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도서 앰블럼

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국회의원정책자료 ()
입법기관자료 ()


검색결과 (전체 1건)


통계연보 = Statistical yearbook. 2016 / 공정거래위원회 인기도
세종 : 공정거래위원회 심판관리관실, 2017
R 338.522 ㄱ371ㅌ
[서울관] 서고(열람신청 후 디지털정보센터(의정관3층)), [부산관] 서고(열람신청 후 2층 주제자료실)
vii, 124 p. : 도표 ; 26 cm
본문은 한국어, 영어가 혼합 수록됨




Ⅰ. 총괄(Overview) 12

1. 2016년도 사건접수 및 처리 현황(종합)(Case report & processing in 2016) 13

1-1. 최근 5년간 위반유형별 사건접수 현황(Complaints received by type of violation in recent 5 years) 14

2. 위반유형 및 조치유형별 시정실적(2016)(Performance in Correction by Type of violation & Corrective measure) 15

2-1. 위반유형 및 조치유형별 시정실적(81-2016)(Performance in Correction by Type of violation & Corrective measure) 16

Ⅱ. 사건접수(Complaints received) 17

1. 연도별 사건접수 현황(Complaints received by Year) 18

2. 법률별 사건접수 현황(Complaints received by Act) 21

2-1. 공정거래법 위반유형별 사건접수 현황(Complaints received by MRFTA violation) 23

2-2. 불공정거래행위 유형별 사건접수 현황(Complaints received by Unfair Business Practice) 25

2-3. 소비자보호 관련 법률별 사건접수 현황(Complaints received by Consumer protection related Act) 27

Ⅲ. 사건처리(Performance in Case Processing) 29

1. 법률별 사건처리 실적(Performance in Case processing by Act) 30

1-1. 공정거래법 위반유형별 사건처리 실적(Performance in Case processing by Type of MRFTA violation) 33

1-2. 불공정거래행위 유형별 사건처리 실적(Performance in Case processing by Type of Unfair Business Practice) 35

1-3. 소비자보호 관련 법률별 사건처리 실적(Performance in Case processing by Consumer protection related Act) 37

2. 조치유형별 사건처리 실적(Performance in case processing by Type of corrective measure) 39

3. 고발사건 처리 현황(Reference to prosecutor's Office) 40

4. 과징금 부과 현황(Imposition of surcharge) 41

4-1. 법률별 과징금 부과 현황(Imposition of surcharge by Type of Laws) 42

4-2. 공정거래법 위반유형별 과징금 부과 현황(Imposition of surcharge by Violation type of MRFTC) 43

4-3. 소비자보호관련법 과징금 부과 현황(Imposition of surcharge by Consumer protection related Acts) 44

5. 이의신청(Appeal) 45

5-1. 연도별 이의신청 처리 현황(Appeal by Year) 45

5-2. 이의신청 제기율 현황(Appeal against Administrative measure) 46

6. 소송(Litigation) 47

6-1. 연도별 소송접수 및 처리 현황(Litigation by Year) 47

6-2. 연도별 행정처분 관련 소제기율 현황(Litigation against Administrative measure) 48

6-3. 행정처분 년도 기준 소송결과(Results of Litigation) 49

6-4. 확정년도 기준 소송결과(Results of Litigation by Year of Termination) 50

Ⅳ. 시정실적(Performance in Correction) 51

1. 독점규제 및 공정거래에 관한 법률(Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act) 52

1-1. 시장지배적지위남용행위(Abuse of Market Dominance position) 52

1-1-1. 조치유형별 시정실적(Correction by Type of corrective measure) 52

1-1-2. 위반유형별 시정실적(Correction by Type of violation) 53

1-1-3. 시장집중도(품목)(Market concentration ratio) 54

1-1-4. 산업집중도(Industry concentration ratio) 55

1-2. 기업결합(M&A) 56

1-2-1. 조치유형별 시정실적(Correction by Type of corrective measure) 56

1-2-2. 위반유형별 시정실적(Correction by Type of violation type) 57

1-2-3. 수단별 기업결합 현황(Combination of enterprise by Means) 58

1-2-4. 업종별 기업결합 현황(M & A by Category of business) 59

1-3. 경제력집중 억제(Repression of Economic Power Concentration) 60

1-3-1. 조치유형별 시정실적(Correction by Type of corrective measure) 60

1-3-2. 위반유형별 시정실적(Correction by Type of violation type) 61

1-3-3. 대기업집단 지정현황(Status of designation of large Business Group) 62

1-3-4. 출자총액제한기업집단의 출자현황(Status of shareholdings of Business Group subject to the ceiling on total amount of shareholdings in other domestic companies) 63

1-3-5. 채무보증제한기업집단의 채무보증 현황(Status of debt guarantees of Business Group) 64

1-3-6. 지주회사 현황(Status of Holding company) 65

1-4. 부당 공동행위(Improper concerted act) 66

1-4-1. 조치유형별 시정실적(Correction by Type of corrective measure) 66

1-4-2. 위반유형별 시정실적(Correction by Type of violation) 67

1-5. 사업자단체 금지행위(Prohibited Act of Enterprisers Organization) 68

1-5-1. 조치유형별 시정실적(Correction by Type of corrective measure) 68

1-5-2. 위반유형별 시정실적(Correction by Type of violation) 69

1-6. 불공정거래행위(Unfair Business Practice) 70

1-6-1. 조치유형별 시정실적(Correction by Type of corrective measure) 70

1-6-2. 위반유형별 시정실적(Correction by Type of violation) 71

1-6-3. 공정거래분쟁조정협의회 조정실적(2016)(Performance of Dispute Mediation Council) 72

2. 소비자보호 관련 법률(Consumer protection related Act) 73

2-1. 표시광고법(Fair labeling and Advertising Act) 73

2-1-1. 조치유형별 시정실적(Correction by Type of violation) 73

2-1-2. 위반유형별 시정실적(Correction by Type of corrective measure) 74

2-1-3. 광고실증제, 정정광고 및 임시중지명령제도 운용 현황(Status of Substantiation of Labeling and Advertisement, etc) 75

2-2. 약관법(Regulation of Adhesion Contracts Act) 76

2-2-1. 조치유형별 시정실적(Correction by Type of corrective measure) 76

2-2-2. 업종별 시정실적(Correction by Type of category of business) 77

2-2-3. 청구인별 심사청구실적(Application of Adhesion Contract Review by Applicant) 78

2-3. 방문판매법(Door-to-door Sales, Etc. Act) 79

2-3-1. 조치유형별 시정실적(Correction by Type of corrective measure) 79

2-3-2. 위반유형별 시정실적(Correction by Type of violation) 80

2-3-3. 거래분야별 시정실적(Correction by Category of business transaction) 81

2-4. 전자상거래소비자보호법(Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, Etc.) 82

2-4-1. 조치유형별 시정실적(Correction by Type of corrective measure) 82

2-4-2. 위반유형별 시정실적(Correction by Type of violation) 83

2-4-3. 거래분야별 시정실적(Correction by Category of business transaction) 84

2-5. 할부거래법(Installment Transaction Act) 85

2-5-1. 조치유형별 시정실적(Correction by Type of corrective measure) 85

2-5-2. 위반유형별 시정실적(Correction by Type of violation) 86

2-5-3. 거래분야별 시정실적(Correction by Category of business transaction) 87

2-6. 분쟁조정기구 운영 현황(Status of operation of Dispute Settlement Body) 88

2-6-1. 접수 현황(Dispute Settlement by Year & Category of business transaction) 88

2-6-2. 의뢰기관별 통계(Dispute Settlement by requesting Agency) 89

2-6-3. 처리결과별 통계(Result of Dispute Settlement) 90

3. 하도급법 및 가맹사업법(Fair Subcontract Transactions Act & Fair Franchise Transactions Act) 91

3-1. 하도급법(Fair Subcontract Transactions Act) 91

3-1-1. 조치유형별 시정실적(Correction by Type of corrective measure) 91

3-1-2. 위반유형별 시정실적(Correction by Type of violation) 92

3-1-3. 시정주체별 시정(조정)실적(Performance by Institution) 93

3-1-4. 하도급분쟁조정협의회 조정실적(Performance of subcontract Dispute Mediation Council) 94

3-1-5. 현금성 결제 비율(Ratio of Cash or Cash-like payment) 95

3-1-6. 시정조치 금액 및 수혜 중소기업수(Amount of corrective measure / Number of SMB(Small-and-Medium sized Business) benefited from corrective measure) 96

3-2. 가맹사업법(Fair Franchise Transactions Act) 97

3-2-1. 조치유형별 시정실적(Correction by Type of corrective measure) 97

3-2-2. 위반유형별 시정실적(가맹)(Correction by Type of violation type) 98

3-2-3. 가맹사업거래분쟁조정협의회 조정실적(Performance of Franchise Business Dispute Mediation Council) 99

3-2-4. 분쟁조정협의회 유형별 조정실적(가맹)(Performance of Franchise Business by Type Dispute Mediation Council) 100

3-3. 대규모유통업법(Fair) 101

3-3-1. 조치유형별 시정실적(Correction by Type of corrective measure) 101

3-3-2. 위반유형별 시정실적(유통)(Correction by Type of violation type) 102

3-3-3. 대규모유통업거래분쟁조정협의회 조정실적(Performance of Large-Scale Distribution Business Distribute Mediation council) 103

3-3-4. 분쟁조정협의회 유형별 조정실적(유통)(Performance of Large-Scale Distribution Business by type Distribute Mediation council) 104

Ⅴ. 지방공정거래사무소(Regional Office) 105

1. 지방사무소별 사건접수 현황(Complaints received by Regional Office) 106

2. 지방사무소별 사건처리실적(Performance in Case Processing by Regional Office) 107

3. 조치유형별 시정실적(Correction by Type of corrective measure) 108

4. 법률별 시정실적(Correction by Type of Act) 114

Ⅵ. 기타통계(Others) 120

1. 경쟁제한 법령 및 처분에 대한 협의 시정실적(Performance in consultation & correction of anti-competitive law & disposition) 121

2. 의무적 신고 및 인가현황(Status of Obligatory Report & Authorization(registration) 122

3. 사전심사청구제도 운영실적(Advisory Opinion Program) 123

4. 공정거래자율준수프로그램 운영실적 (Performance of Compliance Program) 124

5. 양자간 국제협력 현황(Status of Bilateral International Cooperation) 125

6. 연도별 위원회 개최실적(Status of Committee operation) 126

판권기 127


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0002378991 R 338.522 ㄱ371ㅌ 2016 [부산관] 서고(열람신청 후 2층 주제자료실) 이용가능


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