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검색결과 (전체 1건)


상백피의 적응면역 활성화에 의한 항암 효과 / 윤영진 인기도
서울 : 경희대학교 대학원, 2010.2
TD 619.91 -10-5
53 p. ; 26 cm
학위논문(박사) -- 경희대학교 대학원, 부인과학(한의학), 2010.2. 지도교수: 이경섭




I. 서론 7

II. 실험 9

1. 재료 9

1) 약재 9

2) 동물 9

3) 세포주 9

2. 방법 10

1) 단백질 항원에 대한 면역 반응 10

(1) 시험군 설정과 1차 면역 유도 10

(2) 항원 특이적 비장세포 증식 측정 10

(3) 총 항체가 측정 11

(4) 항체의 subisotype 측정 12

(5) Cytokines 측정 13

2) 종양 세포에 대한 면역 반응 13

(1) Formaldehyde fixed vaccine 제조 13

(2) 시험군 설정과 1차 면역 유도 14

(3) 종양 전이 억제 측정 14

(4) 항원 제시능 측정 15

(5) Cytotoxic T lymphocyte 측정 15

(6) 종양 특이적 cytokines 측정 16

(7) Anti-CD4와 anti-CD8 활성 측정 17

(8) 연명율과 고형암 증식 측정 17

3) 통계처리 18

III. 결과 19

1. Adjuvant로서 면역 반응에 미치는 영향 19

1) 항원 특이적 비장세포 증식 활성 효과 19

2) 항체 생산 효과 20

3) 항체의 subisotype 결정 21

4) 항원 특이적인 cytokines 유도 23

2. 종양 전이 억제 효과 27

3. 종양세포의 항원 제시능에 미치는 영향 28

4. Cytotoxic T lymphocyte의 종양세포 살해 활성 효과 29

5. 종양 특이적 cytokines 생산 활성에 미치는 영향 31

1) Interferon-γ 유도 31

2) Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor 유도 33

3) Interlukin-2 유도 35

4) Interlukin-10 유도 37

6. Anti-CD4와 anti-CD8 mAb의 IFN-γ 생산 효과 39

7. 연명률 항상과 고형암 증식 억제 효과 41

IV. 고찰 43

V. 결론 50

VI. 참고문헌 52

Abstract 57

초록보기 더보기

Objective: This study was carried out to investigate the effect of Mori Radicis Cortex extracts on anti-tumor by activation of adaptive immunity.

Methods: I examined the specific adjuvant activity of Mori Radicis Cortex extracts on the induction of immune responses against ovalbumin by lymphocyte proliferation, antibody titer, subisotype of antibodies & cytokines synthesis. Then, I examined the inhibition of tumor metastasis induced by colon26-M3.1 carcinoma or B16-BL6 melanoma following vaccination with Mori Radicis Cortex extracts & colon26-M3.1 carcinoma or B16-BL6 melanoma formaldehyde fixed vaccine. To observe the specific adjuvant activity of Mori Radicis Cortex extracts on the induction of immune responses against tumor, I examined IL-12 from dendritic-like cell, cytotoxicity activated by CTL, IFN-γ induced by CTL, cytokines synthesis after restimulus with live tumor or vaccine & IFN-γ from splenocytes neutralized by anti-CD4 or anti-CD8 mAb following vaccination with Mori Radicis Cortex extracts & colon26-M3.1 carcinoma. I examined also viability & the inhibition of tumor growth induced by colon26-M3.1 carcinoma following vaccination with Mori Radicis Cortex extracts & colon26-M3.1 carcinoma formaldehyde fixed vaccine.

Results: The lymphocyte of mice treated with Mori Radicis Cortex extracts significantly showed a higher proliferating activity. The antibody titer of mice immunized with Mori Radicis Cortex extracts was significantly higher. The assay for determining subisotype of antibody revealed that Mori Radicis Cortex extracts enhanced IgG2b but decreased IgE significantly. The assay for determining profiles of cytokines synthesis evidenced that Mori Radicis Cortex extracts significantly elevated IL-2. Vaccination with Mori Radicis Cortex extracts & colon26-M3.1 carcinoma or B16-BL6 melanoma formaldehyde fixed vaccine resulted in the inhibition of tumor metastasis against colon26-M3.1 carcinoma or B16-BL6 melanoma challenge. Vaccination with Mori Radicis Cortex extracts & colon26-M3.1 carcinoma formaldehyde fixed vaccine significantly resulted in the enhancement of IL-12 from dendritic-like cell, cytotoxicity activated by CTL & IFN-γ induced by CTL. In addition, INF-γ & GM-CSF were significantly suppressed after neutralization with anti-CD4 or anti-CD8 mAb. Vaccination with Mori Radicis Cortex extracts & colon26-M3.1 carcinoma formaldehyde fixed vaccine also increased viability & the inhibition of tumor growth induced by colon26-M3.1 carcinoma.

Conclusion: Mori Radicis Cortex extracts can be applied to enhance the antitumor immunity as adjuvant by activation of adaptive immunity.

참고문헌 (49건) : 자료제공( 네이버학술정보 )더보기

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번호 참고문헌 국회도서관 소장유무
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13 Prospective Study for Korean Red Ginseng Extract as an Immune Modulator Following a Curative Gastric Resection in Patients with Advanced Gastric Cancer 소장
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33 상백피로부터 분리한 면역세포 증식작용을 지닌 다당체 소장
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35 The Effect of Mori Cortex Radicis on Anti-cancer and Immunocytes 네이버 미소장
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37 Hypoglycemic and Enzyme Effects of the Water Extract of Mori Radicis Cortex in Streptozotocin -Induced Diabetic Rats 소장
38 db/db 마우스에서 상백피의 혈당강하효과 소장
39 Experimental Studies on the Anti-Hyperlipidemic Effects of Mori Ramulus, Mori Folium, Mori Cortex and Mori Fructus 네이버 미소장
40 오가피 조다당의 단백질 항원 (BSA and OVA)에 대한 면역증강효과 소장
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