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검색결과 (전체 1건)


Born of this land : my life story / Chung Ju-yung ; translated by the Asan Institute for Policy Studies. 인기도
Seoul : Asan Academy, 2019.
658.0092 -A19-2
[서울관] 서고(열람신청 후 1층 대출대)
xiii, 357 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 24 cm
ISBN: 9791196193447


이용현황 테이블로 등록번호, 청구기호, 권별정보, 자료실, 이용여부로 구성 되어있습니다.
등록번호 청구기호 권별정보 자료실 이용여부
0002552449 658.0092 -A19-2 [서울관] 서고(열람신청 후 1층 대출대) 이용가능
0002552450 658.0092 -A19-2 [서울관] 서고(열람신청 후 1층 대출대) 이용가능
  • 출판사 책소개 (알라딘 제공)

    “나는 이 땅에 태어나서 한 사람의 기업인이자 성실한 노동자로서 이 나라의 비약적 발전에 한몫을 다한 것에 대해 무한한 긍지를 가지고 있다.” (정주영)
    Born of This Land: My Life Story는 현대그룹 창업주 고(故) 정주영 명예회장의 자서전 ‘이 땅에 태어나서’를 영어로 번역해낸 책이다. 무일푼으로 고향을 뛰쳐나와 성실과 신용을 좌우명으로 삼고 오로지 일하는 보람 하나로 현대그룹을 일궈낸 여정을 이제 영어로도 읽을 수 있게 되었다. 불타버린 첫 자동차 수리 공장을 다시 시작하는 데부터 소양강댐과 경부고속도로 건설, 현대자동차와 현대중공업 설립, 서산간척사업, 88올림픽 유치, 소떼몰이 방북 등 남들이 불가능하다고 생각하는 일들을 가능으로 만들어낸 그의 삶을 통해서 우리는 세상 이치를 보는 혜안, 불굴의 의지, 긍정적인 사고를 만날 수 있다.
    총 9개 장으로 구성된 이 책에는 일제강점기와 한국전쟁을 거치며 혼란을 겪은 신생국으로서의 대한민국에서 기업과 나라를 일으키고자 벌였던 노력과 투쟁의 기록이 담겨있다. 현대를 세계적 기업으로 일궈낸 기업인으로서의 이야기와 함께 7남매의 맏형으로서, 한 아내의 남편으로서, 아버지로서 그의 인간적인 모습도 아울러 엿볼 수 있다.
    출판된지 22년 만에 선보이게 된 자서전 영문 번역서에는 외국 독자들이 당시 한국 사회의 역사적 맥락을 이해하는 데 도움이 되는 다양한 사진 자료, 지도, 주석을 덧붙였다. 또한 그의 생애를 세계사적인 흐름과 비교해가면서 읽을 수 있도록 개인 연보와 세계사 연보를 함께 부록에 수록했다.

    Chung Ju-yung

    Chung Ju-yung (1915.11.25~2001.03.21) is the founder of Hyundai, which included the global consumer brand Hyundai Motor Company, one of the world’s foremost shipbuilders Hyundai Heavy Industries, and a large number of other affiliates. Born on November 25, 1915 in Tongcheon County, Gangwon Province, in what is now North Korea, Chung ran several small businesses prior to Korea’s liberation from Japanese colonialism in 1945. In 1946, he founded the Hyundai Motor Service Center, and the next year Hyundai Construction Company. These two businesses would blossom into the bedrock of one of Korea’s industrial titans.
    Chung presided over the Hyundai group during South Korea’s rise from being one of the world’s poorest nations to now one of its richest. Aside from his many achievements in the world of business, he also helped secure the 1988 Olympics for Seoul and sought to improve relations with North Korea through public diplomacy.
  • 책속에서 (알라딘 제공)

    My father’s autobiography was originally published in 1997. The book has been the standard reference for his life story ever since. It seemed only natural that an English edition would follow. Initially, however, I was hesitant about having the book translated because I was not sure a translation could do justice to the author’s inimitable style of writing which so accurately conveyed the way he thought and acted. It has been many years in the making, but there is now a translation that I dare say does at least partial justice to the original and that I am happy and honored to preface.
    My father was a nation-builder, figuratively and literally. He built so much of the infrastructure and landmarks in Korea that we still use and see around us today. He was a businessman who built one of the most successful companies in the world. He established schools, hospitals and the largest philanthropic organization in Korea. He brought the 1988 Seoul Olympics to Korea. He was a leader of inter-Korean reconciliation, undertaking daring initiatives that thawed the once frozen relationship.
    The Korea where he grew up was still a colony of Imperial Japan. He was 30 years old when the country became independent. Even after independence, South Korea was a small war-torn country on the frontline of the Cold War gone hot. Its geopolitics was matched by economic as well as political underdevelopment. The country seemed to hold little promise. However, my father had trust in himself and in the Korean people who he said are “sincere, virtuous, and kind in the pursuit of excellence.” This book chronicles my father’s struggles as he faced the challenges of being on the frontlines of South Korea’s budding, fragile economy.
    Today, South Korea is the seventh country in the world with a population of more than 50 million to reach USD 30,000 per capita income level. Its per capita income in purchasing power parity (PPP) terms is similar to Japan’s. That my father and others of his generation were somehow able to hew to the principles of liberal democracy and free market economy and lead us to where we are today is a true testament to their character and the enormity of their achievements.
    My father lived a full life. As he looked back on his life in his later years, he said, “As a businessman and a hard working laborer born of this land, I feel an infinite sense of pride that I have contributed my share to this country’s breakthrough…. I believe that 90 percent of my life has been full of joy and meaning. I have truly lived well.”
    I miss his wisdom, his exuberant optimism, and his ability to rise to any occasion. Most of all, I miss him as only an adoring son can.
    Preface by Chung Mong Joon


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