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검색결과 (전체 1건)


OECD 한국경제검토 및 평가에 대한 대응방안 [전자자료] / 기획재정부 [편] 인기도
과천 : 기획재정부, 2012
ER 전자형태로만 열람 가능함
용역업체: 한국개발연구원





I. OECD/EDRC 2012 Statement by the Korean Chief Delegate 4

1. Opening Statement 4

1.1. Greetings 4

1.2. Korea's Recent Economic Trends and Outlook 5

1.3. Macroeconomic Policy 6

1.4. Chapter 1. Sustaining Korea's convergence to the highest-income countries 9

1.5. Closing comments 12

2. Afternoon Session Statement 13

2.1. Greetings 13

2.2. Chapter 2. Achieving the "Low Carbon, Green Growth" vision in Korea 13

2.3. Chapter 3. Promoting Social Cohesion in Korea 14

3. Closing Remarks 19

II. OECD Mission Q&A 20

1. Korean Economy: Recent Macroeconomic Trend 20

2. Main Factors behind Slowed Growth in 2011 23

3. What are the contributions of domestic demand and net exports to recent growth? 27

4. What caused private consumption to slow down recently at a fast pace? 29

5. What caused equipment investment to remain poor recently? 32

6. Factors behind recent weakness in construction investment and outlook 35

7. Is the potential growth rate on the decline since the global financial crisis? 38

8. Current status of Korea's household debt and pending problems 39

9. What are the key characteristics and risk factors related to Korea's household debt? 43

10. What caused the recent upward trend of employment? 46

11. What are the main features of the recent real estate market? 49

12. What are the structural factors behind export fluctuations during the global financial crisis? 50

13. What is the possibility of a hard landing of the Chinese economy and its impact on the Korean economy? 53

14. What are the impacts expected from Europe's fiscal crisis on the Korean economy? 55

III. 거시경제 동향 및 정책관련 보고서 수정사항 58

IV. 우리 경제에 대한 시사점 64


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