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검색결과 (전체 1건)


All about Nami Island : the behind-the-scenes story and guidebooks to Korea's most successful tourist destination / Kang Woo-hyon ; translated by Suzanna Samstag Oh. 인기도
Seoul : Nami Books, 2015.
915.196 -A17-1
[서울관] 서고(열람신청 후 1층 대출대)
305 pages : color illustrations ; 22 cm
ISBN: 9788996683681
Behind-the-scenes story and guidebooks to Korea's most successful tourist destination


이용현황 테이블로 등록번호, 청구기호, 권별정보, 자료실, 이용여부로 구성 되어있습니다.
등록번호 청구기호 권별정보 자료실 이용여부
0002261807 915.196 -A17-1 [서울관] 서고(열람신청 후 1층 대출대) 이용가능
0002261808 915.196 -A17-1 [서울관] 서고(열람신청 후 1층 대출대) 이용가능
  • 출판사 책소개 (알라딘 제공)

    연간 관광객 3백만을 돌파한 대한민국 대표 관광지 남이섬
    『남이섬에 가고 싶다』 영문판 All About Nami Island

    “[겨울연가] 촬영지에서 출발한 한류관광 1번지”,
    “쓰레기를 재활용해 일군 생태관광 명소”,
    “세계 최고 권위 아동문학상 안데르센상을 후원하는 메세나 기업”

    남이섬은 대한민국 강원도 청평댐에 위치한 반달 모양의 작은 섬이다. 1980년대 강변가요제로 이름을 알리던 남이섬은 1990년대 사람들의 발길이 뜸해지면서 암흑기를 맞는다. 2001년 일러스트레이터이자 사회 활동가인 강우현이 남이섬과 만나면서 남이섬은 다시 관광명소로 태어나게 된다.

    강우현 작가는 쓰레기 더미에 묻혀 있던 남이섬을 한류관광 1번지, 생태관광 명소, 메세나 기업으로 이끌어온 과정을 이 책에 담았다. 단순한 여행 안내서를 넘어서 역발상 경영이라는 새로운 경영방식과 그 과정에서 남이섬에 깃든 아기자기한 이야기들을 차곡히 정리한 에세이집이다.

    The Ultimate Guidebook to Nami Island
    All About Nami Island
    First English Edition
    -Nami Island is one of Korea’s most unique tourist destinations
    -Attracts over 3 million visitors annually

    Hallyu 1.0 Began on Nami Island, the shooting location for Winter Sonata
    Nami Island’s Recycling Efforts Launched it as a Premier Eco-tourism Destination
    Since 2009 Nami Island Has Sponsored the Hans Christian Andersen Awards

    Nami Island is located only 60 kilometers north of South Korea’s capital city of Seoul, but it is now globally recognized as a unique eco-tourist destination, with a deep commitment to culture and the arts―especially the promotion of children’s literature. Yet Nami’s road to international fame was not always a smooth one. In the 1980s, the island flourished as the home to Korea’s preeminent song contest. However, with the end of this annual event, in the 1990s fewer and fewer visitors came to the island. Fortunately, in 2001 graphic designer Kang Woo-hyon came to Nami and in the decade that followed led a miraculous transformation of the island from fading amusement park to an internationally known and beloved destination for those who love culture and nature in equal measure.
    Mr. Kang, with his “out of the box” thinking (for example, he considered trash to be a resource, not something to be simply thrown away) almost singlehandedly created the opportunity for Nami to become ground zero for Hallyu 1.0. This book tells this remarkable story, along with how a virtual garbage dump of an island was reborn as a model of eco-tourism and Mendicant business. Not just a visitors’ guide All About Nami Island details in intimate and personable essays Mr. Kang’s approach to revitalizing the island into one of Korea’s most amazing tourism success stories.

    This Book Guides You to Hunt for Treasures on Nami Island

    Nami’s No. 1 treasure: the art of recycling
    Trash, from soju bottles to discarded bricks,
    Are transformed into works of art
    Waiting for your appreciation.

    Nami’s No. 2 treasure: nature
    Where ostriches stroll down Metasequoia Lane
    And a ruddy kingfisher’s song, accompanies a summer night
    A natural paradise awaits you.

    Nami’s No. 3 treasure: people who made Nami possible
    From the director of Winter Sonata
    To a photographer who loved Nami more than life,
    These connections created the Nami enjoyed today.

    Nami’s No. 4 treasure: Naminara
    A republic dedicated to celebrating the imagination
    With its own anthem and passport.

    Nami’s No. 5 treasure: unexpected delights
    In addition to our formal galleries, Nami’s treasures
    Include found art like pebbles or an arrangement of leaves.

    Nami’s No. 6 treasure: ever-changing Nami
    Nami is different at different times and seasons
    Even changing weather offers a new experience every time.

    Nami’s No. 7 treasure: you, the reader
    Reading this book enables you find the hidden treasures
    That will make the Nami experience a special one for you.
  • 책속에서 (알라딘 제공)

    [P.46] I decided to recycle Nami by recycling. This was to be the island's rebirth. There were no other possible choices, for this was a time when the only thing that Nami had was trash. So I decided to come up with some slogans. These were the catchphrases used with the start of the big clean-up:

    "From weeds to flowers, from noise to rhythm,
    from wildflowers to paper, from scenery to elegance."
    [P. 115] On Nami for 12 months of the year snowpeople live,
    In spring when the flowers bloom, in summer when the cicadas cry
    And in autumn when the leaves fall.

    On Nami we sell snowpeople,
    We make snowpeople and sell them.
    We sell dolls that look like snowpeople and clocks that
    look like snowpeople,
    And even snowpeople cups, necklaces, and earrings.
    On Nami the amount earned by selling objects that incorporated the image
    Of snowpeople totaled 38,000,000 won ($ 38,000) in 2011.
    Snowpeople are the most popular souvenirs on Nami.

    Even if there is no snow on Nami, there are snowpeople.
    On Nami even if there are no snowpeople, we sell snowpeople.
    [P. 201] The public restrooms on Nami are also special. I would even venture that our restrooms are both the most cultural in the world and most replete with examples of the works of talented artists. Even the Chinese characters that we use to describe our restrooms are different. Originally in Korea we call restrooms “hwa-jang-sil 化粧室” which literally means “room to neaten up in.” However I like to use different Chinese characters 畵裝室 (and play on the fact the characters have the same pronunciation “hwa-jang-sil,” but have an entirely different meaning) which means “room decorated with pictures.” The way we refer to our restrooms in English is innovative, too. Instead of toilet, we call them “Toil-art Studio.” So if you really want to translate Toil-art Studio, then the meaning is “art studio with toilet.” A space with culture–

    that’s the type of restroom we hope to create.


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