Title Page
Abstract 13
Chapter 1. Introduction 15
1. The need for and purpose of this study 15
1) The need for this study 15
2) Purpose of the study 18
2. Method and composition of the study 21
1) Method of the Study 21
2) Structure of the Study 22
Chapter 2. Background and Literature Review 24
1. Scholarly communication 24
1) Scholarly communication 24
2) The process of scholarly communication 27
2. Digital scholarship and open science 31
1) Digital scholarship 31
2) Open science (Humanities) 32
3) KCI system 34
3. Knowledge structure 36
1) Concept of knowledge structure 36
2) Paradigm shifts 37
4. Literature review 39
1) Bibliometrics 39
2) Digital humanities 40
Chapter 3. Methodology 43
1. Research model 43
2. Data 46
1) Data crawling 46
2) Data preprocess 50
3) Data columns 54
3. Data analysis method 55
1) Exploratory data analysis (EDA) 55
2) Structural topic model 56
3) Co-citation analysis 59
Chapter 4. Results 62
1. Study1: EDA 62
1) Introduction 62
2) Results 63
3) Conclusions 83
2. Study2: Structural topic model 85
1) Introduction 85
2) Results 88
3) Conclusions 94
3. Study3: Co-citation analysis 94
1) Introduction 94
2) Results 96
3) Conclusions 102
Chapter 5. Conclusions 103
1. Summary 103
2. Discussion 105
3. Limitation 109
References 111
Appendices 122
〈Appendix 1〉 Stopword list 122
〈Appendix 2〉 STM Keywords 123
〈Appendix 3〉 STM Regression Results 127
논문요약 137
Table 1. Features and Benefits of Informal and Formal Scholarly Communication 26
Table 2. Research Models 45
Table 3. Search Rquirement in KCI 47
Table 4. Data Columns 54
Table 5. The Scope of Analysis 63
Table 6. Papers Published by Medium Category 66
Table 7. Normalized Statistics for Citation Count by Year 72
Table 8. Citation/Normalized Citation Average by Medium Category 74
Table 9. Statistics by Citation Type 76
Table 10. Hyperparameters of STM 88
Table 11. Clusters and Labels by DCA 97
Table 12. Top Sigma 20 Papers 100
Figure 1. The research processes. 21
Figure 2. The Four Functions of Scientific Communication. 27
Figure 3. The Garvey-Griffith Model. 28
Figure 4. Humanities Research Process Identified through In-depth Interview. 30
Figure 5. Scientific Communication : A Model for 2020. 31
Figure 6. Turning point of research topic. 38
Figure 7. The results of paper search in KCI. 48
Figure 8. The paper detail page. 49
Figure 9. The researcher search page in KRI. 50
Figure 10. Data processing utilities in CiteSpace. 53
Figure 11. Web of Science bibliographic file format. 53
Figure 12. Training process of topic models. 57
Figure 13. Plate diagram comparison of LDA and STM. 58
Figure 14. Type of citation network 60
Figure 15. Clusters of COVID-19 literature. 61
Figure 16. Papers published by year. 64
Figure 17. The annual average number of publications per researcher. 65
Figure 18. The annual publication of papers by category. 67
Figure 19. Average number of references by year. 68
Figure 20. Trends in the percentage of types of references by year. 69
Figure 21. Histogram shows the number of citations to papers (X-axis: the number of papers). 70
Figure 22. Average normalized number of citations by year. 72
Figure 23. Average normalized number of self-citations by year. 77
Figure 24. Percentage of articles with only self-citations by year. 78
Figure 25. Ratio of male and female's paper production by year (X-axis: the percent... 79
Figure 26. Trends in the number of researchers by age group (X-axis: the number of papers). 80
Figure 27. Trends in the percent of publication by age group (X-axis: the percent of papers). 81
Figure 28. Trends in the number of publications by generation (X-axis: the number of papers). 82
Figure 29. Trends in the percent of publication by generation (X-axis: the percent of papers). 83
Figure 30. The text preprocesses. 86
Figure 31. Diagnostic values by number of topics. 88
Figure 32. Topic distribution and keywords. 89
Figure 33. Trends in topic proportion from T1 to T4. 91
Figure 34. Trends in topic proportion from T5 to T8. 91
Figure 35. Trends in topic proportion from T9 to T12. 92
Figure 36. Trends in topic proportion from T13 to T15. 92
Figure 37. Preprocessing for co-citation analysis. 95
Figure 38. Clusters by DCA. 98
Figure 39. Top citation burst papers. 101
Figure 40. Circulation and subsequent linkage of humanities materials. 106
Figure 41. Connected Paper. 108
Figure 42. KCI Papers Network Ontology. 109