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국회도서관 홈으로 정보검색 소장정보 검색


In this study, a 3-characteristics, and used to optimize operating conditions in MSW incinerator, in Gwangju. The model developedin this study has been verified by examing both the predicted and the measured temperature in combustionchamber which has been operated to provide a reference condition. By predictive results, the Sangmoo incineratorhas a good characteristics of combustion and low emission however after burning zone produced incompleteconducted to study optimal operating conditions. For the optimal combustion characteristics, operating conditionsshould be adjusted with the waste properties.


권호기사 목록 테이블로 기사명, 저자명, 페이지, 원문, 기사목차 순으로 되어있습니다.
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참고문헌 (9건) : 자료제공( 네이버학술정보 )

참고문헌 목록에 대한 테이블로 번호, 참고문헌, 국회도서관 소장유무로 구성되어 있습니다.
번호 참고문헌 국회도서관 소장유무
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