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미래해양산업기술개발사업 최종보고서 [전자자료] : 미래해양산업기술개발사업 R&D Report / 해양수산부, 해양수산과학기술진흥원 [편] 인기도
세종 : 해양수산부, 2017
전자형태로만 열람가능함
1 온라인 자료 : PDF
외부기관 원문
[제출처]: 해양수산과학기술진흥원
주관연구기관: 건국대학교 글로컬산학협력단
주관연구책임자: 박표잠
영어 요약 있음




보고서 요약서 3

국문 요약문 4


제1장 연구개발과제의 개요 8

1. 연구개발 목적 8

2. 연구개발의 필요성 8

3. 연구개발 범위 17

제2장 국내외 기술 개발 현황 22

1. 국외 기술, 기술동향 22

2. 국내 기술, 산업동향 22

제3장 연구 수행 내용 및 성과 26

제1세부 과제 : 불가사리를 이용한 발효 최적화 조건 확립 및 항산화 소재 개발 26

1. 연구수행방법 26

2. 연구수행 내용 및 결과 54

제2세부 과제 : 불가사리 발효 추출물 유래 항염증 소재 개발 168

1. 연구수행 방법 168

2. 연구수행 내용 및 결과 176

제4장 목표 달성도 및 관련 분야 기여도 233

제5장 연구개발성과의 활용계획 239

제6장 연구 과정에서 수집한 해외 과학기술 정보 241

제7장 연구개발성과의 보안등급 241

제8장 국가과학기술종합정보시스템에 등록한 연구시설ㆍ장비 현황 241

제9장 연구개발과제 수행에 따른 연구실 등의 안전 조치 이행 실적 241

제10장 연구개발과제의 대표적 연구 실적 242

제11장 기타 사항 242

제12장 참고문헌 243

Table 1. International comparison of aging rate 17

Table 2. Change after 3 months of fertilization 22

Table 3/Table 4. Growth activity of fermented starfish with various mycelia 55

Table 4/Table 5. Extraction yields of fermented starfish with various mycelia 57

Table 5/Table 6. DPPH radical scavenging activity (IC50) 59

Table 6/Table 7. Alkyl radical scavenging activity (IC50) 60

Table 7/Table 8. ABTS radical scavenging activity of fermented starfish using Cordyceps militaris mycelia 62

Table 8/Table 9. ABTS radical scavenging activity fermented starfish using Cordyceps japonica mycelia 63

Table 9/Table 10. Anti-oxidant activity fermented starfish using Cordyceps militaris mycelia 65

Table 10/Table 11. Anti-oxidant activity fermented starfish using Cordyceps japonica mycelia 66

Table 11/Table 12. Growth activity of fermented starfish with various mycelia 70

Table 12/Table 13. Extraction yields of fermented starfish with various mycelia 72

Table 13/Table 14. Fermented starfish with various conditions 73

Table 14/Table 15. Fermented starfish with various conditions 73

Table 15/Table 16. Yield and various radical scavenging activities of fermented starfish and starfish (IC50) 76

Table 16/Table 17. Antioxidant activity, ABTS radical scavenging activity of fermented starfish and starfish 78

Table 17/Table 18. various radical scavenging activities using ESR measurement 83

Table 18/Table 19. Antioxidant activity by ABTS radical scavenging activity and FRAP value 84

Table 19/Table 20. Comparison of radical scavenging activity 85

Table 20/Table 21. Various radical scavenging activity of fermented Asterina pectinifera with Cordyceps militaris mycelia (FACM) and it's fractions 110

Table 21/Table 22. Free amino acid content 117

Table 22/Table 23. Combined amino acid content 118

Table 23/Table 24. Body weight of mice 121

Table 24/Table 25. Liver and spleen weight of mice 122

Table 25/Table 26. Measurement of GOT & GPT from mice serum 124

Table 26/Table 27. Measurement of Triglyceride (TG) from mice serum 125

Table 27/Table 28. Measurement of MDA from mice serum 126

Table 28/Table 29. Measurement of MDA contents of liver 133

Table 29/Table 30. Subjects Assignment 150

Table 30/Table 31. Subjects Information 151

Table 31/Table 32. Distribution on Age 152

Table 32/Table 33. Changes of SOD 153

Table 33/Table 34. Changes of Catalase 154

Table 34/Table 35. Changes of GPx 155

Table 35/Table 36. Changes of TBARS 156

Table 36/Table 37. Changes of Total Cholesterol 158

Table 37/Table 38. Changes of Total Triglyceride 159

Table 38/Table 39. Changes of HDL-Cholesterol 160

Table 39/Table 40. Changes of LDL-Cholesterol 161

Table 40/Table 41. Changes of BUN 163

Table 41/Table 42. Changes of Creatinine 164

Table 42/Table 43. Changes of AST 165

Table 43/Table 44. Changes of ALT 165

Table 44/Table 45. Changes of r-GTP 165

Table 45/Table 46. Changes of ALP 165

Table 46/Table 10. Criteria for histopathological score of osteoarthritic lesions 172

Table 47. 동충하초 밀리타리스 균사체로 발효한 불가사리 추출물의 COX 저해 활성 177

Table 48. 동충하초 자포니카 균사체로 발효한 불가사리 추출물의 COX 저해 활성 178

Table 49. COX-1, COX-2 Inhibition activity 185

Table 50. 소량 발효 추출물과 대량 발효 추출물의 NO 생성 억제 확인 189

Table 51. Effects of SFE treatment on the body weights of papain-induced osteoarthriric mice 199

Table 52. Effects of SFE treatment on the proteoglycan contents in articular cartilages of papain-induced osteoarthritic mice 204

Table 53. Effects of SFE treatment on the histophathological osteoarthritic score of the knee joints of papain-induced osteoarthritic mice 208

Table 54. 주정함유량에 따른 수율 및 라디칼 소거활성 215

Table 55. 50% 주정의 추출시간에 따른 수율 및 라디칼 소거활성 215

Table 56. 추출시간에 따른 수율 및 라디칼 소거활성 216

Table 57. 고속액체크로마토그래프 조건 218

Table 58. 이동상 조건 218

Table 59. 발효 5일차의 HPLC 데이터 223

Table 60. 발효 10일차의 HPLC 데이터 224

Table 61. 발효 15일차의 HPLC 데이터 225

Table 62. 발효 20일차의 HPLC 데이터 226

Table 63. 발효 25일차의 HPLC 데이터 227

Table 64. 시험성적서 요약표 228

Table 65. 영양성분 정보 228

Table 66. Manufacturing process 229

Fig. 1. Environmental pollution caused by starfish 9

Fig. 2. Various diseases caused by free radicals 13

Fig. 3. Global Industry Outlook (2014-2019) 15

Fig. 4. Elderly population ratio trend 16

Fig. 5. Population ratio by age group 17

Fig. 6/Fig. 5. Starfish cream (MIZON) 22

Fig. 7/Fig. 6. Sorabee cosmetic 23

Fig. 8/Fig. 7. Growth activity of fermented starfish with various mycelia 56

Fig. 9/Fig. 8. 수매 불가사리(위)와 채취 불가사리(아래)(원문불량) 67

Fig. 10/Fig. 9. Catching of starfish 68

Fig. 11/Fig. 10. Growth activity of fermented starfish with variety mycelia 71

Fig. 12/Fig. 11. Degree of fermentation of the fermentation period 74

Fig. 13/Fig. 12. Scale-up fermentation(원문불량) 80

Fig. 14/Fig. 13. Observation of the exterior (A) and interior (B) of A. pectinifera fermented with C. militaris mycelia (FACM) 81

Fig. 15/Fig. 14. Cell viability of samples on Chang cells. FACM : fermentd Asterina pertinifera with Cordyceps militaris 87

Fig. 16/Fig. 15. Protective effect of samples on t-BHP-induced oxidative damage in Chang cells. FACM : fermentd Asterina pertinifera with Cordyceps militaris(원문불량) 88

Fig. 17/Fig. 16. Changes of intracellular ROS generated by t-BHP treatment in Chang cells. FACM : fermentd Asterina pertinifera with Cordyceps militaris 89

Fig. 18/Fig. 17. Effects of FACM on cell viability in S16F10 cells. S16FlO cells were treated with indicated concentration of samples for 24 h. Cell viability was... 91

Fig. 19/Fig. 18. Anti-proliferation of FACM on B16F10. (A) Control, (B) FACM (0.05 mg/mL, (C) FACM (0.1 mg/mL), (D) FACM (0.2 mg/mL), 200 X 92

Fig. 20/Fig. 19. Cell cycle analysis of FACM on B16F10. (A) Control, (B) FACM (0.05 mg/mL), (C) FACM (0.1 mg/mL), (D) FACM (0.2 mg/mL) 94

Fig. 21/Fig. 20. Mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) measurement of FACM in B16F10 cells. (A) Control. (B) FACM (0.05 mg/mL) (C) FACM (0.1 mg/mL) (D) FACM (0.2 mg/mL) 95

Fig. 22/Fig. 21. Tyrosinase inhibitory activity of fermented starfish extract 97

Fig. 23/Fig. 22. Effect of fermented starfish extract on production of melanin in 0.1 μM α-MSH-stimulated B16F10 melanoma cells 98

Fig. 24/Fig. 23. Cell viability of fermented starfish extract 100

Fig. 25/Fig. 24. Protective effect of fermented starfish extract. p〈0.05 vs. normal group, p〈0.05 vs. t-BHP group 101

Fig. 26/Fig. 25. Regulation of ROS production of fermented starfish extract. p〈0.05 vs. normal group, p〈0.05 vs. t-BHP group 102

Fig. 27/Fig. 26. Annexin V/PI staining (A) Control, (B) 100uM t-BHP, (C) 100uM t-BHP, FACM (0.1 mg/mL), (D) 100uM t-BHP + FACM (0.05 mg/mL), (E) 100uM... 104

Fig. 28/Fig. 27. Effect of samples on mitochondrial membrane potential in Chang cells. (A) Control, (B) 100uM t-BHP (C) 100uM t-BHP + FACM (0.1 mg/mL),... 105

Fig. 29/Fig. 28. Spectrum of FACM. FACM : fermentd Asterina pertinifera with Cordyceps militaris 107

Fig. 30/Fig. 29. On-line HPLC profile (a) 210 nm, (b) 230nm (c) 280 nm, (d) 734nm 108

Fig. 31/Fig. 30. Semi-prep HPLC profile 109

Fig. 32/Fig. 31. Analysis HPLC 112

Fig. 33/Fig. 32. LC-Mass peak 113

Fig. 34/Fig. 33. HPLC analysis of cordycepin content. (a) Cordycepin standard (b) Cordyceps militaris mycelia (c) Asterina pectinifera (d) Fermented Asterina... 115

Fig. 35/Fig. 34. Scheme of animal experiment 120

Fig. 36/Fig. 35. Liver of mice after sacrifice. (A) normal mice, (B) t-BHP (2 mmol/kg) treated mice, (C) FACM (25 mg/kg), (D) FACM (50 mg/kg) with t-BHP (E)... 128

Fig. 37/Fig. 36. Effects of FACM on SOD activity in t-BHP-induced oxidative stress mice. Normal: normal mice. Damage: t-BHP (2 mmol/kg) treated mice, Sample... 129

Fig. 38/Fig. 37. Effects of FACM on Catalase activity in t-BHP-induced oxidative stress mice. Normal: normal mice. Damage: t-BHP (2 mmol/kg) treated mice,... 130

Fig. 39/Fig. 38. Effects of FACM on total glutathione activity in t-BHP-induced oxidative stress mice. Normal: normal mice. Damage: t-BHP (2 mmol/kg) treated... 131

Fig. 40/Fig. 39. H&E staining (A) Normal: normal mice. (B) Damage: t-BHP (2 mmol/kg) treated mice, (C) Low concentration: t-BHP and low concentration of sample... 134

Fig. 41/Fig. 40. 전문가 자문 140

Fig. 42/Fig. 41. 방문상담 및 모둠토의(원문불량) 141

Fig. 43/Fig. 42. Effect of the FACM on the expression of Bcl-2, Bax in Chang cells 143

Fig. 44/Fig. 43. Effect of the FACM on the expression of various caspases in the apoptotic pathway in Chang cells 144

Fig. 45/Fig. 44. Apoptosis pathway 145

Fig. 46/Fig. 45. Compare the expression of various caspases in the apoptotic pathway 147

Fig. 47/Fig. 46. Cell viabilities of NHDF cells treated C.militaris mycelium fermented starfish extracts 179

Fig. 48/Fig. 47. Cell viabilities of NHDF cells treated P. Japonica fermented starfish extracts 180

Fig. 49/Fig. 48. Effect of C.militaris mycelium fermented starfish extracts on production of IL-6 in RAW264.7 cells 181

Fig. 50/Fig. 49. Effect of P. Japonica fermented starfish extracts on production of IL-6 in RAW264.7 cells 182

Fig. 51/Fig. 50. Effect of C.militaris mycelium fermented starfish extracts on production of TNF-α in RAW264.7 cells 183

Fig. 52/Fig. 51. Effect of P. Japonica fermented starfish extracts on production of TNF-α in RAW264.7 cells 184

Fig. 53/Fig. 52. Effect of starfish extracts on production of nitric oxide in RAW264.7 cells 186

Fig. 54/Fig. 53. Cell viabilities of RAW264.7 cells treated fermented starfish extracts 187

Fig. 55/Fig. 54. Effect of fermented starfish extracts on production of nitric oxide in RAW264.7 cells 188

Fig. 56/Fig. 55. HPLC 분석 결과 191

Fig. 57/Fig. 56. 분취물별 세포 독성 분석 결과 192

Fig. 58/Fig. 57. 분취물별 항염증 분석 결과(NO 활성 억제) 193

Fig. 59/Fig. 58. 분취물별 항염증 분석 결과(IL-6 활성 억제) 195

Fig. 60/Fig. 59. 18분 peak의 항염증 분석 결과(COX-1, COX-2) 196

Fig. 61/Fig. 60. 22분 peak의 COX-1, COX-2 분석 결과 197

Fig. 62/Fig. 61. Effects of SFE on the TNF-α contents in plasma of papain-induced osteoarthriric mice. Each value is expressed as mean±SD. Values with different... 200

Fig. 63/Fig. 62. Effects of SFE on the IL-1β contents in plasma of papain-induced osteoarthriric mice. Each value is expressed as mean±SD. Values with different... 201

Fig. 64/Fig. 63. Effects of SFE on the IL-6 contents in plasma of papain-induced osteoarthriric mice. Each value is expressed as mean±SD. Values with different... 202

Fig. 65/Fig. 64. Safranin O stain intensity of articular cartilage of tibial platues. (A) Stain intensity of red color increased in proportion to proteoglycan content. (B)... 205

Fig. 66/Fig. 65. Microphotograph of articular structure of knee joint. (A) In normal group, articular cartilages are well developed. (B) In papain group, articular... 207

Fig. 67/Fig. 66. ALT after SFE treatment for 28 days in papain-induced osteoarthritic mice. Each value is expressed as mean±SD. Values with different alphabets... 210

Fig. 68/Fig. 67. AST after SFE treatment for 28 days in papain-induced osteoarthritic mice. Each value is expressed as mean±SD. Values with different alphabets... 211

Fig. 69/Fig. 68. BUN after SFE treatment for 28 days in papain-induced osteoarthritic mice. Each value is expressed as mean±SD. Values with different alphabets... 212

Fig. 70/Fig. 69. Creatinine after SFE treatment for 28 days in papain-induced osteoarthritic mice. Each value is expressed as mean±SD. Values with different... 213

Fig. 71/Fig. 70. Manufacturing process steps 229

Fig. 72/Fig. 71. 임상시험용 캡슐 사진 230


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