Contents 1
Satisfied and working hard in online courses : the impact of achievement goals mediated by classroom sense of community = 온라인 수업 상황에서 성취목표가 학습 공동체 의식을 매개로 만족도 및 참여도에 미치는 영향 / YoonJung Cho ; Sungok Serena Shim ; Elena Son 1
Ⅰ. Introduction 2
Ⅱ. Literature Review 3
1. Achievement Goal Theory 3
2. Classroom Sense of Community 4
3. Learning-related Outcomes in online courses : Course Satisfaction and Effort Expenditure 5
4. The Current Study 6
Ⅲ. Methods 8
1. Participants 8
2. Measures 9
3. Data Analysis 10
Ⅳ. Results 11
Ⅴ. Discussion 14
Ⅵ. Conclusion 17
References 19
국문초록 23