
자료 카테고리

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도서자료 1
학위논문 0
연속간행물·학술기사 0
멀티미디어 0
동영상 0
국회자료 0
특화자료 0

도서 앰블럼

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도서 앰블럼

전체 1
전체 ()
정부기관 ()
지방자치단체 ()
공공기관 ()
싱크탱크 ()
국제기구 ()
전체 ()
정부기관 ()
의회기관 ()
싱크탱크 ()
국제기구 ()
전체 ()
국회의원정책자료 ()
입법기관자료 ()


검색결과 (전체 1건)


고용노동통계연감 = Yearbook of employment and labor statistics. 2015(제45회) / 고용노동부 인기도
세종 : 고용노동부, 2015
R 331.058 ㅎ155
[서울관] 서고(열람신청 후 디지털정보센터(의정관3층)), [부산관] 서고(열람신청 후 2층 주제자료실)
x, 479 p. : 삽화, 표 ; 30 cm
이전편자: 노동부
부록: 경제활동인구조사 ; 전국사업체조사 ; 사업체노동실태현황 외
본문은 한국어, 영어가 혼합수록됨
이전표제: 한국노동통계연감→노동통계연감





[도표로 본 통계] 12

I. 노동경제지표(Indices of labor economy) 18

1. 주요 노동경제지표(Major indices of labor economy) 19

II. 고용(Employment) 24

A. 경제활동인구(Economically active population) 26

2. 성별 경제활동인구 총괄(Summary table of economically active population by gender and farm' non-farm household) 27

3. 성·연령계층별 경제활동인구(Economically active population by gender and age group) 30

4. 활동상태·성별 비경제활동인구(Not economically active population by activity type and gender) 33

5. 성·연령계층별 취업자수(Employed persons by gender and age group) 34

6. 성·산업(대분류)별 취업자수(Employed persons by gender and industry(sections)) 37

7. 산업(대분류)·연령계층별 취업자수(Employed persons by industry(sections) and age group) 40

8. 성·직업(대분류)별 취업자수(Employed persons by gender and occupation(major)) 43

9. 성·연령계층별 경제활동인구 총괄(2014)(Summary table of economically active population by gender and age group(2014)) 46

10. 산업(대분류)·성·종사상의 지위별 취업자수(Employed persons by industry(sections), gender and status of worker) 47

11. 성·가구주 여부·배우관계별 경제활동인구 총괄(2014)(Summary table of economically active population by gender, relationship to household head and marital status(2014)) 55

12. 성·연령계층·산업(대분류)별 취업자수(2014)(Employed persons by gender, age group and industry(sections)(2014)) 56

13. 성·연령계층·직업(대분류)별 취업자수(2014)(Employed persons by gender, age group and occupation(major)(2014)) 57

14. 성·연령계층·종사상의 지위별 취업자수(2014)(Employed persons by gender, age group and status of worker(2014)) 58

15. 취업시간·연령계층·성별 취업자수(2014)(Employed persons by hours worked, age group and gender(2014)) 59

16. 연령계층·교육정도·성별 실업자수(2014)(Unemployed persons by age group, educational attainment and gender(2014)) 60

17. 성·전직유무·전직직업(대분류)별 실업자수(2014)(Unemployed persons by gender, former occupation(major) and status of former occupation(2014)) 61

B. 사업체 노동실태(Employment of establishment) 62

18. 산업·규모별 사업체수 및(종사상의 지위·성별)종사자수(2013.12.31)(Number of establishments and workers(by employment status and gender) by industry and establishment size(2013.12.31)) 63

19. 산업(중분류)·지역·성별사업체수 및 종사자수(2013.12.31)(Number of establishments and workers by industry(divisions), region(city, province) and gender(2013.12.31)) 173

C. 인력 수요(Labor demand) 182

20. 산업(중분류)·규모별, 현원, 부족인원 및 부족률(2014 하반기)(Current number of employees, number of vacancies, rate of vacancies by industry(divisions) and establishment size(The second half of 2014)) 183

21. 직종(소분류)·규모별, 현원, 부족인원 및 부족률(2014 하반기)(Current number of employees, number of vacancies, rate of vacancies by occupation(minor) and establishment size(The second half of 2014)) 195

III. 임금, 근로시간 및 노동생산성(Wages, hours worked and labor productivity) 224

A. 임금 및 근로시간(Wages and hours worked) : 상용근로자 5인 이상 사업체(Establishments with 5 or more permanent employees) 226

22. 산업(중분류)별 월평균 근로일수, 근로시간 및 임금(2008년 이후)(Average monthly days worked, hours worked and wages by industry(divisions)(since 2008)) 227

23. 산업(대분류)·지역별 월평균 근로일수, 근로시간 및 임금(2014년4월)(Average monthly days worked, hours worked and wages by industry(sections) and region(city, province)(April, 2014)) 257

B. 임금구조 및 근로시간(Wage structure and hours worked) : 상용근로자 5인 이상 사업체(Establishments employing 5 or more permanent employees) 274

24. 성·임금계층·학력별 근로자수 및 근로시간수(2014. 6월)(Employees and hours worked by gender, wages group and educational attainment(June, 2014)) 275

25. 성·임금계층·산업(대분류)별 근로자수 및 근로시간수(2014. 6월)(Employees and hours worked by gender, wages group and industry(sections)(June, 2014)) 281

26. 성·임금계층·직종(대분류)별 근로자수 및 근로시간수(2014. 6월)(Employees and hours worked by gender, wages group and occupation(major)(June, 2014)) 293

27. 성·임금계층·사업체규모별 근로자수 및 근로시간수(2014. 6월)(Employees and hours worked by gender, wages group and establishment size(June, 2014)) 299

28. 직종(중분류)·경력년수·성별 급여액, 근로시간수 및 근로자수(2014. 6월)(Regular & overtime wages, hours worked and employees by occupation(sub-major), years of career and gender(June, 2014)) 305

29. 직종(대분류)·성·학력별 연령, 근속년수, 근로일수, 근로시간수, 월급여액 및 근로자수(2014. 6월)(Mean age, years of continuous employment, days and hours worked, regular & overtime wages and employees by occupation(major), gender and educational attainment(June, 2014)) 317

30. 직종(중분류)별 평균연령, 근속년수, 근로일수, 근로시간수, 월급여액 및 근로자수(2014. 6월)(Mean age, years of continuous employment, days and hours worked, regular &overtime wages and employees by occupation(sub-major)(June, 2014)) 327

31. 산업(대분류)·성별 월급여액, 연간특별급여액 및 근로자수(2014. 6월)(Regular & overtime wages, annual special wages and employees by industry(sections)(June. 2014)) 331

C. 노동생산성(Labor productivity) 334

32. 산업별 부가가치 노동생산성 지수 및 증감률(1인당)(Indices of value added labor productivity and change rate by industry(per person)) 335

33. 산업별 물적노동생산성지수 및 증감률(전체근로자기준/1인당)(Indices of labor productivity and change rate by industry(based on all employees/per person)) 336

IV. 물가 및 가계수지(Prices and household economy) 338

A. 물가(Prices) 340

34. 생산자 물가지수(기본분류 및 가공단계별 지수)(Producer price indices(Indexes for basic groups and stage-of-processing groups)) 341

35. 항목별 전도시 소비자 물가지수(All cities consumer price indices by item) 343

B. 가계수지(Household income and expenditure) 350

36. 연도별 전도시 가구당 월평균 가계수지(2인 이상)(Average monthly income and expenditure per household by year in all cities(2 persons and over)) 351

37. 소비지출 계층별 전도시 가구당 월평균 가계지출(2인 이상)(2014)(Average monthly expenditure per household by consumption expenditure groups in all cities(2 persons and over)(2014)) 353

38. 가구원수별 전도시 가구당 월평균 가계수지(1인 이상)(2014)(Average monthly income and expenditure per household by size of family in all cities(1 person and over)(2014)) 355

39. 가구주 연령계층별 전도시 가구당 월평균 가계수지(2인 이상)(2014)(Average monthly income and expenditure per household by age group of household head in all cities(2 persons and over)(2014)) 357

V. 노동조합과 노동위원회(Labor union and labor commission) 360

40. 노동조합수 및 조합원수(Number of unions and unionized members) 362

41. 산업(대분류)·규모별 노사협의회 설치수(Number of labor-management council by industry(sections) and size) 363

42. 임금결정현황(구 임금교섭타결현황)(Summary of wage decision) 364

43. 업종별 노사분규 발생건수(Number of labor disputes by industry) 365

44. 연도·월별 근로손실일수(Working days lost by year and month) 366

45. 노동위원회 사건처리건수(초심)(Settlement numbers of the regional labor commission(first adjudication)) 367

46. 노동위원회 사건처리건수(재심)(Settlement numbers of the central labor commission(review adjudication)) 367

47. 내역별 부당노동행위 신청건수(Number of application for unfair labor practice by type) 369

48. 조정사건 처리건수(Number of mediation and arbitration case) 370

49. 행정소송 처리건수(Settlement numbers of handling of administrative suit cases) 371

VI. 근로기준(Labor standards) 372

50. 인가내역별 근로기준법상 인가건수(Permission numbers of according to labor standard law by item of permission) 374

51. 노동관계법 위반 신고사건 접수 및 처리 실적(Results of receipt and measurements in labor accidents from labor law violation) 375

52. 체불임금 발생 및 처리현황(Wages arrears and measures taken) 375

VII. 산재보험(Industrial accident compensation insurance) 378

53. 산업(대분류)별 산재보험적용 사업체수 및 근로자수(Number of establishments and Employment covered by industrial accident compensation insurance by industry(sections)) 379

54. 산업(대분류)별 산재보험급여 지급액(Payment of industrial accident compensation insurance by industry(sections)) 381

55. 급여종류별 산재보험급여 지급액(Wages of industrial accident compensation insurance by kinds of wages) 382

56. 산업(대분류)별 산재보험급여 수급자수(Benefit persons of industrial accident compensation insurance by industry(sections)) 383

57. 급여종류별 산재보험급여 수급자수(Benefit persons of industrial accident compensation insurance by kinds of payment) 384

58. 지역·의료기관별 산재지정 의료기관수(Number of appointed hospitals for industrial accident compensation by province, hospital) 385

59. 산재보험료 등 징수결정액 및 수납액(Premiums and amount of receipt of industrial accidents compensation insurance) 386

60. 산업(소분류)별 산재보험요율(Premium rate of industrial accidents compensation insurance by industry(groups)) 387

61. 심리유형·산재보험급여 종류별 심사건수(Number of inspection demand by type of judging and kind of industrial accident compensation insurance) 391

62. 심리유형·산재보험급여 종류별 재심사건수(Number of reinspection demand by type of judging and kind of industrial accident compensation insurance) 391

VIII. 산업안전(Industry safety) 394

63. 근로자 건강진단 실시상황(Summary of health examination for employees) 395

64. 재해강도율 및 도수율(Severity rate and frequency rate of occupational injury) 395

65. 질병종류별 직업병 유소견건수(Number of occupational disease suspect by kind of disease) 396

66. 산업(대분류)별 재해건수 및 재해자수(Number of industrial accidents and injured persons by industry(sections)) 397

IX. 직업안정(Employment security) 402

67. 지역별 직업안정기관 현황(Summary of employment security offices by province) 403

68. 직업안정기관별 구인·구직 및 취업자수(Number of job openings, job applicants and placements by employment security office) 404

69. 직종(중분류)별 직업안정기관의 구인·구직 및 취업실적(2014)(Number of job openings, job applicants and placement of employment security office by occupation(sub-major)(2014)) 405

70. 직업안정기관별 구인배율, 취업률(Job openings rate, placements rate and satisfaction rate by employment security office) 406

X. 직업훈련(Vocational training) 408

71. 직업능력개발훈련 참여기관 현황(Number of Training institutes participating in vocational ability development programs) 409

72. 직업능력개발훈련 현황(Vocational ability development programs) 409

73. 실업대책 직업훈련 추진현황(Training programs for the unemployed) 410

74. 국가기술자격 검정현황(2014)(National skill qualification test(2014)) 411

75. 국제기능올림픽 참가현황(Participation in the WorldSkills Competitions) 412

XI. 고용보험(Employment insurance) 414

76. 산업(대분류)·지역별 고용보험적용 사업장 현황(2014)(Number of establishments covered by employment insurance by industry(sections) and province(2014)) 415

77. 산업(대분류)·지역·성별 피보험자 현황(2014)(Number of insured employees by industry(sections), province and gender(2014)) 421

XII. 고용평등(Equal employment) 428

78. 연도별 고용의무사업체 장애인 고용현황(The Employment Rate of the Persons with Disabilities in the Companies with Employment Quota System by Year) 429

79. 고용의무사업체 장애인 고용현황(2014)(Employment Rate of the Persons with Disabilities in the Companies with Employment Quota System(2014)) 430

80. 민간부문 사업체 규모별 장애인 고용현황(2014)(The Employment Rate of the Persons with Disabilities by the Scale of the Company in Private Sector(2014)) 431

81. 민간부문 산업별 장애인 고용현황(2014)(The Employment Rate of the Persons with Disabilities by industry in Private Sector(2014)) 431

XIII. 국제노동통계(International labor statistics) 432

82. 고용률, 경제활동참가율 및 실업률(Employment/population ratios, labour force participation rates and unemployment rates) 433

83. 연령별 실업률, 경제활동참가율 및 고용률(Employment/population ratios, labour force participation rates and unemployment rates by selected age groups) 439

84. 학력별 고용률, 경제활동참가율 및 실업률(2013)(Employment/population ratios, labour force participation rates and unemployment rates by educational attainment, 2013) 457

85. 시간제 근로자의 비중(Incidence and composition of part-time employment) 463

86. 임시 근로자의 비중(Incidence and composition of temporary employment) 465

87. 취업자 1인당 연평균 실근로시간(Average annual hours actually worked per person in employment) 467

88. 임금근로자 1인당 연평균 실근로시간(Average annual hours actually worked per person in employment) 469

89. 12개월 이상 장기 실업자의 비율(Incidence of long-term unemployment, 12 months and over) 471

90. 소득분포 및 저임금과 고임금 근로자 비중(Earnings dispersion, and incidence of high and low pay) 477

부록(Appendix) 480

경제활동인구조사 481

전국사업체조사 485

사업체노동실태현황 488

직종별사업체노동력조사 489

사업체노동력조사 492

고용형태별 근로실태조사 495

판권기 497


이용현황 테이블로 등록번호, 청구기호, 권별정보, 자료실, 이용여부로 구성 되어있습니다.
등록번호 청구기호 권별정보 자료실 이용여부
0002110740 R 331.058 ㅎ155 2015 [서울관] 서고(열람신청 후 디지털정보센터(의정관3층)) 이용가능
0002110741 R 331.058 ㅎ155 2015 [부산관] 서고(열람신청 후 2층 주제자료실) 이용가능


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