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Title page
Summary 2
Importance to Congress 4
Previous Army Reorganizations 4
2003: The Modular Army 5
2012 Army Drawdown and Restructuring 6
2017 Army Force Structure Decisions 6
2018 Army's AimPoint and Army 2030 Force Structure Initiatives 7
February 2024 Army Force Structure Transformation Announcement 8
Background 8
Accomplishing the Transformation 8
New Capabilities 9
Multi-Domain Task Forces (MDTFs) 9
Indirect Fire Protection Capability (IFPC) Battalions 10
Counter-Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (C-sUAS) Batteries 10
Maneuver Short-Range Air Defense (M-SHORAD) Battalions 10
Force Structure Reductions 10
Addressing Recruiting Challenges 11
Summary 12
Army Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB) Force Structure Changes 13
Potential Considerations for Congress 14
National Security Implications 14
Transformation of the Reserve Component? 14
Total Cost of Transformation 14
Transformation Timeline 15
Other Transformation Considerations 15
Populating Force Structure 15
Equipping New Force Structure 16
New Force Structure Basing 16
Author Information 17
Disclaimer 17
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