Title Page
요약 15
1.2. Mobile measurement platform composition 23
1.3. Data processing 28
CHAPTER 2. Characteristics of spatial distributions of ultrafine particles and PM2.5 on the roadways around Busan North Port: Effects of traffic composition and local meteorology 31
2.1. Measurement site and period 31
2.2. Meteorological and Traffic data 34
2.3. Meteolological and traffic characteristics during the measurement period 36
2.4. Comparison of UFP concentrations near Busan North Port with previous domestic and international studies 42
2.5. Meteorological factors and concentrations 48
2.6. Impact of traffic environment on concentrations 53
2.7. Concentration Distribution with Vehicle Speed Variations 55
2.8. Spatial Concentration Distribution Characteristics(Pollution Map) 58
2.9. Assessment of UFP exposure using mean particle size 66
2.10. Summary 70
CHAPTER 3. The Effects of Urban Forests Located Between Industrial and Residential Areas on UFP and PM2.5 Reduction, and Concentration Distribution by Highway Separation Distance 74
3.1. Measurement site and period 74
3.2. Spike removal 78
3.3. Meteorological during the measurement period 81
3.4. Spatial Concentration Distribution Characteristics(Pollution Map) 85
3.5. Concentration distribution for Route F2 by measurement time 93
3.6. Concentration Distribution by Separation Distance 96
3.7. Summary 106
References 111
Table 1.1. Monitoring instruments installed on the mobile platform 26
Table 2.1. Summary of the mean meteorological factors for measurement periods. 39
Table 2.2. Summary of UFP size range for near-roadway and urban environments in Korea were taken from Choi and Kim (2018). 47
Table 2.3. Mean concentrations (and standard deviations) of particle number concentrations (PNC) in the units of particles·... 57
Table 2.4. Summary of statistics of PNC and PM₂.₅ concentration distributions observed in each Route (1st QU.: 1st quartile; 3rd QU.: 3rd quartile).[이미지참조] 65
Table 2.5. Deposition fractions of inhaled particles in human respiratory tracts calculated with the ICRP model based on observed mean particle size (PG: pharyngeal, TB: tracheobronchial and P: pulmonary). 69
Table 3.1. Measurement date, time, number of runs. 77
Table 3.2. Summary of the mean meteorological factors for measurement periods. 84
Table 3.3. Summary of statistics of PNC and PM₂.₅ concentration distributions observed in each route (1st QU.: 1st quartile, 3rd QU.: 3rd quartile).[이미지참조] 92
Fig. 1.1. Time series of PNC (particle number concentrations), PM₂.₅ concentrations, and mobile platform speed measured on the rarely... 27
Fig. 2.1. Map of the measurement routes. The red dashed line represents Busan North port, the black thick-dashed line denotes Route SD, and the pink... 33
Fig. 2.2. Wind roses during the measurement period with 10 min. avg. data (a: Daeyeon AQMS and b: Nam-gu AWS). (c) shows wind roses... 38
Fig. 2.3. Diurnal variations of traffic flow rates and HDV fractions in routes GM and SD for 2021 and 2022 (BMC, 2021; BMC, 2022). The... 41
Fig. 2.4. Mean particle number concentrations in cities worldwide, Korea, and near Busan Port. Data for other countries except... 46
Fig. 2.5. Box plots of pollutant concentrations as a function of winds speeds at Nam-gu AWS. a) Route GM (a.m.), b) Route... 51
Fig. 2.6. Same as Fig. 2.5 except wind data taken from Daeyeon AQMS. 52
Fig. 2.7. Traffic volume of heavy-duty vehicles (blue squares) and pollutant concentrations for measurement periods at each route. A.M.... 54
Fig. 2.8. Pollution maps of route GM. Left panel is for PNC, middle panel for PM₂.₅, and right panel for the scatter plots of... 63
Fig. 2.9. Same as Fig. 2.8 except for the target route (Route SD). 64
Fig. 3.1. Map of the measurement routes. The red shaded area represents the highway, the green shaded area represents the forest,... 76
Fig. 3.2. Time series of (a) particle number concentrations (the black filled dots) and baseline concentrations (pink line), (b) baseline-... 80
Fig. 3.3. Wind roses during the measurement period (a: Route H1 wind roses, b: Route F1 wind roses, c: Route F2 wind roses). Left panel data... 83
Fig. 3.4. (a) The vector-averaged wind during the measurement period for Route H1 (black arrows: daily avg. wind, the red arrow:... 88
Fig. 3.5. Same as Fig. 3.4 except for the target route (Route F1). 89
Fig. 3.6. PNC timeseries for the 1st run on May 26, 2023 (red shaded area: Area A in Fig. 4b). High PNC caused by old diesel vehicles have...[이미지참조] 90
Fig. 3.7. Same as Fig. 3.4 except for the target route (Route F2). 91
Fig. 3.8. Box plots of pollutant concentrations for Route F2 as a function of measurement time (morning, afternoon, night). 95
Fig. 3.9. Concentration distribution as a function of distance from the highway or forest. (a) the normalized PNC, (b) the normalized PM₂.₅... 103
Fig. 3.10. Concentration distribution as a function of distance from the forest. (a) the normalized PNC, (b) the normalized PM₂.₅ (c) the mean... 104
Fig. 3.11. Wind variations for Route F2 on May 24, 2023 (red shaded area: easterly winds, black shaded area: westerly winds). Data from... 105