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검색결과 (전체 1건)


2015-16 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:16) : data file documentation / Jennifer Wine, Peter Siegel, Rob Stollberg. 인기도
Washington, DC : U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, 2018.
Only available full-text DB
research papers : statistics
1 online resource : PDF
외부기관 원문
May 2018.


Title page


Acknowledgments 3

Chapter 1. Overview of NPSAS:16 12

1.1. Background and Purpose 13

1.2. Overview of NPSAS:16 Study Design 13

1.3. Schedule and Products 14

Chapter 2. Sampling Design 16

2.1. Respondent Universe 16

2.2. Institution Sample 18

2.3. Student Sample 22

Chapter 3. Institution Data Collection Design, Outcomes, and Evaluation 30

3.1. Institution Data Collection Design and Systems 30

3.1.1. Institution Contacting System 30

3.1.2. Institution Website 30

3.1.3. Student Records Collection System 32

3.2. Institution Contacting, Recruitment, and Student Enrollment List Acquisition 33

3.2.1. Institution Contacting and Recruitment 33

3.2.2. Student Enrollment List Acquisition 36

3.2.3. Institution Recruitment and Student List Acquisition Outcomes 37

3.3. Student Records Data Collection 42

3.3.1. Student Records Collection From Institutions 42

3.3.2. Student Records Collection Outcomes 43

3.4. Institution Data Evaluation 44

3.4.1. Evaluation of Enrollment List Quality 45

3.4.2. Evaluation of Student Records Collection Activities and Data Quality 47

3.5. Institution Data Collection Conclusions 48

Chapter 4. Student Interview Design, Data Collection, Outcomes, and Evaluation 50

4.1. Student Interview Design and Systems 50

4.1.1. Survey Mode Administration 53

4.1.2. Coding Systems 53

4.1.3. Survey Design System 55

4.2. Student Interview Data Collection 55

4.2.1. Study Website 55

4.2.2. Training of Interview Data Collection Staff 56

4.2.3. Locating and Contacting Sample Members 58

4.2.4. Interviewing 61

4.3. Data Collection Quality Control 64

4.3.1. Interview Monitoring 65

4.3.2. Help Desk 65

4.3.3. Quality Circle Meetings 66

4.3.4. Debriefing 66

4.4 Student Interview Data Collection Outcomes 67

4.4.1. Student Locating Results 68

4.4.2. Student Interview Response Rates 72

4.4.3. Interview Timing Burden 77

4.4.4. Telephone Interviewer Hours 84

4.4.5. Number of Calls to Sample Members 85

4.4.6. Refusal Conversion 86

4.4.7. Potential B&B-eligible Sample Member Identification 87

4.5. Study Members 88

4.5.1. Responsive Design 90

4.6. Evaluation of Student Interview Items 96

4.6.1. Instrument Coders 96

4.6.2. Help Text 98

4.6.3. Conversion Text 101

4.6.4. Item-level Nonresponse 105

Chapter 5. Administrative Records Matching Overview and Outcomes 107

5.1. Administrative Records Matching 107

5.2. Administrative Records Matching Outcomes 109

Chapter 6. Data File Processing and Preparation 118

6.1. Overview of the NPSAS:16 Study Files 118

6.2. Post-Data Collection Editing 121

6.3. Composite and Derived Variable Construction 123

Chapter 7. Weighting and Variance Estimation 124

7.1. Weighting 124

7.1.1. Initial Institution Weights 126

7.1.2. Adjusting Institution Weights 127

7.1.3. Initial Student Weights 135

7.1.4. Adjusted Student Weights 139

7.1.5. Weighting Adjustment Summary and Evaluation 161

7.2. Nonresponse Bias Analysis 166

7.2.1. Bias Analysis: Institution Level 167

7.2.2. Bias Analyses: Study Member Level and Student Interview Level 173

7.2.3. Bias Analysis: Item Level 179

7.3. Variance Estimation 205

7.3.1. Taylor Series 205

7.3.2. Bootstrap Replicate Weights 207

7.3.3. Software Use for Variance Estimation 209

7.3.4. Variance Approximation 212

7.4. Imputations 213

7.5. Disclosure Risk Analysis and Avoidance 215

References 216

Appendix A: Technical Review Panel (TRP) Members 218

Appendix B: Sampling Details 226

B.1. Institution Frame and Sample 227

B.2. Student Universe and Samples 238

B.3. Determining Sample Sizes and Sampling Rates 245

Appendix C: Data Elements for Student Records 312

Appendix D: NPSAS Endorsements 343

Appendix E: Institution Data Collection Materials 345

Appendix F: Data Elements for Student Interview 369

Appendix G: Full-Scale Student Interview 372

Appendix H: Student Data Collection Materials 415

Appendix I: Training Materials 424

Appendix J-I: Nonresponse Bias Analyses 430

Appendix J-II: Nonresponse Bias Analyses 712

Appendix K: Weighted-Analysis Considerations 982

Appendix L: Design Effects 987

Appendix N: Analysis Variables 1011

Appendix O: 2014-15-16 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:16) Field Test 1026

Section 1. Overview of NPSAS:16 1032

1.1. Sampling Design 1032

1.2. Institution Data Collection 1033

1.2.1. Instrumentation 1033

1.2.2. Data collection design and systems 1034

1.3. Student Interview Data Collection 1034

1.3.1. Instrumentation 1034

1.3.2. Data collection design and systems 1035

1.4. Experiments 1036

1.5. Planned Changes for the Full-Scale Study 1036

Section 2. Institution Data Collection 1037

2.1. Institution Sampling 1037

2.1.1. Institution universe for NPSAS:16 1037

2.1.2. Institution sample for NPSAS:16 1038

2.2. Institution Data Collection Design and Outcomes 1039

2.2.1. Institution recruitment and contacting 1039

2.2.2. Student enrollment list acquisition 1042

2.2.3. Student records collection 1044

2.3. Institution Data Conclusions 1047

Section 3. Student Data Collection 1049

3.1. Student Sampling 1049

3.1.1. Student universe for NPSAS:16 1049

3.1.2. Student sample for NPSAS:16 1049

3.1.3. Bachelor's degree recipients sample 1053

3.2. Student Interview Data Collection 1053

3.3. Student Interview Instrument 1055

3.3.1. Student reinterview analysis 1060

3.3.2. Instrument coders 1067

3.3.3. Item nonresponse 1070

3.3.4. Help text analysis 1073

3.3.5. Conversion text analysis 1076

3.3.6. Instrument timing analysis 1081

3.4. Student Interview Experiments 1088

3.4.1. Evaluation of burden and motivation to participate 1088

3.4.2. Assessing survey fatigue and measurement error 1099

3.4.3. Item design experiments 1101

3.5. Student Interview Conclusions 1106

Section 4. Recommendations for the NPSAS:16 Full-Scale Study 1109

4.1. Full-Scale Sample 1109

4.2. Institution Data Collection 1111

4.3. Student Interview Data Collection 1111

4.4. Administrative Records Matching Recommendations 1112

4.5. NPSAS:16 Field Test Student Records Instrument Facsimile 1113

4.6. NPSAS:16 Field Test Student Interview Instrument Facsimile 1128

References 1213

Table 1. Schedule of major activities for the NPSAS:16 full-scale study: 2015-18 14

Table 2. Size of universe, institution sampling rates and number of institutions sampled, by institution stratum: 2015-16 21

Table 3. Number of sampled and eligible institutions and number and percentage of institutions providing enrollment lists, by control and level of institution: 2015-16 22

Table 4. Oversampled and undersampled student groups: 2015-16 25

Table 5. Expected and achieved numbers of sample students, by student type and control and level of institution: 2015-16 27

Table 6. Expected and achieved NPSAS:16 student samples, by student stratum: 2015-16 28

Table 7. Initial classification of NPSAS:16 student sample, by student type and control and level of institution: 2015-16 29

Table 8. Enrollment list receipt, by control and level of institution: 2015-16 38

Table 9. Institutions providing GPA, number of credits, account overdue status, sex, first-time graduate student indicator, and race/ethnicity, by control and level of institution: 2015-16 40

Table 10. Number and percentage of participating NPSAS:16 institutions, by 2005 Carnegie institutional classification: 2015-16 41

Table 11. Participation of Historically Black Colleges and Universities: 2015-16 42

Table 12. Student record collection methods, by control and level of institution: 2015-16 43

Table 13. Student records collection results, by control and level of institution and student type: 2015-16 44

Table 14. Institutions providing student contact information, Social Security number, date of birth, and high school graduation date, by control and level of institution: 2015-16 46

Table 15. Student records item-level completion rates, by data element and primary mode: 2015-16 48

Table 16. Training of data collection staff: 2015-16 56

Table 17. Beginning of outbound telephone calls, by control and level of institution and response phase: 2015-16 62

Table 18. Abbreviated interview offer, by control and level of institution and student type: 2015-16 64

Table 19. Student locating results, by control and level of institution and student type: 2015-16 69

Table 20. Batch processing record match rates, by method of tracing: 2015-16 70

Table 21. Cases requiring intensive tracing, by institution characteristics and student type: 2015-16 71

Table 22. Located and interviewed rates of cases requiring intensive tracing procedures: 2015-16 72

Table 23. Student interview completion rates, by control and level of institution and student type: 2015-16 73

Table 24. Student interview completion rates, by data collection phase, control and level of institution, and student type: 2015-16 74

Table 25. Student interview completion rates, by mode of administration, control and level of institution, and student type: 2015-16 76

Table 26. Number and percentage of NPSAS interviews included and excluded from the timing report, by interview type: 2015-16 79

Table 27. Average time in minutes to complete the NPSAS interview, by mode of administration and respondent group: 2015-16 80

Table 28. Average time, in minutes, to complete the full NPSAS interview, by student type and interview section: 2015-16 81

Table 29. Average time, in minutes, to complete the full NPSAS interview, by mode of administration and respondent group: 2015-16 82

Table 30. Forms with the highest average interview times, in seconds, by form and item type: 2015-16 84

Table 31. Average number of calls to sample members, by control and level of institution and student type: 2015-16 85

Table 32. Average number of calls, by response status and mode of administration: 2015-16 86

Table 33. Refusal and refusal conversion rates, by control and level of institution and student type: 2015-16 87

Table 34. Baccalaureate determination, by student type: 2015-16 88

Table 35. Number of sampled and eligible students and rates of study membership, by control and level of institution: 2015-16 90

Table 36. Comparison of originally imputed data and reimputed data, using multiple imputation, for selected variables 95

Table 37. Percentage of recoding values, by mode of administration and coding system: 2015-16 98

Table 38. Summary of upcoding results, by mode of administration and coding system: 2015-16 98

Table 39. Help-text access rates, by mode of administration: 2015-16 100

Table 40. Conversion rates for critical items, by mode of administration: 2015-16 102

Table 41. Item nonresponse rates for items with more than 10 percent of data missing, by mode of administration: 2015-16 105

Table 42. Results of Central Processing System matching for 2015-16, by control and level of institution and student type: 2015-16 110

Table 43. Results of National Student Loan Data System loan and Pell Grant matching, by control and level of institution and student type: 2015-16 112

Table 44. Results of National Student Clearinghouse NPSAS institution matching, by control and level of institution and student type: 2015-16 114

Table 45. Results of ACT and SAT matching, by control and level of institution and student type: 2015-16 116

Table 46. Results of Veterans Benefits Administration matching, by control and level of institution and student type: 2015-16 117

Table 47. Restricted-use NPSAS:16 files, by filename, description, and file path: 2015-16 119

Table 48. Description of missing data codes: 2015-16 121

Table 49. Weight adjustment factors for institution nonresponse adjustment: 2015-16 130

Table 50. Weight adjustment factors for institution poststratification: 2015-16 134

Table 51. Weight adjustment factors for unknown student eligibility status: 2015-16 137

Table 52. Weight adjustment factors for student not located adjustment: 2015-16 142

Table 53. Weight adjustment factors for student refusal adjustment: 2015-16 146

Table 54. Weight adjustment factors for student other nonresponse adjustment: 2015-16 150

Table 55. Weight adjustment factors for student poststratification: 2015-16 156

Table 56. Institution weight distribution and unequal weighting effects, by control and level of institution: 2015-16 162

Table 57. Student weight distribution and unequal weighting effects: 2015-16 164

Table 58. Summary of institution-level nonresponse bias analysis, by control and level of institution: 2015-16 171

Table 59. Summary of institution-level differences between means, by control and level of institution: 2015-16 172

Table 60. Summary of student-level bias analysis, by control and level of institution: 2015-16 176

Table 61. Summary of student-level differences between means, by control and level of institution: 2015-16 178

Table 62. Weighted student-level item response rates for imputed variables, by control and level of institution: 2015-16 182

Table 63. Analysis weights, replicate weights, and variance estimation strata, primary sampling unit (PSU), secondary sampling unit (SSU), and PSU count variables available for NPSAS:16 210

Figure 1. NCES Postsecondary Data Portal home page: 2015-16 31

Figure 2. PDP website task menu: 2015-16 36

Figure 3. NPSAS:16 full-scale survey by content area and topics: 2015-16 52

Figure 4. Home page for NPSAS:16 study website: 2015-16 56

Figure 5. NPSAS:16 sample member locating activities 58

Figure 6. Data collection phases: 2015-16 62

Figure 7. NPSAS:16 overall locating and interviewing results: 2015-16 68

Figure 8. Distribution of interview respondents, by mode of administration: 2015-16 77

Figure 9. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve for overall institution response propensity: 2015-16 163

Figure 10. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve for overall student response propensity: 2015-16 165

Annex Tables

Appendix B: Sampling Details 234

Table B-1. Expected and achieved numbers of sample students, by control and level of institution and student type: 2015-16 234

Table B-2. Sampling rates of undergraduate students, by control and level of institution: 2015-16 235

Table B-3. Sampling rates of graduate students, by control and level of institution: 2015-16 236

Table B-4. Institutional sampling rates and number of institutions sampled, by control and level of institution: 2015-16 238

Table B-5. Initial classification of NPSAS:16 student sample, by control and level of institution and student type: 2015-16 244

Table B-6. Sampling rates of undergraduate students, by student stratum: 2015-16 245

Table B-7. Domains and outcomes for NPSAS:16 sample optimization: 2015-16 249

Appendix C: Data Elements for Student Records 313

Table C-1. Full-scale student records core data elements, by section and topic: 2015-16 313

Appendix E: Institution Data Collection Materials 357

Table 1. File Layout for NPSAS Student Enrollment List 357

Appendix F: Data Elements for Student Interview 370

Table F-1. Full-scale interview core data elements, by section and topic: 2015-16 370

Appendix J-I: Nonresponse Bias Analyses 431

Table J-1. Institution-level nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for all institutions: 2015-16 435

Table J-2. Institution-level nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for public less-than-2-year institutions: 2015-16 442

Table J-3. Institution-level nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for public 2-year institutions: 2015-16 447

Table J-4. Institution-level nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for public 4-year, non-doctorate-granting, primarily subbaccalaureate institutions: 2015-16 452

Table J-5. Institution-level nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for public 4-year, non-doctorate-granting, primarily baccalaureate institutions: 2015-16 458

Table J-6. Institution-level nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for public 4-year, doctorate-granting institutions: 2015-16 464

Table J-7. Institution-level nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for private nonprofit less-than-4-year institutions: 2015-16 470

Table J-8. Institution-level nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for private nonprofit 4-year non-doctorate-granting institutions: 2015-16 475

Table J-9. Institution-level nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for private nonprofit, 4-year, doctorate-granting institutions: 2015-16 481

Table J-10. Institution-level nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for private for-profit less-than-2-year institutions: 2015-16 487

Table J-11. Institution-level nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for private for-profit 2-year institutions: 2015-16 492

Table J-12. Institution-level nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for private for-profit 4-year institutions: 2015-16 497

Table J-13. Institution-level analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for all institutions: 2015-16 503

Table J-14. Institution-level analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for public less than-2-year institutions: 2015-16 509

Table J-15. Institution-level analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for public 2-year institutions: 2015-16 514

Table J-16. Institution-level analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for public 4-year, non-doctorate-granting, primarily subbaccalaureate institutions: 2015-16 519

Table J-17. Institution-level analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for public 4-year, non-doctorate-granting, primarily baccalaureate institutions: 2015-16 524

Table J-18. Institution-level analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for public 4-year, doctorate-granting institutions: 2015-16 530

Table J-19. Institution-level analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for private nonprofit less-than-4-year institutions: 2015-16 536

Table J-20. Institution-level analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for private nonprofit 4-year non-doctorate-granting institutions: 2015-16 540

Table J-21. Institution-level analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for private nonprofit, 4-year, doctorate-granting institutions: 2015-16 546

Table J-22. Institution-level analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for private for profit less-than-2-year institutions: 2015-16 552

Table J-23. Institution-level analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for private for profit 2-year institutions: 2015-16 557

Table J-24. Institution-level analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for private for profit 4-year institutions: 2015-16 561

Table J-25. Student-level (study member) nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for students in all institutions: 2015-16 567

Table J-26. Student-level (study member) nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for students in public less-than-2-year institutions: 2015-16 574

Table J-27. Student-level (study member) nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for students in public 2-year institutions: 2015-16 580

Table J-28. Student-level (study member) nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for students in public 4-year, non-doctorate-granting, primarily subbaccalaureate institutions: 2015-16 586

Table J-29. Student-level (study member) nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for students in public 4-year, non-doctorate-granting, primarily baccalaureate institutions: 2015-16 592

Table J-30. Student-level (study member) nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for students in public 4-year, doctorate-granting institutions: 2015-16 598

Table J-31. Student-level (study member) nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for students in private nonprofit less than-4-year institutions: 2015-16 604

Table J-32. Student-level (study member) nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for students in private nonprofit 4-year non-doctorate-granting institutions: 2015-16 610

Table J-33. Student-level (study member) nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for students in private nonprofit, 4-year, doctorate-granting institutions: 2015-16 616

Table J-34. Student-level (study member) nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for students in private for-profit less than-2-year institutions: 2015-16 622

Table J-35. Student-level (study member) nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for students in private for-profit 2-year institutions: 2015-16 628

Table J-36. Student-level (study member) nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for students in private for-profit 4-year institutions: 2015-16 634

Table J-37. Student-level (study member) analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for students in all institutions: 2015-16 640

Table J-38. Student-level (study member) analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for students in public less-than-2-year institutions: 2015-16 646

Table J-39. Student-level (study member) analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for students in public 2-year institutions: 2015-16 652

Table J-40. Student-level (study member) analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for students in public 4-year, non-doctorate-granting, primarily subbaccalaureate institutions: 2015-16 658

Table J-41. Student-level (study member) analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for students in public 4-year, non-doctorate-granting, primarily baccalaureate institutions: 2015-16 664

Table J-42. Student-level (study member) analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for students in public 4-year, doctorate-granting institutions: 2015-16 670

Table J-43. Student-level (study member) analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for students in private nonprofit less-than-4-year institutions: 2015-16 676

Table J-44. Student-level (study member) analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for students in private nonprofit 4-year non-doctorate-granting institutions: 2015-16 682

Table J-45. Student-level (study member) analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for students in private nonprofit, 4-year, doctorate-granting institutions: 2015-16 688

Table J-46. Student-level (study member) analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for students in private for-profit less-than-2-year institutions: 2015-16 694

Table J-47. Student-level (study member) analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for students in private for-profit 2-year institutions: 2015-16 700

Table J-48. Student-level (study member) analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for students in private for-profit 4-year institutions: 2015-16 706

Appendix J-II: Nonresponse Bias Analyses 713

Table J-49. Student-level (interview respondent) nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for students in all institutions: 2015-16 716

Table J-50. Student-level (interview respondent) nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for students in public less-than-2-year institutions: 2015-16 722

Table J-51. Student-level (interview respondent) nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for students in public 2-year institutions: 2015-16 728

Table J-52. Student-level (interview respondent) nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for students in public 4-year, non-doctorate-granting, primarily subbaccalaureate institutions: 2015-16 734

Table J-53. Student-level (interview respondent) nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for students in public 4-year, non-doctorate-granting, primarily baccalaureate institutions: 2015-16 740

Table J-54. Student-level (interview respondent) nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for students in public 4-year, doctorate-granting institutions: 2015-16 746

Table J-55. Student-level (interview respondent) nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for students in private nonprofit, less-than-4-year institutions: 2015-16 752

Table J-56. Student-level (interview respondent) nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for students in private nonprofit, 4-year, non-doctorate-granting institutions: 2015-16 758

Table J-57. Student-level (interview respondent) nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for students in private nonprofit, 4-year, doctorate-granting institutions: 2015-16 764

Table J-58. Student-level (interview respondent) nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for students in private for-profit, less-than-2-year institutions: 2015-16 770

Table J-59. Student-level (interview respondent) nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for students in private for-profit, 2-year institutions: 2015-16 776

Table J-60. Student-level (interview respondent) nonresponse bias analysis for selected variables for students in private for-profit, 4-year institutions: 2015-16 782

Table J-61. Student-level (interview respondent) analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for students in all institutions: 2015-16 788

Table J-62. Student-level (interview respondent) analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for students in public less-than-2-year institutions: 2015-16 794

Table J-63. Student-level (interview respondent) analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for students in public 2-year institutions: 2015-16 800

Table J-64. Student-level (interview respondent) analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for students in public 4-year, non-doctorate-granting, primarily subbaccalaureate institutions: 2015-16 806

Table J-65. Student-level (interview respondent) analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for students in public 4-year, non-doctorate-granting, primarily baccalaureate institutions: 2015-16 812

Table J-66. Student-level (interview respondent) analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for students in public 4-year, doctorate-granting institutions: 2015-16 818

Table J-67. Student-level (interview respondent) analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for students in private nonprofit, less-than-4-year institutions: 2015-16 824

Table J-68. Student-level (interview respondent) analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for students in private nonprofit, 4-year, non-doctorate-granting institutions: 2015-16 830

Table J-69. Student-level (interview respondent) analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for students in private nonprofit, 4-year, doctorate-granting institutions: 2015-16 836

Table J-70. Student-level (interview respondent) analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for students in private for-profit, less-than-2-year institutions: 2015-16 842

Table J-71. Student-level (interview respondent) analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for students in private for-profit, 2-year institutions: 2015-16 848

Table J-72. Student-level (interview respondent) analysis after nonresponse and poststratification adjustments for selected variables for students in private for-profit, 4-year institutions: 2015-16 854

Table J-73. Item nonresponse bias before imputation for STABREG, by select variables for all students: 2015-2016 860

Table J-74. Summary of item nonresponse bias analysis for all students, by selected variables and control and level of institution: 2015-16 866

Appendix L: Design Effects 988

Table L-1. Design effects for all undergraduate students: 2015-16 988

Table L-2. Design effects for undergraduate students at public less-than-2-year institutions: 2015-16 989

Table L-3. Design effects for undergraduate students at public 2-year institutions: 2015-16 990

Table L-4. Design effects for undergraduate students at public 4-year non-doctorate-granting primarily sub-baccalaureate institutions: 2015-16 991

Table L-5. Design effects for undergraduate students at public 4-year non-doctorate-granting primarily baccalaureate institutions: 2015-16 992

Table L-6. Design effects for undergraduate students at public 4-year doctorate-granting institutions: 2015-16 993

Table L-7. Design effects for undergraduate students at private nonprofit less-than-4-year institutions: 2015-16 994

Table L-8. Design effects for undergraduate students at private nonprofit 4-year non-doctorate-granting institutions: 2015-16 995

Table L-9. Design effects for undergraduate students at private nonprofit 4-year doctorate-granting institutions: 2015-16 996

Table L-10. Design effects for undergraduate students at for-profit less-than-2-year institutions: 2015-16 997

Table L-11. Design effects for undergraduate students at for-profit 2-year institutions: 2015-16 998

Table L-12. Design effects for undergraduate students at for-profit 4-year institutions: 2015-16 999

Table L-13. Design effects for dependent undergraduate students: 2015-16 1000

Table L-14. Design effects for independent undergraduate students: 2015-16 1001

Table L-15. Design effects for low-income undergraduate students: 2015-16 1002

Table L-16. Design effects for middle-income undergraduate students: 2015-16 1003

Table L-17. Design effects for high-income undergraduate students: 2015-16 1004

Table L-18. Design effects for all graduate students: 2015-16 1005

Table L-19. Design effects for graduate students at public 4-year institutions: 2015-16 1006

Table L-20. Design effects for graduate students at private nonprofit 4-year institutions: 2015-16 1007

Table L-21. Design effects for graduate students at for-profit 4-year institutions: 2015-16 1008

Appendix M: Imputations 1010

Table M-1. Preimputation versus postimputation frequency distribution for eight variables: 2015-16 1010

Appendix N: Analysis Variables 1012

Table N-1. Analysis variables: 2015-16 1012

Appendix O: 2014-15-16 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:16) Field Test 1029

Table O-1. Counts of sampled institutions, by control and level of institution: 2014-15 1039

Table O-2. Enrollment list receipt, by control and level of institution: 2014-15 1043

Table O-3. New enrollment list items: student coverage rate: 2014-15 1044

Table O-4. Student records receipt, by control and level of institution: 2014-15 1046

Table O-5. Counts and percentages of field test student sample, by control and level of institution and student types: 2014-15 1052

Table O-6. Baccalaureate recipient status determination, by sample student type: 2014-15 1053

Table O-7. Reliability estimates for items included in the reinterview, by content area: 2014-15 1063

Table O-8. Summary of recoding results, by coder type and mode of administration: 2014-15 1069

Table O-9. Summary of upcoding results, by mode of administration and coding system: 2014-15 1070

Table O-10. Item nonresponse for items with more than 10 percent of data missing: 2014-15 1071

Table O-11. Interview questions with highest rates of help text access, by mode of administration: 2014-15 1075

Table O-12. Conversion rates for critical items, by mode of administration: 2014-15 1078

Table O-13. Count and proportion of NPSAS interviews, by whether included in timing analysis and interview type: 2014-15 1082

Table O-14. Average time in minutes to complete the full interview, by module experiment group and mode of administration: 2014-15 1083

Table O-15. Average time in minutes to complete the full interview, by interview section and experiment group: 2014-15 1084

Table O-16. Average time in minutes to complete the full interview, by respondent subgroup and mode of administration: 2014-15 1085

Table O-17. Ten longest average form times observed in the interview: 2014-15 1087

Table O-18. Average time in minutes to complete NPSAS:16 reinterview, overall and by mode of administration: 2014-15 1087

Table O-19. Response rates, by module experiment group 1089

Table O-20. Module 1 response rates, by module experiment group 1089

Table O-21. Module 2 response rates, by module experiment group 1090

Table O-22. Breakoff rates and frequency, by module experiment group 1090

Table O-23. Breakoff rates and frequency of final completes by module experiment group 1091

Table O-24. Participation rates by module experiment group 1091

Table O-25. Mean time (in minutes) to complete module 1, by module group 1092

Table O-26. Mean time (minutes) module group respondents took to complete modules 1 and 2 1092

Table O-27. Module 1 items with significant differences in nonresponse between control and module groups 1093

Table O-28. Responses to fictitious loan items by module experiment group 1094

Table O-29: Comparison of modules - responses to fictitious loan items 1095

Table O-30. Participation rates by module treatment group 1095

Table O-31. Response rates by module treatment group 1095

Table O-32. Student interview participation rates, by module experiment group and control and level of institution: 2014-15 1096

Figure O-1. Postsecondary Data Portal (PDP) home page 1041

Figure O-2. NPSAS:16 field test student records participation, by mode: 2014-15 1047

Figure O-3. Locating and interviewing outcomes 1055

Figure O-4. NPSAS:16 field-test interview modules and topics: 2014-15 1059

Figure O-5. Number of reinterviews, by mode of administration: 2014-15 1061

Figure O-6. Student interview completion rates, by module experiment group: 2014-15 1099

Figure O-7. NPSAS:16 field test fictitious loan items 1100

Figure O-8. NPSAS:16 field test reversed wording items 1101

Figure O-9. NPSAS:16 field test AP, IB, and college-level coursetaking items 1102

Figure O-10. NPSAS:16 field test parents' highest level of education items 1104

Figure O-11. NPSAS:16 field test undergraduate study abroad experience items 1106


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