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검색결과 (전체 1건)


OECD 교육지표. 2014 / OECD [저] ; 교육부, 한국교육개발원 [역] 인기도
서울 : 한국교육개발원, 2014
R 370.19 O68e
[서울관] 서고(열람신청 후 디지털정보센터(의정관3층)), [부산관] 서고(열람신청 후 2층 주제자료실)
634 p. : 삽화, 표 ; 27 cm
통계자료 ; SM2014-08
원표제: Education at a glance : OECD indicators
이전역자: 교육인적자원부→교육과학기술부
부록: 교육체제의 특성 ; 참고 통계 ; 출처, 방법론, 주석



OECD 교육지표 2014 한국어판을 내면서 / 백순근


EDITORIAL / Angel Gurria 17




CHAPTER A. 교육기관의 산출 및 학습 효과(The Output of Educational Institutions and the Impact of Learning) 37

Indicator A1. 성인의 교육 이수(To what level have adults studied?) 38

A1.1a. 교육 이수: 25-64세 인구 (2012)(Educational attainment of 25-64 year-olds (2012)) 52

A1.2a. 연령별 후기중등교육 이상 이수 인구 비율 (2012)(Percentage of adults who have attained at least upper secondary education, by age group (2012)) 53

A1.3a. 프로그램 유형별, 연령별 고등교육 이수 인구 비율 (2012)(Percentage of adults who have attained tertiary education, by type of programme and age group (2012)) 54

A1.4a. 연령별 교육 이수 추이 및 연평균 성장률 (2000, 2005-12)(Trends in educational attainment, by age group, and average annual growth rate (2000, 2005-12)) 55

A1.5a. 교육과정별, 성별 후기중등교육 이수 인구 (2012)(Adults with upper secondary education, by programme orientation and gender (2012)) 57

A1.6a. 언어능력 수준별 교육 이수: 25-64세 인구 (2012)(Educational attainment of 25-64 year-olds, by literacy proficiency level (2012)) 58

A1.7a. 연령별 언어능력 수준 분포 (2012)(Distribution of literacy proficiency levels, by age (2012)) 60

A1.8. 언어능력 수준별, 평균 점수별 직업계 혹은 일반계 후기중등 및 중등후 비고등교육 이수; 25-64세 비율 (2012)(Percentage of 25-64 year-olds with vocational or general upper secondary or post-secondary non-tertiary education, by literacy proficiency level and mean literacy score (2012)) 61

A1.9a. 교육수준별, 연령별 언어능력 평균 점수 (2012)(Mean literacy score, by educational attainment and age (2012)) 62

Indicator A2. 후기중등교육 이수(How many students are expected to complete upper secondary education?) 64

A2.1a. 후기중등교육 졸업률과 평균 연령 (2012)(Upper secondary graduation rates and average ages (2012)) 79

A2.1b. 25세미만 후기중등교육 졸업률 (2012)(Upper secondary graduation rates: Under 25 years old(2012)) 80

A2.2a. 후기중등교육 졸업률 추이 (1995-2012)(Trends in first-time graduation rates at upper secondary level (1995-2012)) 81

A2.3a. 성별, 교육분야별 후기중등교육단계 직업계 졸업생 분포 (2012)(Distribution of upper secondary vocational graduates, by field of education and gender (2012)) 82

A2.4. 성별, 교육과정별 후기중등교육 완수율(Successful completion of upper secondary programmes, by gender and programmes orientation) 83

A2.5. 교육과정별, 교육기간별 후기중등교육 완수율(Successful completion of upper secondary programmes, by programme orientation and duration) 85

Indicator A3. 고등교육 이수(How many students are expected to complete tertiary education?) 86

A3.1a. 고등교육 졸업률과 평균 연령 (2012)(Tertiary graduation rates and average age at graduation (2012)) 94

A3.1b. 통상적인 졸업 연령 미만 학생 중 고등교육 졸업률 추이 (2012)(Tertiary graduation rates among students under the typical age at graduation (2012)) 95

A3.2a. 고등교육 졸업률 추이 (1995-2012)(Trends in tertiary graduation rates (1995-2012)) 96

Indicator A4. 부모의 학력이 고등교육 참여에 미치는 영향(To what extent does parents' education influence participation in tertiary education?) 98

A4.1a. 성별, 부모의 교육수준별 고등교육 참여: 20-34세 인구 (2012)(Participation of 20-34 year-olds in tertiary education, by gender and parents' educational attainment (2012)) 108

A4.1b. 부모의 교육수준별, 성별 고등교육 참여 가능성 (2012)(Likelihood of participating in tertiary education, by parents' educational attainment and gender (2012)) 109

A4.2. 연령별, 부모의 교육수준별 비학생의 교육 이수 (2012)(Educational attainment of non-students, by age group and parents' educational attainment (2012)) 110

A4.3. 연령별, 성별, 부모의 교육수준별 비학생 집단의 언어능력 수준 (2012)(Literacy proficiency level among non-students, by age group, gender and parents' educational attainment (2012)) 114

A4.4. 연령별, 부모의 교육수준별 비학생 성인의 교육 이동성 (2012)(Educational mobility among non-students, by age group and parents' educational attainment (2012)) 116

Indicator A5. 학력이 노동시장 참여에 미치는 영향(How does educational attainment affect participation in the labour market?) 118

A5.1a. 교육수준별 고용률 (2012)(Employment rates, by educational attainment (2012)) 132

A5.1b. 교육수준별, 성별 고용률 (2012)(Employment rates, by educational attainment and gender (2012)) 133

A5.2a. 교육수준별 실업률 (2012)(Table A5.2a. Unemployment rates, by educational attainment (2012)) 135

A5.2b. 교육수준별, 성별 실업률 (2012)(Unemployment rates, by educational attainment and gender (2012)) 136

A5.3a. 교육수준별, 연령별 고용률 추이(2000, 2005-2012)(Trends in employment rates, by educational attainment and age group (2000, 2005-12)) 138

A5.4a. 교육수준별, 연령별 실업률 추이(2000, 2005-12)(Trends in unemployment rates, by educational attainment and age group (2000, 2005-12)) 140

A5.5a. 교육과정별 후기중등교육 혹은 중등후 비고등교육을 이수한 성인의 경제활동 상태 (2012)(Distribution of adults with upper secondary or post-secondary non-teriary education, by labour market status and programme orientation (2012)) 142

A5.6. 교육수준별, 연령별 전체 소득자 중 전일제 근로소득자 비율(2012)(Percentage of full-time, full-year earners among all earners, by educational attainment and age group (2012)) 143

A5.7a. 교육수준별, 언어능력 수준별 경제활동 상태 (2012)(Labour market status, by educational attainment and Literacy proficiency level (2012)) 145

A5.8. 경제활동 상태별, 교육과정별 후기중등교육 및 중등후 비고등교육을 이수한 성인의 언어능력 평균 점수 (2012)(Mean literacy score among adults with upper secondary or post-secondary non-tertiary education, by labour market status and programme orientation (2012)) 147

A5.9a. 언어능력 수준별, 경제활동 상태별 성인 인구의 분포 (2012)(Distribution of the adult population by literacy proficiency levels and labour market status (2012)) 148

A5.10a. 언어능력 수준별, 연령별 전일제/시간제 근무자 분포 (2012)(Distribution of people working full time/part time by literacy proficiency level and age group (2012)) 149

Indicator A6. 교육의 경제적 효과(What are the earnings premiums from education?) 150

A6.1a. 교육수준별 연령별 근로자의 상대적 임금 지수 (2012)(Relative earnings of workers, by educational attainment and age group (2012)) 161

A6.2a. 교육수준별, 성별 근로자의 상대적 임금 지수 추이 (2000, 2005, 2010, 2011, 2012)(Trends in relative earnings of workers, by educational attainment and gender (2000, 2005, 2010, 2011, 2012)) 162

A6.3a. 교육수준별, 연령별 남성과 여성 근로자의 입금 격차 (2012)(Differences in earnings between female and male workers, by educational attainment and age group (2012)) 164

A6.3b. 교육수준별 여성과 남성 근로자의 임금 격차 추이 (2000. 2005, 2010, 2011, 2012)(Trends in the differences in earnings between female and male workers, by educational attainment (2000, 2005, 2010, 2011, 2012)) 165

A6.5a. 교육수준별, 성별 15-24세 학생 근로소득자의 상대적 임금 지수 (2012)(Relative earnings of 15-24 year-old students with income from employment, by educational attainment and gender (2012)) 166

A6.5b. 연령별, 재학상태별 전체 15-29세 인구 대비 15-29세 근로소득자 비율 (2012)(Percentage of 15-29 year-olds with income from employment among all 15-29 year-olds, by age group and student status (2012)) 167

A6.6a. 교육수준별, 언어능력 수준별 근로자의 월평균 근로소득 (2012)(Mean monthly earning of workers, by educational attainment and literacy proficiency level (2012)) 168

Indicator A7. 교육투자에 대한 동기(What are the incentives to invest in education?) 170

A7.1a. 후기중등교육 혹은 중등후 비고등교육을 이수한 남성의 사적 순현재가치 (2010)(Table A7.1a. Private costs and benefits for a man attaining upper secondary or post-secondary non-tertiary education (2010)) 186

A7.1b. 후기중등교육 혹은 중등후 비고등교육을 이수한 여성의 사적 순현재가치 (2010)(Table A7.1b. Private costs and benefits for a woman attaining upper secondary or post-secondary non-tertiary education (2010)) 187

A7.2a. 후기중등교육 혹은 중등후 비고등교육을 이수한 남성의 공적 순현재가치 (2010)(Table A7.2a. Public costs and benefits for a man attaining upper secondary or post-secondary non-tertiary education (2010)) 188

A7.2b. 후기중등교육 혹은 중등후 비고등교육을 이수한 여성의 공적 순현재가치 (2010)(Table A7.2b. Public costs and benefits for a woman attaining upper secondary or post-secondary non-tertiary education (2010)) 189

A7.3a. 고등교육을 이수한 남성의 사적 순현재가치 (2010)(Table A7.3a. Private costs and benefits for a man attaining tertiary education (2010)) 190

A7.3b. 고등교육을 이수한 여성의 사적 순현재가치 (2010)(Table A7.3b. Private costs and benefits for a woman attaining tertiary education (2010)) 191

A7.4a. 고등교육을 이수한 남성의 공적 순현재가치 (2010)(Table A7.4a. Public costs and benefits for a man attaining tertiary education (2010)) 192

A7.4b. 고등교육을 이수한 여성의 공적 순현재가치 (2010)(Table A7.4b. Public costs and benefits for a woman attaining tertiary education (2010)) 193

Indicator A8. 교육의 사회적 성과(What are the social outcomes of education?) 194

A8.1a. 교육수준별, 언어능력 수준별 건강이 좋다고 응답한 성인 비율 (2012)(Percentage of adults reporting that they are in good health, by educational attainment and literacy proficiency level (2012)) 202

A8.2a. 교육수준별, 언어능력 수준별 한달에 한 번 이상 자원봉사를 한다고 응답한 성인 비율 (2012)(Percentage of adults reporting that they volunteer at least once a month, by educational attainment and literacy proficiency level (2012)) 204

A8.3a. 교육수준별, 언어능력 수준별 타인을 신뢰한다고 응답한 성인 비율 (2012)(Percentage of adults reporting that they trust others, by educational attainment and literacy proficiency level (2012)) 206

A8.4a. 교육수준별, 언어능력 수준별 정치에 영향을 미칠 수 있다고 응답한 성인 비율 (2012)(Percentage of adults reporting that they believe they have a say in government, by educational attainment and literacy proficiency level (2012)) 208

Indicator A9. 학생들의 수행과 교육형평성(How are student performance and equity in education related?) 210

A9.1a. 수학 학업성취도, PISA 2012(Student performance in mathematics, PISA 2012) 222

A9.1c. 2003년과 2012년 사이 수학 학업성취도 변화(Change between 2003 and 2012 in student performance in mathematics) 223

A9.2. 수학 성취도와 사회-경제적 배경의 관계(Relationship between performance in mathematics and socio-economic status) 224

CHAPTER B. 교육에 투자된 재정 및 인적자원(Financial and Human Resources Invested in Education) 225

Indicator B1. 학생 1인당 공교육비(How much is spent per student?) 228

B1.1a. 교육단계별 연간 학생 1인당 공교육비 (2011)(Annual expenditure per student by educational institutions for all services (2011)) 242

B1.2. 교육단계별 학생 1인당 연간 교육 핵심 서비스 비용, 부가서비스 비용 및 연구개발비 (2011)(Annual expenditure per student by educational institutions for core services, ancillary services and R&D (2011)) 243

B1.3a. 고등교육단계 평균 재학기간 동안 학생 1인당 누적 공교육비 (2011)(Cumulative expenditure per student by educational institutions for all services over the average duration of tertiary studies (2011)) 244

B1.4. 교육단계별 국민 1인당 GDP 대비 전체 서비스에 대한 학생 1인당 연간 공교육비 (2011)(Table B1.4. Annual expenditure par student by educational institutions for all services, relative to GDP per capita (2011)) 245

B1.5a. 초등, 중등 및 중등후 비고등교육 단계에서 학생 1인당 공교육비 및 영향 요인 변화 추이 (1995, 2000, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011)(Change in expenditure per student by educational institutions for all services, relative to different factors, at the primary, secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary levels of education (1995, 2000, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011)) 246

B1.5b. 고등교육 단계 학생 1인당 공교육비 및 영향 요인 변화 추이 (1995, 2000, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011)(Change in expenditure per student by tertiary educational institutions for all services, relative to different factors (1995, 2000, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011)) 247

B1.6. 중등교육단계별 학생 1인당 연간 공교육비 (2011)(Annual expenditure per student by secondary educational institutions for all services, by type of programme (2011)) 248

Indicator B2. GDP 대비 공교육비(What proportion of national wealth is spent on education?) 250

B2.1. 교육단계별 GDP 대비 공교육비 비율 (2011)(Expenditure on educational institutions as a percentage of GDP, by level of education (2011)) 259

B2.2. 교육단계별 GDP 대비 공교육비 비율 (1995, 2000, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011)(Table B2.2. Trend on expenditure on educational institutions as a percentage of GDP, by level of education (1995, 2000, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011)) 260

B2.3. 재원 및 교육단계별 GDP 대비 공교육비 비율 (2011)(Expenditure on educational institutions as a percentage of GDP, by source of fund and level of education (2011)) 261

B2.4. 서비스 유형별 GDP 대비 공교육비 지출 (2011)(Expenditure on educational institutions, by service category, as a percentage of GDP (2011)) 262

B2.5. GDP 대비 정부부담 공교육비의 변화 (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011)(Change in public expenditure on education institutions as a percentage of GDP (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011)) 263

Indicator B3. 정부부담과 민간부담 공교육비(How much public and private investment in education is there?) 264

B3.1. 교육단계별 정부부담 공교육비와 민간부담 공교육비의 상대적 비중 (2011)(Relative proportions of public and private expenditure on educational institutions, by level of education (2011)) 274

B3.2a. 전체교육단계에서 정부부담 공교육비의 상대적 비중 추이와 민간 및 정부부담 변화지수 (1995, 2000, 2005, 2008에서 2011까지)(Trends in relative proportion of public expenditure on educational institutions and index of change in public and private expenditure, for all levels of education (1995, 2000, 2005, 2008 to 2011)) 275

B3.2b. 초등, 중등 및 중등후 비고등교육에서 정부부담 공교육비의 상대적 비중 추이와 민간 및 정부부담 변화지수 (1995, 2000, 2005, 2008년에서 2011년까지)(Trends in relative proportion of public expenditure on educational institutions and index of change in public and private expenditure, at primary, secondary, post-secondary non-tertiary level (1995, 2000, 2005, 2008 to 2011)) 276

B3.2c. 고등교육단계에서 정부부담 공교육비의 상대적 비중 추이와 민간 및 정부부담 변화지수 (1995, 2000, 2005, 2008년에서 2011년까지)(Trends in relative proportion of public expenditure on tertiary educational institutions and index of change in public and private expenditure (1995, 2000, 2005, 2008 to 2011)) 277

B3.3. 학교유형별 학생 1인당 연간 정부부담 공교육비 (2011)(Annual public expenditure on educational institutions per student, by type of institution (2011)) 278

Indicator B4. 총 정부부담 공교육비(What is the total public spending on education?) 280

B4.1. 총 정부부담 공교육비 비율 (2011)(Total public expenditure on education (2011)) 289

B4.2. 총 정부부담 공교육비 비율 (1995, 2000, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011)(Trends in total public expenditure on education (1995, 2000, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011)) 290

B4.3. 초등, 중등 및 중등후 비고등교육을 위한 공교육비 (2011)(Sources of public funds for primary, secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education (2011)) 291

Indicator B5. 고등교육단계 학생의 등록금과 정부보조금(How much do tertiary students by pay and what public support do they receive?) 292

B5.1. A유형 고등교육기관 연평균 등록금 추정치 (2011)(Estimated annual average tuition fees charged by tertiary-type A educational institutions (2011)) 307

B5.2. A유형 고등교육기관에서 학생에 대한 등록금 및 재정적 지원 (2011)(Financial aid to students and tuition fees charged in tertiary-type A educational institutions (2011)) 309

B5.3. A유형 고등교육 학생을 위한 정부대출 (학년도 2010/11)(Public loans to students in tertiary-type A education (academic year 2010/11)) 310

B5.4. 고등교육을 위한 가계와 기타 민간부문에 대한 정부 보조금 (2011)(Public support for households and other private entities for tertiary education (2011)) 312

Indicator B6. 교육 서비스와 재원별 교육비 지출(On what resources and services is education funding spent?) 314

B6.1. 초중등교육단계 자원유형별 교육기관의 공교육비 지출 (2011)(Expenditure by primary and secondary educational institutions, by resource category (2011)) 319

B6.2. 교육단계별 및 자원유형별 교육기관의 공교육비 지출 (2011)(Table B6.2. Expenditure by educational institutions by resource category and level of education (2011)) 320

Indicator B7. 교육비 지출 수준에 영향을 미치는 요인(Which factors influence the level of expenditure on education?) 322

B7.1. 교육단계별 학생 1인당 교사 급여 (2012)(Salary cost of teachers per student, by level of education (2012)) 333

B7.2a. 초등교육단계의 학생 1인당 교사 급여 산정 요인 (2000, 2005, 2008년도와 2012)(Factors used to compute the salary cost of teachers per student, in primary education (2000, 2005, 2008 and 2012)) 334

B7.2b. 전기중등교육단계의 학생 1인당 교사 급여 산정 요인 (2000, 2005, 2008년도와 2012)(Factors used to compute the salary cost of teachers per student, in lower secondary education (2000, 2005, 2008 and 2012)) 336

B7.3. 초등교육단계의 학생 1인당 교사 급여에 영향을 미치는 요인들 (2000, 2005, 2008년도와 2012)(Contribution of various factors to salary cost of teachers per student in primary education (2000, 2005, 2008 and 2012)) 338

B7.4. 전기중등교육에서 학생 1인당 교사 급여에 영향을 미치는 요인들(2000, 2005, 2008년도와 2012)(Contribution of various factors to salary cost of teachers per student in lower secondary education (2000, 2005, 2008 and 2012)) 339

B7.5. 후기중등교육 단계의 학생 1인당 교사급여에 영향을 미치는 요인들 (2012)(Contribution of various factors to salary cost of teachers per student in upper secondary education (2012)) 340

CHAPTER C. 교육에의 접근·참여와 발달(Access to Education, Participation and Progression) 341

Indicator C1. 교육 참여자(Who participates in education?) 342

C1.1a. 연령별 취학률 (2012)(Enrolment rates in education, by age groups (2012)) 351

C1.2. 취학률 추이 (1995-2012)(Trends in enrolment rates (1995-2012)) 352

C1.3. 후기중등 및 중등후 비고등교육 취학률 양상 (2012)(Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary enrolment patterns (2012)) 353

C1.4. 교육형태별, 성별 초중등 및 고등교육단계 학생 비율 (2012)(Percentage of students in primary, secondary, and tertiary education by mode of study and gender (2012)) 354

C1.6. 5세에서 39세의 기대 교육년수 (2012)(Expected years in education from age 5 through age 39 (2012)) 355

Indicator C2. 유아교육 체제(How do early childhood education systems differ around the world?) 356

C2.1. 연령별 유아 및 초등교육 취학률 (2005, 2012)(Enrolment rates in early childhood and primary education, by age (2005, 2012)) 366

C2.2. 유아교육 프로그램의 특성 (2011, 2012)(Characteristics of early childhood education programmes (2011, 2012)) 367

C2.3. 교육(보육제외)과 통합 유아교육 프로그램의 특성 (2012)(Characteristics of education-only and integrated early childhood education programmes (2012)) 368

Indicator C3. 고등교육 입학(How many students are expected to enter tertiary education?) 370

C3.1a. 고등교육 입학률과 최초 신입생의 평균 연령 (2012)(Entry rates into tertiary education and average age of new entrants, by gender and programme (2012)) 380

C3.1b. 전형적인 입학 연령 미만 학생의 고등교육 입학률 (2012)(Entry rates into tertiary education of students under the typical age of entry, by gender and programme (2012)) 381

C3.2a. 고등교육단계 입학률 추이 (1995-2012)(Trends in tertiary entry rates (1995-2012)) 382

C3.3a. 교육분야별 고등교육 신입생들의 분포 (2012)(Distribution of tertiary new entrants, by field of education (2012)) 383

Indicator C4. 해외 유학생과 체류 국가(Who studies abroad and where?) 384

C4.1. 고등교육단계 국제교류학생 이동과 외국인학생 (2005, 2012)(International student mobility and foreign students in tertiary education (2005, 2012)) 399

C4.2. 교육분야별 고등교육 프로그램에 등록한 국제교류학생 및 외국인학생 분포 (2012)(Distribution of international and foreign students enrolled in tertiary programmes, by field of education (2012)) 400

C4.3. 고등교육단계 출신국가별 국제교류학생 및 외국인학생 분포 (2012)(Distribution of international and foreign students in tertiary education, by country of origin (2012)) 401

C4.4. 고등교육단계 체류국가별 해외 유학생 비율 (2012)(Citizens studying abroad in tertiary education, by country of destination (2012)) 403

C4.5. 외국인학생 및 국제교류학생의 이동 양상(2012)(Mobility patterns of foreign and international students (2012)) 405

C4.6. 고등교육단계 출신국가 및 체류국가별 국가에 외국인학생 수 추이 (2000-2012)(Trends in the number of foreign students enrolled in tertiary education, by region of destination and origin (2000 to 2012)) 406

Indicator C5. 교육에서 직업으로의 이동: 15-29세(Transition from school to work: where are the 15-29 year-olds?) 408

C5.1a. 고용상태별 15-29세 인구의 교육 및 비교육 기대년수 (2012)(Expected years in education and not in education for 15-29 year-olds, by work status (2012)) 418

C5.2a. 연령별, 고용상태별 15-29세 인구의 교육 및 비교육 비율 (2012)(Percentage of 15-29 year-olds in education and not in education, by age group and work status (2012)) 419

C5.3a. 연령별, 교육 및 비교육, 취업 및 실업 상태의 15-29세 인구 비율 추이 (1997-2012)(Trends in the percentage of 15-29 year-olds in education and not in education, employed or not, by age group (1997-2012)) 425

C5.4. 교육수준별, 고용상태별 15-29세의 교육 및 비교육 상태 비율(2012)(Percentage of 15-29 year-olds in education all not in education, by educational attainment and work status (2012)) 428

C5.5. 교육 및 비교육 상태의 15-29세 시간제 및 전일제 근로자 비율 추이 (2006-12)(Trends in the percentage of 15-29 year-old part-time and full-time workers in education and not in education (2006-12)) 434

Indicator C6. 성인의 교육 및 학습 참여(How many adults participate in education and learning?) 436

C6.1. 언어능력 수준별, 형식교육 및 비형식교육 참여 (2012)(Participation in formal and/or non formal education, literacy proficiency level (2012)) 446

C6.2a. 언어능력 수준별, 교육수준별 형식교육 빛 비형식교육 참여 (2012)(Participation in formal and/or non-formal education, by literacy proficiency level and educational attainment (2012)) 447

C6.3. 성별 형식교육 및 비형식교육 참여 (2012)(Participation in formal and/or non-formal education, by gender (2012) 449

C6.4. 형식교육 및 비형식교육 참여와 학습활동 희망 (2012)(Participation in formal and/or non-formal education and desired learning activities (2012) 450

C6.5. 형식교육 및 비형식교육 활동 참여 상태별, 더 이상의 학습 활동에 참여하지 않는 이유 (2012)(Reasons given for not engaging in more/any learning activity, by participation status in formal and/or non-formal education activities (2012) 451

Indicator C7. 국공립과 사립학교는 어떻게 다른가?(In what ways do public and private schools/institutions differ?) 454

C7.1. 학교유형별 초등 및 중등교육 학생 (2012)(Students in primary and secondary education, by type of school (2012)) 466

C7.2. 학교유형 및 수학 성취도 (2012)(School type and performance in mathematics (2012)) 467

C7.3. 학교유형 및 수학 성취도 (2003)(School type and performance in mathematics (2003)) 469

C7.4. 학교유형별 학습 환경 (2012)(Learning environment, by type of school (2012)) 471

C7.5. 학교유형별, 교육수준별 자원배분, 교육과정, 교육평가에 대한 학교의 책임 (2012)(School responsibility for resource allocation, curriculum and assessment, by type of school and education level (2012)) 473

C7.6. 학교유형별 고등교육 학생 (2003, 2012)(Students in tertiary education, by type of institution (2003, 2012)) 475

CHAPTER D. 학습환경 및 학교조직(The Learning Environment and Organisation of Schools) 477

Indicator D1. 학생의 수업시간(How much time do students spend in the classroom?) 478

D1.1. 필수일반교육의 학습시간 (2014)(Instruction time in compulsory general education (2014) 487

D1.2. 필수일반교육 기구 (2014)(Organisation of compulsory general education (2014)) 489

D1.3a. 초등교육단계 교과별 학습시간 비율 (2014)(Instruction time per subject in primary education (2014)) 490

D1.3b. 전기중등교육단계 교과별 학습시간 비율 (2014)(instruction time per subject in lower secondary education (2014)) 491

Indicator D2. 교사 1인당 학생 수와 학급당 학생 수(What is the student-teacher ratio and how big are classes?) 492

D2.1. 교육단계와 학교유형별 평균 학급당 학생수 (2012)(Average class size, by type of institution and level of education (2012)) 502

D2.2. 교육단계별 교사 1인당 학생수 (2012)(Ratio of students to teaching staff in educational institutions (2012)) 503

D2.3. 학교유형별 교사 1인당 학생수 (2012)(Ratio of students to teaching staff by type of institution (2012)) 504

Indicator D3. 교사의 급여(How much are teachers paid?) 506

D3.1. 경력별 교사 법정급여 (2012)(Teachers' statutory salaries at different points in their careers (2012)) 521

D3.2. 고등교육을 받은 전일제 상용 근로자 대비 교사 급여 (2012)(Teachers' salaries relative to earnings for full-time, full-year workers with tertiary education (2012)) 523

D3.3. 교사 법정 급여 비교(2012)(Comparison of teachers' statutory salaries (2012)) 524

D3.4. 교사 평균 실질 급여 (2012)(Average actual teachers' salaries (2012)) 525

D3.5. 2000년부터 2012년 사이 교사 급여 추이(Trends in teachers' salaries between 2000 and 2012) 526

Indicator D4. 교사의 수업시간(How much time do teachers spend teaching?) 528

D4.1. 교사의 근무시간 구성 (2012)(Organisation of teachers, working time (2012)) 539

D4.2. 연간 수업시간 (2000, 2005, 2010, 2012)(Number of teaching hours per year (2000, 2005, 2010 and 2012)) 540

Indicator D5. 교사(Who are the teachers?) 542

D5.1. 교사의 연령분포 (2012)(Age distribution of teachers (2012)) 550

D5.2. 교사의 연령분포 (2002, 2012)(Age distribution of teachers (2002, 2012)) 551

D5.3. 교사의 성별 분포 (2012)(Gender distribution of teachers (2012)) 552

Indicator D6. 교사 자격 기준(What does it take to become a teacher?) 554

D6.1a. 유아교육단계 교사양성교육 및 교직입문 (2013)(Initial teacher education and entry into the profession, pre-primary education (2013)) 567

D6.1b. 초등교육단계 교사양성교육 및 교직입문 (2013)(Initial teacher education and entry into the profession, primary education (2013)) 568

D6.1c. 전기중등교육단계 교사양성교육 및 교직입문 (2013)(Initial teacher education and entry into the profession, lower secondary education (2013)) 569

D6.1d. 후기중등교육단계 교사양성교육 및 교직입문 (2013)(Initial teacher education and entry into the profession, upper secondary education (2013)) 570

D6.2c. 전기중등교육단계 교사양성교육기관 입학 및 진급을 위한 자격기준 (2013)(Requirements to enter and progress in initial teacher education, lower secondary education (2013)) 571

D6.3c. 전기중등교육단계 교사양성교육의 내용 (2013)(Content of initial teacher education, for lower secondary education (2013)) 572

D6.5c. 전기중등교육단계 교사 자격취득 (2013)(Entry into the teaching profession, lower secondary education (2013)) 574

Indicator D7. 교사 현직 교육(How extensive are professional development activities for teachers?) 576

D7.1c. 전기중등교육단계 필수 현직 교육 활동 (2013)(Requirements for teachers' professional development, lower secondary education (2013) 589

D7.2c. 전기중등교육단계 필수 현직 교육 활동의 내용 (2013)(Content of compulsory teachers' professional development activities, lower secondary education (2013) 591

D7.3c. 전기중등교육단계 비필수 현직 교육 활동 (2013)(Non-compulsory teachers' professional development, lower secondary education (2013)) 593

Annex 595

Annex 1. 교육체제의 특성(Characteristics of Education Systems) 595

X1.1a. 후기중등교육의 졸업률: 통상적 졸업연령과 졸업률 산출 방법 (2012)(Upper secondary graduation rate: Typical graduation ages and method used to calculate graduation rates (2012)) 596

X1.1b. 중등후 비고등교육의 졸업률 : 통상적 졸업연령과 졸업률 산출방법 (2012)(Post-secondary non-tertiary graduation rates : Typical graduation ages and method used to calculate graduation rates (2012)) 598

X1.1c. 고등교육 졸업률 : 통상적 졸업연령과 졸업률 산출 방법 (2012)(Ternary graduation rate : Typical graduation ages and method used to calculate graduation rates (2012)) 599

X1.1d. 고등교육 입학률 : 통상적 입학연령과 입학률 산출 방법 (2012)(Tertiary entry rate : Typical age of entry and method used to calculate entry rates (2012)) 601

X1.2a. OECD 회원국의 지표 산출을 위해 사용된 학년도와 회계연도(School year and financial year used for the calculation of indicators, OECD countries) 602

X1.2b. OECD 비회원국의 지표 산출을 위해 사용된 학년도와 회계연도(School year and financial year used for the calculation of indicators, partner countries) 603

Annex 2. 참고 통계(Reference Statistics) 605

X2.1. 기본변수를 사용한 경제적 맥락의 개요(Overview of the economic context using basic variables (reference period: calendar year 2011, 2011 current prices) 606

X2.2. 기초 참고 통계 (기준년도: 2011년(역년), 2011년 경상가격)(Basic reference statistics (reference period calendar year 2011, 2011 current prices) 607

X2.3. 기초 참고 통계 (기준년도: 1995년, 2000년, 2005년, 2008년, 2009년, 2010년)(Basic reference statistics (reference period: calendar year 1995, 2000, 2005, 2008, 2009 and 2010) 608

X2.4a. 경력별 교사 법정 급여(2012)(Teachers' statutory salaries at different points in their careers (2012)) 611

X2.4b. 2000-2012년도 교사 급여 추이(Trends in teachers' salaries between 2000 and 2012) 613

X2.4c. 교사 급여 산출에 사용된 참고 통계 (2000, 2005-12)(Reference statistics used in calculating teachers' salaries (2000, 2005-12)) 615

Annex 3. 출처, 방법론, 주석(Sources, Methods and Technical Notes) 617

용어사전(Glossary) 619

관련 OECD 발간물(Related OECD Publications) 632

판권기 635


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