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주요 금속광상 탐사를 위한 희귀시료 확보와 관리 시스템 구축 [전자자료] / 자원산업연구원 [편] 인기도
대전 : 자원산업연구원, 2015
ER 전자형태로만 열람 가능함
제출처: 한국지질자원연구원
자체연구책임자: 이현구








제1장 서론 12

제2장 국내외 기술개발 현황 13

제3장 연구개발 수행 내용 및 결과 14

제1절 열수교대 광상 14

1. 장군(금호)연-아연-철 광상 14

제2절 그라이젠(greisen)광상 29

1. 대화-돈산 텅스텐-몰리브덴광상 29

제3절 스카른광상 39

1. 당두 연-아연광상 39

제4절 열극충진광상 48

1. 봉상 금-은광상 48

2. 인성 금-은광상 53

3. 백운 금-은광상 60

4. 대봉 금-은광상 67

5. 삼광 금-은광상 78

6. 월유 금-은광상 89

7. 남성 금-은광상 98

제4장 연구개발목표 달성도 및 대외 기여도 105

제1절 연구개발목표 달성도 105

제2절 대외 기여도 105

제5장 연구개발결과의 활용계획 106

제6장 참고문헌 107

Table 1. List of the name and explanation of hand specimens from Janggun south ore deposits 17

Table 2. List of the name and explanation of hand specimens from Janggun north ore deposits 21

Table 3. Summary of mineralization characteristics from main Pb-Zn ore deposits, Republic of... 29

Table 4. List of the name and explanation of specimens from the south ore deposit of Daehwa... 34

Table 5. List of the name and explanations of specimens from the Dangdu mine 41

Table 6. List of the name and explanations of specimens from Bongsang gold-silver deposits 50

Table 7. List of the name and explanations of specimens from Inseong gold-silver deposits 56

Table 8. List of the name and explanations of hand specimens from Baekun gold-silver... 63

Table 9. List of the name and explanation of specimens from Daebong gold-silver deposits 69

Table 10. List of the name and explanations of specimens from Samkwang gold-silver... 81

Table 11. List of the name and explanations of specimens from the Weolyu gold-silver... 92

Table 12. List of the name and explanations of specimens from Namseong gold-silver deposits 100

Fig. 1. Location map of the Janggun mine area 14

Fig. 2. Geologic map of the Janggun mine area 15

Fig. 3. Underground geological map on the main adit level (591m) of the Janggun mine 16

Fig. 4. Photographs of specimens from Janggun south ore depoists 18

Fig. 5. Photographs of specimens from Janggun south ore depoists 19

Fig. 6. Photographs of specimens from Janggun south ore depoists 20

Fig. 7. Photographs of specimens from Janggun north ore deposits 22

Fig. 8. Photographs of specimens from Janggun north ore deposits 23

Fig. 9. Photographs of specimens from Janggun north ore deposits 24

Fig. 10. Microphotographs of ore and gangue minerals from Janggun lead-zinc-silver deposits 25

Fig. 11. Photomicrograph of the stained thin section showing the tiny particles of exsolved dolomite... 26

Fig. 12. Schematic drawing which shows the relation between two-dimensional pictures observed... 27

Fig. 13. Paragenetic sequence of ore minerals from iron and lead-zinc-silver deposits of the Janggun... 28

Fig. 14. Idealized N-S geologic section of the Janggun mine 28

Fig. 15. Location map of the Daehwa and Donsan mine area 30

Fig. 16. Geologic map of the Daehwa and Donsan mine area 30

Fig. 17. Underground geological map of the Daehwa south ore deposits 32

Fig. 18. Photographs of ore specimens from the south ore deposit of Daehwa mine 35

Fig. 19. Photographs of ore specimens from the south ore deposit of Daehwa mine 36

Fig. 20. Photomicrographs of ore and gangue minerals from the south ore deposit of Daehwa mine 37

Fig. 21. Paragenetic sequence of ore minerals from south ore deposit of Daehwa mine 38

Fig. 22. Location map of the Dangdu mine area 39

Fig. 23. Geologic map of the Dangdu mine area 39

Fig. 24. Underground geological map of the Dangdu mine 40

Fig. 25. Photographs of ore specimens from the Dangdu lead-zinc deposits 42

Fig. 26. Photographs of ore specimens from the Dangdu lead-zinc deposits 43

Fig. 27. Photographs of ore specimens from the Dangdu lead-zinc deposits 44

Fig. 28. Microphotographs of skarn minerals from the Dangdu deposit 44

Fig. 29. Microphotographs of ore minerals occurrence from the Dangdu deposit 45

Fig. 30. Pyrrhotite-pyrite-marcasite combination employed for mineralization temperature estimation of... 46

Fig. 31. Paragenetic sequence of ore minerals from Dangdu mine 47

Fig. 32. Geologic map of the Bongsang mine area 48

Fig. 33. Plan section of the Bongsang Au-Ag deposit, showing the orientation and location of... 49

Fig. 34. Photographs of specimens from Bongsang gold-silver deposits 50

Fig. 35. Photographs of specimens from Bongsang gold-silver deposits 51

Fig. 36. Microphotographs of ore and gangue minerals representative for vein of the Bongsang... 52

Fig. 37. Paragenetic sequence of ore minerals from Bongsang mine 53

Fig. 38. Location map of the Inseong mine area 54

Fig. 39. Geologic map of the Inseong mine area 54

Fig. 40. Underground geological map of the Inseong gold-silver deposits 55

Fig. 41. Photographs of specimens from Inseong gold-silver deposits 57

Fig. 42. Photographs of specimens from Inseong gold-silver deposits 58

Fig. 43. Photomicrographs of ore minerals for vein of the Inseong mine(galena(Gn), pyrite(Py),... 59

Fig. 44. Paragenetic sequence of ore minerals from Inseong mine 60

Fig. 45. Location map of the Baekun mine area 60

Fig. 46. Geologic map of the Baekun mine area 61

Fig. 47. Underground geological map of the Baekun gold-silver deposits 62

Fig. 48. Photographs of specimens from Baekun gold-silver deposits 64

Fig. 49. Photomicrographs of ore minerals from the Baekun gold-silver deposit 65

Fig. 50. Photomicrographs of ore minerals from the Baekun gold-silver deposit 66

Fig. 51. Paragenetic sequence of ore minerals from Baekun mine 66

Fig. 52. Geologic map of the Daebong Au-Ag deposit 67

Fig. 53. Underground geological map in the Daebong mine 68

Fig. 54. Photographs of specimens from Daebong gold-silver deposits 71

Fig. 55. Photographs of specimens from Daebong gold-silver deposits 72

Fig. 56. Photographs of specimens from Daebong gold-silver deposits 73

Fig. 57. Photographs of specimens from Daebong gold-silver deposits 74

Fig. 58. Photomicrographs of ore minerals from the Daebong gold and silver deposits. Scale bar... 75

Fig. 59. Photomicrographs of ore minerals from the Daebong gold and silver deposits. Scale bar... 76

Fig. 60. Microphotographs taken in transmitted light of are gangue minerals of hydrothermal... 77

Fig. 61. Paragenetic sequence of ore minerals from Daebong gold-silver deposits 78

Fig. 62. Location map of the Samkwang mine area 79

Fig. 63. Geologic map of the Samkwang mine area 79

Fig. 64. Underground geologic map of the Samkwang gold-silver deposits 80

Fig. 65. Photographs of specimens from Samkwang gold-silver deposits 83

Fig. 66. Photographs of specimens from Samkwang gold-silver deposits 84

Fig. 67. Photographs of specimens from Samkwang gold-silver deposits 85

Fig. 68. Photographs of specimens from Samkwang gold-silver deposits 86

Fig. 69. Photographs of specimens from Samkwang gold-silver deposits 87

Fig. 70. Photomicrographs of ore minerals from the Samkwang mine 88

Fig. 71. Paragenetic sequence of ore minerals from Samkwang mine 89

Fig. 72. Geologic map of the Weolyu mine 90

Fig. 73. Underground geological map of the Weolyu goold-silver deposits 91

Fig. 74. Photographs of specimens from Weolyu gold-silver deposits 93

Fig. 75. Photographs of specimens from Weolyu gold-silver deposits 94

Fig. 76. Photographs of specimens from Weolyu gold-silver deposits 95

Fig. 77. Photographs of specimens from Weolyu gold-silver deposits 96

Fig. 78. Photomicrogaphs of ore minerals from the Weolyu gold-silver deposits 96

Fig. 79. Paragenetic sequence of ore minerals from Weolyu mine 97

Fig. 80. Location map of the Namseong mine area 98

Fig. 81. Geologic map of the Namseng mine area 99

Fig. 82. Underground geological map in the Namseong mine 99

Fig. 83. Photographs of specimens from Namseong gold-silver deposits 101

Fig. 84. Photographs of specimens from Namseong gold-silver deposits 102

Fig. 85. Photomicrographs showing the occurrence of argentite, pyrargyrite, goehite and... 103

Fig. 86. Paragenetic sequence of ore minerals from Namseong mine 104


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