
자료 카테고리

전체 1
도서자료 1
학위논문 0
연속간행물·학술기사 0
멀티미디어 0
동영상 0
국회자료 0
특화자료 0

도서 앰블럼

전체 (1)
일반도서 (1)
E-BOOK (0)
고서 (0)
세미나자료 (0)
웹자료 (0)
전체 (0)
학위논문 (0)
전체 (0)
국내기사 (0)
국외기사 (0)
학술지·잡지 (0)
신문 (0)
전자저널 (0)
전체 (0)
오디오자료 (0)
전자매체 (0)
마이크로폼자료 (0)
지도/기타자료 (0)
전체 (0)
동영상자료 (0)
전체 (0)
외국법률번역DB (0)
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전체 (0)
표·그림DB (0)
지식공유 (0)

도서 앰블럼

전체 1
전체 ()
정부기관 ()
지방자치단체 ()
공공기관 ()
싱크탱크 ()
국제기구 ()
전체 ()
정부기관 ()
의회기관 ()
싱크탱크 ()
국제기구 ()
전체 ()
국회의원정책자료 ()
입법기관자료 ()


검색결과 (전체 1건)


직종별사업체노동력조사 보고서 = Report on the occupational labor force survey at establishments. 2016, 하반기 / 고용노동부 인기도
세종 : 고용노동부 고용정책실 노동시장조사과, 2017
R 331.0951 ㄱ338ㅈ
[서울관] 서고(열람신청 후 디지털정보센터(의정관3층))
v, 497 p. : 서식 ; 30 cm
부록: 1. 직종별사업체노동력조사의 개요 ; 2. 주요항목별 변동계수 ; 3. 직종별사업체노동력조사표
본문은 한국어, 영어가 혼합 수록됨
이전발행처: 고용노동부 고용정책실 노동분석과→고용노동부 고용정책실 노동시장분석과



이용자를 위하여

Explanatory Notes


I. '16년도 하반기 직종별사업체노동력조사 결과 10

1. 구인, 채용 및 미충원인원 11

1-1. 총괄 11

1-2. 직종별 13

1-3. 산업별 15

1-4. 규모별 17

1-5. 직능수준별(내국인 대상) 18

1-6. 미충원사유 23

2. 현원, 부족인원(인력부족률) 및 채용계획인원 25

2-1. 총괄 25

2-2. 직종별 26

2-3. 산업별 28

2-4. 규모별 29

2-5. 인력부족 해소 노력 30

II. 통계표 (Statistics Table) 32

1. 전국 : 산업(중분류)별, 직종(소분류)별, 규모별, 직능수준별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률 32

1-1. 산업(중분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(전국) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by industry(Divisions) and establishment size(All region)) 33

1-2. 직종(소분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(전국) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by occupation(Minor) and establishment size(All region)) 65

1-3. 산업(중분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원(전국) (Number of not to hired by industry(Divisions), establishment size and skill level(All region)) 121

1-4. 직종(소분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원(전국) (Number of not to hired by occupation(Minor), establishment size and skill level(All region)) 129

2. 17개 시·도 : 산업(대분류)별, 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 직능수준별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률 144

2-1-1. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(서울) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by industry(Sections) and establishment size(Seoul)) 145

2-1-2. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(서울) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by occupation(Sub-major) and establishment size(Seoul)) 153

2-1-3. 산업(대문류)별, 규모별, 직능수준멸 미충원인원(서울)(Number of not to hired by industry(Sections), establishment size and skill level(Seoul)) 161

2-1-4. 직종(중분류)별, 규모멸, 직능수준별 미충원인원(서울)(Number of not to hired by occupation(sub-major), establishment size and skill level(Seoul)) 163

2-2-1. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(부산) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by industry(Sections) and establishment size(Busan)) 165

2-2-2. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(부산) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by occupation(Sub-major) and establishment size(Busan)) 173

2-2-3. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원(부산) (Number of not to hired by industry(Sections), establishment size and skill level(Busan)) 181

2-2-4. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원(부산) (Number of not to hired by occupation(sub-major), establishment size and skill lever(Busan)) 183

2-3-1. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(대구) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by industry(Sections) and establishment size(Daegu)) 185

2-3-2. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(대구) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by occupation(Sub-major) and establishment size(Daegu)) 193

2-3-3. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원(대구)(Number of not to hired by industry(Sections), establishment size and skill lever(Daegu)) 201

2-3-4. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원(대구) (Number of not to hired by occupation(sub-major), establishment size and skill lever(Daegu)) 203

2-4-1. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(인천) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by industry(Sections) and establishment size(Incheon)) 205

2-4-2. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(인천) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by occupation(Sub-major) and establishment size(Incheon)) 213

2-4-3. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원(인천) (Number of not to hired by industry(Sections), establishment size and skill level(Incheon)) 221

2-4-4. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원(인천) (Number of not to hired by occupation(sub-major), establishment size and skill level(Incheon)) 223

2-5-1. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(광주) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by industry(Sections) and establishment size(Gwangju)) 225

2-5-2. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(광주) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by occupation(Sub-major) and establishment size(Gwangju)) 233

2-5-3. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원(광주) (Number of not to hired by industry(Sections), establishment size and skill lever(Gwangju)) 241

2-5-4. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원(광주) (Number of not to hired by occupation(sub-major), establishment size and skill level(Gwangju)) 243

2-6-1. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(대전) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by industry(Sections) and establishment size(Daejeon)) 247

2-6-2. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(대전) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by occupation(Sub-major) and establishment size(Daejeon)) 253

2-6-3. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원 (대전) (Number of not to hired by industry(Sections), establishment size and skill lever(Daejeon)) 261

2-6-4. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원 (대전) (Number of not to hired by occupation(sub-major), establishment size and skill lever(Daejeon)) 263

2-7-1. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(울산) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by industry(Sections) and estabilshment size(Ulsan)) 265

2-7-2. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(울산) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by occupation(Sub-major) and establishment size(Ulsan)) 273

2-7-3. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원(울산) (Number of not to hired by industry(Sections), estabilshment size and skill level(Ulsan)) 281

2-7-4. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원(울산) (Number of not to hired by occupation(sub-major), estabilshment size and skill level(Ulsan)) 283

2-8-1. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(세종) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by industry(Sections) and establishment size(Sejong)) 285

2-8-2. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(세종) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by occupation(Sub-major) and establishment size(Sejong)) 293

2-8-3. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원 (세종) (Number of not to hired by industry(Sections), establishment size and skill level(Sejong)) 301

2-8-4. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원 (세종) (Number of not to hired by occupat ion(sub-major), establishment size and skill level(Sejong)) 303

2-9-1. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(경기) (Current number of employees, recrulted, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by industry(Sections) and establishment size(Gyeonggi)) 305

2-9-2. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(경기) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by occupation(Sub-major) and establishment size(Gyeonggi)) 313

2-9-3. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원(경기) (Number of not to hired by industry(Sections), establishment size and skill level(Gyeonggi)) 321

2-9-4. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원(경기) (Number of not to hired by occupation(sub-major),establishment size and skill level(Gyeonggi)) 323

2-10-1. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(강원) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by Industry(Sections) and establishment size(Gangwon)) 325

2-10-2. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(강원) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by occupation(Sub-major) and establishment size(Gangwon)) 333

2-10-3. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원(강원) (Number of not to hired by industry(Sections), establishment size and skill level(Gangwon)) 341

2-10-4. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원(강원) (Number of not to hired by occupation(sub-major), establishment size and skill level(Gangwon)) 343

2-11-1. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(충북) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by industry(Sections) and establishment size(Chungbuk)) 345

2-11-2. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(충북) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by occupation(Sub-major) and establishment size(Chungbuk)) 353

2-11-3. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원(충북) (Number of not to hired by industry(Sections), establishment size and skill level(Chungbuk)) 361

2-11-4. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원(충북) (Number of not to hired by occupation(sub-major), establishment size and skill level(Chungbuk)) 363

2-12-1. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(충남) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by industry(Sections) and establishment size(Chungnam)) 365

2-12-2. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(충남) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by occupation(Sub-major) and establishment size(Chungnam)) 373

2-12-3. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원(충남) (Number of not to hired by industry(Sections), establishment size and skill level(Chungnam)) 381

2-12-4. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원(충남) (Number of not to hired by occupation(sub-major), establishment size and skill level(Chungnam)) 383

2-13-1. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(전북) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by industry(Sections) and establishment size(Jeonbuk)) 385

2-13-2. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(전북) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by occupation(Sub-major) and establishment size(Jeonbuk)) 393

2-13-3. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원(전북) (Number of not to hired by industry(Sections), establishment size and skill level(Jeonbuk)) 401

2-13-4. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원(전북) (Number of not to hired by occupation(sub-major), establishment size and skill level(Jeonbuk)) 403

2-14-1. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(전남) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by industry(Sections) and establishment size(Jeonnam)) 405

2-14-2. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(전남) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by occupation(Sub-major) and establishment size(Jeonnam)) 413

2-14-3. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원(전남) (Number of not to hi red by industry(Sections), establishment size and skill level(Jeonnam)) 421

2-14-4. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원(전남) (Number of not to hired by occupation(sub-major), establishment size and skill level(Jeonnam)) 423

2-15-1. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(경북) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by industry(Sections) and establishment size(Gyeongbuk)) 425

2-15-2. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(경북) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by occupation(Sub-major) and establishment size(Gyeongbuk)) 433

2-15-3. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원(경북) (Number of not to hired by industry(Sections), establishment size and skill level(Gyeongbuk)) 441

2-15-4. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원(경북) (Number of not to hired by occupation(sub-major), establishment size and skill level(Gyeongbuk)) 443

2-16-1. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(경남) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by industry(Sections) and establishment size(Gyeongnam)) 445

2-16-2. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(경남) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by occupation(Sub-major) and establishment size(Gyeongnam)) 453

2-16-3. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원(경남) (Number of not to hired by industry(Sections), establishment size and skill level(Gyeongnam)) 461

2-16-4. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원(경남) (Number of not to hired by occupation(sub-major), establishment size and skill level(Gyeongnam)) 463

2-17-1. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(제주) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by industry(Sections) and establishment size(Jeju)) 465

2-17-2. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(제주) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by occupation(Sub-major) and establishment size(Jeju)) 473

2-17-3. 산업(대분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원(제주) (Number of not to hired by industry(Sections), establishment size and skill level(Jeju)) 481

2-17-4. 직종(중분류)별, 규모별, 직능 수준별 미충원인원(제주) (Number of not to hired by occupation(sub-major), establishment size and skill level(Jeju)) 483

3. 직종(대분류)별, 현원, 구인인원, 채용인원, 미충원인원, 부족인원, 채용계획인원, 부족률(한국표준직업분류) (Current number of employees, recruited, hired, not to hired, vacancies, employees to be hired, rate of vacancies by occupation(sections)(Korean Standard Classification of Occupations)) 485

부록(APPENDIX) 486

1. 직종별사업체노동력조사의 개요 487

2. 주요항목별 변동계수(Relative Standard Error by Major Items) 499

3. 직종별 사업체 노동력 조사표 (2016년 10월 1일 기준) 501

판권기 507


이용현황 테이블로 등록번호, 청구기호, 권별정보, 자료실, 이용여부로 구성 되어있습니다.
등록번호 청구기호 권별정보 자료실 이용여부
0002246094 R 331.0951 ㄱ338ㅈ 2016v.2 [서울관] 서고(열람신청 후 디지털정보센터(의정관3층)) 이용가능


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