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도서 앰블럼

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검색결과 (전체 1건)


조선의 읍성과 수원화성 = A fortress of Joseon and Hwaseong fortress, Suwon : 수원화성박물관 개관 10주년 기념 특별기획전 / 수원화성박물관 인기도
수원 : 수원화성박물관, 2019
951.509 -19-7
[서울관] 서고(열람신청 후 1층 대출대)
319 p. : 삽화 ; 31 cm
ISBN: 9791187190455
논고: 유재춘, 전종한, 박정애 ; 원고: 이유나, 김세영, 조성우, 진인성, 이종희 ; 사진: 주병수, 한정엽
본문은 한국어, 영어가 혼합 수록됨
전시: 수원화성박물관, 2019.4.25.∼6.30.




발간사 : '조선의 읍성과 수원화성' 특별기획전을 개최하며

축사 : '조선의 읍성과 수원화성' 특별기획전을 축하하며



1. 조선시대 읍성의 조성(Construction of fortresses(Eupseong) in the Joseon Dynasty) 8

001. 조선경국전(朝鮮經國典)(Code of the Joseon Dynasty's first) 10

002. 대전회통(大典會通)(Comprehensive collected edition of the Grand Code) 11

003. 세종실록지리지(世宗實錄地理誌)(The geography book of the 8 national provinces in Sejong Silok(The records of the King, Sejong)) 12

004. 신증동국여지승람(新增東國輿地勝覽)(A representative official geography book of the late Joseon Dynasty) 13

005. 눌재집(訥齋集)(A collection of poetry and prose written by Yang Sung-jee(His pen name is Nul jae), a scholar and a civil servant in the Joseon Dynasty) 14

006. 서애선생문집(西厓先生文集)(A collection of literary works by Seoae(Ryu Seong-ryong's pen name) 15

007. 반계수록(磻溪隨錄)(Essay of Bangye that proposed the redistribution of land to all members of the farming class) 16

008. 반계수록(磻溪隨錄)(Essay of Bangye that proposed the redistribution of land to all members of the farming class) 17

009. 어제수성윤음(御製守城綸音)(King Yeongjo's instruction on the capital defense) 18

010. 축성계초(築城啓草)(A manuscript on the reconstruction works of Jeonju Fortress) 20

011. 해서축성록(海西築城錄)(The records of the fortress construction labor which was conducted in Haeju, Hwang hae province) 21

012. 고사신서(攷事新書)(New Guide to Miscellaneous Facts) 22

013. 기효신서(紀效新書)(A military book on new practical tactics) 23

014. 무비지(武備志)(Treatise on Military Preparation, written by Mao Yuan-yi) 24

015. 성제고(城制考)(A reference work for new fortress systems) 28

016. 성제도설(城制圖說)(Document about the construction of the fortress written by King Jeongjo) 34

017. 유서(諭書)(Document written by King Jeongjo praising Chae Je-gong's policy on the construction of the fortress) 36

018. 화성기적비(華城紀蹟碑)(The stone inscription recorded on the process from the beginning to the completion of the Hwaseong Sanctuary) 38

019. 화성성역의궤(華城城役儀軌)(The construction records of Hwaseong Fortress, Suwon) 39

020. 민보의(民堡議)(The book on military strategy and tactics with the contents that people should voluntarily build a small-scale fortification to defend) 40

021. 민보집설(民報輯說)(A book on the fort (Built by the people themselves) defense system published in 1867 by Shinhun) 41

022. 기기도설(奇器圖說)(Diagrams and explanations of the marvelous devices of the Far West, written by Swiss Jesuit Johann Schreck) 42

023. 여유당집(與猶堂集)(Collection of literary works of Jeong Yak-yong, designer of the cranes used in the construction of the fortress) 43

024. 거중기(擧重機)(Crane used in the construction of Hwaseong Fortress, Suwon) 44

025. 녹로(轆轤)(Pulley used in the construction of Hwaseong Fortress, Suwon) 45

026. 유형거(游衡車)(Cart used in the construction of Hwaseong Fortress, Suwon) 46

027. 담기(Tools used in building the Hwaseong Fortress, Suwon) 47

028. 험(杴)(Tools used in building the Hwaseong Fortress, Suwon) 48

029. 화(鏵)(Tools used in building the Hwaseong Fortress, Suwon) 49

2. 감영 소재지의 읍성(Fortresses(as Provincial Offices-Gamyeoung)) 50

030. 도성도(都城圓)(Atlas of the Eastern State; Map of the Capital) 52

031. 경기감영도 병풍(京幾監營圖 屛風)(A painted folding screen of Gyeonggi Provincial Government Office) 54

032. 공주목지도(公州牧地圖)(Map of Gongju-Mok(town)) 56

033. 공주목읍지(公州牧邑誌)(A document that recorded the history of Gongju-Mok(town) area) 59

034. 대구부읍지(大丘府邑誌)(The geographical book that recorded the history of Daegu-bu) 62

035. 전주지도(全州地圖)(Map of Jeonju) 66

036. 완산부지도(完山府地圖)(10 pages of a painted folding screen map of Wansan-bu) 70

037. 완산도형(完山圓形)(Map of Jeonju) 74

038. 황해도읍지(黃海道邑誌)(A document recorded the history and geography of Haeju region) 76

039. 황해도해주지도(黃海道海州地圖)(Map of Haeju in Hwanghae province) 82

040. 해주도 병풍(海州圖屛風)(A painted folding screen of Haeju) 86

041. 기성도(箕城圓)(Artwork of panoramic views of the Pyongyang Fortress) 90

042. 평양기성도(平壤箕城圖)(A painted folding screen of Pyongyang Fortress) 92

043. 기성도병(箕城圖屛)(A paintcd folding screen of Pyongyang Fortress) 98

044. 평양도10폭병풍(平壞圖十幅屛風)(A painted folding screen of Pyongyang Fortress) 102

045. 평양성탈환도(平壤城奪還圖)(Painting of the recapture of Pyongyang Fortress) 108

046. 함경도지도(咸鏡道地圖)(Map of Hamgyeong province) 110

047. 함흥읍도(咸興巴圖)(Artwork of the Hamheung fortress) 112

3. 지방행정도시의 주요 읍성(Major Fortresses(Eupseong) of Local Administrative Cities) 114

048. 여지도(輿也圖)(A book of maps produced in late Joseon period) 116

049. 수원부읍지(水原府邑誌)(A book about the local history and geography of Suwon-bu during the Joseon period) 118

050. 화성전도(華城全圖)(Painting of Hwaseong Fortress, Suwon with 6 pictures) 120

051. 화성도(華城圖)(Map of Hwaseong Fortress, Suwon right after its completion) 126

052. 수원부지도(水原府地圖)(Map of Suwon-bu area produced in 1872) 128

053. 화성전도(華城全圖)(A painted folding screen of the royal procession to Hwaseong Fortress, Suwon) 130

054. 해미현지도(海美縣地圖)(Map of Haemi county) 136

055. 해미현읍지(海美縣邑誌)(A document that recorded the history and the geography of Haemi county) 138

056. 홍주지도(洪州地圖)(Map of Hongju) 142

057. 홍주목읍지(洪州牧邑誌)(A document that recorded the history of Hongju-Mok(town) area) 145

058. 무장현읍지(茂長縣邑誌)(A document that recorded the history and the geography of Mujang Town) 148

059. 순천부읍지(順天府邑誌)(A document that recorded the history and geography of Suncheon-bu) 152

060. 남원부읍지(南原府邑誌)(A document that recorded the history and geography of Namwon-bu) 154

061. 낙안읍지(樂安邑誌)(A document that recorded the history and the geography of Nagan Town) 158

062. 고창현읍지(高敞縣邑誌)(A document that recorded the history and geography of Gochang county) 162

063. 동래고지도(東萊古地圖)(Map of Dongnae) 166

064. 동래부순절도(東萊府殉節圖)(A picture of Dongnae fortress in which people die out of loyalty for a country when it is defeated) 168

065. 경주읍내전도(慶州邑內全圖)(A painting of view in a town in Gyeongju) 170

066. 경주부지도(慶州府地圖)(Map of Gyeongju-bu) 174

067. 통영지도(統營地圖)(Map of Tongyeong) 176

068. 진주성도(普州城圖)(A painted folding screen depicting the surrounding areas of the Jinju fortress) 180

069. 진주성도(普州城圖)(A painted folding screen depicting the surrounding areas of the Jinju fortress) 184

070. 관북지도 병풍(關北地圖 屛風)(A painted folding screen map of Northern Regions) 188

071. 경원부지도병풍(慶原府地圖屛風)(A painted folding screen map of Gyeongwon-bu) 192

4. 한국을 대표하는 성곽유산(The Heritage of Seong-Gwak(the fortification with castles and walls) which represent Korea) 194

072. 경기 36관지도(京畿三十六官地圖)(A color map of Gyeonggi province) 196

073. 도성도(都城圖)(Map of Seoul) 198

074. 수선전도(首善全圖)(Map of Seoul) 200

075. 『여지도』의 도성도(都城圖)(Map of Seoul) 202

076. 『해동지도」의 도성도(都城圖)(Map of Seoul) 203

077. 북한성도(北漢城圖)(Map of Bukhansanseong) 209

078. 광주부지도(廣州府地圖)(Map of Gwangju-bu(magistrate)) 210

079. 남한산성도(南漢山城圖)(Map or Namhansanseong) 213

080. 남한산성실황도(南漢山城實況圖)(Map of Namhansanseong) 214

081. 남한산성도(南漢山城圖)(Map of Namhansanseong) 216

082. 중정남한지(重訂南漢志)(A book entitled Jungjeongnamhanji) 218

083. 광주부읍지(廣州府邑誌)(A document recorded the history and geography of Gwangju-bu) 219

084. 화성행행일기(華城幸行日記)(A painting of a military drill performed at Hwaseong fortress, Suwon) 222

085. 화성부성조도(華城府城操圖)(Painting of a military drill performed at Hwaseang Fortress, Suwon) 224

086. 뎡니의궤(整理儀軌)(Hwaseong Seongyeok Uigwe written in Hangeul(Book of the Royal Protocols on the Construction of the Hwaseong Fortress, Suwon) with painted illustrations) 226

087. 화성전도(華城全圖)(Layout of Hwaseong Fortress, Suwon) 228

088. 수원부지도(水原府地圖)(Map of Suwon-bu area produced in 1872) 230

089. 수원읍지(水原邑誌)(A document recorded the history and geography of Suwon area) 232

090. 화성지(華城誌)(A document recorded the history and geography of Suwon area) 236

091. 한양도성의 남문, 숭례문(A distant view of Namdaemun Gate) 240

092. 한양도성의 동문, 흥인지문(Dongdaemun Gate(Heunginjimun Gate) in Seoul) 241

093. 한양도성의 서문, 돈의문(Doniumun Gate in Seoul) 242

094. 창의문과 성벽(Changuimun Gate and rampart) 243

095. 북한산성의 옛 행궁(The old temporary palace of Bukhansanseong) 244

096. 남한산성 동문과 성벽(The East Gate of Namhansanseong and rampart) 245

097. 남한산성 서장대에서 바라본 성안(A View of a town and temporary palace from Seojangdae in Namhansanseong) 246

098. 헤르만 산더가 찍은 팔달문 일대(A picture of Paldalmun Gate taken by Hermann Sander) 248

099. 수원화성의 남문, 팔달문(Paldalmun Gate in Suwon) 250

100. 옹성문이 훼손된 팔달문(Paldalmun Gate in Suwon) 251

101. 화홍문과 방화수류정(Hwahongmun Gate and Banghwasuryujeong Pavilion) 252

102. 수원화성의 남수문(A picture of Namsumun Gate in Suwon) 253

논고(Disquisition) 254

조선시대 읍성의 축조와 변화 / 유재춘 256

1. 조선전기 읍성의 축조와 축성 기술 256

2. 임진왜란기의 축성 270

3. 조선후기의 읍성의 정비와 축성 기술 274

고지도와 지리지에 담긴 조선후기 읍성의 지리적 특성과 의미 / 전종한 288

1. 머리말 288

2. 조선 읍성의 형성기, 충전기, 그리고 완성기 289

3. 읍성 경관의 완성기: '19세기 전반의 조선 읍성' 290

4. 읍성 내부의 주요 경관 요소 295

5. 읍성 내부의 주요 경관 요소와 공간적 배치 298

6. 맺음말 301

조선의 성읍도와 수원화성 / 박정애 302

1. 머리말 302

2. 조선 성읍도의 전개 양상 303

3. 화성 경관의 재현 양상과 〈화성전도〉 308

4. 맺음말 319

판권기 320


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