
자료 카테고리

전체 1
도서자료 1
학위논문 0
연속간행물·학술기사 0
멀티미디어 0
동영상 0
국회자료 0
특화자료 0

도서 앰블럼

전체 (1)
일반도서 (1)
E-BOOK (0)
고서 (0)
세미나자료 (0)
웹자료 (0)
전체 (0)
학위논문 (0)
전체 (0)
국내기사 (0)
국외기사 (0)
학술지·잡지 (0)
신문 (0)
전자저널 (0)
전체 (0)
오디오자료 (0)
전자매체 (0)
마이크로폼자료 (0)
지도/기타자료 (0)
전체 (0)
동영상자료 (0)
전체 (0)
외국법률번역DB (0)
국회회의록 (0)
국회의안정보 (0)
전체 (0)
표·그림DB (0)
지식공유 (0)

도서 앰블럼

전체 1
전체 ()
정부기관 ()
지방자치단체 ()
공공기관 ()
싱크탱크 ()
국제기구 ()
전체 ()
정부기관 ()
의회기관 ()
싱크탱크 ()
국제기구 ()
전체 ()
국회의원정책자료 ()
입법기관자료 ()


검색결과 (전체 1건)


당진통계연보 = Dangjin statistical yearbook. 2014(제54회) / 당진시 인기도
당진 : 당진시, 2014
R 315.197 ㄷ241ㅌ
[서울관] 서고(열람신청 후 디지털정보센터(의정관3층))
771 p. : 삽화, 표 ; 26 cm
이전편자: 당진군 총무과
부록: 1. 역대 군수 명단 ; 2. 역대 시장 명단 ; 3. 역대 교육장 명단 외
본문은 한국어, 영어가 혼합수록됨
이전표제: 통계연보




발간사 / 김홍장

당진시의 상징

당진시민의 노래

당진의 표상

이용자를 위하여

도표로 본 통계(Statistics In Charts)


I. 연혁(History) 34

1. 당진시의 연혁(History) 36

II. 토지 및 기후(Land and Climate) 38

1. 위치(Location) 40

2. 행정구역(Area and Number of Administrative Units) 41

3. 토지지목별현황(Area of Land Category) 43

4. 일기일수(Weather Days) 49

5. 기상개황(Summary of Meteorological Data) 51

6. 강수량(Precipitation) 53

7. 해안선및도서(Coastline and Islands) 55

III. 인구(Population) 56

1. 인구추이(Population Trend) 58

A. 등록인구추이(Registered population Trend) 58

B. 거소신고인수(Address population Trend) 59

2. 읍·면·동별 세대 및 인구(최근년도)(Households and Population by Eup, Myeon and Dong (Recent Year)) 61

3. 연령별(5세계급) 및 성별 인구(Population by Age (5-year age group) and Gender) 63

4. 혼인상태별 인구(15세 이상 인구)(Population by Marital Status(15 years old and over)) 69

5. 교육정도별 인구(6세이상인구)(Population by Educational Attainment (6 years old and over)) 71

6. 주택점유형태별 가구(일반가구)(Ordinary Households by Type of Occupancy) 75

7. 사용방수별 가구(일반가구)(Ordinary Households by Rooms Used) 75

8. 인구동태(Vital Statistics) 76

9. 인구이동(Internal Migration) 77

10. 주민등록 전입지별 인구이동(타시도 → 당진)(Migrants, by Place of Origin(Other Province → Dang jin)) 79

11. 주민등록 전입지별 인구이동(당진 → 타시도)(Migrants, by Place of Origin(Dang jin → Other Province)) 83

12. 통근·통학 유형별 인구(12세이상)(Population by Type of Commuting and Schooling(12years and over)) 87

13. 상주(야간)·주간인구(Resident(Night) and Daytime Population by Administrative District) 88

14. 외국인 국적별 등록현황(Registered Foreigners by Major Nationality) 89

15. 외국인 국적별 혼인(Marriages by foreigner's nationality) 97

16. 외국인과의 혼인(Marriages to Foreigner) 101

17. 사망원인별 사망(Deaths by Causes of Death) 102

18. 여성가구주 현황(Female Households Heads) 104

IV. 노동(Labor) 106

1. 읍·면·동별 노동조합(Labor Unions by Eup & Myeon and Dong) 108

2. 산업연맹별 노동조합(Labor Unions by Industrial Federation) 109

3. 노사분규 발생현황(Labor Disputes) 117

4. 직업훈련현황(Vocational Training) 119

V. 사업체(Establishment) 122

1. 사업체 총괄(Summary of Establishments by Industry) 123

2. 종사자규모별 사업체수 및 종사자수(Number of Establishments and Workers, by Workforce size) 125

3. 산업별 사업체수 및 종사자수(Number of Establishments and Workers by Industry) 127

VI. 농림수산업(Agriculture, Forestry And Fishing) 134

1. 농가 및 농가인구(Farm Households and Population) 136

2. 연령별 농가인구(Farm Population by Age-Group) 137

3. 경지규모별 농가(Farm Households, by Size of Cultivated Land) 139

4. 경지면적(Area of Cultivated Land) 141

5. 농업진흥지역 지정(Land Designated for Agricultural Promotion) 142

6. 한국농어촌공사(Korea Rural Community Corporation) 143

7. 수리답 및 경지정리 현황(Status of Rice Paddy Irrigation and Land Cultivation) 145

8. 수리시설 및 방조제 현황(Irrigation Facilities and Sea Walls) 146

9-1. 식량작물 생산량(정곡)(Production of Food Grain (Polished)) 147

9-2. 미곡(백미)(Rice) 149

9-3. 맥류(Wheat & Barley) 151

9-4. 잡곡(Miscellaneous Grains) 153

9-5. 두류(Beans) 155

9-6. 서류(Potatoes) 157

10. 채소류 생산량(Vegetable Production) 159

11. 특용작물 생산량(Production of Oil seeds and Cash Crops) 167

12. 과실류 생산량(Fruit Production) 169

13. 보리 매입실적(Government-purchase Barley of by Class) 173

14. 공공비축미곡 매입실적(Government-purchased Rice by Class and Kind) 175

15. 정부관리양곡 보관창고(Warehouse of Government-Controlled Grains) 177

16-1. 농업협동조합(National Agricultural Cooperative Federation) 179

16-2. 축산업협동조합(Livestock Cooperative Federation) 181

16-3. 산림조합(Forestry Cooperative Federation) 183

17. 농업용 기계보유(Agricultural Machinery Holdings) 185

18. 비료공급(Supply of Chemical Fertilizers) 187

19. 농약공급 실적(Supply of Agricultural Chemicals) 189

20. 농업용 지하수(Underground Water Development) 191

21. 가축사육(Number of Livestock, Poultry and Feeders) 193

22. 가축전염병 발생(Infectious Livestock Diseases by Case) 197

23. 가축전염병 예방주사 실적(Livestock Vaccinated Against Infectious Diseases) 199

24. 수의사 현황(Number of Veterinarians) 201

25. 도축검사(Inspection of Slaughtered Livestock) 203

26. 배합사료 생산(Production of Assorted Feed) 205

27. 축산물 위생관계업소(Number of Licensed Livestock Products premised by Business Type) 207

28. 소유별 산림면적(Area of Forest Land by Ownership) 209

29. 임상별 산림면적(Area of Forest Land by) 211

30. 임상별 임목축적(Growing Stock by Forest Type) 213

31. 임산물 생산량(Production of Forest Products) 215

32. 입목벌채 허가(신고)(Lumbering Permits) 217

33. 수렵(Hunting) 219

34. 수렵면허장 발급(Hunting License Issues) 221

35. 사방사업(Erosion Control) 223

36. 조림(Reforestation by Project) 225

37. 불법 산림훼손 피해현황(Forest Damage) 227

38. 산림전용허가 내역(Permits for Forest Conversion) 229

39. 산림보호구역 지정 현황(Forests Designated for Protection) 231

40. 병해충 발생 및 방제상황(Forest Damage Occurrence and Prevention by Forest Pest Insect and Disease) 233

41. 토석채취 현황(Quarrying) 235

42. 어가 및 어가인구(Fishery Households and Population) 237

A. 해수면어업(Sea Fishery) 237

B. 내수면어업(Inland water Fishery) 239

43. 어가인구(Fishery population) 241

44. 어업종사자(Fishery Workers) 243

45. 어선보유(Fishing Vessel Ownership) 245

46. 어항시설(Fishing Port Facilities) 247

47. 양식어업권(Cultured Fishery Licenses) 249

48. 어업권(Fishery Licenses) 251

49. 어선어업허가 및 신고현황(Permits and Notifications of Boat Fishing) 253

A. 면허신고어업 및 기타허가어업(Licensed & Notified Fishing) 253

B. 연안어업 처분건수 (10톤 미만)(Coastal Boat Fishing (Under 10 tons)) 255

C. 근해어업 허가현황(Permits of Off-shore Fishery) 257

50. 수산업종별 생산(Catches by Fishery Sector) 259

51. 수산물 어획고(Fish Catches of Fishery Products) 261

52. 수산물가공품 생산고(Production of Processed Fishery Commodities) 263

53. 수산물 계통판매고(Cooperative Sales of Fishery Products) 265

54. 수산업협동조합 현황(Fishery Cooperative Federation) 267

55. 친환경 농축산물 출하현황(Shipments of Eco-friendly Agricultural Livestock Products) 269

56. 화훼류 재배현황(Cultivation of flowers) 271

57. 인삼재배 및 생산량(Ginseng Cultivation and Production) 273

VII. 광업·제조업 및 에너지(Mining, Manufacturing and Energy) 274

1-1. 광업 및 제조업(Mining and Manufacturing) 275

1-2. 광업(Mining) 277

1-3. 제조업(Manufacturing) 279

2. 사업체규모별(중분류별) 광업 및 제조업(Mining & Manufacturing by Division of Industry) 281

3. 제조업 중분류별 사업체수 및 종사자수(Number of Establishments & Workers, by Division of Industry) 285

4. 광종별 광구수(Number of Mines by Kind) 293

5. 광산물 생산(Mineral Production) 295

6. 산업 및 농공단지(Industrial & Agricultural Complex) 297

7. 석유류 소비량(Petroleum Consumption) 305

8. 에너지 관리대상 현황(Energy Control) 307

VIII. 전기·가스·수도(Electricity, Gas and Water-supply) 308

1. 발전현황(Electricity Generation) 310

2. 용도별 전력사용량(Electric Power Consumption by Use) 311

3. 제조업 중분류별 전력사용량(Electric Power Consumption by Division of Industry) 313

4. 가스공급량(Gas Supply) 317

5. 도시가스 이용현황(LNG Consumption by Use) 319

6. 고압가스 제조저장 판매소(Production and Storage of High-pressure Gas) 321

7. 상수도(Public Water Services) 323

8. 상수도관(Public Water Pipe) 325

9. 정수장별 상수도 시설용량 및 생산실적(Public Water Filtration Capacity and Output, by Filtration Plant) 327

10. 급수사용량(Consumption of Water Supplied) 329

11. 급수 사용료 부과(Charges for Water Consumption) 331

12. 하수도 인구 및 보급률(Sewage Population and Distribution Rate) 333

13. 하수사용료 부과(Charges for Use of Sewage Facilities) 335

14. 하수관거(Sewage Pipe) 337

IX. 유통·금융·보험 및 기타서비스(Trade, Banking, Insurance and Other Service) 342

1. 유통업체 현황(Distribution Stores) 343

2. 금융기관(Financial Institutions) 347

3. 금융기관예금, 대출 및 어음(Deposits, Loans and Bills of Financial Institutions) 351

4. 새마을금고 및 신용협동조합(Saemaeul Funds and Credit union federations) 353

5. 농림수산물 수출입실적(Exports and Imports of Agricultural Forestry & Fishery Products) 355

6. 해외시장개척 추진실적(Overseas Market Development) 357

7. 상공회의소 현황(Chamber of Commerce and Industry) 361

X. 주택·건설(Housing and Construction) 362

1. 주택현황 및 보급률(Type of Housing Units and Hosing Supply Rate) 363

2. 건축년도별 주택(Housing Units by Year of Construction) 365

3. 연면적별 주택(Housing Units by Floor Space) 367

4. 건축허가(Building Construction Permits) 369

5. 용도별 건축허가(Building Construction Permits) 373

6. 아파트 건립(Construction of Apartment) 375

7. 주택 가격(Housing Price) 377

8. 기존 무허가건물 정리(Disposal of Old Illegal Buildings) 378

9. 도시환경 정비사업(City Environment Project) 379

10. 무허가 건축물(Illegal Buildings) 381

11. 토지거래 허가(Permits for Land Transaction) 383

12. 지가변동률(Land Price Changing Rate) 385

13. 토지거래 현황(Land Transactions by Use & Purpose) 387

14. 용도지역(Specific Use Area) 393

15. 용도지구(Land by Purpose) 397

16. 개발제한 구역(Areas of Restricted Development(Green Belts)) 399

17. 공원(Parks) 401

18. 하천(Rivers and Streams) 403

19. 하천부지점용(Use of River Sites) 405

20. 공유수면 면적비율(Public Water Surface Area Rate) 406

21. 도로(Roads) 407

22. 폭원별 도로현황(Roads (by Size)) 409

23. 도로 시설물(Road Facilities) 411

24. 교량(Bridges) 413

25. 건설장비(Construction Machinery and Equipments) 415

XI. 교통·관광 및 정보통신(Transportation·Tourism & Information Telecommunications) 418

1-1. 자동차 등록(Registrated Motor Vehicles) 419

1-2. 읍·면·동별 자동차등록(Registered Motor Vehicles by Eup&Myeon&Dong) 421

2. 업종별 운수업체(Transportation Companies, by Type of by Business) 425

3. 영업용자동차 업종별 수송(Transportation of commercial Motor Vehicles, by Type of Business) 427

4. 천연가스 버스 현황(CNG Buses) 429

5. 자전거 도로 현황(Bicycle Paths) 431

6. 주차장(Parking Lot) 433

7. 관광사업체 등록(Registration of Tourist Service Establishments) 435

8. 주요관광지 방문객수(Number of Visitors) 439

9. 해수욕장 이용(Use of Sea Bathing Resorts) 440

10. 우편시설(Postal Service Facilities) 441

11. 우편물 취급(Handling of Postal Matters) 443

12. 우편요금 수입(Receipts from Postal Charge) 445

XII. 보건 및 사회보장(Health and Social Security) 448

1. 의료기관(Number of Medical Institutions) 449

2. 의료기관 종사 의료인력(Number of Medical Personnels Employed in Medical Institutions) 451

3. 보건소 인력(Number of Staffs on Health Centers) 453

4. 보건지소 및 보건진료소 인력(Number of Staffs in Health Subcenters & Primary Health Care Centers) 455

5. 부정의료인 등 단속실적(Regulation for Illegal Medical Practitioners etc.) 457

6. 의약품 등 제조업소 및 판매업소(Manufactures & Stores of Pharmaceutical Goods etc.) 461

7. 식품위생관계업소(Number of Licensed Food Premises, by Business Type) 463

8. 공중위생 관계업소(Number of Licensed Sanitary Premises, by Business Type) 467

9. 예방접종(Vaccinations Against Major Communicable Diseases) 469

10. 법정감염병 발생 및 사망(Incidents of Communicable Diseases and Deaths) 471

11. 한센사업대상자 현황(Status of Hansen Disease patients benefitted from center project centers by city) 477

12. 결핵환자 현황(Registered Tuberculosis Patients) 479

13. 보건소 구강보건 사업실적(Oral Health Activities at Health Centers) 483

14. 모자보건 사업실적(Maternal and Child Health Care Activities) 485

15. 건강보험 적용인구(Beneficiaries of Health Insurance) 487

16. 건강보험급여(Benefits in Medical Insurance) 489

17. 건강보험대상자 진료실적(Medical Treatment Activities of the Medically Insured) 491

18. 국민연금가입자(Number of National Pension Insurants) 492

19. 국민연금 급여 지급현황(Paying Benefit National Pension Insurant) 493

20. 국가보훈대상자(Number of Patriots and Veterans) 495

21. 국가보훈대상자 취업(Employment of Patriots & Veterans, and Bereaved Families) 497

22. 국가보훈대상자 및 자녀 취학(Educational Benefits for Patriots Veterans, and Their Families) 498

23. 사회복지시설(Social Welfare Institutions & Inmates) 499

24. 노인여가복지시설(Senior Leisure Service Facilities) 501

25. 노인주거복지시설(Senior Home Service Facilities) 505

26. 노인의료복지시설(Senior Medical Service Facilities) 507

27. 재가노인 복지시설(Community Senior Service Facilities) 509

28. 국민기초생활보장 수급자(Basic Livelihood Security Recipients) 511

29. 여성폭력 상담(Counseling Activities for Women) 513

30. 소년·소녀 가장현황(The State of Households headed by child) 515

31. 아동복지시설(Children Welfare Institutions) 517

32. 장애인복지 생활시설(Welfare Institutions for The Disabled) 519

33. 장애인 등록현황(Registered Disabled Persons) 521

34. 저소득 및 한부모 가족(Low-income Single Parent Families) 525

35-1. 묘지 및 봉안시설(Cemeteries Crematorium and Charnel Houses) 527

35-2. 묘지 및 납골시설(Cemeteries Crematorium and Charnel Houses) 529

36. 헌혈사업실적(Blood donation Activities) 531

37. 방문건강관리 사업실적(Home Visiting Health Service) 533

38. 보건교육 실적(Health Education) 537

39. 보육시설(Day Care Centers for Children) 541

40. 자원봉사자 현황(Volunteers) 543

41. 기초노령연금 수급자 수(Number of Basic Senior Pension Recipients) 545

42-1. 독거노인 현황(성별)(The elderly living alone(by Gender)) 547

42-2. 독거노인 현황(연령별)(The elderly living alone(by Age)) 549

XIII. 환경(Environment) 552

1. 환경오염물질 배출사업장(Environmental Pollutant Emitting Facilities) 553

2. 환경오염 배출사업장 단속 및 행정조치(Inspection & Administrative Measures for Environmental Pollutant Emitting Facilities) 555

3. 배출부과금 부과 및 징수현황(Imposition & Collection of Pollution Charges) 557

4. 쓰레기 수거(Wastes Collection & Disposal) 559

5. 대기오염(Air Pollutant Emission) 565

6. 생활폐기물 매립지(General Waste Landfill) 567

7. 폐기물 재활용(Waste Recycling Rate) 569

8. 하수 및 분뇨발생량 처리현황(Sewage & Night Soil Discharge Treatment) 571

9. 1일 1인당 오수 발생량(Waste Water Generation per Day per Capita) 575

10. 하수종말처리장(Sewage Treatment Plants) 577

11. 수질오염(Water Pollution of Rivers) 579

12. 시설녹지현황(Greenlands) 581

XIV. 교육 및 문화(Education and Culture) 584

1. 학교 총 개황(Summary of Schools) 585

2. 유치원(Kindergartens) 587

3. 초등학교(Elementary Schools) 589

4-1. 중학교(Middle Schools) 591

4-2. 중학교(국·공립)(Middle Schools(National & Public)) 593

4-3. 중학교(사립)(Middle Schools(Private)) 595

5-1. 고등학교(High Schools) 597

5-2. 일반계고등학교(국·공립)(General High Schools(National & Public)) 599

5-3. 일반계고등학교(사립)(General High Schools(Private)) 601

5-4. 전문계고등학교(국·공립)(Vocational High Schools(National & Public)) 603

6-1. 특수목적고등학교(국·공립)(Specialist-purpose High Schools(National & Public)) 605

6-2. 특수목적고등학교(사립)(Specialist-purpose High Schools(Private)) 607

7-1. 특성화고등학교(국·공립)(Specialized High Schools(National & Public)) 609

7-2. 특성화고등학교(사립)(Specialized High Schools(Private)) 611

8-1. 자율고등학교(국·공립)(Autonomous High Schools(National & Public)) 613

8-2. 자율고등학교(사립)(Autonomous High Schools(Private)) 615

9. 전문대학 및 대학(Junior Colleges And College) 617

10. 대학교(University) 619

11. 적령아동 취학(Enrollments of Children at the Right Age for Compulsory Education) 621

12. 사설학원 및 독서실(Private Institutes and Reading Room) 623

13. 공공도서관(Public Libraries) 625

14. 공립박물관(Public Museums) 627

15. 문화재(Cultural Properties) 629

16. 예술단(Art Performing Organizations) 631

17. 문화공간(Cultural Facilities) 633

18. 체육시설(Public Sports Facilities) 635

19. 청소년 수련시설(Youth Facilities) 639

20. 언론매체(Mass Media) 641

21. 출판, 오디오물 출판 및 원판 녹음업 현황(산업세분류)(Publishing, Audio publishing and original master recordings (by Industrial classes)) 643

XV. 재정(Public Finance) 644

1. 국세징수(Collection of National Taxes) 646

2. 지방세부담(Local Tax Burden) 647

3. 지방세징수(Collection of Local Taxes) 649

4. 예산결산 총괄(Summary of Budget and Settlement) 653

5. 일반회계 세입예산 개요(Budget Revenues of General Accounts) 655

6. 일반회계 세입결산(Settled Revenues of General Accounts) 657

7. 일반회계 세출예산 개요(Budget Expenditure of General Accounts) 660

8. 일반회계 세출결산(Settled Expenditure of General Accounts) 661

9. 특별회계 세입세출 예산개요(2013)(Revenues and Settlement of Special Accounts(2013)) 665

10-1. 특별회계 예산결산(Settled Budget of Special Accounts by Province) 667

10-2. 특별회계 예산결산(읍·면·동별)(Settled Budget of Special Accounts by Eup & Myeon & Dong) 669

11. 교육비 특별회계 세입결산(Settled Revenues of Special Accounts for Education) 671

12. 교육비 특별회계 세출결산(Settled Expenditure of Special Accounts for Education) 673

13. 공유재산(Public Properties Commonly Owned) 675

14. 지방재정자립지표(Local Finance Independence Indicator) 679

XVI. 공공행정 및 사법(Public Administration and Justice) 680

1. 공무원 총괄(Summary of Government Employees) 681

2. 읍·면·동 공무원(Government Employees of Eup, Myeon and Dong) 683

3. 소방공무원(Fire-fighting Officials) 685

4. 국회의원 및 시군의원(Members of Assembly) 687

5. 경찰공무원(Police Officials) 689

6. 퇴직사유별 공무원(Government Employees by Cause of Retirement) 691

7. 관내 관공서 및 주요기관(Number of Government, Public Offices & Major Agencies) 695

8. 민원서류 처리(Handling of Civil Request Documents) 699

9. 여권발급(Passport Issues) 701

10. 범죄발생 및 검거(월별)(Criminal Offences and Arrests(Monthly)) 703

11. 연령별 피의자(Suspects by Age-group) 705

12. 학력별 피의자(Suspects by Education Background) 707

13. 소년범죄(Juvenile Delinquency) 709

14. 화재발생(Fires Incidents) 710

15. 발화요인별 화재발생(Fire Incidents by Cause) 711

16. 장소별 화재발생(Fire Incidents by Place) 712

17. 산불발생 현황(Forest Fires) 713

18. 소방장비(Fire-fighting Equipment) 715

19. 119 구급활동 실적(Performance of EMS Activity) 719

20. 119 구조활동 실적(Performance of 119 Rescue Activity) 721

21. 재난사고 발생 및 피해현황(Calamities and Damage) 723

22. 풍수해 발생(Damages from Storms and Floods) 727

23. 소방대상물 현황(Facilities Subject to Fire-fighting Regulation) 729

24. 위험물 제조소 설치현황(Manufactory, Stores and Agencies of Dangerous Objects) 733

25. 교통사고 발생(자동차)(Traffic Accidents(Automobile)) 735

26. 자동차단속 및 처리(Traffic Regulation and Punishment of Violations) 737

27. 운전면허 소지자(Number of Driver's License Holders) 739

28. 운전면허 시험실시(Driving Test for Driver's Licence) 741

29. 민방위대 편성(Civil Defense Corps Organization) 742

XVII. 부록(Appendix) 744

1-1. 역대 군수 명단(Roster of Successive County Chief) 746

1-2. 역대 시장 명단(Roster of Successive Mayor) 747

2. 역대 교육장 명단(Roster of Successive Education Office Chief) 747

3. 역대 경찰서장 명단(Roster of Successive Police Station Chief) 748

4-1. 역대 부군수 명단(Roster of Successive Vice County Chief) 749

4-2. 역대 부시장 명단(Roster of Successive Vice Mayor) 749

5. 국·실·과장 명단 750

6. 읍·면·동장 명단 752

7-1. 국제교류현황(자매결연)(The Present Condition of International Exchange Propulsion) 752

7-2. 국제교류현황(우호친선교류현황) 752

8. 군민대상 수상자 명단(List of Culture Prize Winners County)[개인신상정보 삭제] 753

9. 시민대상 수상자 명단(List of Culture Prize Winners City)[개인신상정보 삭제] 757

10. 역대 국회의원 명단(Roster of Successive National Assemblymen)[개인신상정보 삭제] 758

11. 당진시기구표(Organization of Dangjin-Gun) 759

12. 의회(Council)[개인신상정보 삭제] 761

13. 이정표(Distance Tables Between Cities and Counties) 767

14. 도량형 단위환산표(Table of Conversion Measure) 768

가볼만한 곳(Best Sightseeing Places) 769

문화 유적지를 찾아서(Visit to Cultural Heritage) 774

문화·관광 축제(Culture and tour festival) 778

포구나들이 783

당진 9경(景) 785

당진 9미(味) 786

판권기 787


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