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Preface / Yongha Kim
Chapter 1. Introduction / Samsik Lee 7
Fertility Change and Socio-economic Perspectives 7
Policy Responses 10
Paradigm Shift 16
References 19
Chapter 2. Who's afraid of population decline? A critical examination of its consequences. / David Coleman ; Robert Rowthorn 21
Introduction 21
Aim of the article 22
Population decline-the current reality 23
Population decline and population ageing - divergent sisters 27
Can longer life moderate or stop population decline? 29
Reasons for Fearing Population Decline 30
Economic growth 30
Military security 32
Civil political power 32
Productivity 33
Is Population Decline Really Such a Problem? 34
The Other Side of the Argument: the Merits of Population Stabilization and Decline 42
The pace of decline: innovation and investment 44
Transition 45
Environmental aspects of decline 46
The inevitable end of growth 47
Conclusions 48
References 50
【발표논문 요약】 61
【토론】 67
지정토론 : 은기수(서울대학교 국제대학원) 67
지정토론 : 최경수(한국개발연구원) 68
지정토론 : Toru Suzuki(일본 국립인구문제사회보장연구소) 69
지정토론 : 이상영(보건복지부) 70
일반토론 71
토론에 대한 응답 : David Coleman(옥스퍼드대학교) 71
Chapter 3. Does economic development drive the fertility rebound in OECD countries? / Angela Luci ; Olivier Thevenon(이미지참조) 75
Introduction 75
Economic Development and Fertility: the chicken or the egg? 78
Previous Empirical Findings on the Impact of Economic Development on Fertility 85
Data Discussion 88
Trends in total fertility rates in OECD countries 88
Trends in GDP per capita in OECD countries 91
Empirical Analysis 94
Econometric strategy 94
Estimation results 99
Conclusion 114
References 115
Appendix 121
Appendix 1. 121
Appendix 2. 122
Appendix 3. 122
【발표논문 요약】 123
【토론】 129
지정토론 : 김혜원(한국노동연구원) 129
지정토론 : 옥우석(인천대학교) 132
지정토론 : 조영태(서울대학교 보건대학원) 135
지정토론 : 김영미(동서대학교) 137
토론에 대한 응답 : Oliver Thevenon(프랑스 국립인구문제연구소/OECD 사회정책부)(이미지참조) 138
Chapter 4. WLB and Low Fertility: What can we expect from WLB? / Seungah Hong 141
Introduction: Degeneration of Decreasing Fertility 141
The Duel-earner Family and Work-Life Balance 143
The Use of Work-Life Balance Policies: Childcare Policy, Leave Policy and Working Time Policy 145
Backgrounds 145
Childcare policy 147
Leave policy 149
Working time policy 150
Working Time and Family Time 151
Paid working hours and unpaid working hours 151
The gendered division of labour within a household 152
Family time 153
Discussion 154
Conclusion: WLB as a Solution of Fertility Decline 157
References 157
【발표논문 요약】 160
【토론】 163
지정토론 : Tomas Kufen(독일 노르트라인베스트팔렌 주) 163
지정토론 : 김혜원(한국노동연구원) 164
지정토론 : 옥우석(인천대학교) 164
지정토론 : 김영미(동서대학교) 165
토론에 대한 응답 : 홍승아(한국여성정책연구원) 167
Chapter 5. Very Low Fertility and Pronatal Policy Interventions in Japan / Toru Suzuk 169
Fertility Decline and Population Aging 169
Pronatal Policy Interventions in Japan 172
Cultural Deterministic View of Fertility 175
Traditions of Feudal Family and Confucian Family 181
Policy Effectiveness and Cultural Pattern 185
References 188
【발표논문 요약】 192
지정토론 : 전광희(충남대학교) 199
지정토론 : 백선희(서울신학대학) 200
토론에 대한 응답 : Toru Suzuki(일본 국립사회보장·인구문제연구소) 202
Chapter 6. Causes of Low Fertility and Appropriateness of Pronatal Policy Measures in Korea / Samsik Lee 205
Introduction 205
Trends in Fertility 206
Causes of Low Fertility 208
Demographic factors 208
Cultural factors 210
Socio-economic factors 211
Impact of Low Fertility 215
Pronatal Policy Measures and Their Propriety 219
Structure of policy response 219
Characteristics and limitations 221
Conclusion 225
References 226
【발표논문 요약】 228
지정토론 : David Coleman(옥스퍼드대학교) 229
지정토론 : Oliver Thevenon(프랑스국립인구문제연구소/OECD사회정책부) 230
토론에 대한 응답 : 이삼식(한국보건사회연구원) 233
Chapter 7. Unity in Diversity / Thomas Kufen 235
【발표논문 요약】 248
지정토론 : 이규용(한국노동연구원) 253
지정토론 : 이혜경(배재대학교) 253
지정토론 : 박경숙(서울대학교) 254
토론에 대한 응답 : Tomas Kufen(독일 노르트라인베스트팔렌 주) 255
Chapter 8. Trends and Projection of Population Changes in East Asia: Population Ageing and Migration Flows in South Korea and Japan / Sang-lim Lee 257
Introduction 257
Current Ageing Trends 258
Causes: combination of demographic changes 260
Impacts of Population Ageing 262
Policy Measures against Low Fertility and Population Ageing 262
Demographic Changes and Immigration Flows 264
Current Trend of Migration and Migration Policy 265
Marriage Migration 271
Conclusion 273
References 275
【발표논문 요약】 279
【토론】 284
지정토론 : 이규용(한국노동연구원) 284
지정토론 : 이혜경(배재대학교) 284
토론에 대한 응답 : 이상림(IOM 이민정책연구원) 285
Chapter 9. Low-fertility in Germany: Background and Policy Responses / Jae-Hoon Jung 287
Introduction 287
Trends of Low Fertility 288
Some Explanation for the Continuing Low Birthrate in Germany 289
Immigration policy 289
Experiences from the past and population policy 289
Class-based tradition of social policy 290
The Low Birthrate as Social Issue 290
The world bank report 291
Role of some issue makers 291
Alarm for the quality of population and labour forces 291
Gender equality to enhance the birthrate 293
The Reform of Family Policy 295
Cash benefit for parents and parental leave 295
Construction of kindergarten for children under 3 296
Local alliance for families 296
Conclusion 297
References 298
【발표논문 요약】 299
【토론】 304
지정토론 : 이규용(한국노동연구원) 304
지정토론 : 이혜경(배재대학교) 304
지정토론 : 박경숙(서울대학교) 304
지정토론 : 김태헌(한국교원대학교) 305
토론에 대한 응답 : 정재훈(서울여자대학교) 306
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