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검색결과 (전체 1건)


유기성폐자원의 고효율 바이오가스화를 위한 최적 운영방안 연구. 3, 하수슬러지 병합처리 바이오가스화 시설의 기술지침서 마련 [전자자료] = A study on optimization of operation in the biogas production facility of organic waste : establishment of manual of installation/operation of combined biogasification facility with sewage sludge and food wastes / 이동진, 배지수, 손준익, 강준구, 전태완, 신선경 [저] 인기도
인천 : 국립환경과학원, 2016
전자형태로만 열람가능함
연구자료 : 통계
1 온라인 자료 : PDF
외부기관 원문
NIER-RP ; 2016-398
영어 초록 있음




Abstract 6

Ⅰ. 서론 7

Ⅱ. 연구내용 및 방법 8

1. 연구방법 체계 및 흐름 8

2. 현장조사 9

3. 정밀모니터링 10

가. 분석방법 11

(1) 삼성분 분석법 11

(2) 영양성분 (탄수화물, 단백질, 지방) 분석법 11

(3) CODcr, 질소(TN, NH3-N), 인(TP, PO4-P), 휘발성지방산 12

(4) 원소 함량 분석 12

(5) 메탄가스 발생량 12

4. 분자생물학적 군유전체 (metagenome) 분석 13

5. 음폐수와 하수슬러지의 병합처리 바이오가스화 효과 기초조사 14

Ⅲ. 연구결과 및 고찰 15

1. 현장조사 결과 15

2. 정밀모니터링 결과 16

가. 삼성분 및 유기물분해율 (VS 기준) 16

나. CODcr 및 영양성분 (단백질, 지방, 탄수화물) 17

다. 원소함량 분석결과 17

라. 저해요인 18

(1) 휘발성지방산 (Volatile fatty acids, VFAs) 18

(2) 질소 (TN, NH3-N), 인 (TP, PO4-P) 19

마. 메탄가스 발생량 20

3. 분자생물학적 군유전체 (metagenome) 분석 21

4. 음폐수와 하수슬러지의 병합처리 바이오가스화 효과 기초조사 22

Ⅳ. 하수슬러지 병합처리 바이오가스화 시설의 기술지침(안) 25

1. 바이오가스화 공정 흐름 25

2. 설계시 적용사항 26

가. 시설용량 산정 26

나. 공정흐름별 설계 고려사항 26

(1) 반입 및 전처리 공정 27

(2) 혐기소화 공정 28

(3) 소화가스 이용설비 28

(4) 부산물ㆍ폐수ㆍ악취처리 설비 29

3. 운전시 적용사항 29

가. 운전 인자 29

나. 제한대상물질 30

다. 운전모니터링 방안 32

4. 시운전 및 성능보증 32

Ⅴ. 결론 34

참고문헌 36

[부록 Ⅰ] 하수슬러지 병합처리 바이오가스화 시설의 현장조사 결과 40

[부록 Ⅱ] 하수슬러지 바이오가스화 시설 정밀모니터링 분석 결과 43

[부록 Ⅲ] 하수슬러지와 음폐수의 병합비율에 따른 바이오가스화 효율 평가 63

[부록 Ⅳ] 하수슬러지 바이오가스화 시설의 분자생물학적 군유전체 분석 결과 70

[부록 Ⅴ] 하수슬러지 바이오가스화 시설의 공정별 설계ㆍ운전 기술지침(안) 75

[부록 Ⅵ] 휘발성지방산 분석 방법 81

〈Table 1〉 Outline of bio-gasification facilities in the field investigation 10

〈Table 2〉 Operating problems in bio-gasification facilities in field investigation 15

〈Table 3〉 Results of TS, VS and VS removal efficiency 16

〈Table 4〉 Results of elements contents in bio-gasification facilities 18

〈Table 5〉 Results of nitrogen and phosphorus in biogasification facilities 19

〈Table 6〉 Comparison of theoretical and practical methane yield 20

〈Table 7〉 Comparison of theoretical and practical methane yield 21

〈Table 8〉 Characteristics of organic materials according to mixing ratio of SS & FWL 22

〈Table 9〉 Impact loading of dewatered wastewater on biogasification treating SS & FW(L) 27

〈Table 10〉 Guideline reference of operation parameters of anaerobic digester 30

〈Table 11〉 Limiting concentration of inhibitory factors 31

〈Table 12〉 Commissioning list and contents of biogasification facility 33

〈Table 13〉 Major inspection list on commission period of biogasification facility 33

〈Figure 1〉 Outline of research methods. 8

〈Figure 2〉 Flow diagram of research methods. 9

〈Figure 3〉 Results of moisture contents, TS and VS 16

〈Figure 4〉 Results of CODcr in bio-gasification facilities 17

〈Figure 5〉 Results of organic constituents in bio-gasification facilities 17

〈Figure 6〉 Results of canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) 21

〈Figure 7〉 Potential methane yield according to mixing ratio of SS & FWL. 23

〈Figure 8〉 VS removal efficiency according to mixing ratio of SS & FWL. 23

〈Figure 9〉 TNout according to mixing ratio of SS & FWL. 24

〈Figure 10〉 NH4+-Nout according to mixing ratio of SS & FWL. 24

〈Figure 11〉 Treatment flow of biogasification combined with FW(L) & SS 25

〈Figure 12〉 Seasonal production amount of food waste 26

〈Figure 13〉 Seasonal production amount of sewage sludge 26

〈Table Ⅰ-1〉 Operating problems in biogasification facilities treating FW(L) & SS 40

〈Table Ⅰ-2〉 Operating problems in biogasification facilities treating FW(L) & SS 41

〈Table Ⅰ-3〉 Operating problems in biogasification facilities treating FW(L) & SS 42

〈Table Ⅱ-1〉 Seasonal volatile fatty acids of biogasification facilities (winter) (1) 43

〈Table Ⅱ-2〉 Seasonal volatile fatty acids of biogasification facilities (winter) (2) 44

〈Table Ⅱ-3〉 Seasonal features of biogasification facilities (winter) (3) 45

〈Table Ⅱ-4〉 Seasonal features of biogasification facilities (winter) (4) 46

〈Table Ⅱ-5〉 Seasonal features of biogasification facilities (winter) (5) 47

〈Table Ⅱ-6〉 Seasonal features of biogasification facilities (spring) (1) 48

〈Table Ⅱ-7〉 Seasonal features of biogasification facilities (spring) (2) 49

〈Table Ⅱ-8〉 Seasonal features of biogasification facilities (spring) (3) 50

〈Table Ⅱ-9〉 Seasonal features of biogasification facilities (spring) (4) 51

〈Table Ⅱ-10〉 Seasonal features of biogasification facilities (spring) (5) 52

〈Table Ⅱ-11〉 Seasonal features of biogasification facilities (summer) (1) 53

〈Table Ⅱ-12〉 Seasonal features of biogasification facilities (summer) (2) 54

〈Table Ⅱ-13〉 Seasonal features of biogasification facilities (summer) (3) 55

〈Table Ⅱ-14〉 Seasonal features of biogasification facilities (summer) (4) 56

〈Table Ⅱ-15〉 Seasonal features of biogasification facilities (summer) (5) 57

〈Table Ⅱ-16〉 Seasonal features of biogasification facilities (autumn) (1) 58

〈Table Ⅱ-17〉 Seasonal features of biogasification facilities (autumn) (2) 59

〈Table Ⅱ-18〉 Seasonal features of biogasification facilities (autumn) (3) 60

〈Table Ⅱ-19〉 Seasonal features of biogasification facilities (autumn) (4) 61

〈Table Ⅱ-20〉 Seasonal features of biogasification facilities (autumn) (5) 62

〈Table Ⅲ-1〉 Characteristics of sewage sludge and food waste leachate 63

〈Table Ⅲ-2〉 Characteristics of organic materials depending on mixing ratio of sewage sludge and food waste leachate 64

〈Table Ⅲ-3〉 Potential methane yield according to mixing ration of sewage sludge and food waste leachate 65

〈Table Ⅳ-1〉 Outline of biogasification facilities 70

〈Table Ⅳ-2〉 Outline and operation characteristics of biogasification facilities 71

〈Table Ⅳ-3〉 Community richness & diversity of biogasification facilities samples 73

〈Table Ⅴ-1〉 Design and operation guideline of import storage hopper 75

〈Table Ⅴ-2〉 Design and operation guideline of pre-treatment facility 76

〈Table Ⅴ-3〉 Design and operation guideline of transporting system 76

〈Table Ⅴ-4〉 Design and operation guideline of anaerobic digester (1) 77

〈Table Ⅴ-5〉 Design and operation guideline of anaerobic digester (2) 78

〈Table Ⅴ-6〉 Design and operation guideline of biogas utilization facility 78

〈Table Ⅴ-7〉 Design and operation guideline of dewatering system 79

〈Table Ⅴ-8〉 Design and operation guideline of wastewater treatment and liquified system 79

〈Table Ⅴ-9〉 Design and operation guideline of odor treatment facility 80

〈Figure Ⅲ-1〉 Methane yield according to mixing ratio of sewage sludge and food waste leachate. 40

〈Figure Ⅲ-2〉 VS removal efficiency depending on mixing ratio of sewage sludge and food waste leachate. 67

〈Figure Ⅲ-3〉 Alkalinity of anaerobic effluent depending on mixing ratio 68

〈Figure Ⅲ-4〉 VFAs of anaerobic effluent depending on mixing ratio 68

〈Figure Ⅲ-5〉 Total nitrogen of anaerobic effluent depending on mixing ratio 68

〈Figure Ⅲ-6〉 Ammonia nitrogen of anaerobic effluent depending on mixing ratio 68

〈Figure Ⅳ-1〉 Results of taxonomic assignment (Bacteria) 72

〈Figure Ⅳ-2〉 Results of taxonomic assignment (Archaea) 72

〈Figure Ⅳ-3〉 Results of canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) 74


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