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도서 앰블럼

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검색결과 (전체 1건)


임업통계연보 = Statistical yearbook of forestry. 2016(제46호) / 산림청 인기도
대전 : 산림청, 2016
R 634.9083 ㅅ194ㅇ
[서울관] 서고(열람신청 후 디지털정보센터(의정관3층)), [부산관] 서고(열람신청 후 2층 주제자료실)
414 p. : 삽화, 지도, 표 ; 27 cm
부록: 1. 산림청 기구 ; 2. 산림관계 공무원 정원수 ; 3. 산림조합중앙회 및 산림조합 정원현황 외
본문은 한국어, 영어가 혼합수록됨



발간사(Foreword) / 신원섭



I. 국토와 자연환경(Land & Natural Environment) 17

1. 대한민국의 위치(Location of the Republic of Korea) 20

2. 시·도별 면적 및 행정단위(Area and Administrative Unit by City and Province) 20

3. 국토 이용(Status of National Land Use) 22

4. 인구 추이(Population Trend) 24

5. 평균 기온(Average Temperature) 26

6. 일조 시간(Hours of Sunshine) 26

7. 강수량(Precipitation) 28

8. 평균 상대 습도(Average Relative Humidity) 28

II. 산림자원(Forest Resources) 31

1. 지역별(권역별) 산림면적 및 축적(Forest Land Area and Growing Stock by Province) 39

2. 연도별 산림면적 및 임목축적(Forest Land Area and Growing Stock by Year) 40

3. 2015 소유별 산림면적 및 산림률(2015 Forest Land Area and Ratio of Land Area by Ownership) 42

4. 2015 소유별 임목축적 및 ha당 임목축적(2015 Forest Growing Stock and Growing Stock per Hectare by Ownership) 60

5. 2015 임상별·영급별 산림면적 및 임목축적(2015 Forest Land Area and Growing Stock by Forest Types and Age Classes) 78

6. 2015 시·도별·산지구분별·영급별 산림면적 및 임목축적(2015 Forest Land Area and Growing Stock by Provinces, Forest Land Classifications and Age Classes) 84

7. 2015 임상별·산지구분별·영급별 산림면적 및 임목축적(2015 Forest Land Area and Growing Stock by Forest Types, Forest Land Classifications and Age Classes) 120

8. 2015 산림청 소관 국유림, 산지구분별·영급별 산림면적 및 임목축적(2015 Forest Land Area and Growing Stock of National Forests under the jurisdiction of Korea Forest Service by Forest Land Classifications and Age Classes) 128

9. 2015 산림청 소관 국유림, 임상별 산림면적 및 임목축적(2015 Forest Land Area and Growing Stock of National Forests under the jurisdiction of Korea Forest Service by Forest Types) 136

10. 2015 산림청 소관 국유림, 산지구분별 산림면적 및 임목축적(2015 Forest Land Area and Growing Stock of National Forests under the jurisdiction of Korea Forest Service by Forest Land Classifications) 144

11. 2015 주요 수종별 산림면적 및 임목축적(2015 Forest Land Area and Growing Stock by Key Tree Species) 162

12. 국유림 사용허가 현황(Status of Lease Permission on Indispensable National Forests) 166

13. 국유림 대부현황(Status of Lease Permission on Disposable National Forests) 168

14. 국유림 분수림 현황(Status of Profit-sharing on National Forests) 170

15. 국유재산 취득 및 처분 현황(Acquisition and Disposal of National Property) 172

16. 산지구분 현황(Status of Forest Land Classification) 174

III. 산림의 건강 및 다양성(Forest Health and Diversity) 183

1. 산불피해 현황(Forest Fire Damages) 188

2. 산림병해충 발생 및 방제현황(Outbreak and Prevention of Forest Diseases and Pests) 190

3. 불법 산림훼손 피해현황(Damages caused by Illegal Activities in Forests) 192

4. 산림의 타용도 전용허가 현황(Status of Forest Land Conversion) 194

5. 산지일시사용허가·신고 현황(Status of the Issuance of Permission and Reporting of Temporary Forest Land Conversion) 196

6. 사방사업 실적(Erosion Control Projects) 198

7. 산림보호구역 지정 현황(Forest Protected Areas) 200

8. 보호수 현황(Designated Protected Trees) 202

IV. 산림자원 조성(Silviculture) 205

1. 종자 및 묘목 생산현황(Status of Seed and Seedling Production) 208

2. 수종별 종자 생산현황(Seed Production by Tree Species) 210

3. 수종별 묘목 생산현황(Seedling Production by Tree Species) 214

4. 인공 조림지 현황(Area of Plantation) 216

5. 소유별 조림실적(Plantation Area by Ownership) 218

6. 수종별 조림실적(Plantation by Tree Species) 220

7. 재원별 조림실적(Plantation by Fund) 224

8. 조림 활착상황(Survival Rate of Plantation Area) 226

9. 조림지 및 숲 가꾸기(Plantation and Tending Forest) 228

V. 산림경영 기반(Forest Management) 231

1. 임가 및 임가 인구(Number of Households and Population engaged in the Forestry sector) 234

2. 전·겸업별 임가 현황(Forest Households by Type of Work) 236

3. 경영형태별 임가 현황(Forest Households by Type of Economic Activity) 238

4. 생산형태별 임가 현황(Forest Households by Production Type) 239

5. 재배작물별 재배면적(Cultivation Area by Crops) 240

6. 임가경제 주요지표(Main Indicators of Forest Household Economy) 242

7. 영림단 운영현황(Units of Forest Craft Workers) 244

8. 산림경영계획 작성현황(Preparation of Forest Management Plan) 246

9. 임도 시설현황(Construction of Forest Roads) 248

10. 임업기계·장비 보유현황(Forest Machinery and Equipment) 250

11. 사유림 소유 규모별 산주현황(Status of Private Forest Owners by Land Area Size) 254

12. 지역별 사유림 산주현황(Ownership of Private Forests by Provinces) 260

13. 산림관계 세입·세출 예산(Tax Revenue and Expenditure of Korea Forest Service) 262

14. 산림사업 융자실적(Loans for Forestry Business) 264

15. 독림가 및 임업후계자 현황(Outstanding Forest Managers and Forest Successors) 266

VI. 임산물시장(Forest Product Market) 267

1. 국내총생산과 임업(Gross Domestic Product and Forestry) 272

2. 물가지수(Price Index) 274

3. 임산물 생산실적(Production of Forest Products) 278

4. 입목벌채 허가실적(Permission on Annual Timber Cutting) 298

5. 수목굴취 허가(신고) 실적(Permission(Reporting) of Tree Transplanting) 302

6. 국유림 목재 매각 실적(National Forest Wood Sales Results) 303

7. 임산물 수입실적(Import of Forest Products) 304

8. 주요 국가별 임산물 수입실적(Import of Forest Products by Major Countries) 306

9. 임산물 수출실적(Export of Forest Products) 308

10. 주요 국가별 임산물 수출실적(Export of Forest Products by Major Countries) 312

11. 목질패널 생산 및 공급(Production and Supply of Processed Wood-based Panel) 314

12. 원목수급 실적(Timber Demand and Supply) 316

13. 용도별 국내재 공급실적(Domestic Timber Supply by Uses) 318

14. 칩 생산실적(Chip Production) 319

15. 목재펠릿 생산 실적(Wood Pellet Production) 320

16. 펄프 생산 실적(Pulp Production) 321

17. 지류 생산실적(Paper Production) 322

18. 임산물 가격 동향(Prices of Major Forest Products) 324

VII. 산림서비스(Forest Service) 327

1. 자연휴양림 및 산림욕장 조성현황(Establishment of Recreation Forests and Forest Parks) 331

2. 자연휴양림 운영 및 이용현황(Number of Visitors to Recreation Forests) 332

3. 치유의 숲 운영현황(Management of Healing Forest) 334

4. 산림교육전문가 양성 및 기관 현황(Status of Forest Education Expert Training and Relevant Organizations) 335

5. 숲사랑소년단 육성 현황(Status of Green Rangers) 336

6. 산림교육 수혜인원 현황(Status of Forest Education Recipients) 337

7. 전통마을 숲 조성현황(Establishment of Traditional Village Forests) 338

8. 명상숲 조성현황(Establishment of Meditation Forests) 339

9. 도시숲 조성현황(Establishment of Urban Forests) 340

10. 수목원, 산림박물관, 자생식물원, 정원 등록 현황(Establishment of Arboretums, Forest Museums, Botanical Garden and Garden) 342

11. 가로수 심기현황(Plantation of Roadside Trees) 344

VIII. 국제산림 통계(Overseas Forest) 347

1. 해외조림 현황(Status of Overseas Forest Plantation) 352

2. 북한의 산림 현황(Status of National Land Use of North Korea) 354

3. 임산물 남북교역 현황(Inter-korean Forest Product Trade) 356

4. 세계 산림자원의 추정(Estimation of World Forest Resources) 358

5. OECD 국가의 산림현황(State of Forest in OECD Countries) 360

6. 주요국의 원목 생산 및 소비(Round wood Production and Consumption in Major Countries) 362

7. 주요국의 연료 생산 및 소비(Fuel Wood Production and Consumption in Major Countries) 364

8. 주요국의 산업용재 생산 및 소비(Industrial Round wood Production and Consumption in Major Countries) 366

9. 주요국의 목탄 생산 및 소비(Wood Charcoal Production and Consumption in Major Countries) 368

10. 주요국의 제재목 생산 및 소비(Sawnwood Production and Consumption in Major Countries) 370

11. 주요국의 목질패널 생산 및 소비(Processed Wood-based Panel Production and Consumption in Major Countries) 372

12. 주요국의 목질패널 수입 및 수출(Processed Wood-based Panel Imports and Exports in Major Countries) 376

IX. 부록(Appendix) 381

1. 산림청 기구(Organization Chart of Korea Forest Service) 384

2. 산림관계 공무원 정원수(Number of Government Employees in Forestry) 386

3. 산림조합중앙회 및 산림조합 정원현황(Number of Employees at National Forestry Cooperatives Federation) 396

4. 산림임업교육 훈련현황(Status of Forestry Education and Training) 398

5. 산림사업용 묘목 규격(Seedling Standards for Forest Projects) 400

6. 우리나라 100대 명산 현황(Status of 100 Renowned Mountains) 404

7. 백두대간보호지역 행정구역 현황 (고성군 휴전선 인근 ~ 지리산)(Protected Areas of Baekdu Daegan Mountains) 408

8. 멸종위기 및 보호야생 동·식물 지정현황(Status of Designated Endangered and Protected Wildlife Species) 410

판권기 415


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0002211801 R 634.9083 ㅅ194ㅇ 2016 [부산관] 서고(열람신청 후 2층 주제자료실) 이용가능


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