Title Page
Abstract 11
Chapter 1. Introduction 13
1.1. Background 13
1.2. Research Purpose 17
Chapter 2. Theoretical Background 18
2.1. The definition of NEET and different subgroups of NEET 18
2.1.1. Defining NEET 18
2.1.2. Different subgroups of NEET and the age of young adults 22
2.2. Research trend of NEET youth in Korea 26
2.3. Depression in NEET young adults 28
2.4. Social Network 30
2.4.1. Social network and depression 34
2.5. Social support 36
2.5.1. Mediating effect of social support 38
2.5.2. Social support and depression 39
Chapter 3. Research Methods 41
3.1. Research Design and Hypotheses 41
3.1.1. Research Design 41
3.1.2. Hypotheses 42
3.2. Samples and Procedures 43
3.2.1. Samples 43
3.2.2. Procedures 44
3.3. Measures 45
3.3.1. Independent Variable: Social Network 45
3.3.2. Dependent Variable: Depression 46
3.3.3. Mediating Variable: Social Support 49
3.3.4. Control Variables 51
3.3.5. Data Analysis Plan 53
Chapter 4. Results 55
4.1. Characteristics of the NEET young adults 55
4.2. Analyses of the main variables 57
4.2.1. Social Network 57
4.2.2. Social Support 58
4.2.3. Depression 59
4.2.4. Differences in main variables between NEETs and non-NEETs 60
4.3. Correlation Analysis 62
4.4. Examination of the research model 64
4.4.1. The effect of NEET young adults' social network on depression 64
4.4.2. The effect of NEET young adults' social network on social support 66
4.4.3. The mediating effect social support on depression 68
4.4.4. Bootstrap Estimates of Direct and Indirect Effects 70
Chapter 5. Conclusion and Discussion 72
5.1. Conclusion 72
5.2. Discussion 77
5.2.1. Practical Implications 77
5.2.2. Policy level Implications 80
5.2.3. Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research 82
Reference 85
국문요약 111
Table 1. Excerpts on the NEET concept 19
Table 2. Youth Employment and NEET Framework 21
Table 3. NEET by subgroups 25
Table 3. Definitions of social network by various scholars 32
Table 4. Questions of Social Network 46
Table 5. Items for CESD-11 48
Table 6. Items for MSPSS 50
Table 7. Operational definition for the control variables 53
Table 8. Characteristics of the NEET young adults 56
Table 9. Descriptive Statistics of Social Network 58
Table 11. Descriptive Statistics of Social Support 59
Table 12. Descriptive Statistics of Depression 60
Table 13. Differences in main variables between NEETs and non-NEETs 61
Table 14. Correlation Analysis of the Variables 63
Table 15. The effect of Social Network on Depression (Model 1) 65
Table 16. The effect of Social Network on Social Support (Model 2) 67
Table 17. Mediating effect of Social Support on Depression (Model 3) 69
Table 18. Bootstrap Estimates of Direct, Indirect Effects of the research model 71
Figure 1. NEET rates across OCED countries (youth in 15 -29 years old). 14
Figure 2. The mediating model of social support. 39
Figure 3. Research Model 41