표제지 1
발간사 / 최교진 4
세종교육 정책 기본 방향 5
교육행정 기구표 6
세종교육통계 주요지표 8
범례(REMARKS) 22
목차 31
I. 학교 기본 통계 40
1. 각급 학교 개황 42
1-1. 학교총개황(General Status of Schools) 43
1-2. 학교현황(Schools) 45
1-3. 학생현황(Students) 47
1-4. 시설현황(School Facilities) 49
1-5. 교원현황(Teachers & Faculty Members) 53
1-6. 직원현황(Clerical Staffs) 55
1-7. 학급 및 학과현황(Classes & Departments) 57
2. 유치원 현황 60
2-1. 유치원개황(Summary) 61
2-2. 설립별유치원수(Kindergartens by Foundation) 61
2-3. 원아수별유치원수(Kindergartens by Enrolled Children) 63
2-4. 연령별원아수(Children by Age) 63
2-5. 직위별교원수(Teachers by Position) 65
2-6. 자격별교원수(Teachers by Certification) 67
2-7. 경력연수별교원수(Teachers by Teaching Experience) 69
2-8. 소지자격취득후경과연수별교원수(Teachers by the Number of Years Passed after Acquiring Certification) 71
2-9. 소지자격별연수이수교원수(Teachers by the Times of Participation in Training) 73
2-10. 연령별교원수(Teachers by Age) 75
2-11. 호봉별교원수(Teachers by Pay Grades) 77
2-12. 교원변동상황(Annual Turnover of Teachers) 81
2-13. 학교용지(School Site) 83
2-14. 용도별교사면적(Areas by Usage) 83
2-15. 구조별건물동수(Buildings by Construction Materials) 85
2-16. 구조별건물면적(Areas of Buildings by Construction Materials) 85
2-17. 에너지사용량(Quantity of Energy Usage) 87
2-18. 냉난방면적(Cooling & Heating Areas) 89
2-19. 컴퓨터보유현황(The Current Status of Possessed Computer) 89
3. 초등학교 현황 92
3-1. 초등학교개황(Summary) 93
3-2. 학급수별 학교수(Schools by the Number of Classes) 93
3-3. 학생수별학교수(Schools by the Number of Students) 95
3-4. 학급편제방식별학급수(Classes by Formation of Students) 97
3-5. 특수지공립초등학교현황(Public Elementary Schoolsin Remote Places & Islands) 97
3-6. 복식학급학교수(The Number of Schools with Multi-Grade Classes) 99
3-7. 학생수별학급수(Classes by the Number of Students) 101
3-8. 학생변동상황(Annual Turnover of Students) 103
3-9. 학업중단학생현황(Postponed Enrollment & Exempts) 105
3-10. 유학현황(Studying Abroad) 107
3-11. 귀국현황(Returnee) 107
3-12. 다문화학생현황(Multicultural Students) 109
3-13. 학년별학급수 및 학생수(Students & Classes by Grades) 111
3-14. 학년 및 연령별학생수(Students by Grades & Age) 113
3-15. 입학 상황(Admission of Freshmen) 115
3-16. 졸업후상황(The Situation after Graduating) 115
3-17. 직위별교원수(Teachers by Position) 117
3-18. 자격별교원수(Teachers by Certification) 119
3-19. 경력연수별교원수(Teachers by Teaching Experience) 121
3-20. 소지자격취득후경과연수별교원수(Teachers by the Number of Years Passed after Acquiring Certification) 123
3-21. 소지자격별연수이수교원수(Teachers by the Times of Participation in Training) 125
3-22. 연령별교원수(Teachers by Age) 127
3-23. 주당수업시수별교원수(Teachers by Teaching Hours per Week) 129
3-24. 호봉별교원수(Teachers by Pay Grades) 131
3-25. 출신학교별교원수(Teachers by Educational Background) 137
3-26. 교원변동상황(Annual Turnover of Teachers) 139
3-27. 학교용지(School Site) 141
3-28. 용도별교사면적(Areas by Usage) 141
3-29. 구조별건물동수(Buildings by Construction Materials) 143
3-30. 구조별건물면적(Areas of Buildings by Construction Materials) 143
3-31. 에너지사용량(Quantity of Energy Usage) 145
3-32. 냉난방면적(Cooling & Heating Areas) 147
3-33. 컴퓨터보유현황(The Current Status of Possessed Computer) 147
3-34. 직원수(Clerical Staffs) 149
4. 중학교 현황 152
4-1. 중학교개황(Summary) 153
4-2. 체육중학교현황(Physical Education Middle Schools) 155
4-3. 예술중학교현황(Arts Middle Schools) 155
4-4. 학급수별학교수(Schools by the Number of Classes) 157
4-5. 학생수별학교수(Schools by the Number of Students) 157
4-6. 학생수별학급수(Classes by the Number of Students) 159
4-7. 특수지공립중학교현황(Public Middle Schoolsin Remote Places & Islands) 159
4-8. 학년별 학급수 및 학생수(Students & Classes by Grades) 161
4-9. 학년 및 연령별학생수(Students by Grades & Age) 163
4-10. 학생변동상황(Annual Turnover of Students) 165
4-11. 학업중단학생현황(Postponed Enrollment & Exempts) 167
4-12. 유학현황(Studying Abroad) 169
4-13. 귀국현황(Returnee) 169
4-14. 다문화학생현황(Multicultural Students) 171
4-15. 입학상황(Admission of Freshmen) 173
4-16. 졸업후상황(The Situation after Graduating) 175
4-17. 직위별교원수(Teachers by Position) 177
4-18. 자격별교원수(Teachers by Certification) 179
4-19. 경력연수별교원수(Teachers by Teaching Experience) 181
4-20. 소지자격취득후경과연수별교원수(Teachers by the Number of Years Passed after Acquiring Certification) 183
4-21. 소지자격별연수이수교원수(Teachers by the Times of Participation in Training) 185
4-22. 담당교과목별교원수(Teachers by Teaching Subjects) 187
4-23. 연령별교원수(Teachers by Age) 189
4-24. 주당수업시수별교원수(Teachers by Teaching Hours per Week) 191
4-25. 호봉별교원수(Teachersby Pay Grades) 193
4-26. 교원변동상황(Annual Turnover of Teachers) 197
4-27. 출신별자격증과목별교원수(Teachers by Educational Backgrounds & Certified Subjects) 199
4-28. 자격증과목별퇴직교원수(Retired Teachers by Certified Subjects) 205
4-29. 학교용지(SchoolSite) 207
4-30. 용도별교사면적(Areas by Usage) 207
4-31. 구조별건물동수(Buildings by Construction Materials) 209
4-32. 구조별건물면적(Areasof Buildings by Construction Materials) 209
4-33. 에너지사용량(Quantity of Energy Usage) 211
4-34. 냉난방면적(Cooling & Heating Areas) 213
4-35. 컴퓨터보유현황(The Current Status of Possessed Computer) 213
4-36. 직원수(Clerical Staffs) 215
5. 고등학교 현황 218
5-1. 고등학교개황(Summary) 219
5-2. 학급수별학교수(Schools by the Number of Classes) 223
5-3. 특수지공립고등학교현황(Public High Schoolsin Remote Places & Islands) 225
5-4. 학생수별학교수(Schools by the Number of Students) 227
5-5. 학년별학급수 및 학생수(Students & Classes by Grades) 229
5-6. 학년 및 연령별학생수(Students by Grades & Age) 231
5-7. 학생변동상황(Annual Turnover of Students) 233
5-8. 학업중단학생현황(Expelled, Dropouts and Absentees) 237
5-9. 유학현황(Studying Abroad) 239
5-10. 귀국현황(Returnee) 241
5-11. 다문화학생현황(Multicultural Students) 243
5-12. 외국인유학생현황(International Students) 247
5-13. 입학상황(Admission of Freshmen) 249
5-14. 졸업자현황(The Situation after Graduating) 253
5-15. 직위별교원수(Teachers by Position) 255
5-16. 자격별교원수(Teachers by Certification) 259
5-17. 경력연수별교원수(Teachers by Teaching Experience) 261
5-18. 소지자격취득후경과년수별교원수(Teachers by the Number of Years Passed after Acquiring Certification) 263
5-19. 소지자격별연수이수교원수(Teachers by the Times of Participation in Training) 265
5-20. 담당교과목별교원수(Teachers by Teaching Subjects) 267
5-21. 연령별교원수(Teachers by Age) 269
5-22. 주당수업시수별교원수(Teachers by Teaching Hours per Week) 271
5-23. 호봉별교원수(Teachers by Pay Grades) 273
5-24. 교원변동상황(Annual Turnover of Teachers) 277
5-25. 출신별자격증과목별교원수(Teachers by Educational Backgrounds & Certified Subjects) 279
5-26. 자격증과목별퇴직교원수(Retired Teachers by Certified Subjects) 285
5-27. 학교용지(School Site) 291
5-28. 용도별교사면적(Areas by Usage) 293
5-29. 구조별 건물동수(Buildings by Construction Materials) 295
5-30. 구조별건물면적(Areas of Buildings by Construction Materials) 297
5-31. 에너지사용량(Quantity of Energy Usage) 301
5-32. 냉난방면적(Cooling & Heating Areas) 303
5-33. 컴퓨터보유현황(The Current Status of Possessed Computer) 305
5-34. 직원수(Clerical Staffs) 307
6. 일반고등학교 현황 310
6-1. 일반고등학교개황(Summary) 311
6-2. 학급수별학교수(Schools by the Number of Classes) 311
6-3. 학생수별학교수(Schools by the Number of Students) 313
6-4. 학생수별학급수(Classes by the Number of Students) 313
6-5. 학년 및 연령별학생수(Students by Grades & Age) 313
6-6. 학생변동상황(Annual Turnover of Students) 315
6-7. 학업중단학생현황(Expelled, Dropouts and Absentees) 319
6-8. 유학현황(Studying Abroad) 321
6-9. 귀국현황(Returnee) 321
6-10. 다문화학생현황(Multicultural Students) 323
6-11. 입학상황(Admission of Freshmen) 325
6-12. 연령별졸업자수(Graduates by Age) 327
6-13. 직위별교원수(Teachers by Position) 327
6-14. 자격별교원수(Teachers by Certification) 329
6-15. 경력연수별교원수(Teachers by Teaching Experience) 331
6-16. 소지자격취득후경과연수별교원수(Teachers by the Number of Years Passed after Acquiring Certification) 333
6-17. 소지자격별연수이수교원수(Teachers by the Times of Participation in Training) 335
6-18. 담당교과목별교원수(Teachers by Teaching Subjects) 337
6-19. 연령별교원수(Teachers by Age) 339
6-20. 주당수업시수별교원수(Teachers by Teaching Hours per Week) 341
6-21. 호봉별교원수(Teachers by Pay Grades) 343
6-22. 교원변동상황(Annual Turnover of Teachers) 347
6-23. 출신별자격증과목별교원수(Teachers by Educational Backgrounds & CertifiedSubjects) 349
6-24. 자격증과목별퇴직교원수(Retired Teachers by Certified Subjects) 355
6-25. 학교용지(School Site) 361
6-26. 용도별교사면적(Areas by Usage) 363
6-27. 구조별 건물동수(Buildings by Construction Materials) 365
6-28. 구조별건물면적(Areas of Buildings by Construction Materials) 367
6-29. 에너지사용량(Quantity of Energy Usage) 371
6-30. 냉난방면적(Cooling & Heating Areas) 373
6-31. 컴퓨터보유현황(The Current Status of Possessed Computer) 375
6-32. 직원수(Clerical Staffs) 377
7. 특수목적고등학교 현황 380
7-1. 특수목적고등학교개황(Summary) 381
7-2. 예술고등학교현황(Arts High Schools) 383
7-3. 체육고등학교현황(Physical Education High Schools) 385
7-4. 과학고등학교현황(Science High Schools) 385
7-5. 외국어고등학교현황(Foreign Language High Schools) 387
7-6. 국제고등학교현황(International High Schools) 389
7-7. 산업수요맞춤형고등학교현황(Meister High Schools) 391
7-8. 영재학교현황(Gifted Schools) 393
7-9. 학급수별학교수(Schools by the Number of Classes) 395
7-10. 학생수별학교수(Schools by the Number of Students) 395
7-11. 학생수별학급수(Classes by the Number of Students) 395
7-12. 학년 및 연령별학생수(Students by Grades & Age) 397
7-13. 학생변동상황(Annual Turnover of Students) 399
7-14. 학업중단학생현황(Expelled, Dropouts and Absentees) 403
7-15. 유학현황(Studying Abroad) 405
7-16. 귀국현황(Returnee) 405
7-17. 다문화학생현황(Multicultural Students) 407
7-18. 입학상황(Admission of Freshmen) 409
7-19. 연령별졸업자수(Graduates by Age) 409
7-20. 직위별교원수(Teachers by Position) 411
7-21. 자격별교원수(Teachers by Certification) 413
7-22. 경력연수별교원수(Teachers by Teaching Experience) 415
7-23. 소지자격취득후경과연수별교원수(Teachers by the Number of Years Passed after Acquiring Certification) 417
7-24. 소지자격별연수이수교원수(Teachers by the Times of Participation in Training) 419
7-25. 담당교과목별교원수(Teachers by Teaching Subjects) 421
7-26. 연령별교원수(Teachers by Age) 423
7-27. 주당수업시수별교원수(Teachers by Teaching Hours per Week) 425
7-28. 호봉별교원수(Teachers by PayGrades) 427
7-29. 교원변동상황(Annual Turnover of Teachers) 431
7-30. 출신별자격증과목별교원수(Teachers by Educational Backgrounds & Certified Subjects) 433
7-31. 자격증과목별퇴직교원수(Retired Teachers by Certified Subjects) 439
7-32. 학교용지(School Site) 441
7-33. 용도별교사면적(Areas by Usage) 443
7-34. 구조별건물동수(Buildings by Construction Materials) 443
7-35. 구조별건물면적(Areas of Buildings by Construction Materials) 445
7-36. 에너지사용량(Quantity of Energy Usage) 447
7-37. 냉난방면적(Cooling & Heating Areas) 447
7-38. 컴퓨터보유현황(The Current Status of Possessed Computer) 449
7-39. 직원수(Clerical Staffs) 449
8-1. 특성화고등학교 현황 452
8-1-1. 특성화고등학교개황(Summary) 453
8-1-2. 학급수별학교수(Schools by the Number of Classes) 453
8-1-3. 학생수별학교수(Schools by the Number of Students) 455
8-1-4. 학생수별학급수(Classes by the Number of Students) 455
8-1-5. 학년 및 연령별학생수(Students by Grades & Age) 457
8-1-6. 과정별학생수(Students by Courses) 459
8-1-7. 학생변동상황(Annual Turnover of Students) 461
8-1-8. 학업중단학생현황(Expelled, Dropouts and Absentees) 465
8-1-9. 유학현황(Studying Abroad) 467
8-1-10. 귀국현황(Returnee) 467
8-1-11. 다문화학생현황(Multicultural Students) 469
8-1-12. 입학상황(Admission of Freshmen) 471
8-1-13. 연령별졸업자수(Graduates by Age) 471
8-1-14. 직위별교원수(Teachers by Position) 473
8-1-15. 자격별교원수(Teachers by Certification) 475
8-1-16. 경력연수별교원수(Teachers by Teaching Experience) 477
8-1-17. 소지자격취득후경과연수별교원수(Teachers by the Number of Years Passed after Acquiring Certification) 479
8-1-18. 소지자격별연수이수교원수(Teachers by the Times of Participation in Training) 481
8-1-19. 담당교과목별교원수(Teachers by Teaching Subjects) 483
8-1-20. 연령별교원수(Teachers by Age) 485
8-1-21. 주당수업시수별교원수(Teachers by Teaching Hours per Week) 487
8-1-22. 호봉별교원수(Teachers by Pay Grades) 489
8-1-23. 교원변동상황(Annual Turnover of Teachers) 493
8-1-24. 출신별자격증과목별교원수(Teachers by Educational Backgrounds & Certified Subjects) 495
8-1-25. 자격증과목별퇴직교원수(Retired Teachers by Certified Subjects) 501
8-1-26. 학교용지(School Site) 503
8-1-27. 용도별교사면적(Areas by Usage) 505
8-1-28. 구조별 건물동수(Buildings by Construction Materials) 505
8-1-29. 구조별건물면적(Areasof Buildings by Construction Materials) 507
8-1-30. 에너지사용량(Quantity of Energy Usage) 509
8-1-31. 냉난방면적(Cooling & Heating Areas) 509
8-1-32. 컴퓨터보유현황(The Current Status of Possessed Computer) 511
8-1-33. 직원수(Clerical Staffs) 511
8-2. 특성화고등학교(직업 교육)현황 514
8-2-1. 직업교육특성화고등학교개황(Vocational Education Specialized HighSchools) 515
8-2-2. 직업교육특성화고등학교계열별현황(Vocational Education Specialized High Schools by Subdivision) 517
8-2-3. 학급수별학교수(Schools by the Number of Classes) 517
8-2-4. 학생수별학교수(Schools by the Number of Students) 519
8-2-5. 학생수별학급수(Classes by the Number of Students) 519
8-2-6. 학년 및 연령별학생수(Students by Grades & Age) 521
8-2-7. 과정별학생수(Students by Courses) 523
8-2-8. 학생변동상황(Annual Turnover of Students) 525
8-2-9. 학업중단학생현황(Expelled, Dropouts and Absentees) 529
8-2-10. 유학현황(Studying Abroad) 531
8-2-11. 귀국현황(Returnee) 531
8-2-12. 다문화학생현황(Multicultural Students) 533
8-2-13. 입학상황(Admission of Freshmen) 535
8-2-14. 연령별졸업자수(Graduates by Age) 537
8-2-15. 직위별교원수(Teachers by Position) 537
8-2-16. 자격별교원수(Teachers by Certification) 539
8-2-17. 경력연수별교원수(Teachers by Teaching Experience) 541
8-2-18. 소지자격취득후경과연수별교원수(Teachers by the Number of Years Passed after Acquiring Certification) 543
8-2-19. 소지자격별연수이수교원수(Teachers by the Times of Participation Training) 545
8-2-20. 담당교과목별교원수(Teachers by Teaching Subjects) 547
8-2-21. 연령별교원수(Teachers by Age) 549
8-2-22. 주당수업시수별교원수(Teachers by Teaching Hours per Week) 551
8-2-23. 호봉별교원수(Teachers by Pay Grades) 553
8-2-24. 교원변동상황(Annual Turnover of Teachers) 557
8-2-25. 출신별자격증과목별교원수(Teachers by Educational Backgrounds & Certified Subjects) 559
8-2-26. 자격증과목별퇴직교원수(Retired Teachers by Certified Subjects) 565
8-2-27. 학교용지(School Site) 565
8-2-28. 용도별교사면적(Areas by Usage) 567
8-2-29. 구조별 건물동수(Buildings by Construction Materials) 567
8-2-30. 구조별건물면적(AreasofBuildings by Construction Materials) 567
8-2-31. 에너지 사용량(Quantity of Energy Usage) 569
8-2-32. 냉난방면적(Cooling & Heating Areas) 571
8-2-33. 컴퓨터보유현황(The Current Status of Possessed Computer) 571
8-2-34. 직원수(Clerical Staffs) 573
9. 자율고등학교 현황 576
9-1. 자율고등학교개황(Summary) 577
9-2. 학급수별학교수(Schools by the Number of Classes) 579
9-3. 학생수별학교수(Schools by the Number of Students) 579
9-4. 학생수별학급수(Classes by the Number of Students) 579
9-5. 학년 및 연령별학생수(Students by Grades & Age) 581
9-6. 학생변동상황(Annual Turnover of Students) 583
9-7. 학업중단학생현황(Expelled, Dropouts and Absentees) 587
9-8. 유학현황(Studying Abroad) 589
9-9. 귀국현황(Returnee) 589
9-10. 다문화학생현황(Multicultural Students) 591
9-11. 입학상황(Admission of Freshmen) 593
9-12. 연령별졸업자수(Graduates by Age) 595
9-13. 직위별교원수(Teachers by Position) 595
9-14. 자격별교원수(Teachers by Certification) 597
9-15. 경력연수별교원수(Teachers by Teaching Experience) 599
9-16. 소지자격취득후경과연수별교원수(Teachers by the Number of Years Passed after Acquiring Certification) 601
9-17. 소지자격별연수이수교원수(Teachers by the Times of Participation in Training) 603
9-18. 담당교과목별교원수(Teachers by Teaching Subjects) 605
9-19. 연령별교원수(Teachers by Age) 607
9-20. 주당수업시수별교원수(Teachers by Teaching Hours per Week) 609
9-21. 호봉별교원수(Teachers by Pay Grades) 611
9-22. 교원변동상황(Annual Turnover of Teachers) 615
9-23. 출신별자격증과목별교원수(Teachers by Educational Backgrounds & Certified Subjects) 617
9-24. 자격증과목별퇴직교원수(Retired Teachers by Certified Subjects) 623
9-25. 학교용지(School Site) 625
9-26. 용도별교사면적(Areas by Usage) 625
9-27. 구조별 건물동수(Buildings by Construction Materials) 627
9-28. 구조별건물면적(Areas of Buildings by Construction Materials) 627
9-29. 에너지 사용량(Quantity of Energy Usage) 629
9-30. 냉난방면적(Cooling & Heating Areas) 631
9-31. 컴퓨터보유현황(The Current Status of Possessed Computer) 631
9-32. 직원수(Clerical Staffs) 633
10. 특수학교 현황 636
10-1. 특수학교개황(Summary) 637
10-2. 수용대상별학교수(Schools by Handicap) 637
10-3. 연령별학생수(Students by Age) 639
10-4. 학년별 학급수 및 학생수(Classes & Students by Grades) 641
10-5. 수용대상별 학생수(Students by Handicap) 643
10-6. 졸업후 상황(고등학교 과정)(The Situation after Graduating(HighSchoolCourse)) 645
10-7. 직위별교원수(Teachers by Position) 645
10-8. 자격별교원수(Teachers by Certification) 647
10-9. 경력연수별교원수(Teachers by Teaching Experience) 649
10-10. 연령별교원수(Teachers by Age) 651
10-11. 호봉별교원수(Teachers by Pay Grades) 653
10-12. 교원변동상황(Annual Turnover of Teachers) 657
10-13. 학교용지(School Site) 659
10-14. 용도별교사면적(Areas by Usage) 659
10-15. 구조별 건물동수(Buildings by Construction Materials) 661
10-16. 구조별건물면적(Areas of Buildings by Construction Materials) 661
10-17. 에너지사용량(Quantity of Energy Usage) 663
10-18. 냉난방면적(Cooling & Heating Areas) 665
10-19. 컴퓨터보유현황(The Current Status of Possessed Computer) 665
10-20. 직원수(Clerical Staffs) 667
11. 사설학원 현황 670
11-1. 사설학원 개황(Summary of Private Institutes) 671
II. 주요 업무 통계 674
1. 교육행정 676
1-1. 정현원표(Table of Organization & Present Members on the List) 677
1-2. 교원자격증발급현황(Issuance of Teacher's Certificates) 679
1-3. 자격연수실적(2020 년도)(Teacher Training for Certificate) 681
1-4. 교원연수현황(Current Status of Teacher Training) 683
2. 교육재정 686
2-1. FY 2021 교육비특별회계 세입·세출 예산(FY 2021 Revenue & Expenditure of Education Budget(Specia Account)) 687
2-2. FY 2020 교육비특별회계 세입·세출 결산(FY 2020 Revenue & Expenditure of Settled Accounts for Education(Special Account)) 688
2-3. FY 2021 교육비 특별회계 세출·예산 성질별 분류(FY 2021 Expenditure of Education Budget by Resource Category(Special Account)) 689
2-4. FY 2020·2021 학교법인 예산 및 결산(초·중등교육기관)(FY 2020·2021 Budget & Settled Accounts for School Foundation(Elementary and Secon dary Education)) 689
2-5-1. FY 2021 국립학교회계 세입·세출 예산(초·중등교육기관)(FY 2021 Revenues & Expenditures of National School Budget(ElementaryandSecondaryEducation)) 691
2-5-2. FY 2021 공립학교회계 세입·세출 예산(초·중등교육기관)(FY 2021 Revenues & Expenditures of Public School Budget(ElementaryandSecondaryEducaion)) 691
2-6-1. FY 2020 국립학교 회계 세입·세출 결산(초·중등교육기관)(FY 2020 Revenues & Expenditures of Settled Accounts for National School(Elementaryand Secon dary Education)) 693
2-6-2. FY 2020 공립학교 회계 세입·세출 결산(초·중등교육기관)(FY 2020 Revenues & Expenditures of Settled Accounts for Public School(ElementaryandSecondaryEducation)) 693
2-7. FY 2020·2021 사립학교 회계 세입·세출 예산 및 결산(FY 2020·2021 Budget & Settled Accounts of Revenues & Expenditures for Private School) 695
3. 사회교육 700
3-1. 초등학교 졸업학력검정고시 실시현황(2020 년도)(Results of the Qualification Examination for Elementary School Graduation) 701
3-2. 중학교 졸업학력검정고시 실시현황(2020 년도)(Results of the Qualification Examination for Middle School Graduation) 701
3-3. 고등학교 졸업학력검정고시 실시현황(2020 년도)(Results of the Qualification Examination for High School Graduation) 701
3-4. 학교형태의 학력인정 평생교육시설 현황(Accredited Lifelong Education Facilities and Schools) 703
4. 일람표 708
A. 유치원 일람표 709
B. 초등학교 일람표 723
C. 중학교 일람표 733
D. 일반고등학교 일람표 739
E. 특성화고등학교 일람표 743
F. 특목고등학교 일람표 743
G. 자율고등학교 일람표 745
H. 특수학교학교 일람표 745
판권기 747
뒷표지 748