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국회도서관 홈으로 정보검색 소장정보 검색


Title page


Abstract 2

Executive Summary 5

1. Introduction: From the 'Internet of People' to the 'Internet of Things' 7

2. Connecting things: architecture of the emerging 'technology stack' for IoT-enabled solutions 11

2.1. From things to the cloud, and back: an overview of the basic IoT architecture 11

2.2. The Increased complexity of IoT systems, and possible solutions 14

3. IoT for sustainable development: a look at the most prominent use cases 18

3.1. IoT use cases in selected sectors 19

3.1.1. Manufacturing and 'Industry 4.0' 19

3.1.2. Healthcare and the mIoT 22

3.1.3. IoT in the energy sector 24

3.1.4. Mobility in smart cities 26

3.2. The reality of IoT and SDGs today 29

4. The EU policy for IoT and for SDGs: current landscape and possible reforms 31

4.1. The EU funding and policy landscape: an emerging awareness of the role of technology for SDGs 31

4.1.1. The new EU digital priorities 32

4.1.2. The emerging policy framework on AI 33

4.1.3. The European strategy for data and the new EU industrial policy 33

4.1.4. Mainstreaming SDGs in EU policy. The European Green Deal and the sustainable finance framework 34

4.2. Leveraging the private sector contribution to SDGs: how can the impact of IoT be measured? 35

4.2.1. Four key steps for measuring the impact of IoT projects on SDG targets 37

Step 1. Identify IoT use cases with the highest potential for attaining the SDGs 37

Step 2. Choose targets and measurable KPIs 41

Step 3. Measure and monitor impacts of an IoT project 42

Step 4. Evaluate the project and communicate results 42

4.3. An agenda for this decade 44

4.3.1. Positive economic incentives: funding sustainable IoT solutions 45

4.3.2. Negative economic incentives: tackling externalities 46

4.3.3. Standards and innovation-friendly regulation 47

4.3.4. Concluding remarks 47

Bibliography 49

Notes 55

Table 1. Comparing conventional cloud computing with edge/cloud 16

Table 2. Exemplary literature on opportunities of Industry 4.0 21

Table 3. Most cited benefits of big data analytics 23

Table 4. Contributions of different use cases to different groups of SDGs 24

Table 5. Prioritisation table: The potential impact of IoT on selected SDG targets 39

Figure 1. Society 5.0 as a way to realise the SDGs 9

Figure 2. The new "digital stack" 9

Figure 3. The explosion of data and devices 10

Figure 4. The IoT layered architecture 11

Figure 5. Different IoT protocols and their properties 13

Figure 6. Centralised, decentralised and distributed computing 15

Figure 7. Comparison of total 3-yr management and processing costs of 'cloud only' versus 'edge+cloud' with 95% edge data reduction (200 miles distance) 17

Figure 8. IoT projects by sector and region 18

Figure 9. Reactive, preventive and predictive maintenance 19

Figure 10. Schematic overview of electric power and energy systems (EPES) 25

Figure 11. Smart city projects by segment 26

Figure 12. Drivers for the emergence of IoT 28

Figure 13. IoT projects and their impacts on SDGs 29

Figure 14. GRI Disclosure 302-1, Energy consumption within an organisation 41

Figure 15. GRI Reporting Principles 43


Box 1. The SDGs and Society 5.0 8

Box 2. The size of the IoT market and barriers for expansion 28

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