

13-6. Attendants Who Completed Courses by Length of Courses & Occupations 1044

13-7. Summary of Reading Rooms 1048

13-8. Current Status of Facilities of Reading Rooms 1049


1. List of Kindergartens 1052

1-1. List of Kindergartens (Public) 1052

1-2. List of Kindergartens (Private) 1057

2. List of Elementary Schools 1080

2-1. List of Elementary Schools (National) 1080

2-2. List of Elementary Schools (Public) 1082

2-3. List of Elementary Schools (Private) 1128

3. List of Middle Schools 1132

3-1. List of Middle Schools (National) 1132

3-2. List of Middle Schools (Public) 1134

3-3. List of Middle Schools (Private) 1158

4. List of High Schools 1169

4-1. List of General High Schools 1169

4-2. List of Special-purposed High Schools 1182

4-3. List of Specialized High Schools 1186

4-4. List of Autonomous High Schools 1228

5. List of Special Schools 1234

6. List of Other Schools 1248

6-1. List of Civic Schools 1248

6-2. List of Trade High Schools 1250

6-3. List of Miscellaneous Schools (Middle School Course) 1252

6-4. List of Miscellaneous Schools (High School Course) 1254

Copyright 1256




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