Title Page
Abstract 15
1. Introduction 18
1.1. Background 18
1.2. Literature Review 19
1.3. Problem Statement and Research Objectives 24
1.4. Thesis Contribution 25
2. Information Gap Decision Theory: Uncertainty Modeling 27
2.1. Introduction 27
2.2. Uncertainty Models of IGDT 27
2.3. Functions of IGDT 29
2.4. Classification of RES and Loads 33
3. Sensitivity Analysis Techniques: Uncertainty Quantification 37
3.1. Local SA 37
3.2. Screening SA 38
3.3. Global SA (GSA) 40
3.3.1. Multi-Attribute Decision Making (MADM) 41
3.3.2. Pearson Correlation Coefcient 42
3.3.3. Borgonovo Method (BM) 43
3.3.4. Output Variance-based GSA 44
3.3.5. Strategy Sequence of GSA 51
3.4. Sparse Polynomial Chaos Expansion (SPCE) 53 A posteriori error estimation 54 Sparse PCE: Least Angle Regression 55 Bootstrap SPCE 56
3.4.2. Rosenblatt Based GSA 56
4. Artificial Intelligence techniques: Application Choice 60
4.1. Application of RNN, LSTM, and CNN 65
4.2. Online Load Monitoring and Classification 69
5. The Proposed Research Methodology 74
5.1. Skeleton of the Proposed Research Methodology 74
5.1.1. IGDT based Uncertainty classes 75
5.1.2. IGDT based Uncertainty classes 76
5.1.3. Artificial Neural Network Model: LSTM 77
5.1.4. Decision matrices: Data base for SDM 78
5.1.5. IGDT based Sympathetic function and decision model 80
6. Sympathetic Decision Model Applications: Simulation Results 82
6.1. IEEE 30 bus system: Test System Description 82
6.2. Steps to Model SDM and the Results 83 Input variables sampling, distribution, and correlation 84 Rosenblatt Transform and SPCE 86 RMV-GSA Model and FSIs Values 88
6.2.2. Uncertainty Modeling and Classification: Application of IGDT 93
6.2.3. Decision Sets Formation of SDM 93
6.2.4. Deployment of SDM on Power System (IEEE 30 bus system) 95
7. Unit Commitment and Economic Dispatch: Application of Sympathetic Decision Model using Reinforcement Learning 114
7.1. Unit commitment and economic dispatch 115
7.1.1. Modeling of unit commitment and economic dispatch 117
7.2. Reinforcement learning and agent selection 118
7.2.1. Reinforcement Learning Agents 119
7.3. RL based modeling of unit commitment and economic dispatch 121
7.3.1. RL agent modeling 124
7.4. Deployment of SDM-RL agent and simulation results 129
7.4.1. IEEE 30 bus test system 129
7.4.2. IEEE 123 bus test system 137
8. Conclusion and Future Work 142
8.1. Conclusion 142
8.2. Future Work 143
References 144
논문 요약 151
Table 2-1. Classification of RES and load demands RES or Load 35
Table 2-2. Comparison of proposed uncertainty modeling with previous literature 36
Table 5-1. General formation of the decision matrix 79
Table 6-1. Pre-requisite methods of RMV-GSA 84
Table 6-2. SPCE design parameters 89
Table 6-3. RMV-GSA based FSI values at load variations 90
Table 6-4. RMV-GSA based FSI values at RES variations 91
Table 6-5. Uncertainty classes in numerical values 93
Table 6-6. Decision Set for PV 94
Table 6-7. Decision Set for WT 94
Table 6-8. Decision Set for Loads 94
Table 7-1. Thermal units data IEEE 30 bus test system 129
Table 7-2. Thermal units data IEEE 123 bus test system 137
Figure 2-1. Sympathetic immunities of IGDT 30
Figure 2-2. Sympathetic impact of IGDT: α values 33
Figure 4-1. General applications of AI 61
Figure 4-2. Conventional method for loading mrgin 62
Figure 4-3. Gram-Chmidt technique for inputs reduction 64
Figure 4-4. MLP of ANN 65
Figure 4-5. LSTM basic structure 66
Figure 4-6. CNN basic structure 68
Figure 4-7. ANN based power system load monitoring and classification 70
Figure 4-8. BT-based ELM model of PI estimation for VSM 72
Figure 5-1. IGDT based Uncertainty Classification 75
Figure 5-2. RMV-GSA algorithm structure 76
Figure 5-3. LSTM structure for classification 78
Figure 5-4. Final proposed decision framework 80
Figure 6-1. IEEE 30 bus test system 84
Figure 6-2. Sampling methods response 85
Figure 6-3. Sampling data distribution and correlation (C-Vine Copula) 86
Figure 6-4. Sampling data before and after Rosenblatt transform (RT) 87
Figure 6-5. SPCE effective mean coefficients 88
Figure 6-6. Estimation errors 88
Figure 6-7. Voltage at the buses: Base case 96
Figure 6-8. Net active power at the buses: Base case 97
Figure 6-9. Net active power at the buses after SDM application 98
Figure 6-10. Net active power at the buses after modified SDM application 100
Figure 6-11. Uncertainty Control factor 101
Figure 6-12. ANN Outputs comparison: (a) regression model, (b) proposed classification model 102
Figure 6-13. LSTM classification model training and validation 103
Figure 6-14. LSTM classification model performance evaluation factors 104
Figure 6-15. LSTM classification model confusion matrix 104
Figure 6-16. Comparison of results of LSTM-SDM and SDM 105
Figure 6-17. Proposed model application to IEEE 123 bus test system 107
Figure 6-18. Loads active power (at forecasted data) 108
Figure 6-19. Active power at RES buses (at forecasted data) 109
Figure 6-20. Loads active power at RES buses and respective change after SDM application 109
Figure 6-21. Active power at RES buses and respective change after SDM application 109
Figure 6-22. Predicted classes by LSTM trained network for IEEE 123 bus test system 111
Figure 6-22,6-23. Testing result of LSTM trained network for IEEE 123 bus test system 112
Figure 7-1. RL agent model 126
Figure 7-2. RL agent Simulink environment 127
Figure 7-3. Voltage at each bus: base case 130
Figure 7-4. Active power dispatch thermal units: base case 131
Figure 7-5. RES active power penetration: base case 131
Figure 7-6. BES charging and discharging: base case 132
Figure 7-7. Unit commitment status: base case 132
Figure 7-8. Voltage at each bus: SDM-RL case 134
Figure 7-9. Active power dispatch thermal units: SDM-RL case 135
Figure 7-10. RES active power penetration: SDM-RL case 135
Figure 7-11. Unit commitment status: SDM-RL case 136
Figure 7-12. BES charging and discharging: SDM-RL case 136
Figure 7-13. Unit commitment status 3 DG: base case 138
Figure 7-14. Active power contribution of DGs: base case 138
Figure 7-15. RES active power and voltage status: base case 139
Figure 7-16. Loads active power: base case 139
Figure 7-17. Unit commitment status 3 DG: proposed method 140
Figure 7-18. Active power contribution of DGs: proposed method 140
Figure 7-19. RES active power and voltage status: proposed method 141
Figure 7-20. Loads active power: proposed method 141