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도서 앰블럼

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검색결과 (전체 1건)


韓國名士事蹟風俗寫眞帖 인기도
[서울] : [발행처불명], [1900]
稀 915.1 ㅎ155
[서울관] 귀중서고(1층 대출대)
1책 : 전부사진 ; 25×37 cm


[표지 등]





天皇 皇后兩陛下 9

皇太子同妃皇孫各殿下 10

昌德宮李王同妃兩殿下 11

德壽宮李太王同妃李王世子 李堈公李熹公各殿下 12

最初の總督府官報と朝鮮政府最終の官報(The first official gazette and the last official gazette of Korea) 13

倂合當日韓皇の勅諭 13

倂合發表當日統監の諭告(The text of the instruction given by the resident-general on the day of annexation) 13

倂合當時の內閣大臣(The cabinet ministers at the time of annexation) 14

總監と副銃監(Resident-general and vice-resident general) 15

朝鮮內閣大臣及中樞院議長(Korean cabinet ministers and the president of the senate) 16

倂合條約調印室と統監府の首腦(The room where the annexation treaty was signed and the very brains of the resident-general) 17

樞密院議長元帥公爵山縣有朋 18

前韓國駐답軍司令官子爵長谷川好道 18

朝鮮駐답軍司令官男爵大久保春野 18

寺內統監新任披露の會場(Celebrating the appointer of vis-court Terauchi the new resident-general) 19

重なる官吏(Chief officials) 20

龍山駐箚陸軍將校(Military staff at Ryuzan) 23

朝鮮駐箚軍司令部(The commanding staff of the Korean garrison)と龍山師團司令部(The commanding staff of the division) 23

山縣副統監の一行(Vice-resident-general Yamagata and his party) 24

大久保軍司令官と兩少將(Commander Okubo and two vice-general) 24

皇太子殿下御渡韓記念撮影(The photograph taken on the occasion of the visit of Korea by the crown prince) 25

朝鮮王妃殿下と親蠶室(H. M. the empress of Korea and her Seriwltemal room) 26

開城滿月臺へ行啓(His emperor's visit to Mangetsn, Kaijo) 27

昔の王の行列(The procession of the ancient king) 27

伊藤公と曾녜子竝に其筆蹟(Prince Ito and vis-count Sone and their autographs) 28

明治삽七年日韓協約締結記念(Commemorating the formation of the Japan-Korean treaty on the 37th year of Meiji) 29

明治삽八年日韓新協約締結記念(Commemorating(Gommemorating) the formation of the Japan-Korean New Treaty on the 38th year of Meiji) 29

水原に於ける伊藤公(Prince Ito at Suigen) 30

咸興に於ける最初の天長節(The first celebration of the imperial birth-day at Kankyo) 30

花房公使一行遭難記念(Commemorating(Gommemorating) the assault made on the persoon of Japanese minister Hanabusa) 31

東學黨と金玉均(Togaku-to and Kin-gyokukin) 32

漢城周報に緣故深さ人 33

最初の公使館と最後の公使館 34

駐韓公使 34

顧問及倂合前の重なる官僚 35

記念の撮影(Memorial photographs) 36

統監邸に於ける普通學校敎監(四十年) 36

日本人小學校長會出席者(四十二年) 36

理事廳地方行政官吏 36

統監府人事課員(四十二年) 36

北關大捷碑(The victory monument at Hoku-kwan) 37

朝鮮の國寶(Korean national treasures) 37

國璽と筆蹟(Imperial signature and his autograph) 38

半島の名士(一, 二)(Prominent men of Korea)[원문불량; p.39] 39

重なる官民(一)(Principal offcicals) 42

新聞通信記者及特派員(Journalists and correspondents) 44

朝鮮の通貨(Currency in Korea) 45

朝鮮の産物(Products in Korea) 46

重なる官民記念の筆蹟(一, 二, 三, 四, 五) 47

朝鮮貴族の內地觀光團(全員) 52

朝鮮貴族の內地觀光記念(一行中の婦人三越に於て撮映) 53

日淸戰役前の京城(Seoul before the Japan-China war) 54

最近の京城(The modern Seoul) 54

統監府(Resident-general) 55

京城の統監官邸(The resident-general at Seoul) 55

南大門(Nantai gate) 56

東大門(Todai gate) 56

記念門(Monumental gate) 56

水標橋(Suihyo bridge) 56

京城(Seouel) 57

パコタ公園(Bakota park) 57

蠟石塔(Soap-stone tower) 57

甲午記念碑(Kogo monument) 57

南山公園(Nansan park) 57

환丘壇(The Kankyu-hill) 58

洗劍亭(Senken-tei) 58

大院君墓陵(The mausoleam of Taiin-kun) 58

昌德宮內の御苑(The Palatial garden) 59

植物園の溫室 59

植物園溫室の內部 59

動物園の鶴 59

動物園の虎 59

宙合樓(The Chugo tower) 60

香園亭(Koen-tei) 60

觀月臺(Kangetsu-tai(Moon viewing terrace)) 60

勤政殿玉座(Imperial seat at the Kinsei palace) 60

景福宮健順閣(The Kenjun kaku) 60

光化門遠望(The distant view the Kokwamon) 61

景福宮勤政殿(The Kinsei palace) 61

景福宮慶會樓(The Keikai palace) 61

王妃別宮(Detached palace of the pricess) 61

京城前各國公使館(Former legations in Seoul) 62

露國公使館 62

淸國公使館 62

佛國公使館 62

英國公使館 62

米國公使館 62

京城の裁判所と法廷(The hall of justice in Seoul) 63

漢城師範學校(The Kanjo normal school) 64

韓國銀行(The Korean bank) 64

官立工業傳習所(The government industrial school) 64

日韓瓦斯電氣株式會社(The Japan-Korean gas electric Co.) 64

龍山(Ryusan) 65

龍山印刷局(Ryusan printing office) 65

漢江の鐵橋(The iron bridge at Han‘o) 65

麻浦煉瓦製造所(The brick manufacturing at Maho) 65

舊水師營(The old Suishi-ei) 65

仁川港(Chemulpo) 66

ワリヤ-グ號(Valyog) 66

コ-レツ號(The Corets) 66

各國居留地(Foreign settlements) 67

本町通(Honcho-street) 67

仁川の墓地(Tomb in Chemulpo) 67

日本醬油株式會社(The Japan soy stock Co.) 67

開城南大門(Nantai-gate, Kaijo) 68

善竹橋(Zenchuku bridge) 68

開城全景(Bird's eye view of Kaijo) 68

人蔘畑(Jinseng fields) 68

黃海道風景(The Kokai-do scenery) 69

黑橋驛(The Kurobashi station) 69

甕津(一, 二)(Yoshin(1, 2)) 69

新幕驛(The Shinmaku station) 69

牡丹臺 平壤(Botan terrace Pyngyang) 70

大同江畔(Taido river) 70

七星門(Shichisei-gate) 71

大同門(Taido-gate) 71

冬の大同江(Taido river in winter) 71

玄武門(Genbu-gate) 71

平壤市街(Pyngyang street) 72

箕子陵(Tomb of Kishi) 72

平壤水道(Pyayang water works) 72

平壤の田舍(The country view of Pyngyang) 72

鎭南浦市街(一, 二)(Chinnampo street(1, 2)) 73

築港(Harbour construction) 73

稅關(Custom house) 73

鴨綠江の結氷(The frozen Yalu river) 74

義州より九連城を望む(Kyuren castle seen from Wiji) 74

新義州の渡江場(The ferry at New Wiji) 74

新義州着筏光景(Rafts at New Wiji) 74

水原新豊樓(Suigen Shinho-ro) 75

訪花隨柳亭(Zuiryu-tei) 75

華虹門(Kako gate)[원문불량; p.75] 75

釜山(德川時代の和館浦)(Fusan Wakan-ura during the Tokugawa period) 76

釜山市街(Fusan street) 76

釜山停車場と棧橋(Fusan station and pier) 76

釜山全景(Bird's eye view of Fusan) 77

釜山と牧之島(Fusan and Makino-shima) 77

釜山港の南濱(The southern shore of Fusan) 78

釜山草梁間埋築地(Reclaimed land between Fusan and Soryo) 78

釜山水道水源地(The source of Fusan conduit) 78

釜山水道貯水池(Fusan water works reservoir) 78

馬山市街(一, 二)(Masan street(1, 2)) 79

馬山理事廳(Masan resideng) 79

馬山兵營(Masan barracks) 79

木浦港(Moku-po) 80

群山港(Gun-san) 80

江原道叢石島(Kogen-do Soseki-to) 81

釋王寺(一, 二)(Shakuo-ji(1, 2)) 81

慶州佛國寺(Keishu Bukkoku-ji) 82

瞻星臺(Sei.bo-dai) 82

佛國寺內殿(The Inner palace of the Bukkoku-ji) 82

武烈王の陵(The mausoleum of Buretsu) 82

元山港(Gen-san) 83

定和陵(The mausoleum of Teiwa) 83

咸興兵營(Kankyo barracks) 83

咸興本宮正殿と李成桂手植松(Kankyo palace and the pine tree planted by Lisei-kei) 84

孔子廟(The tomb of Confucious) 84

萬歲橋(Banzai bridge) 84

西湖津(Seiko-shin) 84

城津港(Joshin) 85

淸津港(Seishin) 86

富寧停車場(The Funei station) 86

會寧の遠望(A distant view of Kainei) 86

會寧の八義碑(Eight columa of kainei) 86

統營(Military head quater) 87

江華島邑內(Koka island) 87

恩津の彌勒(Buddha's image in Onshin) 87

北韓山上の巨石(A large stone at Mt Hoku-kan) 87

慶州の晉南門(Shin-nan gate at Koshu) 87

在留日本人の學校(Japanese schools in Korean) 88

京城日出尋常高等小學校 88

仁川記念幼稚園 88

洛東尋常小學校 88

釜山商業學校 88

飴賣兒(Millet molasses vendor) 89

鉢賣(Selling pots) 89

松葉賣(Selling pine leaves) 89

妓生の彈琴(Playing Koto by dancing girl) 89

汲水(Drawing water) 89

米屋(Rice vendors) 90

雜貨店[파오손면; p.90] 90

酒幕(飮食店)(Wine shop) 90

路傍の십店(Vendors along the road) 90

田野の農夫(Farmers in the fields) 91

書房(寺子屋式敎授)(The study) 91

祭典の舞踊(Festival dancing) 91

路傍の睡眠(Sleeping along the road side) 91

兩斑の外出(The Ryo-han class going out) 92

婦人の外出(Korean ladies going out) 92

乘馬(Riding horses) 92

轎(Palanquin) 92

뒷표지 94


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