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검색결과 (전체 1건)


담수어류 중 잔류성 유기오염물질의 축적성 연구. 2 [전자자료] / 국립환경과학원 인기도
인천 : 국립환경과학원, 2014
전자형태로만 열람 가능함
연구자료 : 통계
외부기관 원문
NIER-SP ; 2014-055
연구기관: 전남대학교 산학협력단
연구책임자: 조현서
영문 초록 있음




Abstract 5

요약문 9

I. 서론 19

1. 문헌연구 및 연구배경 19

가. 과불화화합물의 특성 19

나. 과불화합물의 국제적 대응현황 20

다. 과불화화합물의 유해성 및 축적성 21

라. 암컷 개체로부터의 영향 21

마. 연구배경 22

바. 연구수행 25

과제 1. 과불화화합물의 오염원 주변 생체축적성 평가 26

I/II. 연구내용 및 방법 26

1. 과업의 범위 26

2. 연구내용 28

3. 시료채취 지점 29

4. 분석절차 및 사용기기 37

5. 정성 및 정량분석 41

6. 어류 채집, 분석용 시료 전처리 및 조직학적 분석 48

II/III. 연구결과 및 고찰 53

1. 환경매체 중 과불화화합물의 잔류농도 53

가. 하천수 53

나. 붕어 혈액 및 간 57

다. 하천별 어류 우점종 간 63

라. 송사리 서식지 하천수, 하천퇴적물 및 송사리체내 69

마. 생태계에 잔류하는 과불화화합물의 농도 및 생체 농축성 75

2. 어류 조직학적 분석 결과 87

가. 계측형질 87

나. 성비 87

다. 이성생식세포 발현율 87

라. 생식소중량지수(GSI) 및 간중량지수(HSI) 89

마. 간의 조직학적 특징 91

III/IV. 결론 98

과제 2. 어류의 과불화화합물 축적도 조사 100

I/II. 연구내용 및 방법 100

1. 과업의 범위 100

2. 연구내용 101

3. 시료채취지점 및 시료 정보 101

4. 분석절차 및 사용기기 106

II/III. 연구결과 및 고찰 109

1. 과불화화합물 축적도 109

가. 어류 근육 시료 109

나. 붕어 알(egg) 시료 114

다. 퇴적물 시료 117

라. 과불화화합물 이성질체의 퇴적물, 붕어 근육 및 붕어 알에서의 분포비율 120

마. 과불화화합물의 탄소사슬 길이에 따른 동질체의 분포 특성 123

바. 붕어 근육으로부터 알로 PFCs가 전이되는 비율(MTR, maternal transfer ratio) 125

III/IV. 결론 127

참고문헌 128

Table 1. Physical and Chemical Properties of PFOS and PFOA 24

Table 1-1. Descriptions of sampling sites 30

Table 1-2. Sampling notes of Namhan River 31

Table 1-3. Sampling notes of Nakdong River 33

Table 1-4. Sampling notes of Yeongsan River 35

Table 1-5. Sampling notes of medaka fish habitats 36

Table 1-6. Mobile phase condition 41

Table 1-7. Analysis instrument condition 42

Table 1-8. Precursor and product ions and MS/MS energy values for PFCs analysed using LC-(-) ESI-MS/MS 43

Table 1-9. Analysis result of PFCs in Busan National University 47

Table 1-10 . Analysis result of PFCs in Chonnam National University 47

Table 1-11 . Cross check of analysis results between universities 47

Table 1-12. Number of collected fish species 49

Table 1-13. Distribution of fish species in 6 sampling sites 50

Table 1-14. Concentrations of PFCs in river water 55

Table 1-15. Concentrations of PFCs in the blood of crucian carp 59

Table 1-16. Concentrations of PFCs in the liver of crucian carp 61

Table 1-17. Hepatosomatic Index (HSI), Gonadosomatic Index (GSI), total length and body weight of dominant fish species 65

Table 1-18. Concentrations of PFCs in the liver of dominant fishes 66

Table 1-19. Concentrations of PFCs in water from medaka habitat 70

Table 1-20. Concentrations of PFCs in sediment of medaka habitat 70

Table 1-21. Concentrations of PFCs in medaka wholebody 72

Table 1-22. Bioconcentration factors (BCFs) in carp blood at each river 79

Table 1-23. Bioconcentration factors (BCFs) in carp liver at each river 79

Table 1-24. Bioconcentration factors (BCFs) of PFCs in medaka at each collecting site 83

Table 1-25. Mean bioconcentration factors (BCFs) of PFCs in crucian carp blood, liver, medaka fish and other dominant fish liver 83

Table 1-26. Total length and body weight of crucian carp (Carassius auratus) 87

Table 1-27. Sex ratio and intersexuality of crucian carp (Carassius auratus) 88

Table 1-28. Gonadosomatic index (GSI) of crucian carp (Carassius auratus) 90

Table 1-29. Hepatosomatic index (HSI) of crucian carp (Carassius auratus) 90

Table 2-1. Descriptions of sampling sites 101

Table 2-2. Description of fish samples collected from the three major rivers 103

Table 2-3. Average recovery rates of PFCs in the muscle of the crucian carp 109

Table 2-4. PFCs levels in the muscle of freshwater fish 110

Table 2-5. Average recovery rates of PFCs in the egg of the crucian carp 114

Table 2-6. PFCs levels in the egg of crucian carp 115

Table 2-7. Recovery rates of PFCs in the sediment 117

Table 2-8. PFCs levels in the sediment from the three major rivers 118

Table 2-9. Average PFCs levels in the sediment, muscle and Egg of crucian carp site sample 121

Table 2-10. Maternal transfer ratio of crucian carp 125

Figure 1. Sample collection and analysis scheme 25

Figure 1-1. Map showing sampling sites in rivers and medaka fish habitats 29

Figure 1-2. Sampling sites in Namhan River 31

Figure 1-3. Sampling sites in Nakdong River 33

Figure 1-4. Sampling sites in Yeongsan River 35

Figure 1-5. Map showing sampling sites of medaka fish habitats 36

Figure 1-6. Analytical procedure of PFCs in water 38

Figure 1-7. Analytical procedure of PFCs in sediment and fish tissues 40

Figure 1-8. LC-MS/MS chromatogram of target PFCs standard and surrogate materials 44

Figure 1-9. Calibration curve of target PFCs 45

Figure 1-10. Target fish species 50

Figure 1-11. Pretreatment process of fish samples 52

Figure 1-12. Process of light microscopy 52

Figure 1-13. Concentrations of PFCs in river water 56

Figure 1-14. Concentration of PFCs in blood of crucian carp 60

Figure 1-15. Concentration of PFCs in liver of crucian carp 62

Figure 1-16. Concentration of PFCs in liver of dominant fishes 68

Figure 1-17. Concentration of PFCs in the water from medaka habitat 69

Figure 1-18. Concentration of PFCs in medaka whole bodies 73

Figure 1-19. Comparing concentration of PFCs in water and biota 73

Figure 1-20. Distribution of ΣPFSAs and ΣPFCAs in the water, sediment of medaka habitate and medaka whole body 74

Figure 1-21. Mean total concentration of detected PFCs in survey matrices 76

Figure 1-22. Comparing PFOS concentration in river water with other countries. References: [1] So et al., 2007; [2] Saito et al., 2003; [3] Sinclai et al., 2004; [4] Senthikumar et al., 2007; [5] Naile et al., 2010; [6] Yamashita et al., 2005 76

Figure 1-23. Comparing PFOS concentration in biota with other countries. References: [1] Li et al., 2008; [2] Naile et al., 2010; [3] Sinclai et al., 2004 77

Figure 1-24. Distribution of ΣPFSAs and ΣPFCAs in the water, Crucian Carp Liver, blood and dominant fish liver 77

Figure 1-25. Bioconcentration factors of PFCs in blood of crucian carp 80

Figure 1-26. Bioconcentration factors of PFCs in liver of crucian carp 80

Figure 1-27. BCF trend of PFCAs (C9-C13) in crucian carp tissues 81

Figure 1-28. Bioconcentration factors in medaka wholebody 84

Figure 1-29. Mean bioconcentration factors of PFOS in biota 84

Figure 1-30. Correlation between PFCs concentrations in crucian carp blood and liver 86

Figure 1-31. Ovary (left) and testis (right) of crucian carp (Carassius auratus) 88

Figure 1-32. Photomicrographs of intersex gonad of crucian carp(Carassius auratus). A: Danyang. B: Yeoju. C: Andong. D: Waegwan. E: Damyang. F: Gwangju. Oc, oocyte; Tt, testicular tissue. H-E stain 88

Figure 1-33. Gonadosomatic index (GSI) of crucian carp (Carassius auratus) 89

Figure 1-34. Hepatosomatic index (HSI) of crucian carp (Carassius auratus) 90

Figure 1-35. Photomicrographs of liver of crucian carp (Carassius auratus) : Namhan River (Danyang). H-E stain. 92

Figure 1-36. Photomicrographs of liver of crucian carp (Carassius auratus) : Namhan River (Yeoju). H-E stain. 93

Figure 1-37. Photomicrographs of liver of crucian carp (Carassius auratus) : Nakdong River (Andong). H-E stain. 94

Figure 1-38. Photomicrographs of liver of crucian carp (Carassius auratus) : Nakdong River (Waegwan). H-E stain 95

Figure 1-39. Photomicrographs of liver of crucian carp (Carassius auratus) : Yeongsan River (Damyang). H-E stain 96

Figure 1-40. Photomicrographs of liver of crucian carp (Carassius auratus) : Yeongsan River (Gwangju). H-E stain 97

Figure 2-1. Locations of sampling sites 102

Figure 2-2. Average levels of PFCs in the muscle of freshwater fishes Carp: crucian carp, DS: other dominant fish at the site 113

Figure 2-3. Average levels of PFCs in the egg of crucian carp 116

Figure 2-4. PFCs levels in the sediment of the three major rivers 119

Figure 2-5. Distribution of PFCs congeners in the muscle and egg of carp and sediment 120

Figure 2-6. Distribution of ΣPFSAs and ΣPFCAs in the sediment, and muscle and egg of crucian carp 122

Figure 2-7. Average levels of ΣPFSAs and ΣPFCAs in the sediment, and muscle and egg of crucian carp 122

Figure 2-8. Congener distributions of PFCAs in the sediment, and muscle and egg of crucian carp 123

Figure 2-9. Congener distributions of PFCAs in the muscle of other dominant species from each site 124

Figure 2-10. Maternal transfer ratio according to the body weight of crucian carp 126


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