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(제13회) 동북아농정연구포럼 FANEA 자료집 [전자자료] = The 13th FANEA international symposium materials : 개원 40주년 기념 / 한국농촌경제연구원, 중국농업과학원 농업경제발전연구소, 일본농림수산성 농림수산정책연구소 주최 인기도
나주 : 한국농촌경제연구원(KREI), 2018
전자형태로만 열람가능함
연구자료 : 통계
1 온라인 자료 : PDF
외부기관 원문
일시: 2018.5.31(목) 9:30~17:00, 장소: 서귀포 중문 켄싱턴 제주호텔 B1마린홀
본문은 영어임




[Presentations Session 1] Improving Workforces for Strengthening Agricultural and Rural 7

Agriculture innovation& Young Beginning Farmer / MA Sang-Jin 8

1. Aging & Need for Innovation in Agriculture 10

2. Young Farmers' Settlements Status 12

3. Youong Farmer Policies 17

4. How to Foster Young Begining Farmers 19

Increasing Labor Productivity to Strengthen Agricultural Competitiveness: Comparison and Policy Implications from Major Agrarian Countries / CHEN Yangfen 24

1. Introduction 26

2. Data and Methods 29

3. Results 30

Women's Participation in Family Farm Management: Analysis of the Current Situation by Census of Agriculture and Forestry in Japan / Mayumi SATO 40

1. Introduction 42

2. Develoment and background of measures for women farmers 44

3. Gender and participation in farm management 46

4. Characteristics of farm households in which full-time women farmers participate in farm management 49

5. Summary and challenges 53

[Presentations Session 2] Rural Welfare 57

Increasing Farming with Disabled People and Its Impact on Rural Community / Yukisato YOSHIDA 58

I. Introduction 60

II. Current situation of disabled people in Japan 61

III. National trend in Agriculture and Welfare in Cooperation 63

IV. Advanced cases in survey object 65

V. Conclusion 73

An Analysis of China's Rural Welfare from the Perspective of Basic Supply of Public Service in the Rural Areas / XIA Ying 77

1. Introduction 79

2. Status quo of rural welfare in China: Taking rural basic public service supply as an example 80

2.1. Rural Infrastructure 81

2.2. Rural Social Security 83

2.3. Rural Coonerative Medical Care 84

2.4. Rural Education 85

2.5. Conclusion 86

3. Evaluations on the influence of supply efficiency of rural basic public service in China on rural welfare 86

3.1. Research Methodology 87

3.2. Index selection and data source 88

3.3. The Result of Empirical Analysis 90

4. Conclusions and countermeasures 93

Health of Older Adults in Rural Areas and Their Use of Medical and Welfare Services / An Seok 95

01. Changes of Older Population 97

02. Health Status of Older Adults 98

03. Use of Medical and Welfare Services 99

04. Analysis of Factors Influencing Use of Medical Services 104

05. Conclusion and Suggestions 106

[Symposium Papers Session 1] Improving Workforces for Strengthening Agricultural and Rural 109

Agriculture innovation& Young Beginning Farmer / MA Sang-Jin 110

Abstract 111

1. Agriculture Innovation and Young Beginning Farmers 114

2. Young Farmers' Settlement Status 118

3. Performance and Limitations of Policies for Fostering Young Beginning Farmers 133

4. How to Foster Young Beginning Farmers 152

References 165

Increasing Labor Productivity to Strengthen Agricultural Competitiveness: Comparison and Policy Implications from Major Agrarian Countries / CHEN Yangfen 168

Abstract 169

1. Introduction 170

2. Research Methodology and Data Sources 172

3. Results and Analysis 176

4. Conclusions and Policy Implications 182

References 183

Women's Participation in Family Farm Management: Analysis of the Current Situation by Census of Agriculture and Forestry in Japan / Mayumi SATO 185

Abstract 186

1. Introduction 189

2. Development and background of measures for women farmers 190

3. Participation in farm management by gender 192

4. Characteristics of farm households in which full-time Female farmers particillatc in farm management 197

5. Summary and challenges 202

Citation and references 203

[Symposium Papers Session 2] Rural Welfare 205

Increasing Farming with Disabled People and Its Impact on Rural Community / Yukisato YOSHIDA 206

Abstract 207

I. Introduction 210

II. An Overview of Farmer Circumstances and Engagements of Social welfare corporations in Japanese Agricultural Business 212

III. An increasing Farm Assist offered by welfare facilities for disabled people 215

IV. Social welfare corporations going into agriculture 221

V. The increasing employment of disabled people by farmers 224

VI. Increase in agriculture by special subsidiary 229

VII. Conclusion 233

References 242

An Analysis of China's Rural Welfare from the Perspective of Basic Supply of Public Service in the Rural Areas / XIA Ying 245

Abstract 246

1. Introduction 248

2. Status Quo of Rural Welfare in China: Taking Rural Basic Public Service Supply as an Example 248

3. Evaluations on the influence of supply efficiency of rural basic public service in China on rural welfare 257

4. Conclusions and countermeasures 266

Health of Older Adults in Rural Areas and Their Use of Medical and Welfare Services / An Seok 270

Abstract 271

I. Changes of Older Population 274

2. Comparison of Health Status of Older Adults between Urban and Rural Areas 276

3. Use of Medical and Welfare Services among the Rural Older Adults 277

4. Analysis of Factors Influencing Usc of Medical Services 284

5. Conclusion and Suggestions 286

References 292

Increasing Labor Productivity to Strengthen Agricultural Competitiveness: Comparison and Policy Implications from Major Agrarian Countries / CHEN Yangfen 32

Table 1. Convergence of Agricultural Productivity in Different Countries 32

Women's Participation in Family Farm Management: Analysis of the Current Situation by Census of Agriculture and Forestry in Japan / Mayumi SATO 47

Table 1. Gender differences in labor force rates of the farm households 47

Table 2. Gross revenues from product sales 50

Table 3. Farm size 50

Table 4. Farming type classified by the main product 51

Table 5. Operational situations of business related with agricultural production 51

Table 6. Full-time employee other than family members 52

Table 7. Characteristics of full-time women farmers (Age of FWF) 52

Table 8. Characteristics of full-time women farmers (Relationship of FWF to the householder) 53

An Analysis of China's Rural Welfare from the Perspective of Basic Supply of Public Service in the Rural Areas / XIA Ying 82

Table 2-1. The Capital Instruction Units of Central and Local Investment 82

Table 2-2/Chart 2-2. The financing of operating expense wilhin budget for per student of rural basic education 85

Table 3-1/Chart 3-1. Input and output indexes of the efficiency of rural public service 88

Table 3-2/Chart 3-2. The second stage: tbe results of SFA regression model 90

Table 3-3/Cahrt 3-3. The average efficiency of DEA in 29 provinces before and after adjusting(2011-2015year) 91

Table 3-4. Malmquist Index and decomposition of the basic public service in the rural areas in 29 provinces from 2011-2015 92

Agriculture innovation& Young Beginning Farmer / MA Sang-Jin 115

Table 1. Changes in Age Distribution of Farm Operators 115

Table 2. Changes in Farm Operators with Farming Experience of Three Years or Less 118

Table 3. Comparison of Farm Household Incomes of Young Farms and of Total Farms 122

Table 4. Differences in Fann Household Income by Beginning Type of Young Farmers 123

Table 5. Factors in Young Farmers' Successful Settlement 127

Table 6. Young Farmers' Difficulties in the Start-up Stage 129

Table 7. Young Farmers' Difficulties by Period of Farming Experience 129

Table 8. Employment Status of Agricultural Graduates (2015) 136

Table 9. Farming Status ofKNCAF Graduates 137

Table 10. Agricultural Students' Intention to be engaged in Agriculture After Graduation 138

Table 11. KNCAF Graduates' Farming Scale and Farm Household Income 139

Table 12. Farmers who were selected by the Agricultural Business Successors Project 142

Table 13. Farm Start-up Support Projects for Young People 147

Table 14. Roles of Actors Fostering Young Farmers 149

Increasing Labor Productivity to Strengthen Agricultural Competitiveness: Comparison and Policy Implications from Major Agrarian Countries / CHEN Yangfen 174

Table 1. Potential influencing factors of agricultural labor productivity 174

Table 2. Sample countries' main statistical indicators and convergence index 177

Table 3. Analytical results using Pearson's correlation coefficient 180

Table 4. Nonparametric test results grouped by category 180

Table 5. Agriculture development characteristics of typical countries 182

Women's Participation in Family Farm Management: Analysis of the Current Situation by Census of Agriculture and Forestry in Japan / Mayumi SATO 192

Table 1. Changes in female members and labor force of the farm households 192

Table 2. Changes in the number of full-time farmers by gender and age group 193

Table 3. Gross revenues from product sales: Average and FFFP households 197

Table 4. Farm size : Average and FFFP household 198

Table 5. Farming type classified by the main product 198

Table 6. Shipping destination of the main product: Average and FFFP households 199

Table 7. Characteristics offann families in which full-time female famers less than 65 years old are participating in management (operational situations o[business related with agricultural Production) 199

Table 8. Full-time employee other than family members Average and FFFP households 200

Table 9. Age of FFF 200

Table 10. Relationship of FFF to the householder 201

Increasing Farming with Disabled People and Its Impact on Rural Community / Yukisato YOSHIDA 219

Table 1. Transition of the implementation areas and work types welfare facilities for disabled people undertook in Kagawa Prefecture 219

An Analysis of China's Rural Welfare from the Perspective of Basic Supply of Public Service in the Rural Areas / XIA Ying 251

Tahle 2-1. The Canital Instruction Units of Central and Local Investment 251

Table 2-2/Chart 2-2.The financing of operating expense within budget for per student of rural basic cducation 256

Table 3-1/Chart 3-1. Input and output indexes of the efficiency of rural public service 257

Table 3-2/Chart 3-2. The second stage: the results of SFA regression model 260

Table 3-3/Chart 3-3. The average efficiency of DEA in 29 provinces before and after adjusting (2011-2015year) 261

Table 3-4. Malmquist Index and decomposition ofthe basic public service in the rural areas in 29 provinces from 2011-2015 264

Health of Older Adults in Rural Areas and Their Use of Medical and Welfare Services / An Seok 278

Table 1. Relationship between Mobility of Rural Older Adults and Uronet Needs for Medical Services 278

Table 2. Relationship between the Self-rated Health Status of Rural Older Adults and Urunet Needs for Medical Services 279

Table 3. Use Rate of Home-and Community-based Welfare Services 279

Table 4. Functional Disabilities and Reasons for Dnme! Need for Medical Services 281

Table 5. Reasons for Unmel Need for Welfare Services 281

Table 6/Table 8. Result of the Survey of Rural Older Adults with Functional Disabilities 282

Table 7/Table 9. Result of In-depth Interviews with Rural Older Adnlts with Functional Disabilities 283

Table 8/Table 6. A Logistic Regression Analysis Model of the Use of Medical Scrvices 285

Table 9/Table 7. Comparison of the Rural and Urban Elderly limitations in ADLs 286

Women's Participation in Family Farm Management: Analysis of the Current Situation by Census of Agriculture and Forestry in Japan / Mayumi SATO 47

Figure 1. The rate of participation in farm management by gender and age group 47

Figure 2. The rate of participation in farm management by gender and the number of working days 48

Figure 3. The share of participation women farmers and the share of FWF in the total women farmers by type of main products in the farm 48

Increasing Farming with Disabled People and Its Impact on Rural Community / Yukisato YOSHIDA 63

Figure 1. Farm activity ratio in the welfare for disabled poplee(total) 63

Figure 2. Number of special subsidiaries goes into agriculture field by acknowledge years 63

Figure 3. Ratio of agricultural activities carried out by work types 64

Figure 4. Relationship diagram between Peer Farm and surrounding farmers, consumer, etc 70

An Analysis of China's Rural Welfare from the Perspective of Basic Supply of Public Service in the Rural Areas / XIA Ying 82

Figure 2-1. The, investment in tbe fixed assets of water respurces and tbe increase rate of annual Investment in the whole sosiety 82

Figure 2-2. The Expenditure of the New Basic Endowment Insurance Funds 83

Figure 2-3. Rural Miinimum Living Secutity Expenditure 83

Figure 2-4. The Proportion of Total Health Expenditure in CDP and the Growth Rate of Total Health Expenditure 84

Figure 2-5. The Proportion of Fiscal Education Espenditure in GDP 85

Agriculture innovation& Young Beginning Farmer / MA Sang-Jin 117

Figure 1. Outlook for Changes in the Number of Young Farm Households by Additional Inflow Scale of New Farmers 117

Figure 2. Young Farmers' Routes of Beginning Farming (Farming Base, Education) 119

Figure 3. Young Farmers' Routes of Beginning Farming (Rural Background, Migration) 120

Figure 4. Comparison of Agricultural Sales of Young Farms and of Total Farms 121

Figure 5. Young Farmers' Agricultural Sales by Farming Experience 123

Figure 6. Young Farmers' Household Income by Farming Experience 124

Figure 7. Young Farm Households' Satisfaction with Quality of Life 125

Figure 8. Young Farmers' Reasons for Wanting to Move to Another Area 132

Figure 9. Relationship of Policies for Fostering Young Beginning Farmers 133

Figure 10. Changes in Agricultural School Fostering Policy 135

Figure 11. Changes in Policy for Fostering Agricultural Business Successors 141

Figure 12. Changes in Policies for Supporting Returning to Farming and Rural Communities 144

Figure 13. Changes in the Number of Households Returning to Farming (1990-2016) 146

Figure 14. Young Beginning Farmer Ecosystem 152

Figure 15. Young Farmer Model 153

Figure 16. Systematization of Projects by Stage of Fostering Young Beginning Farmers 154

Figure 17. Model of One-stop Support Center for Farm Start-up 158

Figure 18. Types of Young Beginning Farmers 159

Increasing Labor Productivity to Strengthen Agricultural Competitiveness: Comparison and Policy Implications from Major Agrarian Countries / CHEN Yangfen 171

Figure 1. Yields, imports and stock of three major grain varieties in China, 2007-2016 171

Figure 2. Scatter plots of agricultural labor productivity in the sample countries in 1961 and 2013 176

Figure 3. Coefficients of variation of the smnple countries and different categories of countries, 1961-2013 179

Women's Participation in Family Farm Management: Analysis of the Current Situation by Census of Agriculture and Forestry in Japan / Mayumi SATO 194

Figure 1. The rate of participation in farm management by gender and by age group 194

Figure 2. The rate of participation in farm management by gender and by the mtuuber of working days 195

Figure 3. The share of participating female farmers and the share of FFF in the total female farmers by type of main products in the farm 196

Increasing Farming with Disabled People and Its Impact on Rural Community / Yukisato YOSHIDA 213

Figure 1. Farm activity ratio in the disability facilities (total) 213

Figure 2. Number of special subsidiaries goes into agriculture field 215

Figure 3. Outline of support scheme for welfare and agriculture cooperation by Kagawa Prefecture 217

Figure 4. Relationship diagram between Peer Farm and surrounding farmers, consumer, etc 224

Figure 5. Relation between Omori Farm, Morl no ie (NPO), and region 227

Figure 6. Cooperation in the area centering Hinari Hamamatsu Office 231

An Analysis of China's Rural Welfare from the Perspective of Basic Supply of Public Service in the Rural Areas / XIA Ying 250

Figure 2-1. The investment in the fixed assets of water resources and the increase rate of annual Investment in the whole society 250

Figure 2-2. The Expenditure of the New Basic Endowment Insurance Funds 252

Figure 2-3. Rural Minimum Liying Security Expenditure 253

Figure 2-4. The Proportion of Total Health Expenditure in GDP and the Growth Rate of Total Health Expenditure 254

Figure 2-5. The proportion of Fiscal Education Espenditure in GDP 255

Health of Older Adults in Rural Areas and Their Use of Medical and Welfare Services / An Seok 275

Figure 1. Changes in the Ratio of the Elderly in the Population 275

Figure 2. Changes in the Ratio of Elderly Households in Rural Areas 275

Figure 3. Comparison of Self-rated Health Status of Older adults between Urban and Rural Areas 276

Figure 4. Comparison of the Ratio of Older Adults with Restricted Mobility between Urban and Rural Areas 277

Figure 5. Unmet Need for Medical Services 278

Figure 6. Changes in the Reasons for Unmet Service Need (Economic and Distance Issues) 280

Figure 7. Andersen's Health Behavioral Model 284

Figure 8. Concept of Small Welfare Centers Using Senior Conununity Centers 289


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