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검색결과 (전체 1건)


(2018) 공적연금 국제 세미나 in 전주 [전자자료] : 공적연금의 역할과 미래 발전방향 모색 : 국민연금 제도 시행 30주년 기념 = International seminar on public pension : the roles of public pension and directions for development / 국민연금공단 국민연금연구원 [주최] 인기도
전주 : 국민연금공단 국민연금연구원(NPS), 2018
전자형태로만 열람가능함
1 온라인 자료 : PDF
외부기관 원문
일시: 2018.11.02.(Fri), 장소: Grand Hillstone Hotel
본문은 한국어, 영어가 혼합수록됨




Session 1. 다층노후소득보장체계와 공적연금의 역할 5

[Presentation 1] 다층노후소득보장체계, 캐나다 및 국제 사례를 통해 얻는 교훈 / Assia Billig 6

Summary 9

요약본 10

Office of the Chief Actuary, Canada 11

Disclaimer 12

Multi-Pillar Pension Systems 12

Why multi-pillar systems are important? 13

Design Considerations 13

What is adequacy? 14

Multi-pillar pensions are crucial in provision of adequate benefits at different income levels 14

Many countries adopted multi-pillar systems with a mix of private and public pillars 15

Poverty reduction 15

Income from all 3 pillars is necessary to guarantee Canadian seniors decent lives in retirement 16

Effective coverage by pillars impacts the performance of whole system 16

There are as many careers as people 17

Reduction in net pension income is lower than reduction in labour input due to maternity 17

Mitigation mechanisms are more effective for low-income workers 18

The structure of retirement package affects the incentives to save 18

Protection of value of benefits 19

Some of the Pension risks are 19

Multi-pillar systems help to ensure stable benefits under different economic environments... 20

...and public pensions act as a stabiliser 20

Canadian Retirement Income System - Not All Eggs in One Basket 21

Replacement rates from the first two pillars vary by income... 21

...but the third pillar coverage is modest 22

It was estimated that 1.1million families close to retirement do not have sufficient savings 22

Proposed solutions included both 2nd and 3nd pillars 23

Principles of the CPP expansion 23

Main Design Parameters of Enhanced CPP 24

Who benefits from CPP enhancement in retirement? 24

A majority of persistent low-income workers will fully benefit from the CPP enhancement 25

What can be done to mitigate impact of additional contributions on consumption of low-income workers? 25

Impacts of the CPP expansion on other programs 26

Conclusion 26

[Discussion] 우리나라 다층노후소득보장 체계 강화를 위한 전문가 제언 / 권문일;김원섭 28

Session 2. 국민연금 적정급여-적정부담 체계 마련을 위한 개선방향 33

[Presentation 2] 공적연금 급여적정성 및 지속가능성, 북유럽의 교훈 / Ismo Risku 34

Summary 37

요약본 40

Why Nordics? 44

Lessons 44

Population - past experience and future prospects 47

Pension systems in the Nordics - a brief description 50

What do pension systems deliver? 55

Expenditures, contributions and assets 57

Common policy lines 60

[Presentation 3] 국민연금의 급여적정성과 지속가능성 제고를 위한 개선방향 / 김수완 62

Summary 65

요약본 66

1. Current State of Korean Public Pension 68

2. Issues of Public Pension Reform 74

3. Toward a Solution 78

[Discussion] 국민연금의 급여적정성과 지속가능성과의 균형에 대한 전문가 제언 / 우해봉;이상록 82

Session 3. 장기 지속가능성 제고를 위한 연기금 운용 방향 87

[Presentation 4] 공적연금 재정의 지속가능성에 기여할 수 있는 중장기 기금운용 방향 / Garry Hawker 88

[Presentation 5] 노령화 대비, 국민연금 지속가능성 강화를 위한 국민연기금 운영 방향 / 신성환 93

Summary 96

요약본 97

1. Long-Term Profile of NPS 98

2. Definition of Sustainability 99

3. Key Implications of The Analysis Results 101

4. Comparisons of Investment Returns 101

5. How to Improve Investment Return? 102

6/5. How to Increase The Investment Returns 102

7/6. Institutional and Organizational Issues 105

[Discussion] 연기금 관련 현재 주요 이슈 및 향후 운영 방향에 대한 전문가 제언 / 이상우;남재우 106

판권기 107


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