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에너지 ASSEMBLY [전자자료] : 국회 신재생에너지 포럼 / 주최: 국회 신재생에너지포럼 인기도
서울 : [이원욱의원실], 2016
표제관련정보: 에너지혁명 2030
일시: 2016년 11월 29일(화) 오전 7시 30분, 장소: 국회 의원회관 제1세미나실
국회 신재생에너지포럼 대표의원: 이원욱, 전현희
국회 신재생에너지포럼 연구책임의원: 김경수
국회 신재생에너지포럼 고문: 정세균, 정의화, 홍석우
국회 신재생에너지포럼 회원: 강창일, 곽대훈, 김경수, 김동철, 김병관, 김병욱, 김상훈, 김상희, 김영진, 김영춘, 김정훈, 김철민, 김한표, 김해영, 노웅래, 민병두, 박준영, 백혜련, 설훈, 신창현, 안규백, 안호영, 어기구, 원유철, 원혜영, 유동수, 윤관석, 이동섭, 이언주, 이원욱, 이용득, 이종걸, 이채익, 장병완, 전현희, 정세균, 정우택, 정운천, 조경태, 최경환, 최도자, 최운열, 홍의락




강연자 프로필 3

Dramatic Visualizations Show Just How Quickly the Arctic Is Melting 5

the ice sheet will hit a critical point in about 60 years, and could result in a sea level rise of as much as 10 feet over 5

Projected Impacts of Climate Change 6

기후변화로 1950년 이후 자연재해의 횟수 규모 증가 추이 6

5th Ave New York City, April 15, 1900 7

5th Ave New York City, March 23, 1913 7

2015.9.10. 산자위 산자부 국감 참고인출석, "에너지혁명2030=석유 자동차 시대 종말" 증언 8

In a test of the autopilot sensors on the Tesla Model S that included things from stuffed animals to kids, a YouTube user found some odd results. 2016 3. 14 9

Maintenance - Gasoline Car : 2,000+ moving parts 9

1. EV : 100X fewer Moving Parts 10

EVs MORE powerful than ICE 11

테슬라자동차 엔진, 심플 11

엔진이 너무 간단, 고장나지 않아. 12

주차 문제가 해결되는 EV 13

니싼이 충전기 생산에 뛰어들었다. 14

Eight V2G chargers have been installed at the Nissan Technical Centre Europe for the use of employees 14

2020년까지 20분 충전소 5조원 정부예산 지원 15

EV Free Charging 16

EVs Generating $Revenue$ Providing Services to Grid 16

Car-as-a-Service: The End of Car Ownership 17

2. ESS : 에너지 저장장치 혁명 17

Li-on Battery costs dropping exponentially 18

Projected cost of Li-on Battery $/kWh 18

Investments in Battery Megafactories increasing 19

3. Self-driving Car 20

캘리포니아 올해 안에 무인차, 자율주행차에 사람없이 운전하도록 허용하는 캘리포니아 법안 2016. 10. 1 통과 20

Lyft사 5년내 모두 무인택시. 10년 내 100% 완벽한 무인차, 10년내 자동차소유의 종말 21

Ford says that an area that is covered in snow can be navigated by an autonomous car if the area has been driven and mapped by LiDAR previously 22

Using multiple different sensors allows autonomous vehicles to build up a detailed view of their environment and the data collected is combined in a process called "sensor fusion" 23

The autonomous hauler 네바다주 2015. 5 허용 23

LIDAR: From $70,000 to $250 25

Exponential Tech Improvement: GPU NVIDIA Drive PX 25

Car-as-a-Service: The End of Car Ownership 27

BMW i3, Rinspeed's new Budii concept car, 무인자동차 27

구글맵, GPS 기술로 편리해진 우리의 삶, 구글맵을 찍는 자동차 28

무인차 라이더가 보는 장면 28

사물지능, internet of things 29

Nissan, Google, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Cadillac. Toyota, 모두 무인차 출시 예정 2014. 12. 31

무인(전기)자동차 2020년 보편화 32

4. Solar Energy, Cheapest 33

The research was conducted in partnership with colleagues at Bilkent University in Turkey and results of this research were recently published in the Nature journal Scientific Reports. 34

일본의 PV 엑스포, Hann-Ocean 기업의 태양광 프로젝트 35

Floating Solar School 36

WaterNest-Solar-Panels 36

The future of energy floats. 37

The world's first floating photovoltaic system was installed in 2007 by SPG Solar on a pond at Far Niente Winery in Napa: 1,000 floating panels linked. 37

1 GW of power, the Miraah project created by Glasspoint, for Petroleum Development Oman. 2016. 5. 23 38

Dubai solar power project 2020 1기가, 2030 5기가 39

Dubai solar power project that will generate 1,000 megawatts of power by 2020 - and a whopping 5,000 megawatts by 2030 39

San Francisco passes law requiring new buildings to be topped with solar panels. April 21, 2016 40

테슬라 기가팩토리 2016. 8. 1 40

500,000 cars per year, or 50 GWh worth of batteries. 41

perovskite-based solar cells 2016. 2. 25 42

perovskites sheds light on solar cell efficiency boost 2016.7.19 42

평면 솔라패널보다 20배로 높은 전력생산가능한 입체형 솔라패널 44

태양광패널 2015. 8. 25 44

cobalt, ruthenium, or iron battery 개발팀. 텍사스대학 45

cobalt, ruthenium, or iron may be considered as good candidates for a new catalyst, as the TiO2. 2016. 2. 23 46

battery from a carbonized oak leaf, 75% efficiency 46

구운 오크 잎으로 만드는 나트륨 리튬 배터리 개발, 2016. 2. 22 47

nanowire-based battery electrode 20만배로 전기 생산 용이한 기술 47

Power dense zinc-manganese power unit as cheap as a car battery. 48

University of Bath however, unifying these two thoughts led to the development of a battery that could harness "pee power" 2016. 4. 25 48

Wageningen University and Wetsus in the Netherlands, bacteria-based battery, microbial fuel cell 2016. 4. 8 49

0% Global Markets 49

Solar GOD Parity Point of No Return 50

Every house, business, warehouse, building, factory, shopping center everywhere will have SOLAR... 51

Utility Scale Solar → Dropping below ~5¢/kWh 51

Clean Disruption is inevitable & quick. 52

Solar Makers College 52

솔라젠, 10만원, 신성솔라제품 53

[뒷표지] 54


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