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검색결과 (전체 1건)


(2011)방문결과보고서 : 2011.1.24∼1.30 / 조윤선 인기도
서울 : [조윤선 의원실], 2011
328.331 -14-319
[서울관] 서고(열람신청 후 1층 대출대)
1책(면수복잡) : 삽화 ; 30 cm
본문은 한국어, 영어가 혼합수록됨




[1] 일시 및 장소 3

[2] 여정 4

[3] 인적사항 5

[4] 화물수량 확인표 5

[5] 호텔 5

[6] 비용 5

[7] 방문 세부일정 (1. 23~30) 6

[8] 공관 현황 9

[9] 국제전화 거는 방법 10

Knowledge Sharing Program 13

Table of Contents 14

1. Background 15

2. Knowledge Sharing Program 16

3. Objectives 22

4. Consultation Areas 23

5. Project Activities 24

6. Accomplishments 30

7. Application Procedure 34

경제발전경험공유사업 설명자료 35

제1장 사업의 개요 36

제1절 추진배경 및 경과 36

제2절 사업목적과 특성 38

제3절 추진체계 39

제4절 사업 내용 및 진행 단계 40

제5절 사업추진방식의 개선 43

Korea Knowledge Sharing Program 55

1. Background 55

2. Objectives 55

3. Characteristics 56

4. Projects 57

5. Consultation Areas 58

6. Management 58

7. Key Activities 59

8. Accomplishments 60

9. Application Procedures 61

Korea's Experience of Economic Development 65

1. Introduction: Making a Miracle 67

2. The Human-made Miracle: Take-off through Export-oriented Policy 75

3. HCI Drives and Distortions - the 1970s 88

4. Stabilization and Liberalization - the 1980s and 1990s 103

5. The Crisis 108

6. Progress of Post-crisis Restructuring 112

Dear Ladies and gentlemen: 119

I. Introduction 119

II. National Laws Regulating FDI in Host countries - Two Different Approaches 120

III. Developments of FDI Legal Frameworks on Korea 120

IV. Key Findings from Korean legal frameworks 122

V. Conclusions 127

UN Audiovisual Library on International Law : Legal Framework governing Foreign Direct Investment: The Case for Korea / Hi-Taek Shin 128

1. Introduction 128

2. Definition 130

3. International legal framework dealing with trade and investment 130

1) International legal framework on trade 131

2) International legal framework on investment 131

3) Capital-importer's perspective 132

4) Capital-exporter's perspective 133

4. National legal framework of host countries 134

5. Korean legal framework 135

1) General trends 135

2) Specific features of Korean legal framework 137

외국인 투자촉진을 위한 법령 정비 144

외국 (직접) 투자 유치를 위한 법제도 정비 162

1. 도입 162

1. 투자와 관련된 국제 규범 162

1. 투자 유치국의 법제도 162

1. 한국의 투자 관련 법규 변천 162

1. 한국 투자 관련 법규의 특징 163

1. Topic 164

2. Date 164

3. Aim 164

4. Introduction Of The Legal Research & Training Institute (LRTI) 164

5. The Seminar Prcedure 165

Comparative Analysis of Judicial Systems Between African Countries and Korea 166

1. Topic 167

2. Date 167

3. Aim 167

4. Introduction Of The Legal Research & Traininq Institute (LRTI) 167

5. The Seminar Procedure 168

Welcoming Address(Tanzania) / PARK Yong-seok 169

Welcoming Address(Ethiopia) / PARK Yang-seak 171

Republic of Korea's Legal Framework on Foreign Direct Investment / Yoon-Sun Cho 173

Korea's Economic Growth 174

Republic of Korea - Today 175

Foreign Investment Terms 175

International Capital Flow 176

International Legal Framework on Investment 176

Capital-importer's Perspective 177

Capital-exporter's Perspective 177

General Legislative Changes 178

Specific Legislative Changes 178

FDI Legislative Development 179

Korea's FDI Legal Framework 179

Korea's Economic Trends 180

Korea's FDI Growth 181

Korea's Changes in FDI 181

Korea's Key Legal Framework 182

Results 185

Korea's FDI in Tanzania 185

Tanzania - Quick Look 186

Conclusion 186

References 187

Prosecution System - Republic of Korea - / Cho Suk-yung 188

1. Introduction 190

2. Development of Prosecutorial System in Korea 191

3. General Duties 193

4. Primary Roles and Functions 194

5. Authorities to Enforcing the Roles 197

6. Independence of Prosecutors in Korea 200

7. Relationships with Police and Judiciary 201

8. Organizations of Prosecutions Offices 202

9. Key Findings from Korean Prosecutions 202

10. Conclusion 205

Custodial Detention in the Investigation Phase in Korea / YOON Woong-keol 206

Kinds of Investigations and Custodial Detentions 208

Requirements and Procedures of Arrest and Detention 210

Appeal, Execution, Suspension, Cancellation, Review, etc. Regarding Arrest and Detention. 217

Prosecution System In Tanzania / Oswald Herman Tibabyekomya 221

1.0. Introduction 222

2.0. Historical Background of Tanzania Prosecution System. 222

3.0. Administrative Structure of the Office of DPP 226

4.0. Public Prosecutors 227

4.1. State Attorneys 227

4.2. Public Prosecutors from investigative Agencies. 228

5.0. Role of Public Prosecutors 229

6.0. Prosecution Principles 230

7.0. Relation between the Investigative Agencies, Court and Prosecutor 231

8.0. Conclusion 231

Custodial Detention at the Investigation Phase In Tanzania / Afwilile A. Mponi 232




Brief on the Present Legal System of Ethiopia / Manyahilishal Madebo 241

General Background 242

1. Flag 242

2. Location 244

3. Government type 244

4. The Capital 244

5. The Constitution 244

6. Geography 245

7. Population 245

8. Area 245

9. Administrative Division 245

10. Culture and people 246

11. Economy 247

12. Political power 248

13. Constitutional Background 248

13. Legislative power 251

14. Executive power 251

15. Judiciary power 252

16. History of the prosecutorial system 253

17. Requirements to become a prosecutor 256

Sentencing Guidelines And Plea Bargaining / Solomon Emiru 260

Introduction 261

1. sentencing guidelines 261

2. plea bargain 261

3. The central question 262

Part one Sentencing guidelines 263

Part two Plea bargaining 268


From Poverty to Prosperity Right after Korean war... 271

From Poverty to Prosperity With no natural resources, capital and technology... 272

From Poverty to Prosperity Miracle in 60 years... 273

Korea's Economic Growth 274

Changes in Export Commodity Profile 275

From Poverty to Prosperity 276

Economic Take-Off with Outward-looking Development Strategy 277

Imports of Capital 279

What FD Investors seek for? 281

International Framework 282

Development of Specific Law on FDI 284

Developments in 3 phases 287

Korea's Economic Trends 288

Korea's FDI Growth 1960-1995 289

Korea's FDI Growth 1996-2010 290

Conclusion 291

탄자니아 방문보고서 / 조윤선 317

목차 318

1. 탄자니아 정부 인사 방문 319

2. 코이카 사업 시찰 321

3. 법무연수원과 법률세미나 324

[첨부1] 발표문(내용없음) 318

[첨부2] 일정 326

[첨부3] 명함 사본 327

[첨부4] 연락처 및 CV 332

에디오피아 방문보고서 / 조윤선 336

목차 337

1. 에티오피아 정부 인사 방문 338

2. 한인회 면담(김병수 회장, 박태신 수석부회장) 342

3. 참전용사 지원 344

4. 코이카 사업 347

5. 법무연수원과 법률세미나 348

[첨부1] 발표문(내용없음) 337

[첨부2] 일정 349

[첨부3] 명함 351

[첨부4] 연락처 및 CV 355

Country Report : Ethiopia 372

Executive summary 376

Highlights 376

Outlook for 2011-12 377

Political outlook 377

Economic policy outlook 378

Economic forecast 379

Monthly review: December 2010 382

The political scene 382

Economic policy 383

Economic performance 385

Data and charts 386

Annual data and forecast 386

Quarterly data 387

Monthly data 388

Annual trends charts 389

Monthly trends charts 390

Comparative economic indicators 391

Country snapshot 392

Basic data 392

Political structure 393

에티오피아 개황 394

에티오피아 연방민주공화국 국기 395

에티오피아 연방민주공화국 지도 396

목차 397

I. 개관 398

II. 약사 401

III. 정치 406

IV. 대외관계 417

V. 군사 426

VI. 경제 427

VII. 사회·문화 436

VIII. 우리나라와의 관계 440

IX. 참고사항 453

탄자니아 개황 490

탄자니아 국기 491

탄자니아 지도 492

목차 493

I. 개관 494

II. 약사 496

III. 정치 499

IV. 외교 506

V. 경제 512

VI. 군사 538

VII. 사회·문화 539

VIII. 한국과의 관계 541

IX. 북한과의 관계 545

X. 참고사항(개인신상정보 삭제) 549

뒷표지 645


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