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The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of organism vigor information solution(OVIS) on the animal cell growth and to set up a condition for cell culture. We investigated the reactions on the MG-63 and MCF-7 cell line in mixture culture media with various amount of REVIEW solution, which is an example among various OVIS. DMEM-HG was used as basic media. The concentration range of the mixture was limited from 0% to 15%. MTT assay is used for cell viability test. The cell was incubated for 14days and the MTT assay was performed on day 1, 3, 7, 10 and 14 throughout the experiment. We used the ELISA reader to measure the Optical Density(O.D) at 595 nm wavelength filter. MCF-7 was linearly proliferated according to culture time and concentrations of OVIS. On the other hand, MG-63 cells were measured the highest O.D value at 12%. The growth rates of both cells cultured in mixed culture media with OVIS are much higher than those in only basic media, DMEMHG, after 14days. It was confirmed that cell cultured at OVIS grows rapidly at certain period although cells showed a negative effect in initial stage.
기사명 | 저자명 | 페이지 | 원문 | 목차 |
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