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검색결과 (전체 1건)


(2016년) 한국 경제의 새로운 시작 : 이란 [전자자료] : 한-이란 비즈니스 포럼 / 한국해양수산개발원, 부산상공회의소 주최 인기도
부산 : 한국해양수산개발원(KMI), 2016
전자형태로만 열람가능함
1 온라인 자료 : PDF
외부기관 원문
일시: 2016.7.25(월) 14:00~18:30, 장소: 부산 롯데호텔 3층 크리스탈볼룸
본문은 한국어, 영어가 혼합수록됨




[세션1] 한ㆍ이란경제협력 방안 5

[주제 1] 이란의 외국인 투자 제도 / Ahmad Jamali 6

Why Iran? 8

The Policy 8


The Legislation 9

Thpes of Investments 10

Features of Investments under FIPPA 10

Some other Features of FIPPA 11

Risk Covered By FIPPA 11

Fereign Investment Services Center(FISC) 12

FISC Members form Relevant Executinf Agencies 12

Key Services Offered by FISC 13

Investment Licensing Procedure 14

Incentives and Benefits of Foreign Inverstment in Iran 14

Tax Incentives 15

Custom Exemption 16

Invertment Incentives in Free Zones 17

Iran Bilateral Investment Treaties 17

International Treaties 18

Iran-South Korea Bilateral Investment Treaty 18

IRAN Investment Guide and other Publications 19

[주제 2] 이란 경제, 180일의 변화/ Seyed Komail Tayebi;Mehdi Yazdani 21

1. Introduction 23

2. Realized Facts 25

3. Iran's International Cooperation in the Post Sanction Era 29

4. Ranking of Potential Trade for commodity groups between Iran and Korea 31

5. Conclusion and Policy Implication 32

[주제 3] 한-이란 경제 협력 방안/ Byung-il Choi 35

Construction and infrastructure 39

Information Technology 41

Consumer Products 43

Health & Medical Service 45

K-Pop 47

Korean Cuisine 48

Busan as Smart Global City 49

[주제 4] 이란 항만 투자 비즈니스 / Abbas Arabmazar;Mehdi Yazdani 55

Introduction 57

Top 10 Container Terminals, 2014 58

Top Middle East Ports Container throughput, 2013 59

Iran's opportunities 59

The capacities and abilities of Iran's Ports 60

The features of main port of Iran 60

Economic goals in the post sanction era 61

main maritime goals in the post sanction era 62

Investment opportunities in Iran's Ports(6th Development Plan) 64

[세션 2] 한-이란 해양수산 협력 방안 66

[주제 1] 이란 항만 개발과 협력 / Mohammad Saeed Nejad 67

One of the most important maritime countries in the middle east 68

Different Trade Routes Iran, as a trade crossroad 69

Transit Opportunities International North-South Transport Corridor(INSTC) 69

Transshipment Opportunity 70

Supervising, management & ownership of ports 70

Iranian Ports' Capacity 72

Ports' Container throughput(2013) 72

All ports' throughput(2015) 73

Iran's South and North Ports Transit Capacity(2015) 73

Transit cargo(2015) 74

Alternative EU Trade Route 74

Best option for CIS Transit cargoes 75

Ports & Maritime Organization(PMO) 75

The most important responsibilities of PMO 76

Major policies of PMO to perform its statutory duties 76

PMO objectives for private sector participation (PSP) in developing ports 77

Actions of PMO in order to attract PSP 77

Shahid Rajae Port 78

The most important port development plans of PMO 79

[주제 2] 이란 해양산업과 해양과학기술 / Mohammad Saeed Seif 84

International importance of maritime industries 85

Importance of maritime industries for Iran 88

Scientific Status 99

[주제 3] 한ㆍ이란 해운 물류 협력 / Mohammad Saeed Seif 106

Iran's geostrategic location 108

PMO & KMI 109

Horizontal integration 110

Maritime researches & Trainings 110

Transfer of Maritime Knowledge 111

MOU between PMO & KMI 111

Some issues to be include in MOU between PMO & KMI 112

[주제 4] 한-이란 수산업 협력 / Hossein Ali Abdolhay 115

Ministry of Agriculture Iran Fisheries Organization 117

A view of Iran Fisheries Organization in 2014 117

Different fisheries activities ranking of Iran in the world 2014 118

Islamic Republic of Iran Fish Products 118

Iran Total Production Trend(1993-2014) 119

Main group of fish products in Iran 119

Share of Major Farmed Species Group in National Aquaculture Production in 2014 120

Current Aquaculture Capacities 120

Iranian Fisheries Organization Plan For 2025 121

Fresh water Aquaculture 121

Warm water Fishes Production 122

Warm water Aquaculture 122

Cold water Aquaculture 125

Cold water Fishes Production(trend) 125

Caspian salmon salmo trutta caspius 126

Astacus leptodactylus 126

Successful Experience 128

Different Sturgeon species In Iranian Shores of Caspian Sea 128

2000 Tons Fish and 30 Tons Caviar 129

Stock enhancement 129

Finfish 130

Release of fish fingerlings to the Caspian Sea and Southern waters in 2014 131

Marine Aquaculture 131

Shrimp culture In Iran 132

Marine shrimp Aquaculture In 2014 132

Specification of shrimp farming system in Iran 133

Trend of Marine shrimp Production during 2003-2014 134

Area of shrimp culture during 2003-2014 134

Estimated capacity for cage farming in Iran 135

Total of production marine cage culture(2014) 135

Program of production in marine cage culture(2016-2020) 136

Marine Cage Culture in I.R.Iran 136

cage farming in Qeshm Island, Persian Gulf 137

Marine species for cage culture 137

Candidates of the Marine fishes for cage culture 138

cage farming in Caspian Sea 138

Algae Culture in Iran 139

Gracilariopsis Persica 139

Algae culture into the drainage canal of the shrimp complex before releasing to the sea 140

Farming system 140

Individual fish farm 141

Fish Culture in Paddy 141

Fish culture using well water of agriculture irrigation 142

Fish culture in natural lake and reservoirs 142

Development plan for sixth program 143

Aquaculture in century 21 143

The way forward 144

[패널발표] 이란국영선사 / Ghasem Ghayour Zamhmatkesh 149

IRISL Fleet 156

Container Ranking of IRI 157

Khazar Sea Shipping Line 157

Tourism 158

Promotion of Current Container Liner Service: Persian Gulf - Far East 158

Resumption of Container Liner Service: Persian Gulf - Europe 159

Promotion of Current Container Liner Service: Persian Gulf - Africa 159

Introduction of Container Liner Service 160

IRISL shipping lines revival 161

IRISL shipping lines 161

Revival and Expansion of Agency Network 162

Fleet Expansionby 2020 162

Tank Farms & Bunker Hub (Qeshm Island) 164

Dry Ports (Aprin) 164

Terminal acquisition/operation 165

Shipbuilding/Repair Yard 165

IRISL Investment Company 166

Choose irisl as your tusted partner 166


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