This study examines the hurdles Small and Medium-sized Enterprises face when adhering to the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union and its impact on privacy, a core human right. By utilizing the Analytic Hierarchy Process methodology, it sheds light on the challenges often faced by organizational leaders in complying with the GDPR. The study unveils that SMEs’ primary obstacle lies in the intricate legal understanding necessary for GDPR compliance, surpassing other issues like time limitations and financial constraints. Furthermore, the study emphasizes the importance of the GDPR in the context of human rights, recognizing SMEs as a crucial factor in ensuring and enhancing the right to privacy within the European Union. To enhance the connections between human rights, the GDPR, and SMEs, improving access to legal knowledge and compliance instruments, launching awareness initiatives, and establishing more decisive authorities can strengthen GDPR compliance. The findings underscore the required contribution of SMEs in safeguarding the right to privacy and contribute to the broader nexus between business and human rights.