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검색결과 (전체 1건)


해외 주거복지정책 사례연구 : 자문편 / 국토해양부 주거복지기획과 [편] 인기도
과천 : 국토해양부, 2012
363.5 -12-60
[서울관] 서고(열람신청 후 1층 대출대)
xiii, 380 p. : 삽화, 표 ; 30 cm
연구책임자: 김경환
연구기관: 한국주택학회
본문은 한국어, 영어가 혼합수록됨






I. Rental Housing and Policies in England and the UK 17

1. Introduction 19

2. Background: Basic Economic and Housing Indicators 19

1) Demographics 19

2) Prices and incomes 20

3) House prices, rents and incomes 22

4) Housing tenure 24

5) House building 26

6) Organizational structure of rented housing 28

3. Overview of Housing Policy 30

1) The objectives of housing policy 30

2) Definitions of social rented housing 31

3) How are rents set? 31

4) Rent to own schemes 32

5) Relative roles of public and private sectors and different levels of government 32

6) Are there social mix objectives in social housing? 32

4. SpecifIc Policies towards Rental Housing: Social Housing 33

1) Context, background, history 33

2) The growth of social sector housing 34

3) Current policies 35

4) How are rents set in the social sector? 36

5) Is there a rent-to-own scheme? 39

6) Costs of construction, operation/maintenance 41

7) Is private capital mobilized, or crowded out? 41

8) Assessment of impact/side effects, incidence/Privatization 42

5. Specific Polices towards Rented Housing: Tenant Protection, Including Rent Control 42

1) Context, background, history 42

2) The Rent Officer Service 45

3) Effect on rents 45

4) The importance of Buy-to-let mortgages 45

5) Landlords 46

6) Current policies 47

7) Who gets private rented housing? 47

8) Assessment of impact 47

6. Specific Policies towards Rental Housing: Rental Subsidies 48

1) Context, background, history 48

2) Current policies: Welfare reform 51

3) Assessment of impact/side effects, incidence 53

7. Conclusions and Implications 53

1) The current position with respect to rent controls 53

2) Relative efficacy of rent/price controls; public housing (supply side programs); and vouchers (demand side subsidies) 54

3) An adequate supply of housing 54

8. Key References 55

II. Rental Housing and Policies in France 57

1. Introduction 59

2. Background: Basic Economic and Housing Indicators 60

1) Economic indicators 60

2) Population and households 61

3) Territorial distribution 61

4) Housing stock 62

5) Housing production 64

6) Housing market 65

3. Overview of Housing Policy 67

1) Brief history 67

2) Housing subsidies 68

3) Housing allowances 70

4. Specific Policies toward Rental Housing 73

A - Global approach 74

1) Organization of the rental sector 74

2) Tenants' characteristics 74

3) Level of rents 76

4) Rent-to-income ratio 77

B - Social rental housing provision and regulation 78

1) History 78

2) Social rental housing stocks 81

3) Organizations 81

4) Control and solidarity 83

5) Rent setting and rent increase 84

6) Finance and subsidies 84

7) Privatization 85

C - Private rental housing provision and regulation 86

1) Rent control and the 1948 law 86

2) Tenant-landlord relationships regulation 88

3) Taxation of rental housing 90

4) Tax incentives for investors in rented housing 91

5) Subsidies for renovation 92

6) Coverage of rental risks 93

5. Other Housing Policies 93

1) The "One percent Housing Fund" 93

2) Housing saving schemes 94

3) Support to home-ownership 95

4) Tax treatment of home-ownership 95

6. Conclusion 95

7. Key References 96

III. Rental Housing and Policies in U.S.A 101

1. Introduction 103

2. Background: Basic Economic Indicators 103

1) Demographics 104

2) Inflation 108

3) GDP 109

4) Employment 111

5) Income 115

3. Some Basic Housing Indicators 118

1) Housing stock 118

2) Housing production 120

3) Financing 122

4) Housing rents and prices 125

5) Housing tenure and industrial organization 128

6) How much do households spend on rental housing? 131

4. Overview of Housing Policy 135

1) Objectives 135

2) A very short history of U.S. rental housing policy 136

3) How program rents are set 141

4) Relative roles of public and private sectors 141

5) Relative roles of different levels of government 142

6) Social mix 143

5. Specific Policies Toward Rental Housing 144

1) Public rental housing 144

2) Other "Legacy" supply-side rental subsidies 145

3) Demand-side rental subsidies 146

4) Low Income Housing Tax Credits 148

5) Tenant protections, including rent control 149

6) Other rental policies 151

7) Housing taxation 152

6. A Brief Evaluation of Housing Policies 155

7. Conclusions 159

8. Rental Housing and the Elderly 160

9. Key References 167

IV. Rental Housing and Policies in Canada 181

1. Introduction 183

2. Background: Basic Economic and Housing Indicators 184

1) The population: age distribution, household size, and migration 184

2) Two critically important economic variables for demand: Income and the rate of inflation 186

3) House prices and rents 188

4) The nature of Canadian housing and new supply 191

5) The rental residential real estate industry 193

3. Overview of Rental Housing Policy 195

1) Subsidized housing: changing objectives, changing providers and the history of federal government housing policy 195

2) Focusing on ensuring enough housing for homeowners in the 1950s 195

3) A shift to rental housing, private and public in the 1960s 196

4) A new kind of affordable rental housing in the 1970s and 1980s 197

5) Core need, closed down programs in the 1990s and small new programs in the 2000s. 197

6) Rent setting in social housing 198

7) Rent control 199

8) Demand subsidies 200

4. Specific Policies toward Rental Housing : Social Housing 201

1) Current policies 201

2) Requirements and criteria for selection of tenants 202

3) Costs of construction, operations 203

4) Interaction with the private sector 205

5) Crowding out private capital? 206

6) Who is helped by social housing? 207

7) Neighbourhood effects 208

5. Specific Policies toward Rental Housing: Landlord-tenant Regulation and Rent Control 208

1) Landlord-tenant practices and regulation other than rent control 208

2) Rent control 209

3) The impact of rent control 214

4) Rent patterns in cities with and without controls 216

5) Methods for investors to escape the constraints of rent control 216

6. Specific Policies toward Rental Housing: Housing Subsidies 217

1) Housing allowances in Quebec 217

2) The Rent Supplement program 222

7. Another Important Housing Policy: Tax Treatment of Rental Housing 223

1) The tax law and the life cycle of a real estate hold 223

2) Income taxes and the current condominium and converted house market 224

3) Income taxes and the strategy of residential REITs 225

8. Conclusions and Implications for Korea 226

9. Key References 229

V. Rental Housing and Policies in Germany 233

1. Introduction 235

2. Background: Basic Economic and Housing Indicators 238

1) Demographics and housing need 238

2) Inflation 241

3) Income and affordability 243

4) Housing: Price and quantity 245

5) Industrial organization of rental housing 250

3. Overview of Housing Policy 253

1) Objectives and instruments 253

2) Relative roles of different levels of government 255

3) Overview of History and major turning points regarding rental housing policy 258

4) Relative roles of public and private sector 265

5) Are there social mix objectives (in rental housing)? 266

4. Specific Policies toward Rental Housing 267

1) Public rental housing provision and regulation 267

2) Social housing provision and regulation 274

3) Tenant protections, including rent control 280

4) Rental subsidies 291

5) Supply side subsidies 305

5. Conclusions and Implications 312

1) The German housing market and the economic order of the German economy 312

2) How to explain the two particularities of the German housing market? 313

3) How to explain the relative stability of the German housing market? 316

4) Relative efficacy of rent/price controls 317

5) The future of public housing in Germany 320

6) Possible implications for Korean housing policy programmes 321

6. Key References 323

VI. Rental Housing and Policies in Japan 327

1. 일본 주택시장의 일반현황 329

가. 주택시장 동향 및 수급상황 329

나. 최근 쟁점사항 및 정책 추진 방향 337

2. 임대료 규제 제도 345

가. 임대료 규제 도입 시점과 배경 345

나. 임대료 규제의 변화 348

다. 현행 규제의 구체적 내용과 방식 349

라. 시장효과 352

3. 임대료 보조 제도 358

가. 일본 임대료 보조 제도의 특징 358

나. 특정우량임대주택에서의 임대료 보조 358

다. 기타 임대료 보조 365

4. 공공임대주택의 건설 및 운영 366

가. 공공임대주택의 건설, 운영 현황 366

나. 공영주택의 공적 지원과 임대운영 371

다. 서비스를 수반한 고령자용 공공임대주택의 공적 지원 378

라. 공공임대주택 공급에 대한 평가 381

5. 결론 386

6. 부록 389

가. 주택금융지원기구 연혁 및 현황 389

나. 임대주택관리 등록제도 391

다. 주택임대차분쟁조정위원회 현황 392

7. 참고문헌 394

I. Rental Housing and Policies in England and the UK 10

Table 1. Population and household projections in England, 1996-2031('000) 20

Table 2. Household type by tenure in England, 2009-10 20

Table 3. Ratio of median house price to median earnings in England, 1997-2010 23

Table 4. Private rent to LQ earnings ratio in England, 1998/99-2008/09 Private rent LQ earnings Rent to LQ earning ratio 24

Table 5. Housing tenure in England, 1961-2010(000s) 25

Table 6. Housing association rental housing for older people England, 1991-2010 26

Table 7. House building: permanent dwellings completed by tenure in England, 1990/91-2010/11 27

Table 8. Types of landlords and types in the private rented sector, 2003-2010 29

Table 9. Average DCLG LA rents / average HA CORE rents, by region 37

Table 10. HA rents vs. LHA median rent (proxy for private rent) by bedsize and region, 2011 38

Table 11. Ratio of housing association (HA) rent to lower quartile earnings in England, 2010 39

Table 12. Shared ownership, Leasehold Housing for older people and other shared equity housing owned by housing associations where the purchaser had not acquired 100% of the equity 2006-2009 (at 31 March) 40

Table 13. Ratio of private rent to lower quartile earnings in England, 2011 48

Table 14. Number of housing benefit recipients by tenure in England, 2008-2011 49

Table 15. Income related rent subsidies in private and public rental sectors 51

Table 16. Rent control and tenant protection in private and public rental sectors: current position 53

II. Rental Housing and Policies in France 10

Table 1. Main economic indicators 60

Table 2. Population and Density by Rural/Urban and size of Urban Units, 2007 61

Table 3. Housing stock by category, 1946-2008 63

Table 4. Main characteristics of the housing stock (main residences); changes between 1973 and 2006 63

Table 5. Housing stock by tenure, 1963-2006 64

Table 6. Housing starts by sector, 2005-2010 64

Table 7. Housing stock by tenure, 1963-2006 73

Table 8a. Distribution of households by tenure and composition of the household 74

Table 8b. Distribution of households by tenure and age of the person of reference 75

Table 8c. Distribution of households by tenure and socio-professional category of the person of reference 75

Table 8d. Distribution of households by composition of the household and tenure 75

Table 8e. Distribution of households by age of the person of reference and tenure 76

Table 8f. Distribution of households by socio-professional category of the person of reference and tenure 76

Table 9. Average monthly rent depending on the rental sector and the size of the urban unit 77

Table 10. Change in average rent-to-income ratio 77

Table 11. Annual trends in HLM housing stock 80

Table 12. State budget for urban and housing policy(2011) 96

III. Rental Housing and Policies in U.S.A 11

Table 1. Occupied housing units by structure and tenure(1000s) 119

Table 2. U.S. households by housing tenure 130

Table 3. Simplified summary of taxation of income from capital 153

Table 4. Reasons for moving by age 163

Table 5. Characteristics of Investment-grade seniors housing and care properties in the U.S.,Q3 2009 164

Table 6. Elderly recipients of federal housing subsidies in recent years 166

IV. Rental Housing and Policies in Canada 11

Table 1. Housing stock by tenure and structure type, 1991 and 2006 191

V. Rental Housing and Policies in Germany 11

Table 1. German housing stock 1998-2010 236

Table 2. Homeownership rates for Germany 237

Table 3. German housing stock, million dwellings 238

Table 4. Estimation of owner-occupied housing stock for Germany, million dwellings 238

Table 5. Estimation of rental housing stock for Germany, million dwellings 238

Table 6. Absolute number of population in Germany, 1950-2009 239

Table 7. Total number of households arranged according to household size 240

Table 8. Total number of households arranged according to household size 241

Table 9. Consumer price and rent index for Germany 1992-2011 243

Table 10. Development of the Housing cost burden in Germany 1983-2009 245

Table 11. Rent burden before and after Wohngeld in 2009 245

Table 12. maximum allowable rents 279

Table 13. The amount of lump sums 279

Table 14. Coefficients for the Wohngeld formula according to Anlage 1 (zu §19 Abs. 1) 295

Table 15. Average monthly housing allowances per receiver; until 2004 table allowances 297

Table 16. Social position of receivers of housing allowances Share of all Wohngeld receivers in percent 298

Table 17. Average monthlv payments per needs community; status: August 2010 300

Table 18. The local reference rent 318

Table 20. Difference between local reference rent and rents on new tenancies 319

VI. Rental Housing and Policies in Japan 12

표 1-1. 소득대비 임대료(RIR) 추이(1975-2010) 330

표 1-2. 도쿄권의 가족 유형별 가구수구성비(2005년) 332

표 1-3. 주택총공급과 세대수 추이 334

표 1-4. 거주세대의 소유관계별 주택수 335

표 1-5. 거주세대의 소유형태별 주택비중 336

표 1-6. 임차 거주세대의 주택분포 337

표 1-7. 주생활기본계획(전국계획)의 개요 341

표 1-8. 주택건설 5개년 계획(1966-2005) 342

표 1-9. 주택건설5개년 계획에 따른 주택건설호수 목표 및 실적치 343

표 2-1. 정기차가계약과 종래의 차가계약 비교 350

표 2-2. 정기차가제도의 장점 351

표 2-3. 주택 당 연면적 추이 354

표 2-4. 임대인과 임대관리회사 및 임차인과의 계약형태 354

표 2-5. 민간임대관리사업에 진출하는 회사의 유형 356

표 2-6. 임대료 규제의 시장효과 358

표 3-1. 도쿄도의 도민주택종류 359

표 3-2. 소득기준표 362

표 3-3. 소득계층별 입주자부담액 363

표 3-4. 지방자치단체가 임대료 보조 사례 366

표 4-1. 공공임대주택의 취지와 실적 367

표 4-2. 공공임대주택의 구성과 추이(거주 임차인 기준) 368

표 4-3. 공공임대주택의 건설공사비 및 임대료 경감액 지원 370

표 4-4. 민간임대주택과 공공임대주택의 임대차조건 비교 370

표 4-5. 공공임대주택의 입주자 조건, 임대료설정, 임대료수준 371

표 4-6. 공영주택법의 개정(1996년)으로 변경된 공적지원 내용 373

표 4-7. 임대료산정기초액 (2005년 기준) 374

표 4-8. 수입초과자의 수입분위별 임대료적용비율 375

표 4-9. 근린동종주택의 임대료 산정 관련 수치 375

표 4-10. 세대별 수혜 기준의 변화 376

표 4-11. 서비스가 수반되는 고령자용 주택제도의 개요 380

표 4-12. 서비스가 수반되는 고령자용 주택 공급에 대한 지원책 380

표 4-13. 임대주택 유형별 세대주 연령분포(2008년) 381

표 4-14. 임대주택 유형별 세대주 소득분포(2008년) 382

표 4-15. 임대주택관련 정부예산 추이(2010-2012) 386

부록 표 1. 주택금융지원기구의 사업개요 390

I. Rental Housing and Policies in England and the UK 13

Figure 1. Consumer Price Index (CPI), House price Index and average earnings index in England, 1991-2010 (1991=100) 21

Figure 2. Average net equivalent household income England, 1968-2008/9 22

Figure 3. Mean house prices in England based on Land Registry data, 1996-2010 23

Figure 4. Private sector rent index (Q2 2000=100) England, 1999Q3-2007Q4 23

Figure 5. Trends in new building since 1950 27

Figure 6. Housing associations rental housing for older people England, 1991-2010 26

Figure 7. Intermediate housing delivered through S106(England) 33

Figure 8. National average rents by tenure, 2002/03-2008/09 37

Figure 9. Housing associations' gross investment expenditure, including use of private finance, in England (£ million) 41

Figure 10. Semi-annual number of new buy-to-let mortgages, 2000-2011 46

Figure 11. Housing benefit expenditures in England, 1997/98-2010/11 50

II. Rental Housing and Policies in France 13

Figure 1. Change in consumer price index, second-hand house prices, rents and household income 1996-2010 65

Figure 2. Change in second-hand house prices, free sector rents and rent-to-price ratio, 1996-2010 66

Figure 3. Number of sales on the second-hand market 2000-2010 67

Figure 4. Comparison between anticipated housing needs and housing starts(1954-2011) 68

Figure 5. Change in housing benefits received by nature, 1990-2010 69

Figure 6. Housing benefits paid by nature of financer(2009) 70

Figure 7. Example of housing allowance: Couple with one child, zone 2 (large city except Paris) 71

Figure 8. Financing of housing allowances 72

Figure 9. HLM properties based on the year of first rental, as of 1st January 2008 79

Figure 10. Share of investors' purchases in developers' sales, 1995-2010 92

III. Rental Housing and Policies in U.S.A 13

Figure 1. Resident population 104

Figure 2. Dependency ratios: Percent of U.S. population under 20 and over 65 105

Figure 3. Households, 1970-2010 106

Figure 4. Households by Type 107

Figure 5. Annual price inflation 108

Figure 6. Real GDP, and GDP per capita(Logarithmic scales) 109

Figure 7. Changes in real GDP 110

Figure 8. Index of real GDP, before and after business cycle peak 111

Figure 9. Total nonfarm employment 112

Figure 10. Unemployment rate 113

Figure 11. Mean and median duration of unemployment 114

Figure 12. Different income measures in $2005 115

Figure 13. Mean household income within income quintiles 116

Figure 14. Ratio of Joint Center median renter incomes to Census median household incomes 117

Figure 15. Fixed tangible wealth 118

Figure 16. Housing starts, 1980-2010 120

Figure 17. Multifamily housing starts, 1900-2010 121

Figure 18. Real value of multifamily mortgages outstanding by lender 123

Figure 19. Fixed rate mortgage interest rates 124

Figure 20. Spliced quarterly real house price index 125

Figure 21. Real rental index, 1970-2010 126

Figure 22. Davis estimates of gross rent-price ratio, Stock of owner-occupied housing 127

Figure 23. Real rent index divided by real household income index, 1970=100 128

Figure 24. Percent of households renting, 1890-2010 129

Figure 25. Median rent, divided by median renter income 132

Figure 26. Housing expenditure: rent-to-income ratios, by income decile(Renters) 133

Figure 27. Housing units/households in major National Programs, 1950-2009 138

Figure 28. Estimated U.S assisted housing units/households, per 1000 households 139

Figure 29. Real Federal housing outlays 140

Figure 30. How housing markets work 142

Figure 31. Average annual Federal housing benefits(subsidy and tax expenditure) by total household income 159

Figure 32. Homeownership rates by age of household head, 2010 161

IV. Rental Housing and Policies in Canada 14

Figure 1. Age distribution of the Canadian population as of July 1, 1971 and 2010 184

Figure 2. Household size and the foreign born, 2006 185

Figure 3. Median and mean (average) family income, constant dollars 1976-2010 187

Figure 4. The rate of inflation, 1948-2010 188

Figure 5. Nominal and real rent, Canada, from the CPI rent component 189

Figure 6. Real rents for Montreal, Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver 189

Figure 7. Nominal house prices, Canada and four largest cities,1972-2010 190

Figure 8. Total and multiunit (apartment plus row) housing starts, 1961- 2010(1010) 192

Figure 9. Units in multi-unit rental buildings, Calgary, 1991-2010 215

V. Rental Housing and Policies in Germany 15

Figure 1. Development of the German housing stock 1998-2010 236

Figure 2. Consumer price index for Germany 2005=100 Rates of change in percent to same month in previous year 242

Figure 3. Price index for all households, western Germany, from 2000 Germany year on year growth rates of yearly averages 242

Figure 4. German house price development as measured by HPX hedonis index 246

Figure 5. German house price development as measured by vdp price index, without condominiums 246

Figure 6. German house price development as measured by DEIX price index, without condominiwns, upper chart: Germany as a whole-lower chart East and West Germany 247

Figure 7. Building permits in Germany 1993-2009 248

Figure 8. Single family house prices in Germany 1990-2009 249

Figure 9. Residential completions of housing companies organized in the GdW lobby group 1997-2001 269

Figure 10. Average volume of monthly ALG II and Sozialgeld payments per need community; status: August 2010 299

Figure 11. Average housing benefit per person 301

Figure 12. SGB II quotas 304

Figure 13. Federal subsidies, Grants and tax credits according to the 18. to 23. Federal Government subsidy Reports 306

VI. Rental Housing and Policies in Japan 15

그림 1-1. 상업용 및 주거용 지가 추이(6대도시) 329

그림 1-2. 주택매매가격의 추이 330

그림 1-3. 민영임대료/주택매매가격의 비율 추이 331

그림 1-4. 세대주가 65세 이상인 세대에서 고령자 단독세대가 차지하는 비중 333

그림 1-5. 주택 유형별 신규착공호수 추이 334

그림 1-6. 주택안전망에 대한 정부정책의 내용 344

그림 1-7. 거주자지원협의회의 구성 345

그림 2-1. 2차대전 이후 자가율의 변화 353

그림 2-2. 정기차지권부 주택의 공급 추이 355

그림 3-1. 특정우량임대주택에 대한 건설비 보조 360

그림 3-3. 특정임대주택에서 임대료 부담의 구조 362

그림 3-4. 특정 우량임대주택의 관리방식 364

그림 4-1. 공공임대주택의 시책대상 368

그림 4-2. 공영주택 임대료 운영제도의 구조 376

그림 4-3. 임대료산정기초액 기준의 변화 377

그림 4-4. 규모계수 기준의 변화 377

그림 4-5. 2009년 4월 1일 제도 변경에 따른 단계적 임대료 인상 계획 377

그림 4-6. 일본 주택정책의 변천 389

부록 그림 1. 분쟁처리체제 393


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