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동영상 0
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도서 앰블럼

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공공기관 ()
싱크탱크 ()
국제기구 ()
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국회의원정책자료 ()
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검색결과 (전체 1건)


농림축산식품통계연보 = Agriculture, food and rural affairs statistics yearbook. 2018 / 농림축산식품부 인기도
세종 : 농림축산식품부, 2018
R 630.58 ㄴ293ㄴ
[서울관] 서고(열람신청 후 디지털정보센터(의정관3층)), [부산관] 서고(열람신청 후 2층 주제자료실)
375 p. ; 27 cm
이전편자: 농수산부→농림부→농림수산식품부
부록: 1. 생산자 물가지수 ; 2. 농가판매가격지수 ; 3. 농가구입가격 및 임료금 지수 외
전자자료(DVD-ROM)로도 이용가능
본문은 한국어, 영어가 혼합 수록됨
공동발행: 농림수산식품교육문화정보원
이전표제: 농림통계연보→농림수산식품통계연보
이용가능한 다른 형태자료:농림축산식품통계연보 [전자자료] 2018  바로보기



이용자를 위하여(User Notes)



I. 국토 (Land) 12

1. 위치(Location) 12

2. 시도별 행정단위 및 면적(Administrative Unit and Area by Province) 12

II. 인구(Population) 13

1. 인구추이(Population Trend) 13

2. 시도별 인구(Population by Province) 14

3. 산업별 경제활동인구(Economically Active Population by Industry) 15

4. 연령계층별 농림어업 취업인구(Agricultural, Forestry and Fisheries Employment by Age Group) 15

III. 기후(Climate) 17

1. 지중온도 및 최저초상 온도(2017)(Soil Temperature and Minimum Grass Temperature(2017)) 17

2. 상대습도 및 풍속(2017)(Relative Humidity and Wind Speed(2017)) 19

3. 일조시간 및 강수량(2017)(Daylight Hours and Precipitation(2017)) 21

4. 증발량(2017)(Evaporation(2017)) 23

5. 평균기온(2017)(Average Temperature(2017)) 24


I. 농가 및 농가인구(Farm Households and Population) 28

1. 농가 및 농가인구(Farm Households and Population) 28

2. 성별 및 호당 농가인구(Farm Population by Sex and per Household) 28

3. 연령별 농가인구(Farm Population by Age Group) 29

4. 농가호당 경지면적(Cultivated Area per Farm Household) 29

5. 전·겸업별 농가(Farm Households by Full and Part-Time) 30

6. 경지규모별 농가(Farm Households by Size of Cultivated Land) 31

7. 시·군별 농가 및 농가인구(2017)(Farm Households and Population by Si(City) or Gun(County)) 33

II. 경지 및 경지이용(Patterns of Cultivated Land Use) 37

1. 국토이용(Land Utilization) 37

2. 수리상태별 논 면적(Paddy Fields by Irrigation Conditions) 38

3. 경지면적(Cultivated Land Area by Paddy Field and Upland) 39

4. 경지이용(Cultivated Land Area by Crops) 39

5. 증감사유별 경지면적(합계)(Change in Cultivated Land Area by Cause(Total)) 41

6. 시·군별 경지면적(2017)(Cultivated Land Area by Si(City) and Gun(County)(2017)) 47

III. 농업생산자재(Agricultural Production Materials) 51

1. 농업용 기구 및 기계보유(Agricultural Implements and Machinery Holdings) 51

2. 비료 생산(Chemical Fertilizer Production) 53

3. 비료 소비(Chemical Fertilizer Consumption) 55

4. 비료 수출입 실적(Exports and Imports of Fertilizer) 57

5. 농약 생산(Agricultural Chemical Production) 58

6. 농약 출하(Agricultural Chemical Shipments) 59

7. 농약 소비량(Agricultural Chemical Consumption) 60

8. 농약수입 및 수출(Agricultural Chemical Imports and Exports) 61

IV. 작물재배면적(Crop Cultivation Area) 63

1. 작물별 재배면적(Cultivated Area by Crops) 63

2. 식량작물 재배면적(Cultivated Area of Food Crops) 69

3. 채소 재배면적(Cultivated Area of Vegetables) 73

4. 과수 및 특용작물 재배면적(Cultivated Area of Orchards, Oilseeds and Specialty Crops) 81

5. 뽕밭 및 기타 수원지 면적(Area of Mulberry Fields and Other Tree Crops) 85

6. 기타작물 재배면적(Cultivated Area of Other Crops) 86

7. 시설작물 재배면적(Cultivated Area of Greenhouse Crops) 87

V. 작물생산량(Crop Production) 89

1. 미곡 및 맥류 생산량(정곡)(Rice and Barley Production(Milled)) 89

2. 미곡 및 맥류 생산량(조곡)(Rice and Barley Production(Rough)) 89

3. 서류 생산량(Potatoes Production) 91

4. 잡곡 생산량(Miscellaneous Grain Production) 93

5. 두류 생산량(Pulse Production) 93

6. 채소 생산량(Vegetable Production) 95

7. 과실 생산량(Fruit Production) 109

8. 특용작물 생산량(Oilseed Crop Production) 111

9. 누에 사육호수 및 양잠산물 생산량(Silkworm Rearing Households and Production) 113

10. 오디 생산현황(Mulberry Fruit Production) 114

11. 논벼 수량 구성요소(Paddy Rice Yield Factors) 115

VI. 축산(Livestock) 117

1. 가축 사육 가구 및 마리(Number of Livestock and Poultry and Livestock Farms) 117

2. 한육우 사육 가구 및 마리(Number of Beef Cattle and Cattle Farms) 119

3. 젖소 사육 가구 및 마리(Number of Dairy Cattle and Dairy Farms) 119

4. 돼지 사육 가구 및 마리(Number of Pigs and Pig Farms) 121

5. 닭 사육 가구 및 마리(Number of Chickens and Chicken Farms) 121

6. 말, 토끼, 염소 사육 가구 및 마리(Number of Horses, Rabbits and Goats and Livestock Farms) 123

7. 꿀벌, 오리 사육 가구 및 마리(Number of Bees and Ducks and Livestock Farms) 123

8. 도축검사(Livestock Inspected for Slaughter) 125

9. 가축 전염병 발생(Cases of Infectious Livestock Diseases) 127

10. 가축 전염병 예방주사 실적(Livestock Vaccinated against Infectious Diseases) 127

11. 가축 전염병 검색(Test of Infectious Livestock Diseases) 128

12. 동물 및 축산물 수출 검역실적(Animals and Livestock Products Quarantined and Inspected for Exports) 129

13. 동물 수출 검역실적(Animals Quarantined and Inspected for Exports) 131

14. 동물 수입 검역실적(Animals Quarantined and Inspected for Imports) 133

15. 축산물 수출 검역실적(Livestock Products Quarantined and Inspected for Exports) 135

16. 축산물 수입 검역실적(Livestock Products Quarantined and Inspected for Imports) 137

17. 시도별 우유 생산량(Milk Production by Province) 139

18. 유제품별 생산 및 소비실적(Production and Consumption by Milk Products) 141

19. 배합사료 원료 사용(Mixed Feed Ingredients Used) 143

20. 배합사료 생산(Mixed Feed Production) 144

VII. 농가경제(호당평균)(Farm Household Economy(Average per Household)) 145

1. 표본농가 개황(Characteristics of Sample Farm Households) 145

2. 농가경제 주요지표(Major Indicators of Farm Household Economy) 147

3. 농가경제 도별주요지표(2017)(Major Indicators of Farm Household Economy by Province(2017)) 149

4. 농업 총(조)수입(Gross Farm Receipts) 151

5. 농업 경영비(Farm Expenses) 153

6. 겸업수입 및 지출(Non-Farm Business Receipts and Expenses) 155

7. 사업외 수입(호당평균)(Non-Business Receipts(Average per Household)) 157

8. 사업외 지출(Non-Business Expenses) 159

9. 이전 및 비경상소득(수입)(Transfer & Lrregular Income(Receipts)) 161

10. 용도별 차입금(Debt by Uses) 162

11. 차입처별 차입금(Debt by Lenders) 163

12. 가계지출(Household Consumption Expenditures) 165

13. 농가자산(Farm Household Assets) 167

14. 농업생산성지표(Agricultural Productivity Indicators) 169

15. 농가노동투하량(Farm Household Labor Hours) 169

VIII. 농산물 생산비(Production Costs) 171

1. 논벼 생산비(10a당)(Rice Production Costs(per 10a)) 171

2. 논벼 생산비(정곡 80kg당)(Rice Production Costs(per 80kg, Milled)) 175

3. 논벼 생산비 도수 분포(Frequency Distribution of Rice Production Cost) 177

4. 겉보리 생산비(10a당)(Common Barley Production Costs(per 10a)) 179

5. 겉보리 생산비(정곡 76.5kg당)(Common Barley Production Costs(per 76.5kg, Milled)) 185

6. 쌀보리 생산비(10a당)(Naked Barley Production Costs(per 10a)) 187

7. 쌀보리 생산비(정곡 76.5kg당)(Naked Barley Production Costs(per 76.5kg, Milled)) 193

8. 마늘 생산비(10a당)(Garlic Production Costs(per 10a)) 195

9. 마늘 생산비(10kg당)(Garlic Production Costs(per 10kg)) 197

10. 양파 생산비(10a당)(Onion Production Costs(per 10a)) 199

11. 양파 생산비(20kg당)(Onion Production Costs(per 20kg)) 201

12. 고추 생산비(10a당)(Red Pepper Production Costs(per 10a)) 203

13. 고추 생산비(10kg당)(Red Pepper Production Costs(per 10kg)) 205

14. 콩 생산비(10a당)(Soybean Production Costs(per 10a)) 207

15. 콩 생산비(10kg당)(Soybean Production Costs(per 10kg)) 209

IX. 양곡수급 및 관리(Food Grain Supply and Demand) 211

1. 2016 양곡연도 전체양곡 수급실적(Food Grain Supply and Demand Rice Year 2016) 211

2. 2017 양곡연도 전체양곡 수급실적(잠정)(Food Grain Supply and Demand Rice Year 2017(Preliminary)) 213

3. 양곡연도별 곡가조절양곡 방출실적(정곡)(Government Grain(Milled) Release for Price Stabilization) 215

4. 추곡(정곡) 및 하곡(조곡) 수매실적(Government Purchasing of Rice and Barley(Rough)) 216

5. 정부관리 양곡 판매가격(정곡, 합격품)(Selling Price of Government Grains(Milled, Passing Grade)) 217

6. 정부관리 양곡 매입가격(2등품)(Purchasing Price of Government Grains(2nd Grade)) 217

7. 1인당 연간 양곡소비량(Annual per Capita Consumption of Food Grains) 219

8. 미곡 검사실적(Rice Inspected for Grade) 220

9. 보리 검사실적(Barley and Wheat Inspected for Grade) 221

10. 맥류, 두류, 잡곡, 유채씨, 마른고추 검사실적(Barley, Pulses Miscellaneous Grains, Rapeseeds, Dried Red Peppers Inspected for Grade) 223

11. 수입 농산물 검사실적(Agricultural Products Inspected for Imports) 225

X. 수출입 동향(Trade in the Agricultural, Forestry & Fishery Sector) 227

1. 농림수산물 수출입실적(Exports and Imports of Agricultural, Forestry & Fishery Products) 227

2. 양곡수입실적(Food Grain Imports) 228

XI. 조합 및 농업금융(Associations and Agricultural Financing) 229

1. 협동조합 설립상황(Cooperatives by Type) 229

2. 농업자금 융자실적(Loans Advanced by NACF and Government Funds) 230

3. 금융 농업자금 융자실적(Loans Advanced by NACF Credit Funds) 231

4. 재정 농업자금 융자실적(Loans Advanced by Government Funds) 232

5. 영농조합법인 운영현황(2016 말 현재)(Farming Association Corporation by Type(As of December 2016)) 233

6. 농업회사법인 운영현황(2016 말 현재)(Agricultural Corporation by Type(As of December 2016)) 234

임업(FORESTRY) 236

I. 산림면적 및 임목축적(Forest Land Area and Growing Stock) 237

1. 연도별 임상별 면적 및 임목 축적(Forest Land Area and Growing Stock by Forest Type) 237

2. 산림면적 및 임목 축적(Forest Land Area and Growing Stock) 239

3. 소유별 산림면적 및 임목 축적(Forest Land Area and Growing Stock by Ownership) 241

4. 임상별 산림 면적(Forest Land Area by Forest Type) 243

5. 임상별 임목 축적(Growing Stock by Forest Type) 245

II. 임업생산(Forest Production) 247

1. 임산물 생산량(Production of Forest Products) 247

III. 산림경영(Forestry Management) 251

1. 소유별 조림실적(Accomplishment of Reforestation by Ownership) 251

2. 조림지 가꾸기 및 숲가꾸기(Plantation Management and Forest Tending) 253

3. 산불피해 상황(Damage of Forest Fires) 255

4. 임도시설 현황(Construction of Forest Road) 257

IV. 임산물 가공 유통 및 무역(Processing, Marketing and Trade) 259

1. 원목 수급실적(Timber Demand and Supply) 259

2. 주요 임산물 수출실적(Exports of Major Forest Products) 261

3. 주요 임산물 수입실적(Imports of Major Forest Products) 263


I. 식품산업현황(Food Industry) 266

1. 식품산업 규모(Scale of Food Industry) 266

2. 식품산업 생산지수(경상)(Current Production Index of Food Industry) 266

3. 음식료품 제조업(Manufacture of Food Products and Beverages) 267

4. 음식점 및 주점업(Restaurants Cafeterias and Bars) 269

5. 음식료품 및 담배도매업(Wholesale of Food Beverages and Tobacco) 271

6. 음식료품 및 담배소매업(Retail Sale of Food Beverages and Tobacco in Specialized Stores) 273

7. 종합 소매업(Retail Sale in Non-Specialized Stores) 275

8. 소매업 판매액(Retail Sales) 277

9. 식품산업 부가가치(Value-added of Food Industry) 278

10. 가계식품소비(Households Food Expenditure) 279

II. 전통식품산업현황(Korean Traditional Food Industry) 280

1. 전통식품 산업(2016)(Korean Traditional Food Industry(2016)) 280

2. 전통주 출고현황(2016)(Delivered Quantity of Traditional Liquors(2016)) 281

3. 전통주 제조면허 현황(Number of Licensed Plants of Traditional Liquor) 281

수산업(FISHERIES) 282

I. 어가 및 어가인구(Fishery Households and Population) 284

1. 어가 및 어가인구(Fishery Households and Population) 284

2. 성별 및 호당어가인구(Fishery Households Population by Sex and per Household) 284

3. 연령별 어가인구(Fishery Households Population by Age Group) 285

4. 전·겸업별 어가(Fishery Households by Full-time or Part-time) 285

5. 어업형태별 어가 및 어가인구(Fishery Households, Population by Capture Fishery & Aquaculture) 286

6. 어선 톤수별 어업가구(Fishery Households by Fishing Vessel Size) 287

7. 작업방식별 어업종사가구원 및 어업경영주(Fishery Workers and Fishery Households by Working Method) 288

II. 어가경제(호당평균)(Fishery Household Economy(Average of Household)) 289

1. 표본어가 개황(Characteristics of Sample Fishery Households) 289

2. 어가경제 주요지표(Major Indicators of Fishery Household Economy) 291

3. 어업 총(조)수입(Gross Fishery Receipts) 293

4. 어업경영비(Fishery Expenses) 295

5. 겸업수입 및 지출(Non-Fishery Business Receipts and Expenses) 297

6. 사업외 수입 및 지출(호당평균)(Non-Business Receipts and Expenses(Average per Household)) 299

7. 이전소득 및 비경상소득(Transfer Income and Irregular Income) 301

8. 용도별·차입처별 부채(Liabilities Purpose & Borrowing) 303

9. 가계지출(Household Expenditures) 305

10. 어가자산(Fishery Household Assets) 309

11. 어업 생산성 지표(Indicators of Fishery Productivity) 311

12. 어업노동 투하량(Fishery Labor Hours) 311

부록(APPENDIX) 314

I. 지수(Index) 316

1. 생산자 물가지수(Producer Price Index) 316

2. 농가판매 가격지수(Prices Index of Farm Products Received by Farmers) 319

3. 농가구입가격 및 임료금 지수(Indexes of Prices, Wages and Charges Paid by Farmers) 319

4. 농업노동임금(Farm Wages) 320

5. 수출입 물가지수(Price Indexes of Export and Import) 320

6. 농가판매가격 유별지수(Prices Index of Farm Products Received by Farmers by Commodity Group) 321

7. 농가구입가격 유별지수(Prices Index of Goods and Service Paid by Farmers by Commodity Group) 321

8. 농산물 농가 판매가격지수(Prices Index of Farm Products Received by Farmers) 323

9-1. 농업용품 농가 구입가격지수(Farm Input Prices Index Paid by Farmers) 327

9-2. 농업용품 농가 구입가격지수(Farm Input Prices Index Paid by Farmers) 329

9-3. 농업용품 농가 구입가격지수(Farm Input Prices Index Paid by Farmers) 329

10. 농림업 생산지수(Agricultural and Forestry Production Index) 331

II. 생산액(Value of Production) 337

1. 농림업 생산액(경상가격)(Value of Agricultural and Forestry Products(Current Market Prices)) 337

2. 경제활동별 국내총생산(2010년 연쇄가격)(Gross Domestic Products by Economic Sector(at chained 2010 year prices)) 347

3. 경제활동별 국내총생산(당해년가격)(Gross Domestic Products by Economic Sector(at current prices) 349

4. 농업·임업 및 어업의 국내총생산(2010년 연쇄가격)(Gross Domestic Products in Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries(at chained 2010 year prices)) 351

5. 농업·임업 및 어업의 국내총생산(당해년가격)(Gross Domestic Products in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries)(at current prices) 353

III. 국제통계(International Statistics) 355

1. 세계 주요국 총인구, 농가인구, 경제활동인구(Total Population Farm Population and Economically Active Population of Major Countries) 355

2. 세계주요국 국토면적, 농경지, 비농경지(2016)(Surface Area of Major Countries(2016)) 361

3. 비료 소비량(2014)(Fertilizer Consumption(2014)) 363

4. 농업용기계 보유대수(Agricultural Machinery Holdings) 364

5. 세계 주요국 농업생산지수(Agricultural Production Index of Major Countries) 365

6. 세계 주요국 곡물생산지수(Cereals Production Index of Major Countries) 367

7. 세계 주요국 농산물 생산량(2015)(Agricultural Production of Major Countries(2015)) 369

8. 세계 주요국 가축(2014)(Number of Livestock of Major Countries(2014)) 371

IV. 환산율표(Conversion Tables) 373

도량형 환산(Conversion Table of Weight and Measures) 373

판권기 375


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