I. 토지 및 기후=17,17,2
1. 국토의 위치=19,19,1
2. 시ㆍ도별 면적 및 행정단위=19,19,1
3. 구ㆍ시ㆍ군별 면적 및 행정단위=20,20,10
4. 지목별 민유지 면적=30,30,1
5. 기상=31,31,1
6. 평균기온 및 습도=32,32,2
7. 일조시간ㆍ강수량 및 최심적설=34,34,2
8. 천기일수=36,36,1
II. 인구=37,37,2
1. 인구추이=39,39,1
2. 시ㆍ도별 인구=40,40,1
3. 시ㆍ도별 가구(일반가구)=41,41,1
4. 연령계급(5세)별 인구=42,42,2
5. 연령(각세) 및 성별 인구(1985)=44,44,2
6. 구ㆍ시ㆍ군별 가구, 인구 및 주택(1985)=46,46,10
7. 연령 및 혼인상태별 인구(1985)=56,56,2
8. 모의 연령별 적생아(1985)=58,58,1
9. 연령 및 출생아수별 부인(1985)=58,58,2
10. 시별 인구=60,60,1
11. 인구이동(전국)=61,61,3
12. 주요 도시 인구이동(1986)=64,64,1
13. 시ㆍ도간 인구이동=64,64,1
14. 시도 및 성별 전입인구=65,65,1
15. 국적 및 목적별 외국인 입국자=66,66,2
16. 행선국 및 목적별 한국인출국자=68,68,2
17. 평균수명=70,70,1
III. 노동 및 임금=71,71,2
1. 경제활동 인구 총괄=73,73,3
2. 산업ㆍ직업 및 종사상의 지위별 취업자=76,76,2
3. 산업ㆍ연령계층 및 성별 취업자=78,78,1
4. 직업ㆍ연령계층 및 성별 취업자=79,79,1
5. 산업 및 취업시간별 취업자=80,80,1
6. 비경제 활동인구=81,81,1
7. 노동 생산성 지수=82,82,4
8. 산업별 상용 종업원 월평균 임금 및 근로일수=86,86,2
9. 광공업 상용 종업원 월평균 임금 및 근로일수=88,88,4
10. 산업별 학력 계층별 입직자=92,92,2
11. 산업별 근속연수별 이직자=94,94,2
12. 노동조합 및 조합원=96,96,1
IV. 농림ㆍ어업=97,97,2
1. 농가ㆍ농가인구 및 경지면적=99,99,1
2. 형태별 농가=99,99,1
3. 경지규모별 농가=100,100,1
4. 경지면적=101,101,1
5. 연령별 농가인구=101,101,1
6. 영농개황(호당평균)-1986=102,102,1
7. 농가 경제 주요지표(호당평균)=103,103,1
8. 농업생산성지표(호당평균)=104,104,2
9. 농업조수입(호당평균)=106,106,2
10. 농업경영비(호당평균)=108,108,2
11. 겸업수입 및 지출(호당평균)=110,110,2
12. 사업이외수입(호당평균)=112,112,1
13. 농가재산의 증감(호당평균)=113,113,1
14. 농가고정자산(호당평균)=114,114,1
15. 농가 유동자산 및 유통자산(호당평균)=115,115,1
16. 농가 노동 투하량(호당평균)=116,116,2
17. 작물별 농가 노동 투하량(호당평균)=118,118,2
18. 1인 1년당 양곡소비량=120,120,1
19. 양곡년도 전체양곡 수급실적=121,121,1
20. 경지이용=122,122,1
21. 농업용기구 및 기계보유=123,123,1
22. 농산물생산(식량작물, 채소)=124,124,6
23. 잎담배 생산=130,130,1
24. 잠견생산 및 공판=130,130,1
25. 수리상태별 논면적=131,131,1
26. 양곡도입실적=131,131,1
27. 비료생산 및 소비=132,132,1
28. 농약 생산=133,133,1
29. 배합사료생산=133,133,1
30. 가축사양가구ㆍ두수 및 도축=134,134,2
31. 농림업 생산지수=136,136,2
32. 영림서 및 시ㆍ도별 임야면적=138,138,1
33. 임상별 임야면적=138,138,1
34. 영급별 임야면적=139,139,1
35. 소유별 임목축적=139,139,1
36. 조림(식재)=140,140,2
37. 임산물생산=142,142,2
38. 묘목생산=144,144,1
39. 사방사업=144,144,1
40. 형태별 어가구원 및 어업종사자=145,145,1
41. 어가경제 주요지표(호당평균)=146,146,2
42. 어업형태별 어선=148,148,2
43. 어류별ㆍ어종별 어획량=150,150,2
44. 어업형태별 어획=152,152,1
45. 수산양식=153,153,1
46. 수산 가공품=153,153,1
47. 수산물 수출=154,154,1
V. 광ㆍ공업=155,155,2
1. 시ㆍ도별 광ㆍ공업 총괄=157,157,1
2. 산업 및 연도별 광ㆍ공업 총괄=158,158,2
3. 경영조직별 광ㆍ공업 총괄-1985=160,160,2
4. 규모 및 산업별 광ㆍ공업 총괄=162,162,6
5. 산업 생산지수=168,168,2
6. 중소제조업 생산 및 생산자 판매가격지수=170,170,1
7. 제조업 특수분류별 생산지수=171,171,1
8. 주요광산물생산=171,171,1
9. 무연탄 매장량=172,172,1
10. 탄광별 석탄생산실적=172,172,1
11. 무연탄 용도별 소비실적=173,173,1
12. 원유도입실적=173,173,1
13. 유종별 유류생산실적=174,174,1
14. 유종별 유류 소비 실적=174,174,1
15. 정유 시설 능력=175,175,1
16. 1차 에너지 소비 실적(석유환산)=175,175,1
17. 주요 제조업 제품생산=176,176,10
18. 생산자 출하지수=186,186,2
19. 생산자 제품 재고지수=188,188,2
20. 제조업 가동률 지수=190,190,4
21. 제조업 생산능력 지수=194,194,3
22. 기계수주=197,197,2
VI. 전기ㆍ수도 및 건설업=199,199,2
1. 발전시설추이=201,201,1
2. 발전설비=202,202,1
3. 발전소별 발전량=203,203,1
4. 용도별 산업별 전력사용량=204,204,2
5. 판매전력=206,206,1
6. 상수도=206,206,1
7. 건축허가=207,207,1
8. 도로연장=208,208,1
9. 주요 항만 하역능력 및 접안능력=208,208,2
10. 준설현황=209,209,1
11. 건설업 총괄=210,210,2
12. 공종 및 공사지역별 원도급공사 시공액=212,212,4
13. 공종 및 발주자별 원도급공사 시공액=216,216,4
14. 국내건설 수주액 총괄(1986)=220,220,2
15. 공종별 국내 건설공사 수주액=222,222,1
16. 발주자별 국내 건설공사 수주액=222,222,2
17. 교량건설=224,224,1
18. 주택건설 실적=224,224,1
VII. 도ㆍ소매업=225,225,2
1. 총사업체 통계 총괄=227,227,1
2. 산업 소분류별 사업체, 종업원, 급여액, 사업장 면적=228,228,4
3. 산업 중분류 및 시ㆍ도별 사업체수=232,232,2
4. 산업 중분류 및 시ㆍ도별 종업원수=234,234,2
5. 산업 중분류 및 종업원 규모별 사업체수, 종업원수=236,236,2
6. 산업 중분류 및 경영조직별 성별 종업원=238,238,1
7. 도소매업 총괄=239,239,1
8. 도소매업의 산업소분류 및 시도별 총괄(1986)=240,240,2
9. 도ㆍ소매업의 산업소분류 및 종업원 규모별 총괄(1986)=242,242,2
10. 도ㆍ소매업의 산업소분류 및 경영조직별 총괄(1986)=244,244,2
11. 도ㆍ소매 판매액 지수=246,246,1
VIII. 무역ㆍ국제수지 및 외환=247,247,2
1. 수출입 총괄=249,249,1
2. 상품류별 수출입=250,250,2
3. 국별 수출입=252,252,8
4. 상품별 수출입=260,260,18
5. 국제수지=278,278,2
6. 무역지수 및 교역조건=280,280,1
7. 주요 지정통화의 매매기준율=280,280,1
8. 금ㆍ외환보유액 및 국제통화기금「포지션」=281,281,1
9. 대미불 환율=281,281,1
10. 무역외 수급액=282,282,1
11. 외환 수급액=283,283,1
12. 결재통화별 경상외환 수급=283,283,1
13. 외화 자산 부채=284,284,1
IX. 운수 및 통신=285,285,2
1. 부문별 국내수송=287,287,1
2. 주요 품목별 국내수송=288,288,1
3. 철도 수송 총괄=289,289,1
4. 철도차량(연도별ㆍ차령별)=289,289,1
5. 철도여객 수송=290,290,1
6. 철도화물 수송=291,291,1
7. 여객선 수송=291,291,1
8. 해운화물 수송=292,292,2
9. 등록선박=294,294,1
10. 민간 항공 수송=295,295,1
11. 자동차 대수=296,296,1
12. 영업용 자동차 수송=296,296,2
13. 자동차 운전사=297,297,1
14. 운수업 총괄=298,298,2
15. 통신기관=300,300,1
16. 우편시설=300,300,2
17. 우편물 접수=302,302,1
18. 국제우편 이용=302,302,2
19. 특수취급우편물 접수=303,303,1
20. 국내전신전화 이용=304,304,1
21. 국제전신전화=304,304,2
22. 전화시설 및 가입자=305,305,1
23. 특수통신서비스 시설 및 가입자=306,306,1
X. 금융 및 보험=307,307,2
1. 금융 총괄=309,309,1
2. 금융 「서어베이」=310,310,2
3. 통화 「서어베이」=312,312,2
4. 화폐 발행액=314,314,1
5. 권종별 화폐 발행액=314,314,1
6. 예금은행 예금 지급준비=315,315,1
7. 예금은행 예금주별 예금=316,316,1
8. 예금은행 종별 요구불 예금=317,317,1
9. 예금은행 종별 저축성 예금=317,317,1
10. 일반은행 예금 회전율(요구불예금)=318,318,2
11. 예금은행 도별 예금 및 대출금=320,320,2
12. 한국은행 대출금=322,322,1
13. 일반은행 금액별 대출금=323,323,1
14. 일반은행 담보별 대출금=323,323,1
15. 예금은행 자금별 대출금=324,324,2
16. 예금은행 산업별 대출금=326,326,2
17. 한국산업은행 산업별 대출금=328,328,2
18. 비통화 금융기관 산업별 대출금=330,330,2
19. 한국은행 주요 대출금리=332,332,1
20. 예금은행 예금 지급준비율=332,332,1
21. 예금은행 예금금리=333,333,1
22. 예금은행 대출금리=334,334,3
23. 비통화 금융기관 수신금리=337,337,2
24. 비통화 금융기관 여신금리=339,339,1
25. 보험사업의 주요지표=340,340,1
26. 보험사업의 경영효율=340,340,2
27. 어음교환=342,342,2
28. 어음부도=344,344,2
29. 우편대체 및 우편환=346,346,1
30. 체신예금 및 보험=346,346,1
31. 산재보험급여 종류별 지급상황=347,347,1
32. 상장주식 주요지표=348,348,1
33. 증권거래=349,349,1
34. 소유자별 상장주식 및 국채=349,349,1
35. 국ㆍ공채발행, 상환 및 잔액=350,350,2
36. 증시 자금 조달상황=352,352,1
XI. 보건 및 사회보장=353,353,2
1. 의료시설 분포=355,355,1
2. 의료기관별 병상수=355,355,1
3. 의료인력 및 약사면허 등록상황=356,356,1
4. 의료기관별 의료요원 현황=356,356,1
5. 전문의 자격 등록상황=357,357,1
6. 의료기사 면허등록 상황=357,357,1
7. 병원환자 취급 상황=358,358,1
8. 의약품 제조 및 판매업소=359,359,1
9. 환경위생 관계 영업소=360,360,1
10. 환경오염 배출시설 및 행정조치=360,360,1
11. 영양섭취량(1인 1일당)=361,361,1
12. 주요전염병 예방접종=361,361,1
13. 전염병 발생 및 사망=362,362,1
14. 공항 및 해항 검역상황=362,362,2
15. 결핵환자 및 예방접종=363,363,1
16. 기생충검사 사업실적=364,364,1
17. 나병환자=364,364,2
18. 사회복지시설 총괄=365,365,1
19. 생활보호대상자=366,366,1
20. 노인복지시설 수용 현황=366,366,1
21. 모자보호시설 수용 현황=367,367,1
22. 부녀상담실시 현황=367,367,1
23. 아동복지시설 현황=368,368,1
24. 심신장애자 시설 현황=368,368,2
25. 가족계획 사업실적=370,370,1
26. 헌혈 실적=370,370,1
27. 의료보호사업 실적=371,371,1
28. 의료보험조합 및 수혜자 현황=371,371,1
29. 의료보험 대상자 진료실적=372,372,1
30. 의료보험 대상자 질병17 대분류별 수진건수=372,372,2
31. 의료보험 급여 현황=374,374,1
32. 이재민 구호=374,374,2
33. 적십자사 구호물자 방출=376,376,1
34. 적십자사 회원 및 회비모금=376,376,1
XII. 교육 및 문화=377,377,2
1. 학교총괄=379,379,1
2. 시ㆍ도별 학교총괄-초ㆍ중등교육=380,380,4
3. 학과별 대학(교)학생-1986=384,384,2
4. 특수교육=386,386,1
5. 대학원=387,387,1
6. 기타학교=387,387,1
7. 방송통신대학 현황=388,388,2
8. 초ㆍ중등학생 체격=390,390,2
9. 의무교육 적령아동 취학상황=392,392,1
10. 사설강습소=392,392,1
11. 졸업자 동태=393,393,1
12. 졸업자의 산업 및 직업별 취업=394,394,2
13. 도서관 총괄=396,396,1
14. 장학금 급여 상황=396,396,1
15. 유물보유=397,397,1
16. 문화재=398,398,1
17. 과학기술 연구활동 사항=398,398,1
XIII. 기업경영=399,399,2
1. 자산ㆍ자본회전율=401,401,3
2. 자산ㆍ자본관계 비율=404,404,2
3. 생산성 지표=406,406,2
4. 비용관계 비율=408,408,2
5. 수익관계 비율=410,410,2
6. 기업성장 지표=412,412,1
XIV. 물가 및 가계=413,413,2
1. 물가지수 총괄=415,415,1
2. 도매물가 지수=416,416,2
3. 도매물가 세분류 지수=418,418,8
4. 전 도시 소비자 물가지수=426,426,2
5. 서울 소비자 물가지수=428,428,2
6. 주요도시 소비자 물가지수=430,430,2
7. 수출입 물가지수(계약기준)=432,432,2
8. 농가판매 가격지수=434,434,1
9. 농가 구입가격 및 임료금 지수=435,435,1
10. 주요상품 도매가격=436,436,4
11. 서울 주요 상품 소매가격=440,440,4
12. 농가 가계비(호당평균)=444,444,4
13. 가구 구분별 가구당 월평균 가계수지=448,448,2
14. 전도시의 가구원수별 가구당 월평균 가계지수(1986)=450,450,2
15. 전도시 및 서울의 품목별 가구당 월평균 소비지출(1986)=452,452,8
16. 전도시 근로자가구의 소득계층별 가구당 월평균 가계수지(1986)=460,460,2
17. 전도시 근로자가구의 가구주 직업별 가구당 월평균 가계수지=462,462,1
XV. 국민계정=463,463,2
1. 국민 총생산 주요지표=465,465,1
2. 국내총생산=466,466,4
3. 국내 총생산에 대한 지출=470,470,4
4. 국내 총생산과 요소소득=474,474,4
5. 국민가처분소득과 처분=478,478,1
6. 자본조달과 축적=478,478,2
7. 총자본 형성=480,480,2
8. 소득지출 계정=482,482,2
9. 일반정부 소득지출 거래=484,484,2
10. 가계 최종 소비지출=486,486,2
11. 정부 최종 소비지출(목적별)=488,488,1
12. 민간비영리단체 최종 소비지출(목적별)=488,488,2
13. 대외거래계정(경상계정)=490,490,2
14. 대외거래계정(자본계정)=492,492,1
15. 국민저축과 해외저축=493,493,1
16. 총가용자원과 처분=494,494,1
17. 산업별 성장기여도=494,494,1
XVI. 재정=495,495,2
1. 중앙정부 재정수지 및 보전재원=497,497,1
2. 중앙정부 세입총괄=498,498,1
3. 중앙정부 세출총괄=499,499,1
4. 중앙정부 세입 세출총괄=500,500,2
5. 중앙정부 세입의 경제적 분류=502,502,2
6. 중앙정부 세출의 경제적 분류=504,504,2
7. 중앙정부 세출의 기능적 분류=506,506,2
8. 지방정부 세입 세출총괄=508,508,2
9. 지방정부 세입의 경제적 분류=510,510,1
10. 지방정부 세출의 경제적 분류=511,511,1
11. 지방정부 세출의 기능적 분류=512,512,1
12. 일반정부 세입의 경제적 분류=513,513,1
13. 일반정부 세출의 경제적 분류=514,514,1
14. 일반정부 세출의 기능적 분류=515,515,1
15. 일반정부 세입 세출 총괄=516,516,2
16. 비금융 공기업 수지 상황=518,518,1
17. 비금융 공공부문 수지 상황=519,519,1
18. 회계별 중앙정부 세입=520,520,2
19. 회계별 중앙정부 세출=522,522,2
20. 조세 수입=524,524,2
21. 조세부담율=526,526,1
22. 지방세 징수=526,526,1
XVII. 공공행정=527,527,2
1. 공무원 총괄(정원)=529,529,1
2. 기관별 공무원정원=530,530,2
3. 공무원 임용현황=532,532,1
4. 분야별 공무원 정원=532,532,2
5. 특별시 및 도 공무원(정원)=534,534,1
6. 구ㆍ시 및 군 공무원(정원)=534,534,2
7. 시ㆍ도 사업소 공무원(정원)=536,536,1
8. 읍ㆍ면 및 동 공무원(정원)=536,536,2
9. 공업소유권별 출원ㆍ등록 현황=537,537,1
10. 범죄발생 검거=538,538,2
11. 동기별 소년범죄=540,540,1
12. 기관별 관세사범 검거=541,541,1
13. 구속영장 신청인원 및 처리=541,541,1
14. 검사수사사건=542,542,1
15. 고소사건=542,542,2
16. 고발사건=543,543,1
17. 소년범죄사건=544,544,1
18. 연령별 범죄=544,544,2
19. 범죄자 조치상황=545,545,1
20. 사법총괄=546,546,2
21. 호적사건=548,548,2
22. 등기현황=550,550,2
23. 산업재해=552,552,3
24. 화재발생=555,555,1
25. 원인별 화재발생=556,556,1
26. 산불발생=557,557,1
27. 소방장비=558,558,1
28. 풍수해=558,558,2
29. 자동차사고=560,560,1
30. 철도사고=560,560,1
XVIII. 국제통계=561,561,2
1. 국제통계 총괄=563,563,1
2. 인구=564,564,2
3. 조출생 및 조사망율=566,566,1
4. 유아 사망율=567,567,1
5. 취업자수=568,568,1
6. 실업=569,569,1
7. 국내총생산(구매자가격)=570,570,2
8. 국내 총생산에 대한 지출(구매자가격)=572,572,3
9. 국민총생산(경상가격)=575,575,1
10. 국내 총 생산 평균성장률(불변가격)=576,576,1
11. 농업생산지수=577,577,1
12. 농산물 생산=578,578,2
13. 원목 생산=580,580,1
14. 어획=581,581,1
15. 산업 생산지수=582,582,2
16. 광산물 생산=584,584,2
17. 제조업 제품생산=586,586,2
18. 전력 생산=588,588,1
19. 건축=589,589,1
20. 운수=590,590,2
21. 도매물가지수=592,592,1
22. 소비자 물가지수=593,593,1
23. 통화량=594,594,2
24. 수출입 수량지수=596,596,1
25. 수출입 단가지수=597,597,1
26. 무역=598,598,2
27. 국제 유동성=600,600,2
28. 실질 경제 성장율=602,602,1
29. 1인당 국민총생산(경상가격)=603,603,1
30. 세입=604,604,1
31. 세출=605,605,1
32. 공정할인율=606,606,1
계량단위 환산표=607,607,2
Title Page=1,1,2
List of Tables=6,6,10
Contents Of Charts=16,16,1
1. Location of National Land=19,19,1
2. Area and Administrative Unit by Province=19,19,1
3. Area and Administrative Unit by Gu, Shi and Gun=20,20,10
4. Private Land Area by Land Category=30,30,1
5. Meterological observation=31,31,1
6. Average Temperature and Humidity=32,32,2
7. Sunshine, Precipitation and Snowfall=34,34,2
8. Weather-Days=36,36,1
1. Trend of Population=39,39,1
2. Population by Province=40,40,1
3. Households by Province(Ordinary Household)=41,41,1
4. Population by Five years Age Group=42,42,2
5. Population by Single Year of Age and Sex(1985)=44,44,2
6. Households, Population and Housing Units by Gu, Shi and Gun=46,46,10
7. Population by Age and Marital Status(1985)=56,56,2
8. Own-children by Age of Mother(1985)=58,58,1
9. Ever Married Women by Age and Parity(1985)=58,58,2
10. Population by Shi(City)=60,60,1
11. Internal Migration(Whole country)=61,61,3
12. Migration by Major City=64,64,1
13. Migration Inter Province=64,64,1
14. In-migrants by Sex and Province=65,65,1
15. Arrivals by Nationality and Purpose in Foreign=66,66,2
16. Departures by Destination and Purpose in Domestic Residents=68,68,2
17. Expectation of Life=70,70,1
1. Summary of Economically Active Population=73,73,3
2. Persons Employed by Industry, Occupation and Class of Worker=76,76,2
3. Employed Persons by Industry(Major division), Age Group and Sex=78,78,1
4. Employed Persons by Occupation(Major Group), Age Group and Sex=79,79,1
5. Employed Persons by Industry & Hours Worked=80,80,1
6. Not Economically Active Population=81,81,1
7. Index Numbers of Labour Productivity=82,82,4
8. Monthly Earnings and Man-days of Regular Employees by Industry=86,86,2
9. Monthly Earnings and Man-days of Regular Employees in Mining and Manufacturing Industries=88,88,4
10. Number of Entrance by Industry and Education=92,92,2
11. Number of Separation by Industry and Duration of Entrance=94,94,2
12. Labour Union and Union Membership=96,96,1
1. Farm Households, Population and Cultivated Land=99,99,1
2. Farm Households by Type=99,99,1
3. Farm Households by Size of Cultivated Land=100,100,1
4. Area of Cultivated Land=101,101,1
5. Farm Population by Age Groups=101,101,1
6. Characteristics of Farm Management(Average per Household)=102,102,1
7. Major Indicators of Farm Household Economy(Average per Household)=103,103,1
8. Indicators of Agricultural Productivity(Average per Household)=104,104,2
9. Agricultural Gross Receipts(Average per Household)=106,106,2
10. Agricultural Management Expenditures(Average per Household)=108,108,2
11. Side Business Receipts And Expenditure(Average per Household)=110,110,2
12. Non Business Receipts(Average per Household)=112,112,1
13. Changes in Property of Farm Household(Average per Household)=113,113,1
14. Fixed Assets of Farm Household(Average per Household)=114,114,1
15. Liquid Assets And Circular Assets of Farm Household(Average per Household)=115,115,1
16. Labor Input Hours of Farm Household(Average per Household)=116,116,2
17. Farm Household Labor Hours by Crops(Average per Household)=118,118,2
18. Food Grain Consumption Per Capita and Year=120,120,1
19. Overall Food Grain Supply and Demand=121,121,1
20. Utilization of Cultivated Land=122,122,1
21. Agricultural Implements and Machine Holdings=123,123,1
22. Agricultural Production(Food Grains, Vegetables)=124,124,6
23. Leaf Tobacco Production=130,130,1
24. Cocoon Production and Sale=130,130,1
25. Area of Paddy Field by Irrigation Conditions=131,131,1
26. Grain Imports=131,131,1
27. Chemical Fertilizer Production and Consumption=132,132,1
28. Pesticide Production=133,133,1
29. Production of Assorted Feed=133,133,1
30. Livestock Breeding and Slaughtering=134,134,2
31. Index Numbers of Agricultural and Forestry Production=136,136,2
32. Area of Forest Land by Administrative District=138,138,1
33. Area of Forest Land by Forest Type=138,138,1
34. Forest Area by Age Class=139,139,1
35. Forest Growing Stock by Ownership=139,139,1
36. Reforestation(Artificial Plantation)=140,140,2
37. Production of Forest Products=142,142,2
38. Tree Seedling Production=144,144,1
39. Forest Erosion Control=144,144,1
40. Fishery Household Member and Fishermen by Type=145,145,1
41. Major Indicators of Fishery Household Economy(Average per Household)=146,146,2
42. Fishing Vessels by Fishery Type=148,148,2
43. Catches by Fish Groups and species=150,150,2
44. Fish Catches by Type of Fishing=152,152,1
45. Processed Fishery Products=153,153,1
46. Catches by Fish Species=153,153,1
47. Export of Fishery Products=154,154,1
1. Summary of Mining and Manufacturing by Province=157,157,1
2. Summary of Mining and Manufacturing by Industry and Year=158,158,2
3. Summary of Mining and Manufacturing by Type of Management Organization-1985=160,160,2
4. Summary of Mining and Manufacturing by Size of Worker and Industry-1985=162,162,6
5. Index Numbers of Industrial Production=168,168,2
6. Index Numbers of Production and Producers' Sales Price of Small Scale Manufacturing=170,170,1
7. Index Numbers of Manufacturing by Special Classification=171,171,1
8. Principal Mineral Production=171,171,1
9. Anthracite Coal Reserves=172,172,1
10. Coal Production by Consolidated Coal Mine=172,172,1
11. Anthracite Consumption by Use=173,173,1
12. Imports of Crude Petroleum=173,173,1
13. Oil Production=174,174,1
14. Oil Consumption=174,174,1
15. Oil Refinery Capacity=175,175,1
16. Primary Energy Consumption(Oil Equivalent)=175,175,1
17. Production of Principal Manufactures=176,176,10
18. Producers' Shipment Indexes=186,186,2
19. Producers' Inventory Indexes=188,188,2
20. Manufacturing Operation Ratio Indexes=190,190,4
21. Manufacturing Production Capacity Indexes=194,194,3
22. Machinery Orders=197,197,2
1. Trend of Generating Facilities=201,201,1
2. Generating Facility=202,202,1
3. Electric Power by Plant=203,203,1
4. Consumption of Electric Power by Industry and Use=204,204,2
5. Electric Power Sold=206,206,1
6. Waterworks and Supply=206,206,1
7. Building Construction Permits=207,207,1
8. Road Length=208,208,1
9. Capacity of Cargo Holding & Berthing by Major Port=208,208,2
10. Status of Dredging=209,209,1
11. Summary of Construction=210,210,2
12. Value of Construction Work in Original Contract by Kind of Construction and Province=212,212,4
13. Value of Construction Work in Original Contract by Kind of Construction and Orderer=216,216,4
14. Summary of Value of Domestic Construction Order Received(1986)=220,220,2
15. Value of Domestic Construction Order Received by Type of Construction=222,222,1
16. Value of Domestic Construction Order Received by Type of Orderer=222,222,2
17. Bridge Construction=224,224,1
18. Housing Construction=224,224,1
1. Summary of Establishments Census=227,227,1
2. Number of Establishments, Workers, Payments and Floor Space of Establishment by Sub-division of Industry=228,228,4
3. Number of Establishments by Province and Division of Industry=232,232,2
4. Number of Workers by Province and Division of Industry=234,234,2
5. Number of Establishments and Workers by Division of Industry and Size of Workers=236,236,2
6. Number of Workers by Division of Industry and Kind of Legal Organization and Sexes=238,238,1
7. Summary of Wholesale and Retail Trade=239,239,1
8. Summary of Wholesale and Retail Trade by Sub-division of Industry and by Province(1986)=240,240,2
9. Summary of Wholesale and Retail Trade by Sub-division of Industry and Size of workers(1986)=242,242,2
10. Summary of Wholesale and Retail Trade by Sub-division of Industry and Kind of Legal Organization(1986)=244,244,2
11. Wholesale and Retail Trade Indexes=246,246,1
1. Summary of Exports and Imports=249,249,1
2. Exports and Imports by Commodity Group=250,250,2
3. Exports and Imports by Country=252,252,8
4. Exports and Imports by Commodity=260,260,18
5. Balance of Payments=278,278,2
6. Index Numbers of Foreign Trade and Terms of Trade=280,280,1
7. Arbitrated Rates of Major Designated Currencies=280,280,1
8. Gold, Foreign Exchange Holdings and Reserve Position in the IMF=281,281,1
9. Exchange Rates of Won to U.S. Dollar=281,281,1
10. Receipts and Payments in Invisible Trade by Items=282,282,1
11. Foreign Exchange Receipts and Payments=283,283,1
12. Foreign Exchange Receipts and Payments in Current Transactions by Settlement Currencies=283,283,1
13. Foreign Exchange Assets and Liabilities=284,284,1
1. Domestic Traffic by Type of Transportation=287,287,1
2. Domestic Transportation by Selected Commodity=288,288,1
3. Summary of Railway Operation=289,289,1
4. Railway Rolling Stocks(by Year and Age)=289,289,1
5. Passenger Transportation of Railway=290,290,1
6. Freight Transportation of Railway=291,291,1
7. Transportation of Passenger Vessels=291,291,1
8. Tonnage Carried by Vessel=292,292,2
9. Vessels Registered=294,294,1
10. Civil Aviation Traffics=295,295,1
11. Number of Motor Vehicles=296,296,1
12. Transportation of Commercial Motor Vehicles=296,296,2
13. Number of Licensed Drivers=297,297,1
14. Summary of Transportation Business=298,298,2
15. Communication Offices=300,300,1
16. Postal Service Facilities=300,300,2
17. Mail Matters Received=302,302,1
18. International Postal Utilization=302,302,2
19. Number of Special Mails Accepted=303,303,1
20. Domestic Telegraph & Telephone Service=304,304,1
21. International Telegraph and Telephone=304,304,2
22. Telephone Facilities & Subscribers=305,305,1
23. Facilities & Subscribers of Special Telecommunication Service=306,306,1
1. Summary of Money and Banking=309,309,1
2. Financial Survey=310,310,2
3. Monetary Survey=312,312,2
4. Bank Notes and Coins Issued=314,314,1
5. Bank Notes and Coins Issued by Denomination=314,314,1
6. Reserves of Deposit Money Banks=315,315,1
7. Deposits at Deposit Money Banks by Depositor=316,316,1
8. Demand Deposits at Deposit Money Banks=317,317,1
9. Time and Savings Deposit at Deposit Money Banks=317,317,1
10. Turnover Ratio of Deposits at Commercial Banks(Demand deposits))=318,318,2
11. Deposits, Loans and Discounts of Deposit Money Banks by Province=320,320,2
12. Loans and Discounts of the Bank of Korea=322,322,1
13. Loans of Commercial Banks by Amount=323,323,1
14. Loans of Commercial Banks by Kind of Collateral=323,323,1
15. Loans and Discounts of Deposit Money Banks by Fund=324,324,2
16. Loans and Discounts of Deposit Money Banks by Industry=326,326,2
17. Loans and Discounts of the Korea Development Bank by Industry=328,328,2
18. Loans and Discounts of Other Financial Institutions by Industry=330,330,2
19. Major Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts of the Bank of Korea=332,332,1
20. Reserve Requirements of Deposit Money Banks=332,332,1
21. Interest Rates on Deposits at Deposit Money Banks=333,333,1
22. Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts of Deposit Money Banks=334,334,3
23. Interest Rates on Deposits at Other Financial Institutions=337,337,2
24. Interest Rates on Loans and Discounts of Other Financial Institutions=339,339,1
25. Principal Indicators of Insurance Business=340,340,1
26. Management Efficiency of Insurance Business=340,340,2
27. Cleared Bills=342,342,2
28. Dishonored Bills=344,344,2
29. Postal Giro & Postal Money Order=346,346,1
30. Postal Savings & Insurance=346,346,1
31. Payment of Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance by Kinds of Benefit=347,347,1
32. Key Statistics for Listed Stocks=348,348,1
33. Dealings in Securities=349,349,1
34. Listed Stocks and Govt. Bonds by Ownership=349,349,1
35. Issues, Redemptions and Outstanding Amounts of Government & Public Bonds=350,350,2
36. Proceeds from Corporate Securities Offerings=352,352,1
1. Distribution of Medical Facilities=355,355,1
2. Number of Beds by Medical Facilities=355,355,1
3. Number of Licensed Medical Personnel and Pharmacist=356,356,1
4. Number of Staff by Medical Facilities=356,356,1
5. Number of Specialists Qualified=357,357,1
6. Number of Technicians Licensed=357,357,1
7. Activities of Hospitals=358,358,1
8. Manufactures and Dealers of Drugs and Medical Goods=359,359,1
9. Number of Licenced Environmental Premises=360,360,1
10. Environmental Pollution Facilities=360,360,1
11. Average Nutrients Intakes(per Person per Day)=361,361,1
12. Number of Vaccinations Against Major Contagious Diseases=361,361,1
13. Number of Cases and Deaths of Contagious Diseases=362,362,1
14. Airport and Seaport Quarantine Services=362,362,2
15. T.B. Patients and Vaccination=363,363,1
16. Enteric Parasite Examination Activities=364,364,1
17. Leprosy Patients=364,364,2
18. Summary of Social Welfare Institutes=365,365,1
19. Relief for the Livelihood=366,366,1
20. Status of Welfare Institution for the Aged=366,366,1
21. Activities of Maternal and Child Welfare Institutions=367,367,1
22. Consultation Activities for Women by Province=367,367,1
23. Status of Child Welfare Institutions=368,368,1
24. Status of Institutions for the Handicapped=368,368,2
25. Family Planning Activities=370,370,1
26. Number of Blood Donors=370,370,1
27. Medical Aid Activities=371,371,1
28. Number of Medical Insurance Associations and Beneficiary=371,371,1
29. Medical Treatment Activities in Medical Insurance System=372,372,1
30. Number of Patients by 17 Major Classification of Disease in Medical Activity=372,372,2
31. Medical Treatment Activities & Expenditure in Medical Insurance System=374,374,1
32. Relief of Sufferer=374,374,2
33. Relief Goods Released by The Red Cross=376,376,1
34. Members of the Red Cross and Fund Raising=376,376,1
1. Summary of Schools=379,379,1
2. Summary of Schools by Province-Elementary and Secondary Education=380,380,4
3. Students of Colleges and Universities by Department-1986=384,384,2
4. Special Education=386,386,1
5. Graduate School=387,387,1
6. Other Schools=387,387,1
7. Status of Korea Correspondence College=388,388,2
8. Physical Condition of Students=390,390,2
9. Enrollment of Children of the Right Age for Compulsory Education=392,392,1
10. Private Training Institute=392,392,1
11. Post-School Status of Graduates=393,393,1
12. Employment of Graduates by Industry and Occupation=394,394,2
13. Summary of Libraries=396,396,1
14. Status of Students Supported by Scholarship=396,396,1
15. Preservation of Antique=397,397,1
16. Cultural Property=398,398,1
17. Science Technology Research Activitie Item=398,398,1
1. Turnover Ratios of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth=401,401,3
2. Relationship Ratios of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth=404,404,2
3. Productivity Indicators=406,406,2
4. Relationship Ratios of Expenses=408,408,2
5. Relationship Ratios of Income=410,410,2
6. Business Growth Indicators=412,412,1
1. Summary of Price Indexes=415,415,1
2. Wholesale Price Indexes=416,416,2
3. Wholesale Price Indexes for Commodity Subgroups=418,418,8
4. Index Numbers of Consumer Price for All Cities=426,426,2
5. Index Numbers of Seoul Consumer Price=428,428,2
6. Index Numbers of Consumer Price of Major Cities=430,430,2
7. Export and Import price Indexes(Contract basis)=432,432,2
8. Index Numbers of Price of Farm Products Received by Farmers=434,434,1
9. Index Numbers of Prices, Wages and Charges Paid by Farmers=435,435,1
10. Wholesale Prices of Major Commodities=436,436,4
11. Retail Prices of Major Commodities in Seoul=440,440,4
12. Farm Household Consumption Expenditure(Average Per Household)=444,444,4
13. Monthly Income and Expenditure per Household=448,448,2
14. Monthly Income and Expenditure Per Household by Size of Family in All Cities(1986)=450,450,2
15. Monthly Consumption Expenditure Per Household by Commodities in All Cities and Seoul=452,452,8
16. Monthly Income and Expenditure Per Household by Income Groups of Salary and Wage Earners' Household in All Cities(1986)=460,460,2
17. Monthly Income and Expenditure per Household by Occupation of Household Head of Salary and Wage Earners' Household in All Cities(1986)=462,462,1
1. Major Indicators on G.N.P=465,465,1
2. Gross Domestic Product by Kind of Economic Activity=466,466,4
3. Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product=470,470,4
4. Gross Domestic Product and Factor Income by Kind of Economic Activity=474,474,4
5. National Disposable Income and Its Appropriation=478,478,1
6. Capital and Finance=478,478,2
7. Composition of Gross Capital Formation=480,480,2
8. Income and Outlay Account=482,482,2
9. Income and Outlay Transactions of the Sub-sectors of General Government=484,484,2
10. Composition of Final Consumption Expenditure of Households=486,486,2
11. Government Final Consumption Expenditure(by Purpose)=488,488,1
12. Final Consumption Expenditure of Private Non-profit Institutions Serving Households(by Purpose)=488,488,2
13. External Transactions(Current Transactions)=490,490,2
14. External Transactions(Capital Transactions)=492,492,1
15. National Saving and Foreign Saving=493,493,1
16. Total Available Resources and Their Appropriation=494,494,1
17. Contribution Share by Industry=494,494,1
1. Consolidated Central Government Financing=497,497,1
2. Consolidated Central Government Revenues=498,498,1
3. Consolidated Central Government Expenditures=499,499,1
4. Summary Table of Consolidated Central Government=500,500,2
5. Central Government Revenue and Grants=502,502,2
6. Economic Classification of Central Government Expenditure and Net Lending=504,504,2
7. Functional classification of Central Government Expenditure and Net Lending=506,506,2
8. Summary Table of Consolidated Local Government=508,508,2
9. Local Government Revenue and Grants=510,510,1
10. Economic Classification of Local Government Expenditure and Net Lending=511,511,1
11. Functional classification of Local Government Expenditure and Net Lending=512,512,1
12. General Government Revenue and Grants=513,513,1
13. Economic Classification of General Government Expenditure and Net Lending=514,514,1
14. Functional Classification of General Government Expenditure and Net Lending=515,515,1
15. Summary Table of Consolidated General Government=516,516,2
16. Operations of Nonfinancial Public Enterprises=518,518,1
17. Operations of Consolidated Nonfinancial Public Sector=519,519,1
18. Revenues of Central Government Accounts=520,520,2
19. Expenditures of Central Government Accounts=522,522,2
20. Tax Receipts=524,524,2
21. Tax Ratio to G.N.P=526,526,1
22. Local Tax Collection=526,526,1
1. Summary of Government Employees(Authorized)=529,529,1
2. Authorized Employees by Organization=530,530,2
3. Situations of Government Employment=532,532,1
4. Authorized Government Employees by Line=532,532,2
5. Government Employees of Provinces(Authorized)=534,534,1
6. Government Employees of Gu, Shi and Gun(Authorized)=534,534,2
7. Government Employees of Local Agency Under Provincial Gov't(Authorized)=536,536,1
8. Government Employees of Up, Myon and Dong(Authorized)=536,536,2
9. Applications and Registrations by Industrial Property=537,537,1
10. Criminal Offenses Arrested=538,538,2
11. Juvenile Delinquency by Motive=540,540,1
12. Customs Offenses Arrested by Agency=541,541,1
13. Request of Warrant of Detention and Its Disposal=541,541,1
14. Prosecutors' Cases=542,542,1
15. Cases Charged by victim=542,542,2
16. Charged by Others(Not Victim)=543,543,1
17. Juvenile Delinquency=544,544,1
18. Offenses by Age=544,544,2
19. Offenses and Its Disposal=545,545,1
20. Justice Summary=546,546,2
21. Cases of Civil Registration=548,548,2
22. Status of Registrations=550,550,2
23. Industrial Accidents=552,552,3
24. Fire Incidence=555,555,1
25. Fire Incidence by Cause=556,556,1
26. Forest Fire=557,557,1
27. Equipment of Fire Protection=558,558,1
28. Damages from Storms and Floods=558,558,2
29. Automobile Accidents=560,560,1
30. Railroad Accidents=560,560,1
1. Summary of World Statistics=563,563,1
2. Population=564,564,2
3. Crude Birth and Death Rates=566,566,1
4. Infant Mortality Rates=567,567,1
5. Paid Employment=568,568,1
6. Unemployment=569,569,1
7. Gross Domestic Product(In Purchaser's Values)=570,570,2
8. Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product(In Purchaser's Values)=572,572,3
9. Gross National Product(Current Prices)=575,575,1
10. Average Annual Growth Rates of Gross Domestic Products(At Constant Prices)=576,576,1
11. Index Numbers of Agricultural Production=577,577,1
12. Production of Agricultural Products=578,578,2
13. Production of Roundwood=580,580,1
14. Fish Catches=581,581,1
15. Index Numbers of Industrial Production=582,582,2
16. Production of Mineral Products=584,584,2
17. Production of Manufactures=586,586,2
18. Production of Electric Energy=588,588,1
19. Building Construction=589,589,1
20. Transport=590,590,2
21. Wholesale Price Index Numbers=592,592,1
22. Consumer Price Index Numbers=593,593,1
23. Money Supply=594,594,2
24. Export and Import Quantum Index Numbers=596,596,1
25. Export and Import Unit Value Index Numbers=597,597,1
26. External Trade=598,598,2
27. International Liquidity=600,600,2
28. Real Economic Growth Rate=602,602,1
29. Per Capita G.N.P(At Current Prices)=603,603,1
30. Government Revenue=604,604,1
31. Government Expenditure=605,605,1
32. Central Bank Discount Rate=606,606,2
Weights and Measures=608,608,1
시ㆍ도별 면적(1986)=18,18,1
강수일 및 강수량(1986)=18,18,1
성별ㆍ연령계급별 인구(1985)=38,38,1
시ㆍ도별 인구(1985년 센서스 인구)=38,38,1
경제활동 인구 총괄=72,72,1
산업별 상용 종업원 월평균 임금=72,72,1
식량작물 생산량=98,98,1
임상별 임야면적=98,98,1
농가경제 주요지표=98,98,1
산업 생산 지수=156,156,1
에너지원별 소비구성=156,156,1
석탄 생산=156,156,1
총 발전량=200,200,1
용도별 전력 사용량=200,200,1
산업별 사업체수 및 종업원수=226,226,1
도ㆍ소매 판매액 지수=226,226,1
수출입 총괄=248,248,1
무역지수 및 교역조건=248,248,1
가족계획사업 실적=354,354,1
학교수 및 학생수=378,378,1
교원 1인당 학생수(1986)=378,378,1
기업 성장 지표(제조업)=400,400,1
생산성 지표추이(제조업)=400,400,1
전도시 근로자 가구당 월평균 가계수지=414,414,1
1인당 국민총생산=464,464,1
산업별 국민총생산(1980년 불변가격)=464,464,1
국민저축과 해외저축=464,464,1
일반회계 세입ㆍ세출=496,496,1
회계별 중앙정부 세출=496,496,1
공무원 총괄=528,528,1
주요 사고별 인명피해(사망)=528,528,1
국가별 1인당 국민총생산 1986(경상가격)=562,562,1
국가별 산업생산지수=562,562,1