Title Page
Abstract 9
Materials and Methods 15
Clinical presentation 15
Surgical method 16
Evaluation of LSR 17
Electrode Position 17
Stimulation Parameters 18
Statistical analysis 20
Results 21
Basic demographic findings 21
Clinical outcome 22
Findings of LSR 23
Discussion 27
Limitation 32
Conclusion 33
Figure Legends 34
References 55
Appendix 59
논문요약 61
Table 1. Basic demographics of cases in the study 37
Table 2. The factors related to clinical outcome 40
Table 3. The factors related to the artifact 44
Figure 1. The density plot of optimal stimulation range 48
Figure 2. Relationship between stimulation intensity, abnormal muscle response,and onset latency 49
Figure 3. Abnormal muscle response seen at upper and lower branch facial muscles. 50
Figure 4. The density plot of onset latency for optimal range and 30mA stimulation 51
Figure 5. Comparison between the optimal range and high 30mA stimulation before and after decompression 52
Figure 6. Patterns of lateral spread response waveforms 53
Figure 7. Schematic representations of route of the lateral spread response and lateral spread artifact 54