I. 도표(Graph) 7
1. 연차별 통합재정 규모 추이(Annual Consolidated Central Gov't Expenditure Scale) 9
2. 연차별 일반회계 세입 재원별 구성비 추이(Annual Revenue of General Account by Sources) 10
3. 연차별 일반회계 세출 기능별 집행실적 추이(Annual Expenditures of General Account by Function) 11
II. 2006회계년도 주요 재정통계(Major Gov't Financial Statistics, FY2006) 13
1. 주요재정통계(Major Gov't Financial Statistics) 15
1) 일반회계 세입세출 집행실적(Status of Revenues & Expenditures of General Account, FY2006) 16
2) 특별회계 세입세출 집행실적(Status of Revenues & Expenditures of Special Account, FY2006) 18
3) 세입세출결산 총계 및 순계표(Gross and Net Actual Revenues & Expenditures, FY 2006) 24
2. 세입(Revenues) 49
1) 일반회계 세입결산 총계(Actual Revenues of General Account, FY2006) 50
2) 특별회계 세입결산 총계(Actual Revenues of Special Account, FY2006) 56
3) 조세수입 실적(Breakdown of Tax General Account, FY2006) 60
4) 일반회계 성질별 세외수입(Breakdown of Non-tax of General Account, FY2006) 62
5) 지역별 내국세 징수현황(Actual Domestic Tax Revenues by Region, FY2006) 66
3. 세출(Expenditures) 71
1) 일반회계 세출결산 총계Actual Expenditures of General Account, FY2006) 72
2) 일반회계 세출 기능별 집행실적(Actual Expenditure of General Account by Function,FY 2006) 84
3) 일반회계 세출 성질별 집행실적Actual Expenditure of General Account by Object,FY 2006) 92
4) 특별회계 세출결산 총계(Actual Expenditures of Special Account, FY2006) 96
5) 일반회계 세출 목별조서(Actual Exoenditures of General Account by Item, FY2006) 100
6) 기타 특별회계 세출 목별조서(Actual Expenditures of Special Account by Item, FY2006) 196
7) 기업특별회계 세출 목별조서(Actual Expenditures of Enterprise Special Account by Item, FY2006) 244
8) 일반회계 교부금 집행내역(Breakdown of Gov't Grants, FY 2006) 256
9) 보조금 집행내역 (총괄)(Breakdown of Gov't Subsidy(Total),FY 2006) 258
10) 일반회계 보조금 집행내역(Breakdown of Gov't Subsidy(G/A),FY 2006) 276
11) 특별회계 보조금 집행내역(Breakdown of Gov't Sybsidy(S/A),FY 2006) 426
12) 정부출연금 내역(Gov't Contribution, FY 2006) 526
13) 재정융자 특별회계(융자계정) 예수현황(Outstanding of Trust Fund of Fiscal Financing S/A, FY 2006) 540
14) 재정자금 대하현황(OutStanding of Lending of Fiscal Financing S/A, FY 2006) 542
15) 정부출자기관의 자본금 및 출자현황(Gov't Subscription & Capital of Gov't-Invested Enterprises,FY 2006) 544
16) 일반회계 예비비 사용실적(Actual Expenditure of General Account Contingency,FY 2006) 552
17) 특별회계 예비비 사용실적(Actual Expenditure of Special Account Contingency,FY 2006) 556
4. 기업회계(Gov't Enterprise Special Account) 559
1) 기업회계 결산총괄(Actual of Enterprise Special Account, FY 2006) 560
2) 기업회계 비교 대차대조표Comparative Balance Sheet of Enterprise S/A, FY 2006) 566
3) 기업회계 비교 손익계산서(Comparative Statement of Profit &Loss of Enterprise S/A, FY 2006) 567
5. 정부기금(Government Funds) 569
1) 정부기금 결산총괄(Actual of Gov't Funds FY 2006) 570
2) 정부기금 비교 대차대조표(Comparative Balance Sheet of Gov't Funds, FY 2006) 614
3) 정부기금 비교 손익계산서(Comparative Statement of Profit & Loss of Gov't Funds, FY 2006) 615
6. 기타(Others) 617
1) 국가채권현황(Outstanding of Gov't Credits, FY 2006) 618
2) 국가채무증감현황(OutStanding of Gov't Debts 2006) 622
3) 국유재산증감현황(Outstanding of Gov't Properties 2006) 626
4) 물품증감현황(Outstanding of Gov't Properties 2006) 628
III. 연차별 재정통계(Annual Financial Statistics, FY'97~2006) 631
1. 연차별 주요경제 재정통계(Annual Major Economic & Financial Indicators, FY'97~2006) 633
2. 연차별 통합 재정규모(Annual Consolidated Central Government Expenditures, FY1997 ~ 2006) 636
3. 연차별 일반회계 세입세출 결산규모(Annual Revenues & Expenditures of General Account, FY 1997 ~ 2006) 638
4. 연차별 특별회계 세입세출 결산규모(Annual Revenues & Expenditures of Special Account, FY 1997 ~ 2006) 640
5. 연차별 조세수입(Annual Tax Revenues, FY 1997 ~ 2006) 642
6. 연차별 일반회계 성질별 세외수입(Annual Non-tax Revenues of General Account, FY 1997 ~ 2006) 646
7. 연차별 월별 조세수입(Annual & Monthly Tax Revenues FY, 1997 ~ 2006) 650
8. 연차별 정부출자수입(Annual Dividends & Profits, FY 1997 ~ 2006) 660
9. 연차별 교부금 집행내역(Annual Government Grants Debts, FY 1997 ~ 2006) 664
10. 연차별 보조금 집행내역(Annual Government Subsidy, FY 1997 ~ 2006) 666
11. 연차별 기업회계 대차대조표(Annual Balance Sheet of Enterprise S/A, FY 1997 ~ 2006) 674
12. 연차별 기금 대차대조표(Annual Balance Sheet of Government Funds, FY 1997 ~ 2006) 676
13. 연차별 국가채권현황(Annual Outstanding of Gov't Credits, Fy 1997 ~ 2006) 678
14. 연차별 국가채무현황(Annual Outstanding of Gov't Debts Fy 1997~2006) 682
15. 연차별 국유재산현황(Annual Outstanding of Gov't Properties, FY 2001 ~ 2006) 688
16. 연차별 국가물품현황(Annual Outstanding of Gov't Commodities, FY 2002 ~ 2006) 690
17. 회계직공무원 직종별 현황(Status of Accounting Officials) 692