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검색결과 (전체 1건)


담수어류 중 잔류성 유기오염물질의 축적성 연구 = Studies on the accumulation status of persistent organic pollutants in the fresh water : 최종보고서. 5 [전자자료] / 환경부 국립환경과학원 인기도
인천 : 국립환경과학원, 2017
전자형태로만 열람가능함
연구자료 : 통계
1 온라인 자료 : PDF
외부기관 원문
NIER-SP ; 2016-421
연구기관: 부산대학교 산학협력단
연구책임자: 오정은
영어 초록 있음




요약문 4

Abstract 9

제1장 연구의 개요 20

제1절 연구 추진 배경 및 필요성 20

제2절 연구 추진 목적 21

제3절 연구 수행 방법 22

제4절 연구 추진 체계 23

제5절 연구원 업무 분담표 24

제6절 연구수행 계획 수립 25

1. 2015년(담수어류 중 잔류성 유기오염물질의 축적성 연구 (Ⅳ)) 25

2. 2016년(담수어류 중 잔류성 유기오염물질의 축적성 연구 (Ⅴ)) 25

3. 2017년(담수어류 중 잔류성 유기오염물질의 축적성 연구 (Ⅵ)) 26

제2장 서론 27

제1절 연구 배경 및 필요성 27

1. HBCDs 27

2. PFASs 31

3. OPFRs 35

4. PCNs 38

제2절 연구대상물질의 국내ㆍ외 연구동향 40

1. HBCDs 40

2. PFASs 44

3. OPFRs 47

4. PCNs 49

제3장 연구내용 및 방법 51

제1절 과업의 범위 51

1. 대상 지역 51

2. 대상 시료 52

3. 분석대상 화학종 52

제2절 연구 내용 55

제3절 시료채취 지점 56

1. 시료 채취 지점과 채취 방법 56

제4절 분석절차 및 사용기기 62

1. HBCDs 62

2. PFASs 65

3. OPFRs 68

4. PCNs 71

제5절 정성 및 정량분석 74

1. 분석기기의 조건 74

2. 정성 및 정량분석 78

3. 검량선 85

4. 검출한계 및 회수율 89

제4장 연구결과 및 고찰 97

제1절 주요 하천에서 HBCDs의 환경잔류 특성 97

1. 주요 하천 하천수 중 HBCDs 잔류농도 97

2. 주요 하천의 하천 퇴적물 중 HBCDs 잔류농도 100

3. 주요 하천의 붕어 체내 잔류농도 104

4. 주요 하천의 피라미 체내 잔류농도 116

5. 생물농축특성 및 근육에서 알로의 전이 특성 121

제2절 송사리 서식지에서 PFASs의 환경잔류 특성 133

1. 송사리 서식지의 하천수 중 PFASs 잔류농도 133

제3절 낙동강 수계 내 OPFRs 스크리닝 134

1. 낙동강 수계 내 하천수 및 퇴적물 스크리닝 134

2. 낙동강 수계 내 붕어 체내 잔류농도 및 분포특성 137

3. OPFRs의 환경 중 생물 농축특성 및 근육에서 알로의 전이특성 145

제4절 낙동강 수계 내 PCNs 사전 모니터링 148

1. 주요 하천의 하천수 및 퇴적물 사전 모니터링 148

2. 낙동강 수계 내 생체시료 농도 및 분포 패턴 153

3. PCNs의 환경 중 생물 농축특성 및 근육에서 알로의 전이특성 168

제5장 결론 170

제6장 참고문헌 173

Table 1-1. Physico-chemical properties of HBCDs 27

Table 1-2. Structure and physico-chemical properties of target PFAS 33

Table 1-3. Physicochemical characteristics of OPFRs 35

Table 1-4. PCNs homologues and and CAS number 38

Table 1-5. HBCDs concentration in environmental matrix 43

Table 1-6. PFASs concentration in Regional waste water, Sediment and Biota 45

Table 1-7. Regulated PFASs by Korean Chemical materials management Law 46

Table 1-8. Circulation volume of PFASs as C8~C20 in Korea 46

Table 1-9. PCNs concentration in environmental matrix 50

Table 2-1. Target HBCDs in this study 53

Table 2-2. Target PFASs in this study 53

Table 2-3. Target OPFRs in this study 54

Table 2-4. Target PCNs in this study 54

Table 2-5. Description of sampling sites and the number of samples in each matrix 59

Table 2-6. Sampling information of Namhan River 60

Table 2-7. Sampling information of Nakdong River 60

Table 2-8. Sampling information of Yeongsan River 61

Table 2-9. Instrumental operating conditions of HBCDs 74

Table 2-10. Instrumental operating conditions of PFASs 75

Table 2-11. Instrumental operating conditions of OPFRs 76

Table 2-12. Instrumental operating conditions of PCNs 77

Table 2-13. MRM condition of HBCDs 78

Table 2-14. MRM condition of PFASs 80

Table 2-15. Instrument condition of OPFRs 81

Table 2-16. Instrument condition of PCNs 82

Table 2-17. Average recovery of HBCDs in samples 89

Table 2-18. MDLs of HBCDs in each sample matrix 90

Table 2-19. Accuracy of developed analytical method for HBCDs in various samples 90

Table 2-20. LOD and LOQ in water, sediment and biota(PFASs) 92

Table 2-21. MDLs of OPFRs in each sample matrix 93

Table 2-22. Recovery range of OPFRs in samples 94

Table 2-23. Accuracy and precision of each method for OPFRs analysis 94

Table 2-24. MDLs of PCNs 95

Table 2-25. Average recovery of PCNs in samples 96

Table 2-26. Accuracy of developed analytical method for PCNs in various samples 96

Table 3-1. HBCDs concentration in river water of two years monitoring 98

Table 3-2. Comparison with other previous studies on HBCDs in water 99

Table 3-3. HBCDs concentration in sediment of major rivers 101

Table 3-4. Comparison of HBCDs in sediment with previous study 103

Table 3-5. Lipid contents, HSI, GSI and metric trait of crucian carp 104

Table 3-6. HBCDs concentration in crucian carp muscle 109

Table 3-7. HBCDs concentration in crucian carp muscle 110

Table 3-8. HBCDs concentration in crucian carp blood 111

Table 3-9. HBCDs concentration in crucian carp liver 112

Table 3-10. HBCDs concentration in crucian carp egg 113

Table 3-11. HBCDs concentration in minnnow whole body 118

Table 3-12. Comparison with other previous studies on HBCDs in fish 120

Table 3-13. Mean bioconcentration factor of HBCDs in biota 122

Table 3-14. The previous studies result of BCF in HBCDs and other POPs compounds 123

Table 3-15. The calculated biota-sediment accumulation factor(BSAF) in fish 125

Table 3-16. The BSAF in HBCDs and other POPs compounds in previous studies 126

Table 3-17. Correlation coefficient (r) range and corresponding relevance level 127

Table 3-18. Correlations of HBCDs between each crucian carp part 128

Table 3-19. Correlations of HBCDs between crucian carp and body weight and Total length 130

Table 3-20. MTR of HBCDs in this study and other studies 132

Table 3-21. The results of OPFRs from previous studies on river water 136

Table 3-22. The results of OPFRs from previous studies on sediment 136

Table 3-23. Comparison of OPFRs concentration in various fish species with previous related studies 140

Table 3-24. MTR of OPFRs in this study 145

Table 3-25. Bioconcentration factor of OPFRs 146

Table 3-26. BSAF of OPFRs 147

Table 3-27. PCNs concentration in sediment 149

Table 3-28. The results of PCNs from previous studies on sediment 151

Table 3-29. PCNs concentration in crucian carp samples from Nakdong river 153

Table 3-30. PCNs concentration in the muscle of minnow whole body 155

Table 3-31. Comparison of PCNs concentration in various fish species with previous related studies 158

Table 3-32. The reported TEF values for PCNs 161

Table 3-33. The TEF of PCNs 161

Table 3-34. Total PCNs concentration and their TEQ values in various samples of this study 162

Table 3-35. Detection frequency of CN-66/67 and 73 in samples 165

Table 3-36. MTR of PCNs in this study 168

Table 3-37. BSAF of PCNs 169

Fig. 1-1. The structure of representative HBCDs 27

Fig. 1-2. Transport and fate mechanisms of flame retardants in the freshwater ecosystem 28

Fig. 1-3. Distribution of HBCDs isomer 29

Fig. 1-4. The structure of representative PFASs 32

Fig. 1-5. The representative structures of OPFRs 35

Fig. 1-6. The fate of OPFRs in various environmental media 36

Fig. 1-7.Construction of PCNs 38

Fig. 1-8. Number of SCI papers about HBCDs 40

Fig. 1-9. Concentrations of residual HBCD in soil samples under aerobic conditions 41

Fig. 1-10. Trend of HBCDs concentration by countries 42

Fig. 1-11. Number of SCI papers about PFOS and PFOA in water, sediment and fish 44

Fig. 1-12. The number of SCI papers about OPFRs 47

Fig. 1-13. Number of SCI papers about PCNs 49

Fig. 2-1. Sampling sites in rivers 57

Fig. 2-2. Sampling sites for medaka fish habitats 58

Fig. 2-3. Analytical procedure of HBCDs in water 62

Fig. 2-4. Analytical procedure of HBCDs in sediment 63

Fig. 2-5. Analytical procedure of HBCDs in fish 64

Fig. 2-6. Analytical procedure of PFASs in water 66

Fig. 2-7. Analytical procedure of PFASs in sediment and fish tissues 67

Fig. 2-8. Analytical procedure of OPFRs in water 68

Fig. 2-9. Analytical procedure of OPFRs in sediment 69

Fig. 2-10. Analytical procedure of OPFRs in fish 70

Fig. 2-11. Analytical procedure of PCNs in water 71

Fig. 2-12. Analytical procedure of PCNs in sediment 72

Fig. 2-13. Analytical procedure of PCNs in minnow, crucian carp 73

Fig. 2-14. Chromatogram of target HBCDs and surrogate materials 78

Fig. 2-15. Chromatogram of target PFASs and surrogate materials 80

Fig. 2-16. Chromatogram of target PCNs and surrogate materials 83

Fig. 2-17. Calibration curve of HBCDs 85

Fig. 2-18. Calibration curve of PFASs 86

Fig. 2-19. Calibration curve of target OPFRs 87

Fig. 2-20. Calibration curve of PCNs 88

Fig. 3-1. HBCDs concentration in river water (a) 2016 year (b) 2015 year 97

Fig. 3-2. HBCDs distribution pattern in river water (a) 2016 year (b) 2015 year 98

Fig. 3-3. Comparison of HBCDs concentration in river water with previous study sampling in 2015 99

Fig. 3-4. HBCDs concentration in sediment (a) 2016 year (b) 2015 year 101

Fig. 3-5. HBCDs distribution pattern in sediment (a) 2016 year (b) 2015 year 102

Fig. 3-6. Comparison of HBCDs concentration in sediment with previous study sampling in 2015 103

Fig. 3-7. HBCDs concentration in (a) muscle, (b) blood, (c) liver and (d) egg of crucian carp(2016 year) 107

Fig. 3-8. HBCDs concentration in (a) muscle, (b) blood, (c) liver and (d) egg of crucian carp(2015 year) 108

Fig. 3-9. HBCDs concentration in each crucial carp organ (a) 2016 year (b) 2015 year 114

Fig. 3-10. (a) Distribution of each isomer in crucian carp and (b) liver accumulation ratio for α- and γ-HBCD in crucian carp of 2016 and (c) Distribution of each isomer in crucian carp and (d) liver accumulation ratio for α- and γ-HBCD in crucian carp(2015 year) 114

Fig. 3-11. Comparison of HBCDs concentration in (a) muscle, (b) blood, (c) liver and (d) egg of crucian carp with previous study sampling in 2015 115

Fig. 3-12. HBCDs concentration in minnnow (a) 2016 year (b) 2015 year 116

Fig. 3-13. HBCDs distribution pattern in minnnow (a) 2016 year (b) 2015 year 117

Fig. 3-14. Comparison of HBCDs concentration in river water with previous study sampling in 2015 119

Fig. 3-15. Correlation of HBCDs concentration in crucian carp(2015+2016) 129

Fig. 3-16. Correlation of HBCDs of crucian carp with their total length and body weight(2015+2016) 131

Fig. 3-17. Concentration and distribution pattern of OPFRs in water 135

Fig. 3-18. Concentration and distribution pattern of OPFRs in sediment 135

Fig. 3-19. Concentration and distribution pattern of OPFRs in crucian carp samples from Nakdong river 137

Fig. 3-20. The OPFRs concentration in each part of crucian carp samples 138

Fig. 3-21. Correlation of OPFRs concentration in each part of crucian carp samples 141

Fig. 3-22. Correlation between length and body weight of crucian carp and OPFRs concentration 143

Fig. 3-23. The correlation of total length and body weight vs TBP in muscle and comparison between male and female 144

Fig. 3-24. Concentration and distribution pattern of PCNs in sediment 150

Fig. 3-25. The various POPs concentration in sediment 152

Fig. 3-26. The comparison of POPs concentration in sediment with previous studies 152

Fig. 3-27. Concentration and distribution pattern of PCNs in crucian carp samples from Nakdong river 154

Fig. 3-28. The PCNs concentration in each part of crucian carp samples 154

Fig. 3-29. Concentration and distribution pattern of PCNs in minnow 156

Fig. 3-30. The comparison of various POPs concentration in each part of fish samples in Korea 158

Fig. 3-31. Principal component analysis of PCNs in sample 159

Fig. 3-32. Distribution of PCNs in various samples 159

Fig. 3-33. Concentration of PCN congeners in samples 164

Fig. 3-34. Concentration of PCNs congeners which have TEF value 165

Fig. 3-35. Correlation of PCNs concentration in each part of crucian carp samples 166

Fig. 3-36. Correlation between length and body weight of crucian carp and PCNs concentration 167


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