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국회도서관 홈으로 정보검색 소장정보 검색


Title page


Executive Summary 2

Introduction 5

1. The Potential Impact of AI in the Workforce 7

The Impact of AI on Skills and Occupations 10

2. Conversations with Subject Matter Experts 14

Where to Focus? 14

What Challenges Remain? 17

3. The Role of AI in Workforce Training and Development 21

Personalization 21

Speed 23

Trust 23

Accessibility 24

Engagement 25

Human Capital Development and Learning Outcomes 26

Conclusion 30

Acknowledgements 32

Appendix 1. Determining In-Demand Skills 33

Appendix 2. Skills Required for In-Demand Occupations 35

Endnotes 36

Figure 1. AI Exposure and Complementarity 9

Figure 2. In-Demand Skills in Growing Occupations 11

Figure 3. Percentage Shares of In-Demand Skills by O*NET Skills Category 12

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