I. 조사개요=11,17,1
1. 조사연혁=11,17,1
2. 조사목적=11,17,1
3. 조사범위 및 대상=11,17,1
4. 조사시점=11,17,1
5. 조사체계 및 방법=12,18,1
6. 보고서 내용변경=12,18,1
7. 조사사항=13,19,1
II. 용어해설=14,20,6
III. 표본설계개요=20,26,1
1. 주어진 조건=20,26,1
2. 조사모집단의 지역적 범위=20,26,1
3. 지역별 표본의 크기=20,26,1
4. 표본조사구의 추출=21,27,1
5. 표본구역의 추출=21,27,1
6. 추정방법=22,28,1
7. 표본오차=22,28,25
IV. 통계표=47,53,1
1. 경제활동인구총괄=48,54,2
2. 연령계층, 가구주와의 관계 및 활동상태별 15세이상 인구=50,56,6
3. 산업 (중분류) 및 연령계층별 취업자=56,62,6
4. 직업 (중분류) 및 연령계층별 취업자=62,68,6
5. 연령계층, 교육정도 및 산업(대분류) 별 취업자=68,74,6
6. 연령계층, 직업(대분류) 및 산업(대분류)별 취업자=74,80,6
7. 연령계층, 종사상의 지위 및 산업(대분류)별 취업자=80,86,6
8. 연령계층, 취업시간 및 산업(대분류)별 취업자=86,92,6
9. 연령계층, 취업경로 및 산업(대분류)별 취업자=92,98,6
10. 직업(대분류), 취업시간 및 산업(대분류)별 취업자=98,104,6
11. 직업(대분류), 근속년수 및 산업(대분류)별 취업자=104,110,6
12. 직업(대분류), 종업원 규모 및 산업(대분류)별 취업자=110,116,6
13. 직업(대분류), 취업경로 및 산업(대분류)별 취업자=116,122,6
14. 직업(중분류) 및 산업(대분류)별 취업자=122,128,6
15. 종사상의 지위, 교육정도 및 산업(대분류)별 취업자=128,134,6
16. 종사상의 지위, 취업시간 및 산업(대분류)별 취업자=134,140,6
17. 종사상의 지위, 근속년수 및 산업(대분류)별 취업자=140,146,6
18. 종사상의 지위, 취업경로 및 산업(대분류)별 취업자=146,152,6
19. 가구주와의 관계, 교육정도, 취업경로 및 산업(대분류)별 취업자=152,158,6
20. 근속년수, 취업경로 및 산업(대분류)별 취업자=158,164,6
21. 연령계층, 추가ㆍ전직의사여부, 전직희망이유 및 산업(대분류)별 취업자=164,170,6
22. 교육정도, 추가ㆍ전직의사여부, 전직희망이유 및 산업(대분류)별 취업자=170,176,6
23. 취업시간, 추가ㆍ전직의사여부, 전직희망이유 및 산업(대분류)별 취업자=176,182,6
24. 연령계층, 교육정도 및 직업(대분류)별 취업자=182,188,6
25. 연령계층, 종사상의 지위 및 직업(대분류)별 취업자=188,194,6
26. 연령계층, 취업시간 및 직업(대분류)별 취업자=194,200,6
27. 연령계층, 취업경로 및 직업(대분류)별 취업자=200,206,6
28. 산업(대분류), 교육정도 및 직업(대분류)별 취업자=206,212,6
29. 종사상의 지위, 교육정도 및 직업(대분류)별 취업자=212,218,6
30. 종사상의 지위, 취업시간 및 직업(대분류)별 취업자=218,224,6
31. 종사상의 지위, 근속년수 및 직업(대분류)별 취업자=224,230,6
32. 종사상의 지위, 종업원 규모 및 직업(대분류)별 취업자=230,236,6
33. 종사상의 지위, 취업경로 및 직업(대분류)별 취업자=236,242,6
34. 가구주와의 관계, 교육정도, 취업경로 및 직업(대분류)별 취업자=242,248,6
35. 연령계층, 교육정도 및 종사상의 지위별 취업자=248,254,6
36. 가구주와의 관계, 교육정도, 취업경로 및 종사상의 지위별 취업자=254,260,6
37. 조직형태, 종업원규모 및 산업(대분류)별 취업자=260,266,4
38. 조직형태, 종업원규모 및 직업(대분류)별 취업자=264,270,4
39. 산업(중분류) 및 취업시간별 취업자=268,274,6
40. 직업(중분류) 및 취업시간별 취업자=274,280,6
41. 연령계층, 교육정도 및 36시간미만 취업이유별 평소 36시간미만 취업자=280,286,6
42. 산업(중분류) 및 36시간미만 취업이유별 평소 36시간미만 취업자=286,292,6
43. 직업(중분류) 및 36시간미만 취업이유별 평소 36시간미만 취업자=292,298,6
44. 연령계층, 교육정도 및 36시간미만 취업이유별 평소 36시간이상 취업자=298,304,6
45. 산업(중분류) 및 36시간미만 취업이유별 평소 36시간이상 취업자=304,310,6
46. 직업(중분류) 및 36시간미만 취업이유별 평소 36시간이상 취업자=310,316,6
47. 산업(대분류), 전직회수 및 직업(대분류)별 취업자=316,322,6
48. 산업(중분류) 및 취업소요기간별 취업자=322,328,6
49. 직업(중분류) 및 취업소요기간별 취업자=328,334,6
50. 산업(중분류), 직업훈련 이수여부 및 유용성유무별 취업자=334,340,6
51. 직업(중분류), 직업훈련 이수여부 및 유용성 유무별 취업자=340,346,6
52. 직업훈련이수 여부, 직업훈련기관, 산업(대분류) 및 취업소요기간별 취업자=346,352,6
53. 직업훈련이수 여부, 직업훈련기관, 직업(대분류) 및 취업소요기간별 취업자=352,358,6
54. 연령계층별 실업자=358,364,6
55. 교육정도별 실업자=364,370,4
56. 전산업(대분류)별 전직 실업자=368,374,6
57. 활동상태별 비경제활동 인구=374,380,3
58. 비구직 이유별 취업의사표시 비경제활동 인구=377,383,3
59. 취업희망이유별 취업의사표시 비경제활동 인구=380,386,2
60. 현재의 활동상태, 전 이직이유 및 1년전 산업(대분류)별 전 이직자=382,388,4
61. 현재 및 1년전 활동상태, 산업(대분류) 및 연령계층별 15세이상 인구=386,392,11
V. 부록=397,403,2
1. 제2차 고용구조특별조사 결과보고 수록통계표 일람=399,405,4
2. 1986년 고용구조 특별조사표=403,409,8
3. 산업분류표=411,417,2
4. 직업분류표=413,419,9
title page=0,2,4
1. History of the Survey=29,35,1
2. Purpose of the survey=29,35,1
3. Scope and Coverage of the Survey=29,35,1
4. Date and Period of the Survey=29,35,1
5. System and Method of the Survey=29,35,1
6. Addition to the Reportting=29,35,1
7. Survey Items=30,36,2
III. Outline of Sample Design=39,45,1
1. Sample Selection=39,45,1
2. Estimation=40,46,7
IV. Statistical Tables=47,53,1
1. Economically Active Population(Summary)=48,54,2
2. Population 15 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Relationship to Household Head and Type of Activity=50,56,6
3. Employed Persons by Industry (Division) and Age Group=56,62,6
4. Employed Persons by Occupation (Minor Group) and Age Group=62,68,6
5. Employed Persons by Age Group, Educational Attainment and Industry (Major Division)=68,74,6
6. Employed Persons by Age Group, Occupation (Major Group) and Industry (Major Division)=74,80,6
7. Employed Persons by Age Group, Status of Workers and Industry (Major Division)=80,86,6
8. Employed Persons by Age Group, Hours Worked and Industry (Major Division)=86,92,6
9. Employed Persons by Age Group, Principal method for Taking a Job and Industry (Major Division)=92,98,6
10. Employed Persons by Occupation (Major Group), Hours Worked and Industry (Major Division)=98,104,6
11. Employed Persons by Occupation (Major Group), Years Engaged in the Same Enterprise and Industry (Major Division)=104,110,6
12. Employed Persons by Occupation (Major Group), Number of Workers in the Establishment and Industry (Major Division)=110,116,6
13. Employed Persons by Occupation (Major Group), Principal Method for Taking a Job and Industry (Major Division)=116,122,6
14. Employed Persons by Occupation (Minor Group) and Industry (Major Division)=122,128,6
15. Employed Persons by Status of Workers, Educational Attainment and Industry (Major Division)=128,134,6
16. Employed Persons by Status of Workers, Hours Worked and Industry (Major Division)=134,140,6
17. Employed Persons by Status of Workers, Years Engaged in the Same Enterprise and Industry (Major Division)=140,146,6
18. Employed Persons by Status of Workers, Principal Method for Taking a Job and Industry (Major Division)=146,152,6
19. Employed Persons by Relationship to Household Head, Educational Attainment, Principal Method for Taking a Job and Industry (Major Division)=152,158,6
20. Employed Persons by Years Engaged in the Same Enterprise, Principal Method for Taking a Job and Industry (Major Division)=158,164,6
21. Employed Persons by Age Group, Willingness of Having Additional Work or Changing a Job, Reasons for Wishing to Change a Job and Industry (Major Division)=164,170,6
22. Employed Persons by Educational Attainment, Willingness of Having Additional Work or Changing a Job, Reasons for Wishing to Change a Job and Industry (Major Division)=170,176,6
23. Employed Persons by Hours Worked, Willingness of Having Additional Work or Changing a Job, Reasons for Wishing to Change a Job and Industry (Major Division)=176,182,6
24. Employed persons by Age Group, Educational Attainment and Occupation (Major Group)=182,188,6
25. Employed Persons by Age Group, Status of workers and Occupation (Major Group)=188,194,6
26. Employed Persons by Age Group, Hours Worked and Occupation (Major Group)=194,200,6
27. Employed Persons by Age Group, Principal Method for Taking a Job and Occupation (Major Group)=200,206,6
28. Employed Persons by Industry (Major Division), Educational Attainment and Occupation (Major Group)=206,212,6
29. Employed Persons by Status of Workers, Educational Attainment and Occupation (Major Group)=212,218,6
30. Employed Persons by Status of Workers, Hours Worked and Occupation (Major Group)=218,224,6
31. Employed Persons by Status of Workers, Years Engaged in the Same Enterprise and Occupation (Major Group)=224,230,6
32. Employed Persons by Status of Workers, Number of Workers in the Establishment and Occupation (Major Group)=230,236,6
33. Employed Persons by Status of Workers, Principal Method for Taking a Job and Occupation (Major Group)=236,242,6
34. Employed Persons by Relationship to Household Head, Educational Attainment, Principal Method for Taking a Job and Occupation (Major Group)=242,248,6
35. Employed Persons by Age Group, Educational Attainment and Status of Workers=248,254,6
36. Employed Persons by Relationship to Household Head, Educational Attainment, Principal Method for Taking a Job and Status of Workers=254,260,6
37. Employed Persons by Nature of Organization, Number of Workers in the Establishment and Industry (Major Division)=260,266,4
38. Employed Persons by Nature of Organization, Number of Workers in the Establishment and Occupation (Major Group)=264,270,4
39. Employed Persons by Industry (Division) and Hours Worked=268,274,6
40. Employed Persons by Occpation (Minor Group) and Hours Worked=274,280,6
41. Employed persons Usually Worked Less than 36 Hours by Age Group, Educational Attainment and Reasons Worked Less than 36 Hours=280,286,6
42. Employed Persons Usually Worked Less than 36 Hours by Industry (Division) and Reasons Worked Less than 36 Hours=286,292,6
43. Employed Persons Usually Worked Less than 36 Hours by Occupation (Minor Group) and Reasons Worked Less than 36 Hours=292,298,6
44. Employed Persons Usually worked More than 36 Hours by age Group, Educational Attainment and Reasons Worked Less than 36 Hours=298,304,6
45. Employed Persons Usually worked More than 36 Hours by Industry (Division) and Reasons Worked Less than 36 Hours=304,310,6
46. Employed Persons Usually Worked More than 36 Hours by Occupation (Minor Group) and Reasons Worked Less than 36 Hours=310,316,6
47. Employed Persons by Industry (Major Division), Numbers of Job-Transfer and Occupation (Major Group)=316,322,6
48. Employed Persons by Industry (Division) and Required Duration for Taking Job=322,328,6
49. Employed Persons by Occupation (Minor Group) and Required Duration for Taking Job=328,334,6
50. Employed Persons by Industry (Division), If or not of Job-Training and Availability for Taking Job=334,340,6
51. Employed Persons by Occupation (Minor Group), If or not of Job-Training and Availity for Taking Job=340,346,6
52. Employed Persons by Industry (Major Division), If or not of Job-Training, Job-Training Institute and Required Duration for Taking Job=346,352,6
53. Employed Persons by Occupation (Major Group), If or not of Job-Training, Job-Training Institute and Required Duration for Taking Job=352,358,6
54. Unemployed Persons by Age Group=358,364,6
55. Unemployed Persons by Educational Attainment=364,370,4
56. Unemployed Persons Worked Before by Former Industry (Major Division)=368,374,6
57. Not Economically Active Population by Type of Activity=374,380,3
58. Not Economically Active Population Intended to Work by Reasons Not Looking for Work=377,383,3
59. Not Economically Active Population Intended to Work by Reasons for Wishing to Work=380,386,2
60. Persons Quitted or Changed a Job by Type of Activity at Present, Reasons for Quitting or Changing Job, and Industry (Major Division) a Year Ago=382,388,4
61. Population 15 Years Old and Over by Type of Activity, Industry (Major Division) at Present and a Year Ago and Age Group=386,392,11
V. APPENDIX=397,403,4
1. Statistical Tables: Presented in the Second Employment Structural Survey=401,407,6