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검색결과 (전체 1건)


(2013년도)국립소록도병원 논문집, 제38권 / 국립소록도병원 한센병·노인병의학연구소 인기도
고흥군 : 국립소록도병원, 2013
616.998002 -14-1
[서울관] 서고(열람신청 후 1층 대출대)
134 p. : 삽화, 표 ; 26 cm
판권기표제: (2013년도)임상연구논문 : 국립소록도병원
참고문헌 수록




한센병력 입원자의 심뇌혈관질환 위험요인(Cardiovascular Risk Factors in people affected by Leprosy) 3

Abstract 4

서론 6

재료 및 방법 7

결과 8

고찰 12

결론 14

참고문헌 16

한센병력자에서 비외과적 방법에 의한 치주질환 개선효과(The effectiveness of maintenance care by non-surgical treatment on the periodontal disease in the leposy patients) 17

Abstract 18

서론 20

연구 대상 및 방법 23

연구성적 25

고안 31

결론 33

참고문헌 35

한센병력자에서 신경전도검사의 특징(Feature of Nerve Conduction Study in Hansen Patients) 38

Abstract 39

서론 41

대상 및 방법 42

결과 44

고찰 45

결론 50

참고문헌 51

한센병 치료의 역사와 최근 경향(A history of treatment of leprosy and recent trends) 58

Abstract 59

개요 60

역학 60

전염경로 61

치료의 역사와 최근 경향 62

토의 및 결론 68

참고문헌 70

소록도 병원의 C형 간염 유병율 조사(The Prevalence of Hepatitis C in Sorokdo National Hospital) 75

Abstract 76

배경 77

방법 78

결과 78

고찰 79

결론 81

참고문헌 82

국립소록도병원에서 소양증을 동반한 피부질환 환자의 수면양상(Study on Insomnia Severity in Patients Complaining of Pruritus in Sorokodo National Hospital) 84

Abstract 85

배경 86

연구대상 및 방법 86

결과 87

고찰 88

결론 90

참고문헌 91

국립소록도병원의 신규 입원 환자의 전신 질환 양상 분석(The analysis of systemic diseases of new patients who entered Sorokdo National Hospital) 94

Abstract 95

서론 98

대상 및 방법 98

결과 99

고찰 100

참고문헌 104

소록도 한센병력자의 낙상 실태 조사: 2012-2013년(Falls in Patients of Sorokdo During Last Two Years) 105

Abstract 106

배경 108

방법 108

결과 109

고찰 112

결론 115

참고문헌 116

한센병력 입원자의 심뇌혈관질환 위험요인(Cardiovascular Risk Factors in people affected by Leprosy) 9

Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of Study Subjects by Sex 9

Table 2. The prevalence of carotid plaque according to age group and sex 10

Table 3. Common carotid intima-media thickness according to sex and age group 10

Table 4. Odds ratios of carotid plaque in the patients with leprosy-affected 11

Table 5. Multiple linear regression analysis of carotid intima-media thickness in the patients with leprosy-affected 12

한센병력자에서 비외과적 방법에 의한 치주질환 개선효과(The effectiveness of maintenance care by non-surgical treatment on the periodontal disease in the leposy patients) 25

Table 1. O'Leary Plaque Index in 1 2, 3 year 25

Table 2. The rate of decrease in the dental plaque index in 1, 2, and 3 year 26

Table 3. The periodontal pocket depth in all groups the maintenance years 26

Table 4. The periodontal pocket depth decreased mean in 1, 2, and 3 year 27

Table 5. The periodontal pocket depth decreased index in all groups the maintenance year 27

Table 6. the bleeding tendency on probing in 1, 2, and 3 year 28

Table 7. The evaluation of the bleeding tendency on probing index in all groups the maintenance year 28

Table 8. Tooth mobility has decreased in the maintenance years(Tooth numbers) 29

Table 9. The evaluation of the tooth mobility index in all groups the maintenance year 30

Table 10. The number and the rate of tooth loss among the patients in all groups the maintenance year 30

한센병력자에서 신경전도검사의 특징(Feature of Nerve Conduction Study in Hansen Patients) 54

Table 1. Clinical characteristics of 20 Hansen patients 54

Table 2. Latency, Amplitude Value and Conduction Velocity in Sensory Nerves of Upper Extremities 54

Table 3. Latency, Amplitude Value and Conduction Velocity in Motor Nerves of Upper Extremities 54

Table 4. The comparison of the test results on sensory nerves with those of Yoon's team 55

Table 5. The comparison of the test results on motor nerves with those of Yoon's team 55

한센병 치료의 역사와 최근 경향(A history of treatment of leprosy and recent trends) 68

Table 1. WHO recommended MDT regimens 68

소록도 병원의 C형 간염 유병율 조사(The Prevalence of Hepatitis C in Sorokdo National Hospital) 78

Table 1. Summary of Objects 78

Table 2. Summary of HCV RT-PCR 79

Table 3. Summary of HCV Genotype 79

국립소록도병원에서 소양증을 동반한 피부질환 환자의 수면양상(Study on Insomnia Severity in Patients Complaining of Pruritus in Sorokodo National Hospital) 92

Table 1. Age and gender distribution of patients 92

Table 2. Insomnia severity index(ISI) 92

Table 3. Scoring of Pruritus severity 92

Table 4. Scoring of Insomnia severity index(ISI) 93

국립소록도병원의 신규 입원 환자의 전신 질환 양상 분석(The analysis of systemic diseases of new patients who entered Sorokdo National Hospital) 102

Table 1. Baseline characteristics of subjects 102

Table 2. Disability degree according to labor power 102

Table 3. WHO disability grading 103

Table 4. Prevalence of diseases 103

소록도 한센병력자의 낙상 실태 조사: 2012-2013년(Falls in Patients of Sorokdo During Last Two Years) 118

Table 1. Assessment of Risk Factor for Fall 118

Table 2. Reason for Fall and Ambulation Aids of Patients 119

Table 3. Musculoskeletal Status of Patients 119

Table 4. Characteristics of Major Injuries for Fall 120

Table 5. Characteristics of Minor Injuries for Fall 121

한센병력자에서 비외과적 방법에 의한 치주질환 개선효과(The effectiveness of maintenance care by non-surgical treatment on the periodontal disease in the leposy patients) 27

Fig. 1 The periodontal pocket depth decreased index in 1, 2, and 3 year 27

Fig. 2 Tooth mobility has decreased in the maintenance years 29

한센병력자에서 신경전도검사의 특징(Feature of Nerve Conduction Study in Hansen Patients) 56

Figure 1. This figure shows basic wave form during the nerve conduction test 56

Figure 2. This figure shows which areas are used to attatch the electrodes on patient's upper extremity at each test for motor and sensory nerves of median and ulnar nerve 57

사진 1. 경동맥초음파로 측정한 총경동맥(common carotid artery)의 '경동맥 내중막 두께(intima-media thickness; IMT)' 정지 화면. IMT는 carotid bulb의 origin에서 proximal 방향으로 10mm 이내에서 가장 두꺼운 부위를 측정 8

사진 2. 경동맥초음파로 측정한 경동맥 구부(carotid bulb)의 '동맥경화반(plaque)' 8


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