Title page
Acknowledgements 3
Acronyms 6
Executive summary 7
1. Introduction 9
2. Conceptual framing 11
2.1. Defining developing country needs 11
2.2. Approach of the review 12
3. Findings from the review 14
3.1. Review table 14
3.2. Discussion of report methodologies and results 20
4. Implications for the NCQG 35
4.1. Methodological awareness matters 35
4.2. Reports' estimates and progressing understanding on developing countries' needs in the context of the quantum 36
5. Conclusion 37
References 38
Appendix 1. Articulation of needs in NDR 43
Appendix 2. Songwe, Stern and Bhattacharya's (2022) 'Grand Match' financing strategy 44
Appendix 3. NCQG in decision texts - excerpts 45
Table 1. Review of reports with cost estimates for developing countries 14
Table 2. Reports' context and purpose 21
Figure 1. Mapping reports' methodologies, data sources and climate action covered 26
Figure 2. Report policy and temperature targets 32
Box 1. Terminology used in this report 13
Figure A1. Overview of articulation of needs including costed needs by types of national report submitted to the UNFCCC 43
Figure A2. Songwe et al. (2022) 'Grand Match' financing strategy (billions 2019 US$) 44
Figure A3. Bhattacharya et al. (2022) 'big-push' financing strategy package (billions 2019 US$) 44