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The important factor for the development of burner is the achievement of low emissions with maintainingcombustibility. In case of maintaining high temperature flame and excess air to increase the combustibility, it ismonoxide and soot. However, it is difcult to reduce the thermal NOx produced in the high temperature ame.To solve this problem, we developed externally oscillated oil burner which is possible for the high efficiencycombustion and low NOx emission, simultaneously. The experiment of flame characteristics and NOx reductionwere achieved according to the variation of frequency, amplitude and air velocity. frequency 1,900 Hz, amplitude 3Vpp. and air velocity 6.8 m/s. Reduction of NOx and CO are 47% and 22%,respectively.
번호 | 참고문헌 | 국회도서관 소장유무 |
1 | (2005) 음파가진에 의한 동축공기 수소 확산화염의 NOx 배출저감 연구, | 미소장 |
2 | (2001) 배연탈질 SCR 반응기내 유동 균일화를 위한 축소 모형 실험 및 전산해석, | 미소장 |
3 | (1998) Transport enhancement in acoustically excited cavityflows part 2 : reactive flow diagnostics, | 미소장 |
4 | (1994) Properly Apply Selective Catalytic Reductionfor NOx Removal, | 미소장 |
5 | (2004) Hazardous Waste Destrictionand Nitric Oxide Reduction with ExternallyForced Oscillation, | 미소장 |
6 | (1995) Combustion Acoustic StabilityAnalysis for Premixed Gas Turbine Combustors, | 미소장 |
7 | (1996) Compact waste incinerator based on vertex combustor, | 미소장 |
8 | (2003) Tar-formation kinetics and adsorptioncharacteristics of pyrolyzed waste lubricating oil, | 미소장 |
9 | (1998) On NOxEmissions from Turbulent Propane DiffusionFlames, | 미소장 |
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