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대표형(전거형, Authority) | 생물정보 | 이형(異形, Variant) | 소속 | 직위 | 직업 | 활동분야 | 주기 | 서지 | |
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목 적:국내 B형 인플루엔자의 임상 양상 및 A형 인플루엔자와 비교를 위해 후향적 연구를 시행하였다. 방 법: 2011-2012 인플루엔자절기에 multiplex PCR로 인플루엔자가 진단된 소아청소년 입원 환자들의 의무기록 분석으로 B형 인플루엔자의 임상 양상과 함께 같은기간 A형 인플루엔자와의 차이점을 조사하였다. 결 과:연구 기간 동안 진단 된 145명 인플루엔자 환자 중, A형 인플루엔자 66명, B형 인플루엔자 78명이 있었고, 1명은 A, B형 인플루엔자가 동시에 진단되었다. 이들은 기침(88.2%), 콧물(77.1%), 가래(60.4%) 등 호흡기 증상을 호소하며, 하기도 감염(49.3%) 및 상기도 감염(31.9%)으로 진단된 경우가 많았다. B형과 A형 인플루엔자 환자의 주요 증상 및 검사실 소견은 차이가 없었고, A형에 비해 B형 인플루엔자 환자의 입원 전 발열기간이 길었다(3.0일 vs. 2.5일, P=0.043).결 론:임상 양상만으로 B형과 A형 인플루엔자 감별은제한성이 있고, B형 인플루엔자 환자의 입원 전 발열 기간 3일을 고려한다면 진단 후 치료보다 감염 전 예방이중요하다.
Purpose: This retrospective study was performed to identify the clinical characteristics of influenza B infection and compare to influenza A infection. Methods: Medical records of patients diagnosed with influenza using a multiplex PCR test, admitted to Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, during the 2011-2012 influenza season were analyzed. Clinical and laboratory characteristics of influenza B patients were investigated and compared with those of influenza A patients. Results: A total of 145 influenza patients were enrolled during this study period. Among these, 66 and 78 patients were diagnosed with influenza A and B, respectively, and 1 patient was diagnosed with co-existing influenza A and B. Cough (88.2%), rhinorrhea (77.1%) and sputum (60.4%) were the most common symptoms among these influenza patients, and most were diagnosed with upper respiratory infection (31.9%) or lower respiratory infection (49.3%). In comparison to influenza A patients, influenza B patients were older (4.7±4.1 years vs. 3.3±2.5 years, P =0.016), and the number of fever days before hospitalization were longer (3.0 days vs. 2.5 days, P =0.043). While sore throat (10.3% vs. 1.5%, P =0.039) and vomiting (20.5% vs. 6.1%, P =0.012) were more common in influenza B patients than in influenza A patients, other clinical and laboratory characteristics were not significantly different between the two groups. Conclusions: No significant differences in clinical and laboratory perspectives were manifested in influenza A and B infections. Preventive measures should be emphasized over treatment in influenza B due to prolonged fever duration before admission.
기사명 | 저자명 | 페이지 | 원문 | 목차 |
Indirect Particle Agglutination Antibody Testing for Early Diagnosis of Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia in Children | 김진수, 고정희, 오성희 | pp.71-80 |
한국 12-23개월 소아에서 7가 폐구균 단백결합 백신 추가접종으로 유도된 6B와 19F 혈청형 특이 방어항체의 교차혈청형 6A, 6C, 19A에 대한 교차 반응 | 김경효, 양주연, 박인호, 임수영 | pp.53-62 |
2011-2012절기 B형 인플루엔자 감염의 임상 양상 | 김민선, 성현우, 배이영, 한승범, 정대철, 강진한 | pp.89-97 |
소아의 근골격계 감염에서 지역사회 관련 메치실린 내성 황색 포도알균의 증가 : 2000년 9월-2012년 8월간의 단일기관 연구 | 박재홍, 이택진 | pp.63-70 |
Two Pediatric Cases of Dengue Fever Imported from Philippines | 오미애, 심재원, 김덕수, 정혜림, 박문수, 심정연 | pp.98-104 |
2006-2010년 단일기관 소아에서의 엔테로바이러스 감염 역학 및 임상 양상에 관한 연구 | 박인수, 이해성, 최수한, 김혜진, 황서연, 천두성, 장진근 | pp.81-88 |
번호 | 참고문헌 | 국회도서관 소장유무 |
1 | The effect of influenza on hospitalizations, outpatient visits, and courses of antibiotics in children. ![]() |
미소장 |
2 | Comparison of influenza A and influenza B virus infection in hospitalized children ![]() |
미소장 |
3 | Medically attended pediatric influenza during the resurgence of the Victoria lineage of influenza B virus ![]() |
미소장 |
4 | Influenza A and B Virus Infections in Children ![]() |
미소장 |
5 | Efficacy of live attenuated influenza vaccine in children against influenza B viruses by lineage and antigenic similarity ![]() |
미소장 |
6 | Clinical Efficacy of Cell Culture—Derived and Egg-Derived Inactivated Subunit Influenza Vaccines in Healthy Adults ![]() |
미소장 |
7 | Safety, efficacy, and immunogenicity of an inactivated influenza vaccine in healthy adults: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial over two influenza seasons ![]() |
미소장 |
8 | Estimates of Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness for 2007–2008 From Canada's Sentinel Surveillance System: Cross-Protection Against Major and Minor Variants ![]() |
미소장 |
9 | Comparative efficacy of inactivated and live attenuated influenza vaccines. ![]() |
미소장 |
10 | Safety, efficacy, and effectiveness of cold-adapted influenza vaccine-trivalent against community-acquired, culture-confirmed influenza in young children attending day care. ![]() |
미소장 |
11 | Coverage of Influenza Vaccination among Elderly in South Korea: A Population Based Cross Sectional Analysis of the Season 2004-2005 | 소장 |
12 | Influenza-associated hospitalizations in the United States. ![]() |
미소장 |
13 | Influenza Vaccination Coverage Rate and Factors Associated with Vaccination in People with Chronic Disease ![]() |
미소장 |
14 | Comparisons of Clinical Features among Influenza A (H1N1) and Seasonal Influenza A and B during 2009 to 2010 at a Single Institution | 소장 |
15 | Comparison of Clinical Manifestation and Laboratory Findings between H1N1 and Influenza B Infection | 소장 |
16 | The rationale for quadrivalent influenza vaccines. ![]() |
미소장 |
17 | Genetic analysis and evaluation of the reassortment of influenza B viruses isolated in Taiwan during the 2004–2005 and 2006–2007 epidemics ![]() |
미소장 |
18 | Cocirculation of two distinct evolutionary lineages of influenza type B virus since 1983 ![]() |
미소장 |
19 | Surveillance and molecular characterization of human influenza B viruses during 2006–2010 revealed co-circulation of Yamagata-like and Victoria-like strains in eastern India | 미소장 |
20 | Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Public Health Weekly Report. 2012. accessed on 1 Dec 2012. Available at http://www.cdc.go.kr/CDC/info/CdcKrInfo0301.jsp?menuIds=HOME001-MNU0004-MNU0036-MNU0037 | 미소장 |
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